#dang gurl that body
bcnooneasked · 17 days
09/06/24 - 1:32am - in bed “gut, p, and my man, my man, my man”
so day 2 of a bone broth fast is over and it’s crazy how out of touch i was with my body. like i knew i was out of whack but i really had no idea to what extent.
it really is true that a upset gut bacteria can cause upset in your mind and life.
like i can’t wait to see how i’ll feel tomorrow.
sometimes when i eat the wrong thing it will l give me a headache and this was no different. i literally couldn’t get rid of my headache. it started binging on a pizza - definitely emotional eating for sure. i had just weighed in using the scale at work and 3 lbs of fat down and 3 pounds of muscle up.
like i have been fighting fasting for so long because i truly really do love food, but with the help of a lil bone broth, soda water, and kombucha i really be making it through. lots of salt in the water, and maybe a celsius or pre-workout today in the gym bc i am very much so not working out fasted but tbh i really pushed myself with weight and felt great!
i was there for almost 2 hrs… that’s not normal for me much anymore as i usual;y stick to just 1 hour or so but i spent time lifting and then i also did a little sauna and also some fascia stuff i think it’s called - massaging my muscles with a lil stainless steel gua sha lil thing. sweat is the lubricant during those massages and it might be in my head but they also might help break down fat for fat loss? idk in my head i’m beating them fat cells tf up lol.
also ugh there were some cuties up in the gym late at night. i’m def trying to not be too of a horny diva but when i say i miss dick i mean it with my chest. give me a big ol man rn. big. masculine, someone i respect, someone who rides for me, someone who teaches me, someone i look up to
i have been thinking lately i def do have daddy issues like i can’t ever be in love with someone who is a child. like i get the ick so dang quick when they try me like that. i get disgusted at someone not being impressive. i need to be enamored by you. i need to feel magnetic with you. i need electricity. i need you to push me to be a better person.
but he gotta be a masculine mf. i think i have in the past tried being with my more feminine sisters but like damn, i just wanna be like yea sis hey diva kitty gurl the house down boots with them,
it just ain’t cute. not for my forever man. no one needs to be my forever man besides that one dude and that’s why i think dating a waste. all i need is one good one and i trust and believe if i vibrate myself right, if i gravitate to godly good energy, if i lead with love, if i heal my bs, if i am the best most relationally healed self he worn’t be afraid to say hello, or maybe i say hello too but we won’t be able to deny our connection. every other relationship i’ll look back on and feel stupid for ever thinking that is what love felt like.
i can’t wait to be held and loved and prosper with him. prosper. heal. the christian in me wants to say praise too because honestly if he gives me a real man of god my pussy gonna praise the lord too.
he will come i just have to continue this fight to be celibate and prepare myself and heal myself of past sexual dysfunction so i can truly be me best self and set up my time with my life partner for success.
ok i need to go to bed but
since i been talking bout my godly pussy i really haven’t felt digestively efficient since i was douching regularly.
like my gut been off fr for a while now. i am solidified in that because even 2 days in and only bone broth and the things mentioned above, i still have bm in me. like i’m trying to play before bed but it’s still there and not glam or easy at all.
but like i can’t truly imagine how long these things been in me. like i truly haven’t felt together in my digestion for a while and i know i keep saying that but i imagine sometimes those things happen. clogs and buidup when your diet isn’t right.
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symphonyofmars · 6 years
Redemption Part 10
(This is an AU that starts after season 4)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15 , Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
Smut and feelings.
Word count: 5,251
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Deucalion, OC (Woman), OC (Man), OC (Woman), OCs (background), Scot McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Sheriff Stilinski, Alan Deaton
Pairings: Deucalion/Original Woman Character, Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Stiles Stilinski/Malia Tate, Mason Hewitt/Corey Bryant
Warnings/other: Season 5 AU, goofiness, fluff, smut (of Deuc/OC), violence, some gore, (the sex is more graphic than the violence though)
Deucalion felt the mattress shift under him and woke to Val climbing out of the bed.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm sorry, I was trying not to wake you."
"You did a terrible job," he said and chuckled softly.
She smiled, "I was just going to take a shower. Would you like to join me?"
Deucalion stretched languidly as he thought about the prospect, pushing most of the covers off of his nude, muscular frame as he did so. He glanced over to Val to see if she was enjoying the view and laughed at her expression; arms folded and smiling at him wryly with a brow raised.
"Mmm, we could soak in the tub instead."
"You actually use it as a tub?"
"Not really. Not when there's no one to soak with, certainly. But I'm sure it works just fine."
"I do have a thing for claw foot tubs..." she said, impersonating someone who was undecided.
He responded by rolling over to her and pulling her back onto the bed, letting her fall against his body. He peppered her neck with kisses as she laughed.
After some minor scrubbing, the tub was ready and filled with piping hot water. Deucalion went to climb in first, but was stopped by Val. She climbed in and leaned back, motioning for him to lean against her. Once in the tub, Deucalion was amused by his knees sticking out of the water but found himself quite comfortable leaning against her chest.
"I could fall back to sleep like this," he said as he closed his eyes.
"Don't, I'll never be able to get out."
Deucalion smiled.
Val traced the contours of the muscles in his arm with her fingers, provoking a contented sigh.
"That's nice."
Val smiled.
"Val, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"When do you plan on leaving?"
"I'm just wondering. Are you staying here for weeks? Months? Are you just never going to go back?"
"It's nothing I've made any real decisions about. Are you asking because of last night?"
"Partially. I like having you around, we have a lot of fun together. And..." Deucalion trailed off as he tried to think of the right words.
"I have very strong feelings for you."
"Oh, so you 'like' like me."
He laughed loudly, "I was trying for something more romantic and less... 'American high schooler' but sure, I 'like' like you."
"Well, we must keep up with the times so as to blend in more easily."
"If you ask me to wear a snapback, I'm getting out of this tub."
Val laughed a short laugh, but then her expression became serious. "You seem to have fallen quite quickly for me."
"Have I?"
"The Freudian slip, the book, now… it sure seems that way."
"Maybe I am," he conceded as he popped some bubbles. "I knew you were stunning even when I first saw you, in that hole you dug for yourself, covered in earth."
"I swear I'm not."
"I was absolutely covered in dirt, how could I have possibly looked pretty?"
"Excuse me? I believe I said 'stunning'."
Val laughed, "Even more unbelievable."
Deucalion turned around to face her.
"You're getting water everywhere," she protested.
"Why is that so unbelievable?"
"I don't know. I was covered in dirt? I had a worm just hanging out on my leg?"
"That doesn't mean I couldn't see you for what you really were."
"What's that?"
"Beautiful. Then later I learned that you were also intelligent, strong, willing to accept help, funny, amazingly sexy--"
'That's why you 'like' like me?"
"Stop saying it like that, you sound like a kid."
"I like it, it's silly."
Deucalion closed the distance between them, sloshing even more water onto the floor. He pressed his body into hers as he kissed her, pulling away so he could look into her eyes
“That was such a serious kiss,” Val said with a laugh.
"I think I'm falling in love with you."
Val averted her eyes for a moment. "That's such a strange thing to say. 'In love with you' implies both people are in love."
"Are you not?"
Her jaw flapped uselessly and she sighed. "I'm not sure."
Deucalion leaned back in the other side of the tub and viewed her with a concerned look.
Val returned the look. "I like you a great deal, you're interesting, you show that you can change, you want to make yourself better, you're fun to spend time with--"
"Nothing physical?"
Val sighed, "You're on the mind-numbingly attractive side, yes. I realized it when I first saw you too. There, you've dragged it out of me."
Deucalion chuckled, "I just wanted to hear you say it."
"Well I'm not used to saying it. I've found it best to not let others know what's going on inside my head."
Deucalion sat up, "You can let me know. I want to be the person that you can tell anything to."
"I've told you basically everything about me in the two weeks we've known each other."
"But not everything?"
Val looked away, "There are some things that... even after so many years, I'm still not ready to tell anyone."
Deucalion watched the soapy water as it washed over Val's breasts and splashed up against the craggy scar that covered her heart. He had a feeling he knew what she was referring to. "I'm fine with that."
Val looked at him incredulously.
"Tell me or don't tell me anything you want, as long as you don't lie to me I'm fine."
Val smiled, "Where do you get off being so understanding?"
"How do you think I've held packs together over the years?"
Val smiled again.
"So why are you not sure?"
"... I don't know. Maybe it's just because we haven't known each other very long."
They were both quiet. Val was almost certain this was going to lead to him no longer being in love with her. She swished her hand through the water as she waited for him to say something.
Deucalion caught her hand. "That's understandable."
"It is?"
"Yes. When you've been around as long as we have, and you're more than twice my age, knowing someone for a few days... it's nothing compared to how long you really can know someone. And knowing someone for a long time brings a kind of natural trust and affection that you just feel from being around that person for so long. I understand." He leaned back again and rested his arms on the sides of the tub.
"You've put it into better words than I could have."
"You're welcome."
"Eloquence. That's another thing I like about you."
"Oh, so you can think of things that you like about me."
"I never said I couldn't."
"What else do you like?"
"Don't push it, buddy."
Deucalion chuckled and slid down into the tub, splashing water out again.
"You better hope you don't rot this floor through."
"Should be fine. This place doesn't have a basement so it's not like we'll fall through into anything." He stood, water cascading down his body.
Fuck, Val thought as the water dripped off his muscular frame.
"What say we dry off, hmm?"
It had been almost a month and a half since Deucalion invited her into his home, and almost a month since they had sex the first time. Val wondered if there was something to be said for the lost finding each other, but as soon as she had the thought she tried to purge it from her mind.
She had no idea what could happen in the days or weeks to come, but she knew she couldn't hide there forever.
She still refused to go outside the cabin, however. As much as part of her wanted to see her band – who she figured must collectively be mad at her at this point – she also didn't want to chance running into Scott, who  she was sure hated her. She wasn't sure if Scott and his friends blamed themselves or if they blamed her, but she didn't care either way. She wanted to be alone. Or rather, alone with one other person. She would have already left the state or the country if it weren't for Deucalion who, as much as he didn't want her to leave, still tried to convince her that Scott would be forgiving.
Deucalion, who did the shopping and didn't mind that she never went with him, even though he told her multiple times that he went to a different town and that the odds of running into Scott were low. Deucalion, who had resolved - after a particularly long conversation in which he finally got Val to admit she was bored of her self-imposed hermitage and that she just might be beginning to get cabin fever - to attempt to bring things into the cabin in order to give them more things to do.
The first time it was hot chocolate, and at night they set a fire in the fireplace and curled up next to it in a blanket. That led to sex.
The second time it was art supplies, in which they took turns posing for each other and decided who was the better artist. The winner was never decreed because that also led to sex.
The third time he looked up the rules for poker and challenged Val to a game of strip poker. And if he tried to convince anyone that sex wasn't his primary motive, he would have failed miserably.
Most things he thought of to occupy their time and give them a change of scenery inevitably led to sex, which gave him cause to wonder if they would become bored of that too if they kept relying on it as a fun thing to do.
One night, as they lounged in bed after a tiring afternoon of lovemaking, he decided to ask what hobbies she had prior to her time with him.
"Hobbies?" Val asked, confused.
"Yeah. What did you do with your free time?"
"Nothing much different than now. Although there is much more sex involved now."
Deucalion laughed quietly. "So what, you just sat there?"
"No... You're going to think it's stupid."
"Why would I think it's stupid?"
"Most people think it's stupid."
"In case you haven't noticed, I am not most people. So, tell me what it is, I won't laugh."
"I didn't say you'd laugh, I said you'd think it's stupid."
"Val, I won't think it's stupid, just tell me!"
Val laughed at his persistence. "I used to knit."
"Kniting. And crochet. Like, hats and scarves and gloves and stuff. Also weaving and embroidery. Basically, all the soft crafts.”
"Why would I think that's stupid? I mean, it seems a little out of character, but that doesn't make it stupid."
