#and well chick is consistently number 2 and thats not the best- but it sure isnt forgettable either so
slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Ok I promise this is the last ask before I leave your inbox alone xD
I'm re-watching Cars, and I noticed the abundant amount of stickers that Chick Hicks has. I mean, not just on his body, but covering nearly every inch of... Everywhere! Bumbers, doors, even his windows!
So I'm not sure how it works in Nascar (I'm assuming they're in a Nascar race. Or a sport like it), but I think cars will have all those stickers from the companies that sponsor them. If that's the case, dayum. A lot of people want Chick to sponsor their brand XD (maybe that's how he got so popular despite being a jerk? Simply a matter of his face being on way too many brands to the point where you would know him even if you don't follow yhe sport?)
Also, for the living cars in Cars, I'm not entirely sure if stickers could represent tattoos, though maybe they do? Like more removable tattoos I mean. So maybe Chick Hicks is just car tattooed? (He totally did it for the attention if that's the case.)
I wonder if human Chick Hicks would get tattoed 🤔
Aghhhhhhhh I love Cars, I hope you enjoyed it! XD
I actually think Chick's sponsorship stickers are a very important design choice!! I may be wrong though, I don't follow racing 😅 So just take this theory with a grain of salt.
Cuz like, the way that sponsorships work is you get a famous, 'desirable' person who the people wanna emulate- show that they like/use your product, so that everyone else will wanna try it so they can be like them! This works because of a certain measure of loyalty I think. The more loyal a sponsee is to one *main* brand (Strip Weathers- Dinoco. Lightning McQueen- Rusteze), the more they're worth as a sponsee. If they have a whole buncha sponsors, it becomes clear that they're just wanting the cash... as in they don't actually care about the company or the product... like Chick; Who is less interested in actual racing and more the riches and fame that come with it.
I mean- there's a reason why Tex only wants good people he can trust sponsoring his brand, why Chick beat Lightning to the tracks and had Dinoco 'all to himself', but was still passed over for Lightning. Tex wants someone who will give his brand a good name, which involves being a good person the people feel comfortable with and want to be like, and being LOYAL.
Chick, is a disloyal, greedy, narcissistic moron who takes a whole buncha sponsorships, to the point that you don't really remember any of them. Which is very telling about his personality XD
He probably has a manager/lawyer who's schmoozing these deals and going 'Oh yeah oh yeah! We'll have ya featured prominently! Dont you worry'- then putting in the fine print some loop hole so they can just shove a lil bumper sticker on Chick's ass, get the money and call it a day.
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As for your tattoo idea!!! I love that XDD Fully tattooed Human Chick is a really interesting idea! XD Yeah- he probably did it for the attention like you said XD
Thank you so much for sending in this ask! I love talking about Cars ^^
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/chase-stole-my-best-friend-roblox-10-escape-from-school-obby-fgteev-weird-roleplay/
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FGTV! Help me do there may be some bullies at my desk get for me up on their heads get him get him yeah good day guys what’s up its MCTV daddy and chase and we’re in tuition uh.. Who mentioned that. Why are you standing on my desk chase all right chase pay attention but we need to escape from college oh okay dude who is this man is that our teacher haha all right chase come on let’s comply with me i am gonna lead you we’re gonna go out of this study room we obtained to escape oh wait that’s external stop trying to kiss me chase the place, we can not get out of the door huh are man so how bowt in this study room oh, oh laptop classification maybe i will appear up instructions online.Scuse’ me sir used to be practically to make use of that . Are you able to get off of there exsuse me, sir i like trains i do not care Oh youtube k we gotta go on youtube okay, ok we have to search for easy methods to get away school. Adequate YouTube is not any good. What about Google, laptop, roblox, youtube, google. The excellent 4 locations to move on the computer. Let’s be exact fgtv youtube proper, Ya still none of this explains how we escape. A guide! A booklet! The place? You located a clue? It says I ought to go somewhere that is hidden. Oh you determined a e-book. Ok. Satisfactory. Let’s go to find somewhere that’s hidden let’s get out of here good day hello guys should you didn’t be aware of i am like the most wellknown child at college appear in any respect these humans all proper guys come on hear. Give up crowding around me i am gettin sweaty and i failed to put on deodorant and trying to go to a dance with Julie after university so hear we must break out tuition so i will be able to make it to the store get some new outfits all right let’s go i’m mad.Why are you mad let’s try and meet but let’s also what approach take it out to the Courtyard what does that mean if you’re mad you get to love press something huh I lat forty all i might regularly do this oh that’s my actual fate good that’s cool wait to peer my head and that i get it we’re gonna meet now but alright i’m so mad dude get out of right here i’m so mad i’m gonna be late for my date i don’t get out of this thinking college huh oh correct here the cracks whoa cool thank you acquired no shirt on what is that this factor we escaped from institution take a seat to be doing go by means of the cracks in a locker come on chase howdy are you following me yeah i’m ready for daddy hey man its educate guys in those preferred man in institution one no struggle good enough acquired it wit is someone harm Amy are not able to touch that watch up sure cannot go climb guys we gotta get it good ok I instance of the fellow