#and when I say 'gurl' I mean Deucalion
symphonyofmars · 6 years
Redemption Part 10
(This is an AU that starts after season 4)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15 , Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
Smut and feelings.
Word count: 5,251
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Deucalion, OC (Woman), OC (Man), OC (Woman), OCs (background), Scot McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Sheriff Stilinski, Alan Deaton
Pairings: Deucalion/Original Woman Character, Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Stiles Stilinski/Malia Tate, Mason Hewitt/Corey Bryant
Warnings/other: Season 5 AU, goofiness, fluff, smut (of Deuc/OC), violence, some gore, (the sex is more graphic than the violence though)
Deucalion felt the mattress shift under him and woke to Val climbing out of the bed.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm sorry, I was trying not to wake you."
"You did a terrible job," he said and chuckled softly.
She smiled, "I was just going to take a shower. Would you like to join me?"
Deucalion stretched languidly as he thought about the prospect, pushing most of the covers off of his nude, muscular frame as he did so. He glanced over to Val to see if she was enjoying the view and laughed at her expression; arms folded and smiling at him wryly with a brow raised.
"Mmm, we could soak in the tub instead."
"You actually use it as a tub?"
"Not really. Not when there's no one to soak with, certainly. But I'm sure it works just fine."
"I do have a thing for claw foot tubs..." she said, impersonating someone who was undecided.
He responded by rolling over to her and pulling her back onto the bed, letting her fall against his body. He peppered her neck with kisses as she laughed.
After some minor scrubbing, the tub was ready and filled with piping hot water. Deucalion went to climb in first, but was stopped by Val. She climbed in and leaned back, motioning for him to lean against her. Once in the tub, Deucalion was amused by his knees sticking out of the water but found himself quite comfortable leaning against her chest.
"I could fall back to sleep like this," he said as he closed his eyes.
"Don't, I'll never be able to get out."
Deucalion smiled.
Val traced the contours of the muscles in his arm with her fingers, provoking a contented sigh.
"That's nice."
Val smiled.
"Val, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"When do you plan on leaving?"
"I'm just wondering. Are you staying here for weeks? Months? Are you just never going to go back?"
"It's nothing I've made any real decisions about. Are you asking because of last night?"
"Partially. I like having you around, we have a lot of fun together. And..." Deucalion trailed off as he tried to think of the right words.
"I have very strong feelings for you."
"Oh, so you 'like' like me."
He laughed loudly, "I was trying for something more romantic and less... 'American high schooler' but sure, I 'like' like you."
"Well, we must keep up with the times so as to blend in more easily."
"If you ask me to wear a snapback, I'm getting out of this tub."
Val laughed a short laugh, but then her expression became serious. "You seem to have fallen quite quickly for me."
"Have I?"
"The Freudian slip, the book, now… it sure seems that way."
"Maybe I am," he conceded as he popped some bubbles. "I knew you were stunning even when I first saw you, in that hole you dug for yourself, covered in earth."
"I swear I'm not."
"I was absolutely covered in dirt, how could I have possibly looked pretty?"
"Excuse me? I believe I said 'stunning'."
Val laughed, "Even more unbelievable."
Deucalion turned around to face her.
"You're getting water everywhere," she protested.
"Why is that so unbelievable?"
"I don't know. I was covered in dirt? I had a worm just hanging out on my leg?"
"That doesn't mean I couldn't see you for what you really were."
"What's that?"
"Beautiful. Then later I learned that you were also intelligent, strong, willing to accept help, funny, amazingly sexy--"
'That's why you 'like' like me?"
"Stop saying it like that, you sound like a kid."
"I like it, it's silly."
Deucalion closed the distance between them, sloshing even more water onto the floor. He pressed his body into hers as he kissed her, pulling away so he could look into her eyes
“That was such a serious kiss,” Val said with a laugh.
"I think I'm falling in love with you."
Val averted her eyes for a moment. "That's such a strange thing to say. 'In love with you' implies both people are in love."
"Are you not?"
Her jaw flapped uselessly and she sighed. "I'm not sure."
Deucalion leaned back in the other side of the tub and viewed her with a concerned look.