"Most people call me a grandma when they find out. And then I have to stop from saying, 'No, I've never had kids, but yes, I am old enough to have birthed a bloodline several times over!'" Val gestured as she used a mocking voice to impersonate people who annoyed her.
Deucalion sighed, "That's so silly. So you like to knit, so what?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Trying to find things for us to do."
The next day he bought some yarn and needles at a craft store close to where he always bought food, having to ask an employee for help because he had no idea what he was looking for. When he brought everything back Val roared with delighted laughter and offered to show him how to make something. And – after several hours – all he made was a huge, tangled knot.
Dejected by his own lack of skills, he immediately moved to throw it out, but Val stopped him. She surveyed the woolen mass he accidentally birthed into existence, taking a crochet hook she took new yarn and wove it into a sphere. In the span of an hour, her deft hands had turned it into something with four limbs, and after another half hour, it had a head. Deucalion was amazed by how quickly she worked and how little effort it took her to turn his mess into something with purpose and form.
"What is it?" He asked.
"It's a little wolf," She said and held it aloft. "Well, if a wolf were bipedal."
"So it's me?" He joked, taking it in his hands and turning it over.
Val's face took on the appearance of a giddy child who was, in fact, too excited. "Oh my god! It is! It's a tiny you!" She laughed uproariously but suddenly stopped. "Wait!" She dug into the bag of yarn, "Didn't you buy blue? I'm giving it eyes!"
Deucalion held his eyeless, miniature self and laughed boisterously at her reaction.
Val seized the wolf from his hands and quickly stitched blue eyes onto its face, and a wry smile to accompany it.
"I don't smile like that."
"You always smile like that, shush."
"Do I?"
"Yeah, when you're amused by something you smile sort of... crooked. It's cute."
Deucalion smiled the same smile to himself genuinely, but also to secretly check if he really did smile as she described it.
He looked at the toy again. Tiny stitches, made from a mistake he made and corrected by her. So different from their relationship, but he wouldn't have wanted to be fixed by her, he was glad he could save himself. He wouldn't have wanted to meet her as an incomplete person that she couldn't help. He was glad they met when they did. He was confused, though, as to why she made something for him when he bought the yarn for her. But when he looked into her smiling eyes, he knew that the thing itself wasn't important, it was the gesture. To him, the tiny, complex stitches and the wordless dedication and focus that created them felt like... Love? he thought to himself. Is this her Freudian slip? Or is it just the moment? Maybe she does love me, somewhere in there. Maybe this gift is betraying her need to not say it, because she thinks that if she does, something bad will happen to me... I'm keeping it for forever.
The wolf found a home on the nightstand on his side of the bed.
But now he had this nagging feeling deep in the back of his brain like they were uneven. She had given him this small piece of her, but what did he have to give in return? He ruminated on the subject for a few days and came up with nothing. He had some old objects from his younger days, but those weren't anything he collected with her in mind. He wasn't even sure he could make anything. Knitting was clearly a bust, and he hadn't done any woodworking in a long time. He didn't have anything to give her that was just for her, from him. He didn't know what he should do.
"Duke, I think it's time I went back to my apartment," Val said abruptly over breakfast one morning.
"What? Why?"
"I'm sure the band is mad at me at this point, and I need to at least check on the place. I am paying for it."
"Will you come back?"
"I don't know. I'll probably end up running into Scott and his pals and I don't know how they feel about me at the moment."
It hit Deucalion now that he didn't want her to leave. He had always known he didn't, but back then it was like a sickening undercurrent to the entirety of their time together, the background radiation of a budding relationship. Now it felt like his organs were being pulled out. "Does this mean we're over?"
"Do... you want us to be over?"
"Not at all," he was hoping he didn't sound too needy but he was sure his voice betrayed him. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her away, but he desperately didn't want her to leave.
Val laughed, "I'm not going to do a film noir 'see you in the funny papers' and never see you again."
Deucalion was sure he was blushing like a schoolboy.
Val stood and walked to his side of the table.
Confused, Deucalion stood, his expression was pained as he waited to see what she would do.
Val kissed him, hugging him tightly as she did so, and pulled away to look at his now relaxed
"Why don't you walk me back? Then you'll know where it is."
"I could do that."
"You could."
"And then..." he enrobed her in his arms. "Maybe I could visit you?"
"You could," she responded coyly.
Deucalion's voice lowered as he stepped closer. "And you can show me around your place."
Val giggled, "And what would I show you?"
Deucalion lifted his head away and feigned deep thought. "Oh... I don't know. The kitchen?"
"It's there when you walk in."
"The living room?"
"Can also be seen from the foyer."
"Oh, so you have a foyer?"
She laughed, "Not really."
"Hmm," Deucalion mused. "The bedroom?"
"I had a feeling that was the place you wanted to see."
"Oh, did you?"
"Yeah, I'm not sure why, I must have ESP or something. I seem to just have predicted it out of thin air." Val's voice dripped with sarcasm as Deucalion was already trying to rid her of her pants. Val sprung free of his grasp and effected the accent of a southern belle. "I said, 'You know, he's probably one of those no-good ruffians, one of those guttersnipe, jackanape types who might try to find his way into my chambers and have his way with me!'"
Deucalion laughed at her impression but stalked her across the room just the same. Val backed up when he got closer.
"'And here I am, just a young woman from Georgia, trying to find my way in this big wide, world, and find me a husband before all the men go off to war!'" She rested the back of her hand against her forehead dramatically.
"Alright right, Scarlett O'Hara, you're about to get ravished!"
And with that Deucalion lunged at her, closing the distance between them in an instant, sending Val scurrying and laughing into the room she used to sleep in.
"'You'll never have me, you highwayman!'" She yelled in delight as she closed the door on him.
Deucalion tried to open the door but Val held it shut.
"Val, I am not breaking this door in and ruining the frame," he said in his sternest voice.
"'Rhett! What should I do?! Where shall I go?!'" Val yelled from the other side.
Deucalion stopped trying to force the door and thought for a moment. He sighed. "Frankly, my dear, I just don't give a damn?" He asked and the knob of the door turned and the door swung open.
"'Oh, Rhett!'" Val exclaimed as she flung her arms around Deucalion's neck. "'One of those awful highwaymen was after me!'"
Deucalion raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" Her faux-accent was beginning to grate on him.
"'And you know what I heard they really were?'"
Val dropped the accent, "Werewolves."
"Werewolves." Deucalion repeated, unsure of where she was going.
"Mhm. I heard they'll charm the pants off you with their steel blue eyes and deep voices and English accents, and then-- you know what I heard?"
"What did you hear, my dear?" He asked, deepening the pitch of his voice and pulling his arms up around her.
"I heard they'll take you from behind..." she stood on her toes so she could whisper into his ear, "and fuck your brains out."
Deucalion pulled away so he could look at her face. "Is that so?"
Val nodded, "Mhm."
"Well then," he said as he slipped his hands into her pants and slipped her pants off her, "I'd hate to disappoint."
Val giggled as he locked lips with her, hoisted her up and carried her to the bed. He lay her down and undid his own pants, sliding them off as Val helped by pushing at them with her feet.
"I thought you were all afraid of the 'highwayman' now you're kicking his pants off?" He asked as he stood up.
"Well, it has been so very lonely at the estate lately," Val said with false innocence.
"My dear," Deucalion said as he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor, "what will the neighbors think when they hear you're in such a state?"
"Who'll tell them?"
Deucalion chuckled as he kissed her. "If I could make you moan and scream, they'd find out."
"And just how would you do that?"
He stood again and pulled her underwear off of her, "I was thinking this." He pulled her by the hips to the side of the bed and buried his face between her legs causing her to giggle with delight. He balanced on the balls of his feet and closed his mouth around her clit drawing little circles on it with his tongue. Val inhaled deeply and shoved her fingers into his hair, grabbing it in fistfulls as she gasped and sighed. As much as Deucalion wanted to watch her as her breasts heaved, he dipped his head back down. He flattened his tongue against her labia and dragged it back up to her clit and sucked on the bud, the bundle of ultra-sensitive nerves sending waves of pleasure through her body.
Deucalion chuckled to himself against her thighs.
"What?" Val asked as she pushed herself up and looked at him.
"Nothing." He said with a smile.
"No, what is it?"
"If I had known you would be this easy, I would have visited this estate a long time ago!"
Val opened her mouth in false shock, reached for a pillow, and hit Deucalion over the head with it.
Deucalion laughed, toppling over from the force of the pillow. "Oh, my lady, what will everyone think of your violent tendencies?"
Val sat up and grabbed him under his jaw and helped him back up. "Don't make me give you a whipping, you no good ruffian."
Deucalion laughed.
"Now get back down there," Val said as she shoved his head back between her thighs and wrapped her legs around his ears, muffling his laugh as he once again licked her clitoris. At this, Val's legs relaxed and fell away from his ears and rested on his shoulders. Deucalion took this as an opportunity to slide one, and then two fingers into her, angling them up as his teased her clit with his tongue. Val's eyes closed tightly as she exhaled in a noteless moan, pulling the sheets into her balled up fists. As her hips bucked erratically, Deucalion forced them down with his other hand, forcing her to stay still and accept what he was doing to her. She exhaled harder, wishing she could make noise but not wanting to subject him to the dehumanizing effects of her powers. Instead, she shoved her hands into hair again and pinned him against her. As Deucalion's tongue and fingers became more vigorous, Val's breathing became more shallow and ragged. Finally, she gasped and her body became motionless, except the part of her that was now pulsating violently around his fingers. Deucalion smiled as he thrust his fingers into her one last time, causing her to inhale deeply and clamp her legs around his head.
When her legs fell away again she could hear him chuckle.
"Shut up," Val breathed. "I hate you and the things you do to me."
"No you don't," Deucalion sang to her as he wiped his face in one motion and licked her juices off his fingers.
Val watched and smiled, "You're a dirty old man, you know that?"
"No, I'm a werewolf, and you know what I heard?" He asked as he helped her roll onto her stomach and pulled her toward him so her legs were off the bed and her feet were on the floor.
"Oh no," Val giggled quietly.
Deucalion positioned his cock, hard from all the excitement of toying with her, at the entrance of her dripping wetness. He wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder and pulled up, her spine curved, and brought her ear to his lips "I heard they take you from behind and fuck your brains out."
With that, Deucalion thrust into her. Val held onto his arm and tried not to moan though she very much wanted to. It wasn't just how much he filled her and so quickly, it was that he flipped her own words back at her in the most suave and charismatic way.
"I guess they were right about werewolves being charming," Val said huskily as Deucalion let her go and placed his hands on her hips.
"You're damn right," he agreed, and brought one hand down hard onto her asscheek.
"Oh my god!" Val gasped, equal parts surprise and pleased.
Deucalion froze for a moment, unsure of her reaction.
She turned her head, "If you don't keep doing that I will be very upset."
Deucalion smiled and brought his other hand down onto her other cheek.
"Fuck!" Val said and slid forward, breasts pressed up against the bed.
Deucalion correctly read that as his cue to keep going and was amazed as how much she changed from being so cold and distant to now letting him spank her with no worries.
As the flesh of her ass stung and reddened, Val was happy to let her anxieties go and put herself into the strong, capable hands of the only person she felt she could trust. Not that he needed to know that.
Deucalion stopped spanking her when the red outline of his hand finally appeared on her asscheek. He turned his attention to her posture, pressed up against the bed and biting into the palm of her hand. He scooped her up again, the fullness of her rump almost making it difficult for him to stay in her as he thrust, and held her against him. He palmed one breast in his hand, pinching her nipple between his fingers, and stuck the fingers of his other hand in her mouth. Val sucked on them reflexively, gasping from his continued thrusts. He pulled his fingers out of her mouth and touched them to her clit almost making her jump from surprise. She could feel him grin next to her ear as he rubbed it slow at first and then more vigorously, making her shift her weight on her feet as she stood on her toes. Her feet ached from trying to make herself tall enough for him, and her body ached from the pleasure he had already given her. She exhaled deeply as she felt the pressure begin to build up again between her legs. Her entire body screamed at his touch and how thoroughly he had fused their beings as his cock plunged into her and slammed up against her cervix. She wrested herself from the grip of his arm and, bending back as far as she could, grabbed him with one hand and pulled his mouth to hers. He grabbed her hip to steady himself with his free hand, his fingers furiously working her clit. Her other hand was the only thing they were balanced on. She breathed into his mouth in erratic breaths as he felt her convulse around him, the hand they were balanced on now gripping at the bedsheets. He bit her lip to stop her from pulling away and held her hips to his as she came. Feeling himself about to reach his limit, he let go of her lip, pushed her body away from his, and shot his warm seed all over her back.
