#and weaklings he just doesn't see unless they pester him
gelataisa · 3 months
Silly question, but do you think Xanxus was homeschooled, or was he the school menace?
Omg!! A disclaimer: I have been in this fandom for too long and have gone too deep in my own hcs. So my Xanxus may be ooc.
I do believe that Xanxus was sent to mafia school like Squalo and Dino.
First of all, home schooling is not really a thing in Italy.
And tbh to me it doesn't even make sense for the son(s) of the Vongola to be homeschooled. Yes, they would have the best teachers, but what they need the most are connections and people becoming loyal to them. What better time to start than school?
And if mafia school brings in people from all over italy, as we may believe, it also makes sense for it to be some kind of boarding school with uniforms and all. Probably those that live nearby go back home everyday. Xanxus would then fall into this category (cause of course mafia school is near vongola headquarters) - and he could receive further education at home, though I do not believe that.
Such a school would already have the best teachers, as it is meant to bring up all the bosses of the different families.
Now, after this very long and intricate premise...
Would Xanxus be the school menace?
I don't think so. He very well could be, don't get me wrong.
But as bratty and capricious he is shown to be when he doesn't get his way, he is also considered fit to be tenth. By basically everyone.
He knows how to be a leader, and though he mostly leads by fear, fear is not all you can give people.
I believe Xanxus is a man of many faces, even if he is quick to anger. And being as powerful as he is, he certainly also had many follow him just cause... Which means, no need to get much angry at all.
(he actually despises the most of them, and is annoyed most of the time... But he still needs them at the end of the day)
Now, another point I wanted to touch was: being the son of the ninth, he is continuously watched. His behaviour, his grades are always under scrutiny. And not only this, but we know that he desperately wants to be loved by his father.
This to say: he would be the best at school. Nothing less but all 10s. And I also believe that he can respect teachers - if they deserve it, and if they respect him. But they do respect him, because he is who he is and he also is insanely good. Everything that a teacher may want in a student.
So I do not believe he would be the school menace at all and that he would actually make the model student
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