Val returned the look. "I like you a great deal, you're interesting, you show that you can change, you want to make yourself better, you're fun to spend time with--"
"Nothing physical?"
Val sighed, "You're on the mind-numbingly attractive side, yes. I realized it when I first saw you too. There, you've dragged it out of me."
Deucalion chuckled, "I just wanted to hear you say it."
"Well I'm not used to saying it. I've found it best to not let others know what's going on inside my head."
Deucalion sat up, "You can let me know. I want to be the person that you can tell anything to."
"I've told you basically everything about me in the two weeks we've known each other."
"But not everything?"
Val looked away, "There are some things that... even after so many years, I'm still not ready to tell anyone."
Deucalion watched the soapy water as it washed over Val's breasts and splashed up against the craggy scar that covered her heart. He had a feeling he knew what she was referring to. "I'm fine with that."
Val looked at him incredulously.
"Tell me or don't tell me anything you want, as long as you don't lie to me I'm fine."
Val smiled, "Where do you get off being so understanding?"
"How do you think I've held packs together over the years?"
Val smiled again.
"So why are you not sure?"
"... I don't know. Maybe it's just because we haven't known each other very long."
They were both quiet. Val was almost certain this was going to lead to him no longer being in love with her. She swished her hand through the water as she waited for him to say something.
Deucalion caught her hand. "That's understandable."
"It is?"
"Yes. When you've been around as long as we have, and you're more than twice my age, knowing someone for a few days... it's nothing compared to how long you really can know someone. And knowing someone for a long time brings a kind of natural trust and affection that you just feel from being around that person for so long. I understand." He leaned back again and rested his arms on the sides of the tub.
"You've put it into better words than I could have."
"You're welcome."
"Eloquence. That's another thing I like about you."
"Oh, so you can think of things that you like about me."
"I never said I couldn't."
"What else do you like?"
"Don't push it, buddy."
Deucalion chuckled and slid down into the tub, splashing water out again.
"You better hope you don't rot this floor through."
"Should be fine. This place doesn't have a basement so it's not like we'll fall through into anything." He stood, water cascading down his body.
Fuck, Val thought as the water dripped off his muscular frame.
"What say we dry off, hmm?"
It had been almost a month and a half since Deucalion invited her into his home, and almost a month since they had sex the first time. Val wondered if there was something to be said for the lost finding each other, but as soon as she had the thought she tried to purge it from her mind.
She had no idea what could happen in the days or weeks to come, but she knew she couldn't hide there forever.
She still refused to go outside the cabin, however. As much as part of her wanted to see her band – who she figured must collectively be mad at her at this point – she also didn't want to chance running into Scott, who  she was sure hated her. She wasn't sure if Scott and his friends blamed themselves or if they blamed her, but she didn't care either way. She wanted to be alone. Or rather, alone with one other person. She would have already left the state or the country if it weren't for Deucalion who, as much as he didn't want her to leave, still tried to convince her that Scott would be forgiving.
Deucalion, who did the shopping and didn't mind that she never went with him, even though he told her multiple times that he went to a different town and that the odds of running into Scott were low. Deucalion, who had resolved - after a particularly long conversation in which he finally got Val to admit she was bored of her self-imposed hermitage and that she just might be beginning to get cabin fever - to attempt to bring things into the cabin in order to give them more things to do.
The first time it was hot chocolate, and at night they set a fire in the fireplace and curled up next to it in a blanket. That led to sex.
The second time it was art supplies, in which they took turns posing for each other and decided who was the better artist. The winner was never decreed because that also led to sex.
The third time he looked up the rules for poker and challenged Val to a game of strip poker. And if he tried to convince anyone that sex wasn't his primary motive, he would have failed miserably.
Most things he thought of to occupy their time and give them a change of scenery inevitably led to sex, which gave him cause to wonder if they would become bored of that too if they kept relying on it as a fun thing to do.
One night, as they lounged in bed after a tiring afternoon of lovemaking, he decided to ask what hobbies she had prior to her time with him.
"Hobbies?" Val asked, confused.
"Yeah. What did you do with your free time?"