Val turned to look at him. "I hope you plan on cleaning that up."
Deucalion laughed as he stood, one hand on the edge of the bed, the other on his lower stomach. He grabbed some tissues from the nightstand and began to clean her.
"Yes, highwayman?"
He stopped, "If you start with that accent again I'll leave you to clean yourself."
Val laughed, "What?"
"Where did you get these tattoos from?"
She rested her head in her hands. "Which?"
"These lines next to your spine on your lower back," he began and he traced them with his fingers. "You have some dots on the other side here higher up. This one that... looks like an elaborate wolf, maybe? I noticed the lines on your wrist as well, and the runes on your right forearm earlier, but I had never seen you from this angle before."
"Enjoying it?" Val asked huskily.
Deucalion smiled. "Of course."
"Well, the lines and dots are the oldest, they're paleolithic. The wolf was done by a woman I knew when I was traveling through an ancient Norse fishing village, it's Fenrir. The runes were done when I was in Upsalla for a festival shortly after, am I clean?"
Deucalion wiped the last bit of himself from her skin. "All clean."
She rolled over and pointed to her right shin, "This fish was done when I was hanging out with some Sarmatian shamans after a battle I helped them with. And this," she pointed to an anchor on her left rib, "was done by a tattoo artist I knew when I lived in New York in 1936."
"Quite the collection."
"I try."
"I noticed you have a number of scars too, aside from the ones on your chest... and the one I saw on your back." He figured that the scars were both around her heart, One on the front and one on the back...
"Yeah, it would seem that huldras don't heal the way werewolves do.
"I like them."
"Thank you, but I didn't ask."
Deucalion looked at the tissues in his hands and put them down on the nightstand. He sat next to her, quiet for a moment as he collected his thoughts.
"I mean, I like you. All the parts of you. The parts I know and the parts you may never tell me. Each of these marks is something that happened to you that I wasn't there for. I didn't mean to imply that you needed my approval for them, you don't."
"That's normally the case when those words happen in that order."
"I realized it after it came out of my mouth, I'm sorry."
Val waved it off, "Nah, don't be. I know what you mean. I shouldn't bristle at everything." She sighed, "Old habits die hard, I guess."
"You know you can let your guard down around me."
"I'm trying. I’m so used to living with it up and fully armed that I slipped. Sorry."
Deucalion touched his head to hers and smiled, "Let's both agree that we messed up, and we'll accept each other's apology."
Val returned the smile, "Sure."
They sat there, their foreheads touching as Deucalion gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
"And hey," Val said as she pulled away, "I thought I was going to give you the whipping."
Deucalion laughed heartily, the muscles in his abdomen tensing with mirth. "I gave you a spanking, not a whipping."
"So I get the spanking and you get the whipping? I can deal with that."
Val smiled as Deucalion laughed.
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honouredsatoru · 3 years
YOU WANNA KISS? girl, come here, grab me by the waist, wrap your arms around my body and kiss me on the lips, put your lips all over my neck and never let me go.
lets ditch dabi and gojo. big bro with daddy issues and blue eyed instructor dont have what we have uwu
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Hey Yuvon, Jake.
I am sorry if this letter becomes shorter than the last one, I am on my way to work for..yeah probably the last time for now. At least till it is safe to go.
I am a bit nervous, but I can go through it. Everything is done, my clothes, tickets, motel (for the moment, I have the feeling that staying in one place wouldn't be good. Dangerous.). Only the afternoon has to come...And that means I have to somehow get home without anxiety when I see a guy in mask near the street I live in. But that's fine. I have Jake and Max this time. It won't repeat itself.
As for the deciphering, I would say I'd love to try and help...But if you can't do it then I don't exactly know if I could either.
Yes, I imagine Yuvons behaviour could be because of Jessicas last letter. I really can empathise her actions if it is because of that. I'd love to do that, too, but then everyone who gets a look at my flat thinks I'd be kidnapped. Yah, no thanks.
You're right, I didn't think of that yet.
[A mini paper is taped above that, as if the sentence was just added later] (It seems Jake already did! But didn't get the chance to test it yet.)
No problem about the word association :) Even though I needed to stop, I got a bit dizzy again. Maybe I really need to live a bit healthier in the moment. Cannot say I ate and slept enough in the TSB timeline.
Yeah, I know you understand Yu. If it gets to bad, tell me, yeah? Then we can write a bit 'alone'. Like...Detective Inc. talk, okay? [A small girl giving a hug to another girl is scribbled, but far less detailed and sketchier than normal]
You never mentioned those two words? Are you completely sure, Yuvon?
(Jakes, if anyone except for my counterparts would kindly stop reading here as long as I write in purple)
Yuvon, are you really okay? What do you mean with 'You have no plan'. I am worried about you.
Dang, I don't have much more time. But Jake wanted to adress you again real quick :)
[Again the screenshot of Jakes message is glued to the back of the letter]
The 'part of who you are since birth' is something I completely understand. Social anxiety made my life much more difficult, but without it I wouldn't be where and who I am today. It is always interesting to figure out things in which we are similar to each other.
I am not overly concerned either, thanks to you I got some advantages. Also that we, thanks to 'Goldie' and the TSB timeline, know that the Man without a Face is possibly a hacker, too.
I am honestly not completely sure what to think of the word association. You also noticed how Liskas writing changed, right? And that she suddenly stopped.
How did you get the idea to give her this word association? And what did you intend on figuring out?
As for your last part...I don't think we should be that surprised about defying the laws of physics anymore. It becomes far too normal.
~ Jake
(There are eraser marks in the margins again.)
You'll make it, I know you will. Just one day, and you can get out of there. Stay safe, stay alert, and stick to crowds where possible, and you'll be just fine.
Yeah, I took a glance at the cipher over Jake's shoulder and I've got nothing. It's just scribbles to me. I might get something on a closer look, but I sort of doubt it.
That letter thing would be cool to test sometime, but like Jake said earlier. Priorities.
Make sure you're drinking enough, okay? Especially if you end up going someplace sunny. But I'm sure the dizziness isn't going to be anything too important for the moment. We can address it later, when you're safer.
Thank you, Lis. I might take you up on that offer to talk later. But I can't now. And I never said those two words. Nor do I have a plan. Gur ragvgvrf znl or noyr gb ernq zvaqf, naq gurl qrsvavgryl pna ernq gurfr yrggref.
(The handwriting changes to Jake's.) Hello, Lis.
As Yuvon said, exercise caution when returning to your workplace, but if all goes as expected and as planned you should have no issues. Once you are done, if you bring your phone on your vacation, do not answer calls from numbers you do not know, and especially do not answer the kidnapper's calls and messages.
Thank you for the offer of help :) However, I will manage alone eventually. It will simply take time. A lot of time.
At least I know the cause of her behavior now. I am somewhat at a loss for what to do about it, though. I will do my best to lighten her mood, but given that I am a living reminder of the issue, that may prove difficult.
I second Yuvon's suggestion of hydration. Dehydration has been proven to have several negative effects on the body.
That is all for now, Lis. I will speak to you later.
As Yuvon was the one to come up with the idea, I will let her explain her thought process behind the word association.
(The handwriting changes to Yuvon's.) Lis said something a bit weird in the last letter. She was talking about how Goldie had likely helped things settle in the TSB timeline and mused that Goldie probably did all they could. Then Lis' writing grew neater (hope Jake showed you the word association thing so you know what I'm talking about) and she wrote "Like they always did..." before mentioning being dizzy, and seemingly forgetting she wrote that entirely.
I've known for a while that Lis had some memories relating to Goldie she couldn't access for one reason or another, but I hadn't seen the block waver until then. I theorized that I might be able to bypass the block at least partially if I approached it indirectly, and it seems I was right to an extent. It's only too bad I can't do anything with scents, scents are heavily tied to memories.
I didn't have anything particular in mind to uncover at the time, but I figured that if Lis let slip characteristics of Goldie or snatches of memories, those could be useful later. I hadn't expected to nearly get a name, though— see how the first letter is capitalized? Definitely a name. I think I have an idea what the name is, but I don't want to say or write it until we want Goldie's attention. It's probably Latin, though, and you might want to check the root of the alchemical symbol for gold on the periodic table.
I think the words we can safely associate with Goldie, however, are: best friend, past, safety, familiarity. Silver is another possibility, but that may just be an association with gold.
...I wonder when Goldie's going to send me the pissed-off letter yelling at me for meddling in the secrecy of their identity XD
Because I have such a good track record for respecting privacy and secret identities.
(The writing changes to Jake's.) I am back.
The similarities and differences are quite fascinating, yes. If only we could conduct some sort of study where we could learn how Jakes differ and how they remain the same from universe to universe. But that would require that they trust we are who we say we are, and that their Detectives actually open the letters we've been sending. So it seems unlikely that will ever happen.
Yes. The news about the kidnapper being a hacker is still troubling to me, even all this time later. He must be quite skilled, for the likes of us to only realize from his own mockery that he is one. We will need to remain on guard. I will also need to begin monitoring the situation in Duskwood again. If the kidnapper has been freed from the stasis, I will need to work rather hard to keep that group safe, especially now that I do not have all my equipment. And very limited Internet access.
I really should not be shocked at this point, especially given the experiences Yuvon has recounted to me and the fact that I have not needed to eat nor drink since coming to this place. I suppose that was simply the first time I directly saw the lack of logic, other than in Yuvon sending the letters.
I have little more to say. Goodbye for now,
(The letter tucks itself in the paper clip with the others.)
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julia-brookes · 5 years
Pierce x Reader (My Inner Demons)
Synopsis: Crashing on Ava’s couch becomes even more exciting when a group of attractive demons show up. But one demon catches your attention more than the others… (You’re a Wizard).
Word Count: 2609
It was cold, deathly cold. The soothing tik tok sounds of your grandfather clock echoed throughout the room as you groped the darkness for your wand. Your fingertips finally made contact with your wand. “Luminare,” you chanted, prompting a ball of light to appear at the tip of your wand, illuminating the room. You left the warmth of your heated duvet and waddled your way to the thermostat, turning it up. Being a wizard can come in handy on Earth. You complimented yourself, lugging yourself back to your bed. Now came the waiting game, waiting for your room to heat up. But it never did….
You heaved a sigh, perhaps you should see Jake about the heating system in your lodge. For now, you had to go with plan B: Beg your friend Ava to let you crash on her sofa. Hesitantly, you dialed her number and placed the cellphone to your ears. The rhythmic beeping would have been enough to  lull you to sleep if it wasn’t for your dysfunctional heating system. Thankfully, Ava picked up your call.
“Hello?” Her strained voice came onto the line.
“Hi Ava, it’s (y/n),” you stopped for a second. “I need a favor… My heating system isn’t working, mind if I crash on your couch?” There was a pause on the line before Ava replied.
“Sure, not a problem! Just make sure to talk to Jake about your predicament in the morning.” She giggled a bit.
“Thank you, I’ll be right over.”
You soon found yourself at Ava’s doorstep, waiting for her to open up. She soon did, and greeted you with a smile and a handful of blankets. “Thank you so much, Ava, you’re a life-saver,” you smiled. Ava smiled back, leading you into her (very purple) living room.
“No problem,” she smiled. “I’m going back to bed, feel free to raid my kitchen if you’re hungry.” Ava yawned, leaving for her room.
You replied with a curt nod, and made yourself comfortable on the couch, drifting off to dreamland.