in school I failed to look very coordinated I relatively simply do not know what i’m doing their ego takes me awhile to be taught things i am so wellknown i do not relatively have time to pay concentration who’s killing me are not able to one to leap did it now chase the place are you watching do not touch the blocks yes with the tremendous soar big challenge with the dream leap dude my college is acting all see I believe that is my take over there she said she loves me I didn’t put out the proprietor it’s letting you understand you still wish to go to the dance meet Julia bounce yeah Julia no do not run from me Julia died what where am I scared I did yeah we both escaped yeah yeah we escapes go now you gonna be with you yeah yeah come on cheese cheese do you’ve a day to grasp why do you wish to have to escape your mattress design you do not like dealing with the girl Oh which one there’s so lots of them i like the one in puppy what puppy the one in carpet yeah you could have a girlfriend who caught in carpet yeah so it’s variety of being one factor all your girlfriend’s name is carpet market yeah dude am i able to borrow his hot rod i wholly i’m gonna need this for my D all right Julia here I come going to select up julia she lives local we live in a quite small town i feel that is her condominium she has a butler her brother’s identify is a is Dominator excuse me mr.Dominator Butler have you ever visible Julia she’s upstairs k thanks man come on chase them in the house we’re going upstairs to seek out Julia Julia are you equipped i am here for my day Julia Julia see you upstairs do not consider whatever julia’s hair to ya oh howdy Julie i’m here to pick you up on a date i do not wish to go what i don’t even such as you you do not like me anymore I’ve ever what you do you like television beauty timber make me Tris mcnees julia says she wants to move on a date with you you at all times suppose like a pal I gotta get out of this out but thats it like you are on that I did all that work is it due to the fact that i didn’t put on the proprietor is let me jump to peer my kids to myself oh it is on account that i didn’t put out the order and teleport 2 winners sure i am a winner what is this super leap hall i would tremendous soar and that i could fly now quantity four that is no longer like tremendous leap to me well I received fired unhealthy grass pad just go pad developed pad lighting dangerous water dangerous sales space boy key keepers cross oh sure appear at this possibly i can win again Julia with my awesome strikes click on it we’d like all but juliana supply me that I get skateboard Julia Julia down here success i get skateboard now it can be a fab lean forward you bought your mobilephone meet you care well ok that’s it Julia you realize what i’m going to be with me i love your aid my fireplace Julius residences on hearth i’m sorry duenna just the teenagers crazy and out of control good good good good well oh I landed on high go down go to have we by means of happening the gala Julia continuously nonetheless like girlfriends believe possibly Superman making use of pre-okay other fourth grade i know all right Joe and why is so evil why you seem at me Julia used to be your day with g in finding some new pals i need Julia it can be generally going to be a buddy in this treehouse no fangs and there any person in right here Julie i’m going to depart me a number of seeking to get over you and all you do is you simply comply with me round besides getting out of here i’m jumping into this pit of lava is it love it’s typically no longer lovable up writing you to expense my motorcycle Julia you’re employed for builder brothers pizza mario luigi reset my personality mystery installed I had to get faraway from Julia she used to be so evil i made a brand new friend his name is will be he is gonna treat me better than Julia did now you wish to have to understand you just exhibit my female friend now you wish to have to find out how you can get a chicken just get far from me i’m flying around calling and it’s that after they ever i fell off the earth it goes my manner I simply wish to go up i am caught within the roots on there yes come again i go on top of here i’m gonna be like King Kong she know it’s no longer cheesy your different boyfriend haha that’s all i care is chase Julia look at you did this little one pygmy pay max to be my friend bags scale of 1 to 10 i’m feeling like a one proper now you help your attendees in foreign exchange currency trading every body whats up max what is what’s he doing again pal look at me i need to be associates will you be my friend will get lasering persons the college’s feeling ailing humans i am so angry you are disgusting thanks all now youngster backs is the most wellknown man here oh look an extra one thing but that you’re completed you flip the entire world against me Julie might we just speak Julia hear i do know there is quite a few people round us however I just I simply wish to speak to you I particularly like your automobile can consistently depart me by myself appear you made Julia leave now she’ll on no account talk 300 you come I got here and he or she said which is normally she stated she was once the submit of us comply with me guys if they follow me i’ll the moon going to the moon where I may to find true love wait nevermind there’s simplest man on they’ll a playground to lap are you in the market I acquired you a reward right here I received your present Julia so that you may you can also take me again right here have it and it you desired right here hello are we acquaintances once more I wait are you I suppose we are she likes me again chicks IPL good guys that is the worst day ever escaped from tuition however my coronary heart was broken and now there is there isn’t a one left to hang out with ordinary teacher you don’t even educate excellent you instructed me matters i learned final yr third grade very well teaching calculus or anything i go up taking place deep darkish gap excellent simply fob
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