"Nothing much different than now. Although there is much more sex involved now."
Deucalion laughed quietly. "So what, you just sat there?"
"No... You're going to think it's stupid."
"Why would I think it's stupid?"
"Most people think it's stupid."
"In case you haven't noticed, I am not most people. So, tell me what it is, I won't laugh."
"I didn't say you'd laugh, I said you'd think it's stupid."
"Val, I won't think it's stupid, just tell me!"
Val laughed at his persistence. "I used to knit."
"Kniting. And crochet. Like, hats and scarves and gloves and stuff. Also weaving and embroidery. Basically, all the soft crafts.”
"Why would I think that's stupid? I mean, it seems a little out of character, but that doesn't make it stupid."
"Most people call me a grandma when they find out. And then I have to stop from saying, 'No, I've never had kids, but yes, I am old enough to have birthed a bloodline several times over!'" Val gestured as she used a mocking voice to impersonate people who annoyed her.
Deucalion sighed, "That's so silly. So you like to knit, so what?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Trying to find things for us to do."
The next day he bought some yarn and needles at a craft store close to where he always bought food, having to ask an employee for help because he had no idea what he was looking for. When he brought everything back Val roared with delighted laughter and offered to show him how to make something. And – after several hours – all he made was a huge, tangled knot.
Dejected by his own lack of skills, he immediately moved to throw it out, but Val stopped him. She surveyed the woolen mass he accidentally birthed into existence, taking a crochet hook she took new yarn and wove it into a sphere. In the span of an hour, her deft hands had turned it into something with four limbs, and after another half hour, it had a head. Deucalion was amazed by how quickly she worked and how little effort it took her to turn his mess into something with purpose and form.
"What is it?" He asked.
"It's a little wolf," She said and held it aloft. "Well, if a wolf were bipedal."
"So it's me?" He joked, taking it in his hands and turning it over.
Val's face took on the appearance of a giddy child who was, in fact, too excited. "Oh my god! It is! It's a tiny you!" She laughed uproariously but suddenly stopped. "Wait!" She dug into the bag of yarn, "Didn't you buy blue? I'm giving it eyes!"
Deucalion held his eyeless, miniature self and laughed boisterously at her reaction.
Val seized the wolf from his hands and quickly stitched blue eyes onto its face, and a wry smile to accompany it.
"I don't smile like that."
"You always smile like that, shush."
"Do I?"
"Yeah, when you're amused by something you smile sort of... crooked. It's cute."
Deucalion smiled the same smile to himself genuinely, but also to secretly check if he really did smile as she described it.
He looked at the toy again. Tiny stitches, made from a mistake he made and corrected by her. So different from their relationship, but he wouldn't have wanted to be fixed by her, he was glad he could save himself. He wouldn't have wanted to meet her as an incomplete person that she couldn't help. He was glad they met when they did. He was confused, though, as to why she made something for him when he bought the yarn for her. But when he looked into her smiling eyes, he knew that the thing itself wasn't important, it was the gesture. To him, the tiny, complex stitches and the wordless dedication and focus that created them felt like... Love? he thought to himself. Is this her Freudian slip? Or is it just the moment? Maybe she does love me, somewhere in there. Maybe this gift is betraying her need to not say it, because she thinks that if she does, something bad will happen to me... I'm keeping it for forever.
The wolf found a home on the nightstand on his side of the bed.
But now he had this nagging feeling deep in the back of his brain like they were uneven. She had given him this small piece of her, but what did he have to give in return? He ruminated on the subject for a few days and came up with nothing. He had some old objects from his younger days, but those weren't anything he collected with her in mind. He wasn't even sure he could make anything. Knitting was clearly a bust, and he hadn't done any woodworking in a long time. He didn't have anything to give her that was just for her, from him. He didn't know what he should do.
"Duke, I think it's time I went back to my apartment," Val said abruptly over breakfast one morning.
"What? Why?"
"I'm sure the band is mad at me at this point, and I need to at least check on the place. I am paying for it."
"Will you come back?"
"I don't know. I'll probably end up running into Scott and his pals and I don't know how they feel about me at the moment."