It would be noon before the sun would grace your eyes. You sluggishly got up from your makeshift bed and knocked on Ava’s door. There was no answer… you knocked again. Maybe she’s still asleep? You thought, opening a crack. Ava was nowhere to be seen. Johnny was happily bouncing on his owner’s bed as you made your way into Ava’s room.
“Johnny, do you know where Ava is?” You questioned the cat. He simply meowed and resumed jumping. Hmm… maybe I should call her? She’s normally not up until 1…
You tried calling her… no luck. The time ticked by, it was now 1:20 and still no sign of Ava. Strange… you were worried now. But before you could organize a search party, the sound of Ava’s front door opening caught your attention. That’s either Ava, or Jake. The former seems more likely. You thought to yourself.
“Ava! Is that you, gurl?” You called out while turning the corner. “OHMYGOSH” it took all your willpower not to scream. Ava was unconscious and in the arms of a (very handsome) stranger.
Your eyes momentarily met his, setting your cheeks on fire. Just his eyes alone set every part of you aflame. You took a few seconds to process what was going on. Not only was there one stranger, there were many, dressed in, what you assumed to be, demon costumes. They’re probably here for the convention… you thought. “WELL DON’T JUST STAND THERE, PUT HER ON THE COUCH!” You yelled anxiously. The group seemed taken aback by your tone. Thankfully, Ava was set down.
One of the strangers stormed up to you. “How DARE you speak to me like that! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?!” He yelled, charging a fireball in his fist. Your eyes widened in terror. Another magic user? They were hard to come by in this realm. You grabbed your wand from off the floor and chanted a fire disarming spell, efficiently quelling the flame.
“Your majesty, this human knows fire disarming magic! Are you all right?!” One of the (what you assumed to be) cosplayers spoke up. You looked directly at the stranger in front of you. Needless to say, he was furious yet intrigued. It would take a fool to not recognize the rage building up in those eyes. You readied your wand, ready to fire.
“That sorceress…” said the one who carried Ava. “How long until she wakes up?”
“Hmmm… I don’t know, depends on what happened to her.” You check her pulse and breathing. Both are present, causing you to let out a sigh of relief. “She should wake up soon…”
It seemed like hours, but Ava finally woke up, and the strangers flocked to her. It sure was a sight to see. You disassociate yourself for a bit as a wave of relief washes over you. All you caught was something about Demons and a magic crisis. You were brought back to reality when Ava shrieked. She was in the kitchen defending herself with nothing but a frying pan.
“Ava!” You rushed to her side. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you!” Ava looked at you momentarily before turning back to the demons at hand. The moment the demons saw you raise your wand, they dropped your weapons. Perhaps they were still off put by the fact that you were able to disarm the demon prince. Either way, Ava seemed relieved.
“Hear me out,” One of the strangers started. His slicked cobalt blue eyes lit up in seriousness. “We come with peaceful intent to-” He was cut off by incoherent screaming involving something about ‘her source of power. Out came another demon-like man. The one who threatened you, to be exact. He was so intimidating that you never noticed the way his physique moved. This one carried himself with pride. He must be a Demon Prince. The man you assumed to be Rhys mumbled a 'your majesty’, confirming your suspicions.
“This human is a sorcerer,” The Demon prince said, tossing a bra catalog to 'Rhys’, the one speaking earlier. The demon pulled out a bra, and you covered your eyes in response. No matter how close you are to a person, it’s still weird to have their undergarments exposed.
Ava used this opportunity to quite literally yeet the pan towards the demon prince’s face. Oof, that’s gotta leave a mark.  You cringed at the thought of the pain. Before you could blink, Ava ran, nay – she bolted – towards the door. One demon, who you assumed to be Pierce, chased after her. Ava was held tight, to ensure that she wouldn’t escape. You held up your wand again and shot the demon the fiercest glare you could muster. Yes, he was attractive, buy your friend is in danger!
“Let. Her. Go.” You ordered as the other demons drew their weapons. One of them, Lief, charged at you with his sickles. “Immobius!” You chanted, causing him to freeze. The struggle was evident on his face. No matter how hard he tried, he was stuck, frozen in time for the next 10 minutes. You turned to the rest of the demons, “Who’s next?” they lowered their weapons, not wanting their bodies petrified. You shifted your attention to Pierce. “Now, I’ll say it once again: Let Ava go.” He obliged and you rushed to Ava’s side. “Are you okay?!” She gave you a small nod before questioning you.
“How.. How did you…” She muttered.
“I’m a wizard(ess).” You completed her sentence. She seemed dumbfounded. “I promise, I won’t hurt you.” Ava understood what you meant, you wanted to protect her. “Now, why are you all here? I will not have you terrorizing an innocent sorcerer!” You decided to humor them for a bit. They explained everything, their crisis, and why they were here.
“Please, all mighty sorcerer,” Rhys begged Ava while kneeling on his feet. She nodded, taking pity on the poor demons.
It was a long adrenaline-filled day, between defending your friend Ava from some rather attractive demons and exposing your secret to her, you almost forgot to pester Jake about your broken heating system. You looked at the clock: it was 10pm. Dang, Jake would be asleep by now. You heaved a sigh, mentally taking note to see Jake bout your unit. Looking around, all the demons were asleep. Well, all except one: Pierce. Your eyes locked with his before turning to Johnny, who was currently purring against Pierce’s lap. Hesitantly, you sat next to Pierce. There was nothing between the two of you except for a your clothes, a few inches on the couch, and Johnny. Something about Pierce caused your heart to go haywire; it was beating out of control.
“Hey…” you shot Pierce a smile. “you seem to be getting along with Johnny.” Johnny left Pierce’s side, seeking the warmth of your lap. His stomach was exposed, and his eyes screamed 'please give me a belly rub’. You gladly obliged, gently patting Johnny’s tummy. He began to purr.
“You can talk to animals, Wizard?” Pierce questioned, prompting a soft laugh to escape your mouth.
“Well, please call me by my name: (Y/n) (L/n) . And, Oh, no,” you began. “In the human world, non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is when you try and say something without talking.” Pierce nodded his head, taking in what you were explaining. “Hmmm… The best way to learn more about this kind of stuff is to observe other humans. Pierce’s eyes lit up, the rest of his body was stoic, almost blasé. You could tell that he was engaged in the conversation, however. You gave him a sympathetic smile before proposing an idea. "How about I take into the city, we can go observe how humans act.” The demon nodded once again. He didn’t seem like one of many words.
You nodded and worked the details out with Ava, and you agreed to take Pierce out into the city.
The next morning, you woke up early to find the appropriate outfit. You settled for something form-fitting yet functional. It hugged you in all the right places, all the while expressing your personality. Pierce on the other hand, was gorgeous. His attire was fairly simple: a form-fitting button down shirt and a pair of jeans. You felt heat rush to your cheeks, his look was so simple, yet so attractive. The only problem was his horns. You gave it a thought before coming up with a brilliant idea.
“Pierce, may I touch your horns?” You asked an innocent question. Even an demon as stoic as Pierce became flustered. A light wash of pink was visible on his cheeks and ears. “As you observed, humans don’t have horns, I need to cast a spell on them so we won’t get weird looks.” Pierce’s posture relaxed a bit as he cautiously nodded his head. You began performing your magic, gently touching your finger to his horns, concentrating your magic in the tips of your fingers. Pierce’s discomfort was still apparent, though he held it in. His horns were soon gone, though temporarily, he looked like any other human. “Ready to go?”
“Yes…” Pierce was not a man of many words, nor was he familiar with human culture. Though he didn’t exactly reject your hand, you took his hand into yours. He was hesitant, but still followed.
You took him everywhere in the city, from the park, to the chiquest restaurants. Pierce was like a child. You would point out something about humans, and he would say something along the lines of “fascinating” or just nod while taking the sight in.
There was one particular location that he was fixated on: the movie theater.  Outside the building was a poster for a Romance movie. It seemed cliché to you, but to Pierce, it was intriguing. The poster displayed a man and a woman, their faces inches apart from the other’s, just a few seconds away from kissing.
“(y/n), what’s this?” Pierce questioned.
“It’s a movie. Humans take moving pictures with other humans to tell a story. They are normally put onto screens for other humans to see as a way to have fun.” you felt silly explaining such a concept to what other people would see as a grown adult, but you pressed on. “In the poster, they’re about to do this thing called kissing. It is way of sharing affection with another person,” you continued. “Would you like to watch it?” you asked. Pierce gave a small nod. You linked your arm around his, pulling him into the theater.
The theater was fairly populated, but you managed to quickly request for your tickets. “Two tickets for (Movie Name) please!” You said with a gleeful smile. The clerk eyed you and Pierce before printing two tickets for the show time and movie.
“Here you are, I went ahead and applied the couple’s discount to your tickets. You saved 20% today.” You blushed. “Snacks and popcorn are complementary as well, present the coupon to the snacks register and they’ll help you from there.”
“Thank you!” You smiled at the clerk. Though it was a little rude of them to assume that Pierce and you were a couple, you couldn’t argue about the fact that it was nice to save a little coin.
You soon received your complimentary food and headed into the dark movie room. The movie soon started; It was a rather cliché movie at that. But you couldn’t lie, this movie’s a classic. Throughout the film, you snuck glances at Pierce. His eyes were fixated on the movie, calculating gestures and noting certain aspects on human culture.
The movie soon ended with a happy ending. The crowd began to clap. Pierce took this as a signal to join in. You giggled at yourself before contributing to the sea of applause. People began to leave in their cliques. You soon followed with Pierce. You took Pierce’s hand into your own. “So we don’t lose each other in the crowd.” You blushed a bit before leading the way out.
You passed a group of girls, about the same age as you, whispering amongst themselves.  You were able to make out a few 'He’s so handsome!’, and 'That person sure is lucky to have a boyfriend as hot as that guy!’. Perhaps they were whispering about Pierce? Maybe not. As if on cue, you ever so gracefully planted face-first into the the sidewalk. You braced yourself for the impact, but it never came. Opening your eyes, your eyes locked with Pierce. Perhaps it was fate, or maybe the lack of sleep, the fact is, you almost fell but at the price of a sprained ankle. It was nothing bad, but it hurt to walk.
“Are you okay?” Pierce’s baritone voice laced your ears. You nodded, wincing in pain.
“I’ll be fine..” That didn’t stop him from sweeping you off your feet. You were in his arms, bridal style, while he walked back to Ava’s apartment. You buried your face into his firm chest to avoid the stares of the other citizens. His body was warm, it was almost therapeutic. You were half-asleep by the time Pierce arrived home. He set you gently onto the couch. Pierce gently planted a quick kiss onto your lips. It was almost like a fever dream, you were too tired to comprehend what happened. All you heard before drifting off to sleep was “Thank you for today, (y/n).”. And just like that, he disappeared into the wall. You didn’t know what the future would hold, but one thing was clear: You were beginning to catch feelings for the long-haired demon.
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thirstyfortom · 6 years
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Sounds like a funny romcom, I like it! Hope you like this! ^^
Keeping it casual
After much discussion, you both agreed: it wouldn’t be a good idea to start dating like this
It was just too much trouble. There was the Echo Girl ordeal, his career, you would be thrown at the spotlight too suddenly, so no
But he likes you so much, he can’t forget that kiss, your skin, your voice… staying away from all that is too much of a struggle
So you proposed something more casual, you guys could see each other and do everything a couple can do, just… as long as no one else knows about it.
He didn’t like the word “casual” but… okay, it was only fair. So that’s how it started.
It was good for most of the times, he was getting to do everything he fantasized about you, well, almost everything… he couldn’t hold hands in public or tease you about the beast whenever you did something cute in one of the RFA meetings
But then… you guys slipped up. A paparazzi got a great snap of you leaving his house and giving him a goodbye kiss, that kind of kiss that doesn’t happen between platonic friends
It was all over the gossip websites and tabloids, so now everybody knew, everybody including the RFA, and Jumin called a meeting.
“You really didn’t learn the lesson and jumped off from a scandal to another.” “These are completely different situations, what are you even saying?”