It hit Deucalion now that he didn't want her to leave. He had always known he didn't, but back then it was like a sickening undercurrent to the entirety of their time together, the background radiation of a budding relationship. Now it felt like his organs were being pulled out. "Does this mean we're over?"
"Do... you want us to be over?"
"Not at all," he was hoping he didn't sound too needy but he was sure his voice betrayed him. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her away, but he desperately didn't want her to leave.
Val laughed, "I'm not going to do a film noir 'see you in the funny papers' and never see you again."
Deucalion was sure he was blushing like a schoolboy.
Val stood and walked to his side of the table.
Confused, Deucalion stood, his expression was pained as he waited to see what she would do.
Val kissed him, hugging him tightly as she did so, and pulled away to look at his now relaxed
"Why don't you walk me back? Then you'll know where it is."
"I could do that."
"You could."
"And then..." he enrobed her in his arms. "Maybe I could visit you?"
"You could," she responded coyly.
Deucalion's voice lowered as he stepped closer. "And you can show me around your place."
Val giggled, "And what would I show you?"
Deucalion lifted his head away and feigned deep thought. "Oh... I don't know. The kitchen?"
"It's there when you walk in."
"The living room?"
"Can also be seen from the foyer."
"Oh, so you have a foyer?"
She laughed, "Not really."
"Hmm," Deucalion mused. "The bedroom?"
"I had a feeling that was the place you wanted to see."
"Oh, did you?"
"Yeah, I'm not sure why, I must have ESP or something. I seem to just have predicted it out of thin air." Val's voice dripped with sarcasm as Deucalion was already trying to rid her of her pants. Val sprung free of his grasp and effected the accent of a southern belle. "I said, 'You know, he's probably one of those no-good ruffians, one of those guttersnipe, jackanape types who might try to find his way into my chambers and have his way with me!'"
Deucalion laughed at her impression but stalked her across the room just the same. Val backed up when he got closer.
"'And here I am, just a young woman from Georgia, trying to find my way in this big wide, world, and find me a husband before all the men go off to war!'" She rested the back of her hand against her forehead dramatically.
"Alright right, Scarlett O'Hara, you're about to get ravished!"
And with that Deucalion lunged at her, closing the distance between them in an instant, sending Val scurrying and laughing into the room she used to sleep in.
"'You'll never have me, you highwayman!'" She yelled in delight as she closed the door on him.
Deucalion tried to open the door but Val held it shut.
"Val, I am not breaking this door in and ruining the frame," he said in his sternest voice.
"'Rhett! What should I do?! Where shall I go?!'" Val yelled from the other side.
Deucalion stopped trying to force the door and thought for a moment. He sighed. "Frankly, my dear, I just don't give a damn?" He asked and the knob of the door turned and the door swung open.
"'Oh, Rhett!'" Val exclaimed as she flung her arms around Deucalion's neck. "'One of those awful highwaymen was after me!'"
Deucalion raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" Her faux-accent was beginning to grate on him.
"'And you know what I heard they really were?'"
Val dropped the accent, "Werewolves."
"Werewolves." Deucalion repeated, unsure of where she was going.
"Mhm. I heard they'll charm the pants off you with their steel blue eyes and deep voices and English accents, and then-- you know what I heard?"
"What did you hear, my dear?" He asked, deepening the pitch of his voice and pulling his arms up around her.
"I heard they'll take you from behind..." she stood on her toes so she could whisper into his ear, "and fuck your brains out."
Deucalion pulled away so he could look at her face. "Is that so?"
Val nodded, "Mhm."
"Well then," he said as he slipped his hands into her pants and slipped her pants off her, "I'd hate to disappoint."
Val giggled as he locked lips with her, hoisted her up and carried her to the bed. He lay her down and undid his own pants, sliding them off as Val helped by pushing at them with her feet.
"I thought you were all afraid of the 'highwayman' now you're kicking his pants off?" He asked as he stood up.
"Well, it has been so very lonely at the estate lately," Val said with false innocence.
"My dear," Deucalion said as he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor, "what will the neighbors think when they hear you're in such a state?"
"Who'll tell them?"