“Zen… I think what Mr. Han means is that… it wasn’t easy collecting that intel on Echo Girl and setting everything for you to be acquitted, so… being seen with another woman so suddenly…” Jaehee tried to mediate and stop a potential fight, since Yoosung and Seven clearly weren’t going to do anything
“But… but these are very different situations, Jaehee. I never had anything with Echo Girl, I barely knew her when she showed up at my place, I… I had no interest in her at all, but with MC…” then he looks at you. “It’s different with MC…”
“Different how, exactly?” Jumin asks “Because even though we’re not serious or committed, I… I love her, I care for her and… saying goodbye whenever she leaves is painful. I don’t like we’re just a casual thing, but… I am very happy that I get to be with her, and that photo show it all…” “Zen, you… you just confessed…”
“I would have done it before, I wanted to do that morning when we got photographed, hahaha.” you blush “What’s wrong, bab- I - I mean, MC?” “I wanted to confess that day too.” his face glows as he laughs in satisfaction. Ahh… fuck off, he loves you so much and all he wants to is kiss you right now.
“So… You would have to do an announce anyway, whatever the outcome turned out to be. Can we send a press release that you are officially together?” Jumin asks, completely unfazed, unlike the other members, who are very embarrassed.
“Well, if it’s okay with you, babe…” you just nod and smile. “Nnnng , I told you not so smile like that! You make the beast inside of me grow-” “We’re all still here, Zen.” Jaehee reminds him.
You were shocked that he agreed with your suggestion without much thinking
You thought it would be so hard to reassure him that yes, you like him, you just think a serious relationship wouldn’t work now, there was so much to process after all those events...
But he did agree, he said that it was because he wasn’t mature enough for a serious relationship,
The right thing to do would be stay as friends, but… nah, neither of you managed that. Meeting him in his place to help him study would always lead to everything but studying
He had a girlfriend (sorta) he was finally being able to do everything he fantasized about having a girlfriend (sorta), he was happy (sorta?)
Plus, he was feeling so manly, so cool by sneaking out like this. Zen and Seven would tease him about being too innocent and he could easily play along with the teasing, since it wasn’t true.
Then there was this one night, RFA was supposed to meet for a little gathering and he thought it would be nice if you guys went together, nobody would suspect a thing
“Oh, thank you for inviting me, but Seven called me earlier and he’ll pick me up… he can give you a ride too if you want.” “No, thank you.” he hung up, hoping you noticed his tone.
The gathering starts, and he can’t stop staring at you and Seven chatting friendly, a little too friendly… so he’s not in a good mood.
“What’s wrong? You seem a little off, Yoosung.” Zen points out “Does your eye hurt or something?” you ask him, worried. Seriously? You have no idea what this is about?
“No, I’m fine, MC.” “Yeah, yeah, Yoosungie is fine, MC. So back to our conversation, I think-” Seven gets interrupted by Yoosung slamming his glass on the table, shooting daggers at the redhead.
“Whoa, are you okay?” “Yeah, what’s wrong, Yoosung? You don’t need to pout like this, I’m not doing anything but talking to MC… why don’t you get over here and join us if it bothers you so much?”
“What?” everybody looks at him “N-no, it doesn’t bother me, but… if she’s uncomfortable, I… I would be uncomfortable too…” “Because?” Yoosung sighs “Because…” “Because you’ve been seeing each other for months and you love her, so now you’re jealous, but there’s no need to be jealous because she loves you too.”
“W-what? Seven… how do you know all that?” you ask him, shocked, Seven just grins “Heh, I figured it out when you asked for my help to choose a pair of glasses for him as a present… oops, that’s another thing I shouldn’t have said.” he says that, but he clearly doesn’t regret. “MC… you bought glasses for me?” you nod shyly, taking the gift out of your bag and walking to him.
“Yep, I also do love you, by the way…” “Even if I’m not mature enough?” you take the glasses out of the case and put on his face, tilting your head and smiling. “You look pretty mature to me.”
You started as friends, the benefits came a little later
It was surprising even for her how well she adjusted into this casual thing, you made it feel so natural and right for her
Let’s just face it, there was no time for dating now that she was starting a business by herself, also, a relationship could ruin her first meaningful friendship, so casual it was
At first, she couldn’t even tell what was different, you would hang out, have fun by watching musicals, drinking, talking…
And then there was cuddling, getting intimate, feeling good in a way she never felt before about her body, oh okay… now that’s different
The only time she remembered that his wasn’t a relationship is when you told her a friend of yours invited you to a single’s mixer and you asked her if she wanted to join you
Something unfamiliar took over her. Of course she didn’t want to go, she wasn’t interested in dating if she… well, if there was nothing she would get out of it at the monet, but… she needed to go because you were going, did it make sense? It did for her
So awkward… she is hating all of this, but you seem pretty chill talking and laughing with guys and girls
One lady is flirting with you so much even Jaehee can tell. She touches your arm whenever she can, she’s running her fingers through her hair seductively, did… did she just play with the pendant of your necklace? Hey! Jaehee gave you that pendant!
“So how is everything going?” Zen texts her. “Awful, I want to leave!” “Then why don’t you?” “I’m not leaving without MC.”
“Hum, even if she leaves with someone else?” this possibility makes her feel sick. Why is that? She has no right to feel like that, does she?
“Then I hope she has fun.” “Yeah right.” “Are you being sarcastic, Zen?” “Maybe?” “Don’t lie, you are being sarcastic!” “And you are in denial that you’re jealous because you love her and don’t want her to be with anyone else.”
“WHAT? Thats nto rtue!,,!” she makes a few typos as gagging with her beverage. “Come on, Jaehee, we all know you’ve been dating in secret.” “ALL OF YOU?”
“Yep, Yoosung didn’t want to believe, but even him joined in the bet.” “WHAT BET???” “Oh, just a silly thing the guys and I put together to see how long it takes until you gurls become serious, I thought it wouldn’t take long, but… if you keep talking on your phone while she talks to other people, I might lose very soon… and so will you.” She’ll kill all these men later, but… dang, Zen is right.
“Hey… do you want to ditch this and go watch a movie?” “Oh… sure, I’d love to, but… aren’t you having fun?” “No, not really, I… can only have fun with you in that sense, since I… I love you, MC…” she kisses you shyly, but you promptly kiss her back
If it was entirely up to him, you guys would be engaged by now
But after much thinking, he realized he still had some things to sort out and he should take easy after the events in his penthouse
Then you came up with this in between solution: not married, but not exactly single. Not dating, but also not completely apart
Well, it was something out of reach for his moral values, but… it seemed like a good idea when he thought about his father and how taking relationships too seriously didn’t bring anything but trouble in the past
It’s not easy for him. Casualty and Jumin Han just… don’t exist together. It’s too easy going for him.
He wants to call you every night, but he avoids it, knowing that not being clingy is one of the most important rules for this
He wants to take you in his business parties, but it doesn’t seem right if he can’t introduce you as his girlfriend.
But when  you’re together, he forgets his concerns for a while. You’re around, Elizabeth likes you, he gets to touch you and talk to you about so many things!
Then you go away, and his doubts start again. Is this really alright? Do people really grow accustomed to this? Will he get accustomed?
Until you guys are having a RFA gathering at his penthouse, it’s so strange that you’re here and he still can’t do anything to get closer to you. Strange and frustrating.
“I’m glad you invited us, Jumin, did you have to reschedule dinner with your father for us to be here?” V asks him. “No, I will have dinner with him tomorrow, I would invite you all as well, but it’s our traditional family dinner…”
Everybody nods. “But if you want to join us, it would be nice. Especially you, MC.” you gasp with the water. “M-me?”
“Yes, you didn’t have the chance to actually meet my father at the RFA since it was quite… crowded, I’m sure he would like to meet you… as the newest RFA member, I mean.” “Oh… sure…”
“Then you will propose her?” Seven asks teasingly. “No, proposing can wait, I’d need her to agree on leaving the casual terms of our relationship so we can make it official, but… this also can wait if she wants.”
“You just made impossible for her to turn you down, dude.” Zen scowls. “Did I? Was I forceful, MC?” “No, not really, but it really is impossible to turn you down.” you blush as you slip your hand to hold his.
He really didn’t want to focus on anything else but his brother’s recovery
But… it was very stressful and frustrating, so he would always end up going to you for advice
And for comfort, and before you guys even knew, he would be spending the night with you before going to the hospital
He hated how he was leaning on you with no guarantee of a steady relationship even if Saeran got better
But he would always end in your bed, and regret right after
Not telling anyone was common ground even if you never really discussed where you would stand as a couple
Tsk… was it right that he was depending on you so much like this? You would get tired eventually, wouldn’t you?
And if you did, you would have every right to leave him, so… why does the idea of you leaving him hurt so much?
Saeran was still unstable and would snap at him and at the medical staff constantly.
He was completely drained of his energy and strength, what if his brother never got better?
Everybody in RFA was concerned about him and decided to pay the twins a visit at the hospital
You were a little uncomfortable in going, what if he didn’t want to see you there? You aren’t even his girlfriend, would he get mad at you for meddling into something so private like his family matters?
But you were so worried about him and his brother, so you joined the other members, trying to not let them notice how tense you were.
Saeyoung left Saeran’s room to grab some water when he spotted the RFA members at the corridor and ran to you, tackling you and almost making you both fall.
“I’m so glad you’re here, I missed you so much! It’s so nice that you’re here, MC, I love you so much, I…” he looks at you, then at the other RFA members “I… got a little carried away, sorry, guys… I’m just a little tired and-” “And you’ll leave Saeran to us and take MC on a date, you deserve it, man. Now go!” Zen says, making you blush as you take Saeyoung’s hand and smile.
Things were a little awkward after he came back
He knew he wanted to get closer to you and finally meet you for real
And you guys started hanging out, until the attraction got irresistible
But he couldn’t jump into a relationship with you now. It wasn’t about him, about you, and definitely not about Rika, it was mainly about the RFA
Would they be okay with him coming back and jumping in your arms as the first thing he does?
He wished he could stay away until he sorted out these feelings, but… he wanted to be with you so bad!
It was so good to be with you, he fantasized how it would be. How come this is pretty much like he imagined and still, he isn’t completely happy?
Are… are you happy?
Until there was a RFA gathering, the first one with him back to duty, he was so excited that everybody would be there, that… you would be there.
But you weren’t there. They waited for a while and you still didn’t show up, they called you and you didn’t answer.
Oh no… could it be…? Could it be that you got tired and didn’t even want to look at him? So you just… left?
It was his fault, wasn’t it? Oh no… he knew he should be more firm, he should have told you about his feelings and… real commitment
He called you, and still no response. He feels awful.
Until you suddenly enter the room and everybody’s eyes go to you, he runs and hugs you desperately. “MC, I’m so sorry… I’m sorry for second guessing so much, I… I love you, and I’m willing to make us official if you want to, so please… please don’t leave!”
“Leave? I just got here, Jihyun…” “Yes… but… why weren’t you answering your phone?” “It died, and I was… wait, did you just say you love me?” “He did.” everybody says in unison.
Well, uhm… he wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t want to ever see him again after what he’s done
But he’s glad you like him and want to be with him.
He also wants to be with you, but… hum, is it really okay while his brother is still missing?
Somehow he feels… guilty for relying on you so much when things aren’t completely solved yet
But he needs to rely on you, without you strength, without your sweetness, he wouldn’t be able to handle any of this
He wants so much to make it official, he wants the whole world to know that everything good in his life happened thanks to you, but right now, he needs to protect you from this mess
It’s so good how you tell not him to worry, you guys will tell people when the time arrives, then you just kiss and comfort him… he forgets his concerns for a little while
He was having a bro’s night with the other members, it was a way to relax and distract a little from his brother’s problem
It was fun, but he would constantly catch himself fidgeting with his phone and texting with you
You’re just so funny and sweet, he couldn’t stop smiling. “Ohhh… I know this smile.” Zen teases “You’re seeing someone!”
“What? No, I’m not.” “Dude, you’re smiling like an idiot, no offense, while looking at your phone as you type, you’re obviously texting someone you like.”