Deucalion chuckled as he kissed her. "If I could make you moan and scream, they'd find out."
"And just how would you do that?"
He stood again and pulled her underwear off of her, "I was thinking this." He pulled her by the hips to the side of the bed and buried his face between her legs causing her to giggle with delight. He balanced on the balls of his feet and closed his mouth around her clit drawing little circles on it with his tongue. Val inhaled deeply and shoved her fingers into his hair, grabbing it in fistfulls as she gasped and sighed. As much as Deucalion wanted to watch her as her breasts heaved, he dipped his head back down. He flattened his tongue against her labia and dragged it back up to her clit and sucked on the bud, the bundle of ultra-sensitive nerves sending waves of pleasure through her body.
Deucalion chuckled to himself against her thighs.
"What?" Val asked as she pushed herself up and looked at him.
"Nothing." He said with a smile.
"No, what is it?"
"If I had known you would be this easy, I would have visited this estate a long time ago!"
Val opened her mouth in false shock, reached for a pillow, and hit Deucalion over the head with it.
Deucalion laughed, toppling over from the force of the pillow. "Oh, my lady, what will everyone think of your violent tendencies?"
Val sat up and grabbed him under his jaw and helped him back up. "Don't make me give you a whipping, you no good ruffian."
Deucalion laughed.
"Now get back down there," Val said as she shoved his head back between her thighs and wrapped her legs around his ears, muffling his laugh as he once again licked her clitoris. At this, Val's legs relaxed and fell away from his ears and rested on his shoulders. Deucalion took this as an opportunity to slide one, and then two fingers into her, angling them up as his teased her clit with his tongue. Val's eyes closed tightly as she exhaled in a noteless moan, pulling the sheets into her balled up fists. As her hips bucked erratically, Deucalion forced them down with his other hand, forcing her to stay still and accept what he was doing to her. She exhaled harder, wishing she could make noise but not wanting to subject him to the dehumanizing effects of her powers. Instead, she shoved her hands into hair again and pinned him against her. As Deucalion's tongue and fingers became more vigorous, Val's breathing became more shallow and ragged. Finally, she gasped and her body became motionless, except the part of her that was now pulsating violently around his fingers. Deucalion smiled as he thrust his fingers into her one last time, causing her to inhale deeply and clamp her legs around his head.
When her legs fell away again she could hear him chuckle.
"Shut up," Val breathed. "I hate you and the things you do to me."
"No you don't," Deucalion sang to her as he wiped his face in one motion and licked her juices off his fingers.
Val watched and smiled, "You're a dirty old man, you know that?"
"No, I'm a werewolf, and you know what I heard?" He asked as he helped her roll onto her stomach and pulled her toward him so her legs were off the bed and her feet were on the floor.
"Oh no," Val giggled quietly.
Deucalion positioned his cock, hard from all the excitement of toying with her, at the entrance of her dripping wetness. He wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder and pulled up, her spine curved, and brought her ear to his lips "I heard they take you from behind and fuck your brains out."
With that, Deucalion thrust into her. Val held onto his arm and tried not to moan though she very much wanted to. It wasn't just how much he filled her and so quickly, it was that he flipped her own words back at her in the most suave and charismatic way.
"I guess they were right about werewolves being charming," Val said huskily as Deucalion let her go and placed his hands on her hips.
"You're damn right," he agreed, and brought one hand down hard onto her asscheek.
"Oh my god!" Val gasped, equal parts surprise and pleased.
Deucalion froze for a moment, unsure of her reaction.
She turned her head, "If you don't keep doing that I will be very upset."
Deucalion smiled and brought his other hand down onto her other cheek.
"Fuck!" Val said and slid forward, breasts pressed up against the bed.
Deucalion correctly read that as his cue to keep going and was amazed as how much she changed from being so cold and distant to now letting him spank her with no worries.
As the flesh of her ass stung and reddened, Val was happy to let her anxieties go and put herself into the strong, capable hands of the only person she felt she could trust. Not that he needed to know that.
Deucalion stopped spanking her when the red outline of his hand finally appeared on her asscheek. He turned his attention to her posture, pressed up against the bed and biting into the palm of her hand. He scooped her up again, the fullness of her rump almost making it difficult for him to stay in her as he thrust, and held her against him. He palmed one breast in his hand, pinching her nipple between his fingers, and stuck the fingers of his other hand in her mouth. Val sucked on them reflexively, gasping from his continued thrusts. He pulled his fingers out of her mouth and touched them to her clit almost making her jump from surprise. She could feel him grin next to her ear as he rubbed it slow at first and then more vigorously, making her shift her weight on her feet as she stood on her toes. Her feet ached from trying to make herself tall enough for him, and her body ached from the pleasure he had already given her. She exhaled deeply as she felt the pressure begin to build up again between her legs. Her entire body screamed at his touch and how thoroughly he had fused their beings as his cock plunged into her and slammed up against her cervix. She wrested herself from the grip of his arm and, bending back as far as she could, grabbed him with one hand and pulled his mouth to hers. He grabbed her hip to steady himself with his free hand, his fingers furiously working her clit. Her other hand was the only thing they were balanced on. She breathed into his mouth in erratic breaths as he felt her convulse around him, the hand they were balanced on now gripping at the bedsheets. He bit her lip to stop her from pulling away and held her hips to his as she came. Feeling himself about to reach his limit, he let go of her lip, pushed her body away from his, and shot his warm seed all over her back.
Val turned to look at him. "I hope you plan on cleaning that up."
Deucalion laughed as he stood, one hand on the edge of the bed, the other on his lower stomach. He grabbed some tissues from the nightstand and began to clean her.
"Yes, highwayman?"
He stopped, "If you start with that accent again I'll leave you to clean yourself."
Val laughed, "What?"
"Where did you get these tattoos from?"
She rested her head in her hands. "Which?"
"These lines next to your spine on your lower back," he began and he traced them with his fingers. "You have some dots on the other side here higher up. This one that... looks like an elaborate wolf, maybe? I noticed the lines on your wrist as well, and the runes on your right forearm earlier, but I had never seen you from this angle before."
"Enjoying it?" Val asked huskily.
Deucalion smiled. "Of course."
"Well, the lines and dots are the oldest, they're paleolithic. The wolf was done by a woman I knew when I was traveling through an ancient Norse fishing village, it's Fenrir. The runes were done when I was in Upsalla for a festival shortly after, am I clean?"
Deucalion wiped the last bit of himself from her skin. "All clean."
She rolled over and pointed to her right shin, "This fish was done when I was hanging out with some Sarmatian shamans after a battle I helped them with. And this," she pointed to an anchor on her left rib, "was done by a tattoo artist I knew when I lived in New York in 1936."
"Quite the collection."
"I try."
"I noticed you have a number of scars too, aside from the ones on your chest... and the one I saw on your back." He figured that the scars were both around her heart, One on the front and one on the back...
"Yeah, it would seem that huldras don't heal the way werewolves do.
"I like them."
"Thank you, but I didn't ask."
Deucalion looked at the tissues in his hands and put them down on the nightstand. He sat next to her, quiet for a moment as he collected his thoughts.
"I mean, I like you. All the parts of you. The parts I know and the parts you may never tell me. Each of these marks is something that happened to you that I wasn't there for. I didn't mean to imply that you needed my approval for them, you don't."
"That's normally the case when those words happen in that order."
"I realized it after it came out of my mouth, I'm sorry."
Val waved it off, "Nah, don't be. I know what you mean. I shouldn't bristle at everything." She sighed, "Old habits die hard, I guess."
"You know you can let your guard down around me."
"I'm trying. I’m so used to living with it up and fully armed that I slipped. Sorry."
Deucalion touched his head to hers and smiled, "Let's both agree that we messed up, and we'll accept each other's apology."
Val returned the smile, "Sure."
They sat there, their foreheads touching as Deucalion gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
"And hey," Val said as she pulled away, "I thought I was going to give you the whipping."
Deucalion laughed heartily, the muscles in his abdomen tensing with mirth. "I gave you a spanking, not a whipping."
"So I get the spanking and you get the whipping? I can deal with that."
Val smiled as Deucalion laughed.
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