“I… no, this… even if I wanted to see someone, I can’t… not with my brother still missing, and… not the way things are right now.” “Saeran… there’s nothing wrong with going out with someone if you want to.” Yoosung points out.
“Yes, if I may say, I think your brother would be very pleased to know you found someone.” Jumin completes, and Saeran wonders.
“You really think it’s fine for me to see someone? If… this person likes me, is it okay to date?” “Yeah, dude. It’s nice to have someone who supports you in this moment, I mean… someone that is not us.” “Someone like MC?” “Hum, yes… someone like MC.”
He mulls over a little more before getting up “I… need to go, I have a thing to do…” “Good luck, Saeran!” Yoosung beams as Zen grins to Jumin “You owe me a beer.” “You’re terrible at making bets, Zen.”
291 notes · View notes
universal-kitty · 6 years
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   Here’s ya gurls!! (Well, technically a girl and an NB who uses feminine pronouns sometimes, but you catch my drift.) What started out as “I’ll design them and decide on the way” somehow turned into “they have different personality aspects of myself and so I still don’t know what to do.” ...Oops?
   So I’m going to list the personality traits/characteristics they have beneath the cut; again, any advice on who I should use would be awesome!!! (....heck, I just realized I forgot to draw in my own dang glasses.... OOPS.)
Female. She/Her. Wears glasses to help with her horrid vision.
Cream colored fur, with her “hair” being brown. It runs all the way down her back and also covers the fur on her tail.
Clawed fingers and toes.
Likes wearing casual wear, when at all possible. Loves being comfy.
Is the type to be shy when you first meet her, but warm up to you fairly fast.
Becomes more energetic, though still often crashes into lethargy after awhile. (An apparently inherited trait in her family. Something about being a chimera just makes them prone to depression, apparently.)
Has a crush she’s reluctant to admit on Oz. She thinks they’re really cool...!
Galaxy Person
Nonbinary. They/Them preferred, but she/her and he/him is also okay. Also wears glasses, but with white rims and sides, so it’s visible against their galactic body.
Space-black body, but decorated in colors of the universe, from galaxies to glittering stars. Even their eyes are like gas giants in a faint green tinge.
Can do some minor body-shifting (shorten hair, make an extra pair of arms, appear more masculine, etc).
Dresses in pastels and...really any non-black clothing as much as possible, on their better days. (You know they’re upset when the dark greys and black t-shirts come out.)
Loves their pink sweater. It’s their iconic piece, really!
Naturally levitates, but walks around sometimes. Doesn’t really like doing that, though.
Ridiculously shy. Befriending them is a bit of a struggle...
Still worth it to do. They love spoiling their friends...!
Expect them to hide behind you a lot when face to face with new people. That’s just how bad their social anxiety is!
Has an equally deep crush on Oz. Always admiring them from afar and having to quickly look away when one of Oz’s “friends” realizes that they’re staring.
Would likely never fess up themselves. It’s too scary!! (Oh, the irony of that statement.)
They’re ridiculous and someone is gonna have to fess up eventually.
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wigwurq · 7 years
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Unless you have been living under a rock for the last week, you already know that STRANGER THINGS SEASON 2 DROPPED AND OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!1 It’s been a week and somehow the internet hasn’t imploded over this show so I guess it’s time to talk about the wigs. As with Twin Peaks, I’ll be reviewing each episode as I watch them and adjusting whether the season as a whole wurqs. Let’s get demogorg-going! 
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The Duffer Brothers live and breathe 80s nostalgia (obvs) so we open with a rando car chase in Pittsburgh because THE 80S (if the Duffer Bros really wanted to make this 80s accurate, it should have been Detroit or Chicago - THE DEMOGORGON IS IN THE DETAILS, isn’t it?) Anyway, some rando punk burglars are staging a getaway - with the help of some chick who is basically an older, more ethnic Elle. And she’s got a #008 tattooed on her arm. DUN DUN DUN.
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Back in Hawkins, it’s a year after Will and Barb (RIP) got trapped in the Upside Down and everyone is doing JUST GREAT AND DON’T HAVE PTSD LET’S JUST LISTEN TO DEVO THANKYOUVERYMUCH. Oh and go to the arcade, where we meet our wiggiest non-wig in this dude eating cheetos and creepily demanding sister dates from Mike. 
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We also meet Winona Ryder’s new boyfriend, RUDY RUETTIGER (aka Sean Astin)! No wig, but dang HE LOVES MR. MOM AS MUCH AS ME. YES!
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Speaking of Winona Ryder, girlfriend got a MUCH better wig than last season. I still don’t know why she needs to wear a wig at all, but I mean…sure? Clearly the wig budget is bigger than last season (if they can afford to license every song of the 80s to play during the episode, they can throw a few bucks at Joyce Byer’s mane, so amen). 
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Over at the high school, Nancy Wheeler got herself a haircut! She is clearly trying to channel some Jennifer Grey action but much like her body, this hair has no body (get this girl and this hair a sandwich). 
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Just sayin’…she should have had more of that KFC. Joe Keery’s epic hair remains flawless. 
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We are also introduced to the major wig of this episode (and likely, this season) in the form of a mulletted new bad boy, BILLY. I love that his name is Billy in a clear homage to Rob Lowe in St. Elmo’s Fire…but only time will tell if he can wail on a saxophone. This wig is…fine? It obviously looks like a wig so already that is a negative. Also I’m guessing everything about this guy is a negative.
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Meanwhile, Nancy and Mike’s mom got herself a new ‘do! Welcome to the 80s, GIRLFRIEND! Bye bye Farrah waves, hello BANGS! Mama like. Damn fine wig. Still, why are you voting for Reagan (but of COURSE you are). BOO. #GeraldineFerraro4Ever
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Meanwhile, Elle lives! But of course she does. And Millie Bobby Brown got herself a PERM just as the 80s intended. 
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And she’s living with Sheriff Hopper who took time out of his busy schedule of looking at “poisoned” pumpkins (which is clearly a job for Moana, duh) to take care of Elle. He got hisself a daughter and she got herself a dad! SOBBING.
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It’s Halloweeeen and of course our favorite foursome dressed up as the Ghostbusters (and NO ONE WANTS TO BE WINSTON). Sadly, they go to the lamest school ever where no one else dresses up for Halloween. BOO indeed!
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Will is still seeing some pretty effed up Upside Down visions but more scary: this poor kid had to have a bowl cut in the show and in life! This is the ultimate commitment to your art! Pure terror!
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Rudy Reuttiger continues to be our favorite dad, fully committing to vampire hair and teeth and then slow dancing with Winona Ryder to “Islands in the Stream.” DREAMBOAT.
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Meanwhile, Elle is getting cabin fever from watching Susan Lucci on TV all day and her hair is looking bigger and curlier than ever! Still, sorry you couldn’t go trick or treating, gurl.
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Over at the most 80s teen Halloween party ever, new badboy Billy is suddenly a popular beer chugging sweaty bohunk (who listens to Ted Nugent - yep, this guy is the worst!) Also of course his new pal is dressed as the bad guy from The Karate Kid. 80s VILLAINS CONVERGE! 
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 Meanwhile, Will’s older brother, a so-called purveyor of good musical taste, thinks this chick CLEARLY DRESSED AS SIOUXIE SIOUX is a member of KISS! BLASPHEME! YOU ARE DEAD TO US, JONATHAN!
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Oh and Steve and Nancy OBVIOUSLY had a couple’s costume, and one of the most confusing ones EVER. It was confirmed to me later that they were Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay from Risky Business (and not Johnny and June Carter Cash as I had suspected)…but if that is true this costume is AN EPIC FAILURE. Why isn’t Steve just wearing a white shirt and no pants? Why is Nancy’s hair all bouffanted out like June Carter Cash? WHY ISN’T SHE WEARING A BLONDE WIG?!?! WIG FAILURE x100000000. BOO ON YOUR HORRIBLE ATTEMPT AT A POP CULTURAL HALLOWEEN PARTY, DUFFER BROTHERS! THE DEMOGORGON IS IN THE DETAILS! BOO ON YOU!
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Dustin found a new friend in a trashcan (where all the best friends come from!) and quickly decided that he has discovered a new species which DEFINITELY WON’T MESS ANYTHING UP. Kids, amiright?
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Meanwhile, it should be mentioned that Dustin’s mom is played by Netflix MVP Catherine Curtain (our favorite former guard from OITNB). This lady loves cats as much as I do and knows her way around a good Midwest mom wig. Amen.
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This episode also gives us some flashbacks to explain how Elle came to live with Hopper. And we get some flashback wigs! As with all men’s wigs, this one sucks. The texture is a nightmare and the back flips up with little assist from this shearling coat.
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Elle is definitely getting cabin fever and busts out to see Mike, which she does in the very 5 minutes he happens to be talking to Max (isn’t it always the way?) then totally makes Max ruin her ollie in a jealous rage and hightails it out of there. We’ve all been there, gurl.
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Speaking of Max, her awful brother Billy makes some mention of her not actually being his sister . Oh god. HES NOT HER DAD, RIGHT? UGH. Also he continues his reign as a new sweaty bohunk always as he plays mullet basketball with Steve (and of COURSE he’s ‘skins’ not shirts. UGH). Also if you’re gonna be an 80s villain, I guess you should be a pro-sports 80′s villain, right? The demogorgon is in the details (I have a quota to say this once during every episode recap).
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Meanwhile, through the power of 80s home video consumerism, Winona Ryder and her slightly better season 2 wig realize that Will’s effed up Upside Down visions might be for reals (thanks, wax paper!) Oh, and thanks for the terrible advice to stand up to demogorgons, RUDY REUTIGGER.
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Whilst trying to stand his ground against demogorgons, Will gets possessed by one (again, way to go, RUDY!) Winona Ryder’s season 2 wig got a wurqout trying to figure out what the eff is going on with suddenly coldblooded Will and his effed up vine illustrations.
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Meanwhile, Nancy and her Jennifer Grey minus the body perm and Jonathan who apparently listens to the Clash (ugh) have staged a stakeout in the most effed up public park ever and it totally worked - bitches got hauled away to Hawkins Labs immediately! There, they totally got Paul Reiser on TAPE saying some shady shit. Side note: is this show just a big commercial for RadioShack?
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Back at the high school, apparently the only class is SKINS VS SHIRTS and Billy is king! His horrible mullet wig got a shower which did nothing for it but did lead to some pretty fabulous homoerotic dialogue. Ooh la la. As always, the demogorgon’s in the details.
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Billy’s dried off coif looks HORRIBLE IN BACKLIGHTING - major 80s hair fail. This wig blows. Also, NICE CANADIAN TUXEDO.
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Oh and Billy is a complete racist who likes to control everything his sister (?) does. Continuing in the long tradition of 80s villains who are just evil for the sake of being evil, Billy joins their lexicon. What are his motivations? WHO KNOWS?! HE’S JUST LIVIN TO BE AN ASSHOLE. Similarly, I would totally approve of this dude playing the James Spader role in a remake of Pretty in Pink. ALSO I TAKE IT BACK: NEVER REMAKE PRETTY IN PINK, PLEASE. 
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In the end, Elle finds the secret file about her actual family and teleports to see her mama (SOBBING). And, as predicted, that pollywog Dustin found turns out to be a mini demogorgon who eats his cat. (DOUBLE SOBBING). I know y’all are still mourning Barb, but the death of Mews the cat might be the worst thing to ever happen on this show. RIP.
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After Mew the cat’s tragic demise (known only to Dustin at this point), his mom continues her frenzied search for her beloved feline and her wig is as frazzled as she is. Still, Dustin’s mom is officially my favorite mom on this show not only because of her kitty love, but because she has a damn Mondale/Ferraro sign in her front lawn (and is apparently the only Hawkins resident not voting for Reagan). The demogorgon is as always in the details. #GeraldineFerraro4Ever 
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Speaking of demogorgons, note to self: don’t go investigating them in a creepy vine/tunnel by yourself because you’ll probably end up being trapped there alone.
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Great work, Hooper. 
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Luckily Will’s art therapy home installation is about to get the cartographical analysis it needs from Rudy Reuttiger who is back in our good graces after his abysmally bad demogorgon advice. 
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Winona’s season 2 wig remains shook but hopeful.
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There remains to be no hope for Billy’s mullet wig, which took a brief break from skins vs shirts to drive his sister (?) to the arcade where Lucas gave her the 411 on Hawkins’ demogorgon problem. 
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Speaking of truth quests, Nancy and her no-body perm is on one with the help of Jonathan and apparently their little road trip is so long that they had to spend the night in a hotel for the sole purpose of having this awkward “we’re not gonna do it” scene. Just drive through the night! You’re teenagers! 
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Speaking of road trips, Elle found her mama! Buuut her mama remains to be a catatonic shell of her former self as does her hair. 
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I guess if you’re catatonic, hair is the least of your problems, but this coif definitely needs some self-care. 
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We do get some flashback wig action, and apparently even after having her child stolen away during a Twilight Sleep delivery, Terry Ives was looking pretty fierce in the 70s! 
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Her sister, Becky, has a much bigger perm than last season and also a much bigger creepy factor. She doesn’t really question Elle’s sudden appearance or the faulty electrical work in her house, or Elle’s Poltergeist TV static communication skills. Maybe she’s just super trusting…or there is a Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? scenario afoot…
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Good news: with the help of Rudy Reuttiger, Hopper got saved from the demogorgon tunnel! Bad news: Will is still possessed/his insides are burning/he has selective memory loss/he might be dying imminently. And Winona’s season 2 wig is PISSED ABOUT IT. She goes into full on Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment mode and demands Hawkins Labs fix her son. Hey, you break it, you buy it. 
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Meanwhile, Nancy and Jonathan’s super unsexy roadtrip suddenly gets sexy with the help of….a rando crazy wall journalist, and ton of underage vodka drinking, and a bunker with a french-doored guest room. Beyond the inappropriateness of serving copious amounts of booze to teenagers, this creep/amateur Francis Ford Coppola impersonator also fully pimps out his pad for late-night teenage sexcapades. And the following morning has the nerve to ask Jonathan “how was the pull-out?” THIS LINE IS OFFICIALLY THE WORST THING TO HAPPEN ON THE SHOW. YUCK.
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Meanwhile, Dustin has gone code red with the disappearance of his now huge pet demogorgon and the only person at his disposal to help is: Steve?!?! Sure. This is bromance is actually the perfect antidote to any Nancy/Jonathan romance grossness. Not only should these guys be bffff, but Steve shares his hair secrets with Dustin and they include Farrah Fawcett hairspray. The demogorgon is always in the details and this one is pure happiness. Never change, you guys and #TeamSteve ALL THE WAY.
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Lucas finally gets the code red message and hightails it over to Max’s house for help. Max’s house is basically an extended weight gym for Billy who is pumping iron while blasting Ratt with no adult supervision in sight. ALL 80S VILLIAN STEREOTYPES CONVERGE. Also Billy’s mullet wig is getting sweatier and curlier by the episode but not any better as a wig. However, this week we get a glimpse of one dangly earring which confirms his homage to Billy in St. Elmo’s Fire. We still need for him to wail on a saxophone and make jokes about Mare Winningham’s underwear for the homage to be complete, however. Oh also, Max’s big family secret is: her parents are divorced! DUN DUN DUN. 
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Anyway, back at the old junkyard, Dustin, Steve, Max and Lucas spread around a ton of raw meat and gasoline and wait and see what happens (WHAT A PLAN!) Steve, the most popular guy in high school until that sweaty bohunk Billy showed up, seems unfazed by hanging out with two nerdy middle school guys and a “random girl” but does get a little too cocky when he breaks out of the bus to confront the demogorgons hisself. Also I’m pretty sure the Duffer Bros are trying to turn Steve into Michael J. Fox this season because he’s definitely wearing the same Nike shoes he does in Back to the Future and also OF COURSE THEY ARE.  Also between Steve’s nail bat and Negan’s barbed wire bat on The Walking Dead, baseball is officially dead to me.
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Our girl Elle who is now going by her birth name, Jane, explains to her weird Aunt Becky what she saw in her Poltergeist shapeshift into her mama’s subconscious and while weird Aunt Becky finally decides to call someone about the rando tween that showed up at her house, Elle/Jane stole some dough and booked it out of there in search of her “sister”, another stolen girl who was experimented on at Hawkins Lab. Cue your least favorite Bon Jovi song and some POV shots of Chicago at night and suddenly we’re in every 80s teen movie ever shot in a city (the city was always Chicago).
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Just beyond that building from Adventures in Babysitting and some trashcan fires (the demogorgon is always in the details) she is reunited with her “sister” Kali who you might remember from Chapter One of this season and her gang of misfit PUNKS!!!!!!!! 
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Basically these randos are every stereotypical punk who was featured in 5 seconds-50 minutes of any 80s teen movie. White chick with a pseudo Cyndi Lauper ‘do, oversized bow and faux prep school look: CHECK! Kinda angry black chick still rockin’ a power ‘fro and 70s military duds: CHECK! Super angry white dude with an x-treme dyed mohawk, face piercings, dog collar, and a switchblade: CHECK! Looks angry black dude in black bomber coat described as a “teddy bear”: CHECK! Ethnic chick with tons of black eyeliner, asymmetrical half-shaved hair wearing an oversized coat, combat boots and fingerless gloves: CHECKCHECKCHECK! This is a perfect assemblage of PUNKS that would fit in perfectly at the most 80s punk party EVER. The Duffers outdid themselves here. As for wig quality? I mean….it’s about as good as the hair in that punk party link so I’ll give it an amen.
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But what is the deal with these PUNKS anyway? Turns out that they’re not just stealin’ stuff to buy hair products and living in a cool warehouse that could easily double for the digs on any season of Real World. Led by Kali, they track down and murder former employees of Hawkins Lab (and also steal stuff - hair products ARE VERY EXPENSIVE!) Kali helps Elle/Jane tap into her rage so that she can move stuff and whatever. Here, Elle/Jane totally moved a big train for no reason! Way to go?
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Most importantly, these PUNKS give Elle/Jane a PUNK MAKEOVER! Thanks to a gallon of black eyeliner and hair gel, a pop-collared oversized coat, french-cuffed jeans and white kicks,  she magically transforms into Dave Vanian (lead singer for The Damned duh!) While she could easily use her newfound LEWK to front a cool band, she instead leads the PUNKS to one of the former labworker’s houses. 
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There, the sisters in their cool duds debate whether to let this dude live or die (Elle/Jane says nope after discovering the dude has some kids). And honestly, maybe y’all should just…go start a band instead? In the end, the cops bust in on the PUNKS’ digs and Elle/Jane buses it back to Hawkins.
The internet super hated this episode for a number of reasons: it’s pointless, it feels like one of those episodes where a popular show tries to incubate a spin-off of new characters (never to be seen again!), Elle/Jane is helped by her cool ethnic sister only to leave her behind, thus fulfilling the “magical negro” trope, her sister also helps her tap into her anger to better fuel her skills only to abandon them when it counts so all in all…it’s pointless. These are all valid points and I get it but I still liked this episode because any opportunity to enjoy silly 80s PUNK stereotypes is an hour well lived. 
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Back in Hawkins, the lab is undergoing a teeny weeny bit of trouble ever since Will’s shadow monster tricked everyone into letting all the demogorgons loose and basically everyone is maybe about to die. Winona Ryder’s season 2 wig is NOT ABOUT TO LET THAT HAPPEN so just like FIGURE IT OUT, PAUL REISER.
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Paul Reiser does NOT really figure it out but Rudy Reuttiger is ON IT because he knows basic (in the computer sense that is). Pretty soon Rudy is realizing that admitting you know basic is like admitting you can type - DON’T DO IT OR YOU WILL PROBABLY BE KILLED BY A DEMOGORGON. 
Bob is absolutely killed by a demogorgon (after saving everyone!), thus fulfilling the internet’s need for Bob to be the new Barb. #RipBob #RipBarb
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Meanwhile, everyone’s least favorite skins vs shirts player, Billy, is gettin’ hisself ready for a hot date (who is the lucky lady????) He sprays some random hairspray on this disgusting mullet (definitely NOT Farrah Fawcett hairspray), sprays some cologne down his pants and he’s READY! This dude’s wig looks worse every single time I see it but I do have to throw some respect this character’s way for having a TANK poster in his room (the demogorgon is always in the details). Also why does every room in this house have a fireplace?
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No time for questions! Billy’s dad is home and he is every 80s villain dad combined - an abusive, violent, terribly mustachioed monster. And now we get it! Villains beget villains; violence is learned at home. It’s all a cycle. Demogorgons, please kill this dude first. 
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Back at home, Winona Ryder’s season 2 wig is an EFFING MESS and so is she. Shadow monster, get out of Will already! 
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The only solution seems to be making a hostage barn for Will’s Shadow Monster and we learn two important things: interrogation lighting makes Will’s bowl cut look shiny and lustrous and also Will knows morse code! CLOSE THE GATE, Y’ALL!
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Oh, right: Elle/Jane. Duh. 
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Elle/Jane’s sudden appearance RIGHT AT THE PERFECT MOMENT leads to a bunch of mushy reunion hugs, all of which are delivered while Elle/Jane still has a bloody nose. If you really loved her, GIVE HER A DAMN TISSUE! Anyway, after everyone has a lot of FEELINGS, a plan is made: Elle/Jane and Hooper will go to the lab to close the gate and Winona Ryder’s season 2 wig will take Will and Jonathan to Hooper’s cabin to break Will’s Shadow Monster virus with all of the heat necessary. Sounds legit!
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Steve, our new favorite character and sudden nice guy apologizes to Nancy and her new curly up-do for abandoning her drunken ass at the Halloween party and tells her to go to Hooper’s cabin with Jonathan. If this means more time for Steve and Dustin’s bromance, so be it!
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Meanwhile, Nancy’s mom is taking some time out of her busy schedule of allowing her kids to disappear for days on end while she daydrinks white wine to have some ME TIME in a bubble bath reading a romance novel. Calgon, take me away! This up-do is even better than Nancy’s and the best Nancy’s mom’s wig has ever looked. Sadly, someone has the audacity to ring her doorbell just as she’s truly weewaxing and her good-for-nothing husband is out-cold sleeping in the study! UGH. WHO ON EARTH COULD BE AT THE DOOR?!
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OOH-LA-LA! Don’t you love it when you’re reading about an oily bohunk and then one just shows up? And uses the dumbest line ever and asks if you’re Nancy’s sister, not mom?
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I think Nancy’s mom got her groove back! Does this mean she’ll finally abandon her Reagan supporting, constantly napping older husband? Only time will tell but girl, your wig looks GOOD.
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Thanks for the cookie, Nancy’s mom. Billy’s mullet still looks TERRIBLE.
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Billy’s mullet then hightails it over to the Byers residence where he and Steve have a skins vs shirts rematch battle thus ensuring that Winona Ryder’s house is completely trashed at least once every season of this show. Steve puts up an admirable fight but he’s no match for Billy’s violent assholery. Also way to go doing nothing: Mike, Lucas and Dustin! The only one able to stop Billy is his sister (?) Max who sedates him with some of Will’s conveniently accessible sedatives and then threatens him with Steve’s nail bat. Max is the new Negan! All hail! Also Billy’s character never amounted to ANYTHING and we never got to see him wail on a sax so: missed opportunities all around.
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Over at Hopper’s cabin, Winona’s season 2 wig is getting all kinds of swampy in the sweat lodge they’ve created to exorcise the shadow monster out of Will. What a MESS.
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Meanwhile, Steve comes to in Billy’s car which is being driven by Max (and yes, we see the Indiana Jones reference, Duffer Bros!) and despite probably having a concussion from being wailed on by Billy, goes into the demogorgon vine tunnel to burn out some demodogs. This is where Stranger Things achieves peak Goonies status. 
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Anyway, back at Hawkins Lab, Paul Reiser is totally still alive (yay?) and Elle/Jane is able to harness her anger just like her sister helped her to do and close the damn gate. Now will someone PLEASE GET HER A TISSUE?!
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A month later, it’s Christmastime (because just like now, the 80s skips straight from Halloween to Christmas). Everyone is doing GREAT YOU GUYS. Dustin’s mom got a new cat (Mews 2.0) and he got hisself some Farrah Fawcett hairspray! Can this show actually bring back this product? I feel like it has the power to do so. 
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Anyway, the hairspray of hairgod Steve transforms Dustin into THIS! YES! I have no idea why Steve drives Dustin to the Snow Ball but logic went out the window years ago with this show. I guess they just still have a bromance, which does warm my heart and #TeamSteve always.
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Anyway, inside the Snow Ball, Lucas successfully dances with Max, who is wearing a striped velour shirt and burnt sienna corduroy PANTS to a semi-formal - ok gurl you officially won me over. Also some rando girl asks Will to dance and even though she calls him zombie boy, it’s nice. 
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Sadly, no one wants to dance with Dustin and his duckie shoes (officially best 80s movie reference - the demogorgon is always in the details). Dustin 4Ever and all you Hawkins Middle School girls can fall into the upside down for not wanting to dance with him!
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Luckily, Nancy is inexplicably chaperoning the dance and comes to Dustin’s rescue. Her up-do HAS NEVER LOOKED BETTER! Her no-body perm FINALLY GETS BODY! HALLELUJ! Also just look at the meeting of these two hairdos. Magic.
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In the end, Jane (who is officially Jane now because Paul Reiser gave Hooper some official birth certificates about it - vegetable mom be damned!) shows up to dance with Mike because OF COURSE SHE DOES. Her hair is sort of a gelled down combo of curly and sleek and...ok? All these Snow Ball hair lewks are wigless anyway since no one wants Billy’s mullet to chaperone anything. And it is because of this awful mullet and Winona’s season 2 wig that I have to say.....
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tjmystic · 7 years
TJ Watches Supernatural - 2.2 Everybody Loves a Clown
No funeral? Just jumping right back into the job?
Girl, what is wrong with you?  The clown is sad.  Sad clowns = doom.
WTF?!?!?! Yeah, your dad is RIGHT to be afraid of clowns, you messed up little child!
(Meanwhile, husband's best friend is muttering, "Don't roll over, don't roll over, just go back to sleep!)
(Husband's friend:  "And of course she just smiles and goes downstairs!  What are you doing?!  No. No!  She took his hand, I repeat, she took his hand!  Tha fuck!")
(I may just start typing his reactions instead, they're a little bit priceless.)
Okay, so they do have a funeral for their dad.  They burned the body :'(
After a whole season of looking for him, this is what happens.
Dean, don't lie to your brother, tell him what your dad said.
You liar!
(Meanwhile, Jensen Ackles's eyes are beautiful.)
Fuck, I do not need that this morning, you and your sweaty, muscular self under that car.  I am meeting you in four months, and I want to focus on how beautiful your soul is, not your body.
Sam, you genius, breaking into people's tech and tracing numbers.
Who's Ellen?
Dang, that stupid van :(  I'm with you Dean, it's humiliating.  
I love that they don't have to communicate in complete sentences with each other.
Why is there a woman on the pool table?  What kind of place is this?
Lol - see, this is what you get for underestimating women.  She just punched you in the face and now you can't see.
I get the feeling that John and Ellen had some-something going on.
I love Ellen. And Jo, for that matter.
Dean, stop being mean.
Okay, so that wasn’t a woman on the pool table…
Lol at "He's a Lyndard Skynard roadie" being taken as a compliment.
Sam, that better be water you're drinking.  I know you're legal, but you're a baby - no liquor for you.
Okay, so, apparently Lynard Skynard over there is a genius…
Hmm, do I sense a little tension between Dean and Jo?  He was certainly watching her leave with some interest.
Good on you, Dean - you know when you're looking for sex on the rebound.  Proud of you for not taking advantage of her (or yourself).
(I do hope they get together, though, I'm liking him with Jo.)
Jared's accent is seriously coming out this episode:  gurl instead of “girl”, fly'n, tahms instead of “times”.  It's beautiful.
Dean, are you proud that your brother's continuing the life, or are you upset?  
Is that child possessed?  He scares me more than the clown.
Damn, is the blind knife-thrower Daredevil?  
And lol at Sam just laughing as Dean puts his feet in his mouth.
And Dean, you insightful shit, knowing your brother is quitting on his life.
You're definitely ashamed of him for it, though, which makes absolutely no sense
Boys, you're about to be arrested, run!
There you go Sam, you're on the same page as me.  And yeah, your dad definitely wasn't a people person.
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keeganbryceewrites · 5 years
Bride of Darkness
Chapter 2
Donnie and puppers are beautiful
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"I got a six from the roll and... one, two, three... six!" I placed my pawn on a dare space. I picked up the card and read it. "Eat a donut without arms or hands... easy enough." I whistled for Ghostie when April slammed her hand over my mouth and wagged her finger. "No cheating. No help. No Battle shell.~"
I looked at her in horror, "You monster."
April giggled as she brought out a single, purple glazed donut in front of me and smirked.
I smirked right back as I stared at the donut on concentration. April arched an eye brow but gasped as the donut moved on its own and into my mouth. I chewed on it, savoring the shock from April's face as I wolfed the rest of it down. I smacked my lips smugly,
"What? Did you forget I have telekinesis and telepathy? Oh yeah, I have telekinesis and telepathy."
April scowled, "Hey, I still did the dare just like it said! I earned my nickel!!" I laughed.
April grumbled as she reluctantly gave me a token.
"Thaaaaaaank chu!" I pecked her cheek and claimed my prize with pride. She blushed and looked away. I slid the dice to her. She took them and shook'em. She rolled a four, "One... two... three... four!!"
"It's a truth."
"Grab the card."
She grabbed the card and read out loud, "Do you believe in love at first sight? YES I DO!!!"
I shook my head, "I don't."
April gasped, "Excuse me?!"
I held out a hand to the bathroom, "You're excused, make sure it's a number one cause I want my turn."
"Sorry but omg why?! Why do you not believe in love at first sight?"
"Because I believe in love over time, Can I play my turn now?" I grumbled.
April smiled, "Well here!" She tossed me the dice. I rolled and got a three and landed on a truth.
"Can you speak a different language? Yes, my first language was Japanese, my second is English, third is Korean, fourth is French and fifth is Latin. I've recently been studying Spanish and Russian."
"Say something in French please!!!" She aweed.
"Je ne sais pas..." I shrugged.
"What does that mean?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean I don't know?" She raised her eyebrows.
"I don't know."
"What does it mean?!"
"I don't know."
She grabbed my shoulders and shook me, "TELL ME WHAT IT MEANS."
"I DON'T KNOW!!!" I yelled back with a smile.
I started laughing as April got up and started giving up. "FINE! If you don't know then I don't care!"
I laughed harder and gave her the dice. She rolled a five and got a dare, "Prank call someone and pretend that you're dying. I know who just to call!!! Get that glass cup and smash it on the ground when I point to you and I hope you can do an evil voice."
I grabbed the cup and prepared to use my telekinesis to pick up the pieces. She dialed a number and waited. We heard a male voice answer.
"Donatello speaking, What's up April?"
April pointed to her throat. I quickly hit her throat, not so hard and punched her gut, enough to give her an injured sound effect, she gave me a weak thumbs up.
"D-Donnie... someone is at my window... I think they're going to hurt me."
"What—"EEEP!!!" She shrieked as I broke the glass cup and did a deep manly laugh. "DONNIE HELP ME!!!"
"HOLD ON—guys!! April is in trouble!!"
We heard his voice fade out and April ended the call. I laughed like a maniac as I put away the glass shards. "Omg that was so beautiful! You deserve all the tokens for the amazing acting!" I laughed.
I whistled for Ghostie and Casper, Casper was a robotic owl I created, he looks like a barn owl. On Ghostie's battle shell was a Soft shell turtle named Pancake and a black kitsune named Shadow. Mayhem was with them. Shadow and Mayhem romped as we laughed and giggled with Pancake in my lap and Ghostie charging on the corner. Casper sat on a perch April made for her.
"You know what would be crazy? If they bursted your door down and be all panicking and screaming and seeing you perfectly fine playing Truth or dare board game."
She snorted, "Omg yas gurl! Let's wait for them."
"Hold on, for shits and giggles, I gotta record this." I grabbed Ghostie and perched him in the hallway of the living room at has both us and the door in frame and got out the camera from his back and gave the camera a thumbs up and strutted to April trying to hold her snorts in.
I sat down and continued to play after I gave April her token. I had 20 tokens while she had 12.You can pass a dare if you use a token. If you do a dare, you earn a token. When all the dare and truths cards have been used, the person with the most tokens wins.
I rolled the dice and got a 7. I got a truth card. "What is your age? Oh wow, never ask a woman her age. But I'm 2099 years old, I'll be turning 2100 next year... along with Lotus."
"That's so cool! My turn!" She rolled a 2, "Truth! Ok!" She got the card, "Would you ever do a 3-some? OMG NO! WTF I THOUGHT THIS WAS FOR KIDS?!!"
I snorted, "Nope, I got the adult version."
She slapped my arm as I shielded Pancake from her assault. She tugged my black crop top and slapped my shoulder. I stopped her and went to my turn, "Dare? Ok."
"Unbuckle your own belt with your elbows. OMG WHY?! I DON'T HAVE A BELT!!"
"You can paaaasss...~~"
I glared at April, "My momma didn't raise a quitter!!! Give me your belt!"
(This is based on an actual dare I did)
The next few minutes was spent on me trying to undo April's belt from my waist, I was fumbling and cursing, April giggled, her brown pigtails bounced, "What did the belt ever do to you?"
I yelled out in frustration, "IT PISSED ME OFF THATS WHAT IT DID YOU DOOFUS!"
I screamed out in anger as I got Pancake in April's lap and moved around the room, eventually settling on the couch and rubbing against it in hopes to loosen it... but only made it worse as I rolled around the floor in a angry ball. "I CAN'T EVEN BEND THAT FAR FOR PETES SAKE!!!"
April laughed harder and gripped her stomach as she placed Pancake on the table and sank to the floor.
During this, we failed to notice a group of giant turtles in the doorway with weapons drawn. "We'll save you—"I CALL HACKS!!! THIS IS BULLSHIT!!" I cussed as I thrusted my hips up and rubbed my elbows in hopes of making progress, only to have the oversized belt slid over my stomach. I stopped as April laughed harder, failing to get up as her face got redder by the second. I just laid limp, dead, unmoving.
The four turtles watched with confusion as I rolled to where I faced the floor, "I'm going to have an aneurism."
April snorted loudly and wiped away tears. "It's been—wheeze—20 minutes Nova!! Just give me a token!" I looked up from my pity party and growled, "NEVER."
And continued to wrestle with the belt with my elbows.
Only then April noticed the turtles and hugged them. "Guys! I'm fine! It was dare I had to do. I want you to meet Nova Rabendā Kappa, she basically like my mom and bff! She doing a dare on having to undo my belt with her elbows. She's been stuck like this for I think... 35 minutes." Ghostie clicked and showed a holographic timer, showing 45 minutes.
"Oh, Then 45 minutes! Thanks Ghostie."
I rolled around the floor hazardously and muttered curse words at the stupid belt when I held a click and the sound of a belt falling. I laid on the floor, motionless as I held up the now undone belt and threw it at her, hitting her giggling body. I arm crawled to my spot and the where Pancake settled himself on the board game. I groaned and anger, "Fucking finally! I was literally going to have a heart attack. I never want to see another belt as long as I live."
April held out another belt in front of me. I put Pancake on my shoulder and grabbed the belt and yeeted it out the window. April snorted.
"I do believe that I deserve a token!"
April gave me another as the turtles settled themselves on the sofa... now relaxed that April was ok but eyed me.
"6? 6. 6, 6! I got six! April cheered, "Dare! Hug a random person. Com'er Spacey! You need a hug!"
She wrapped her arms around my tired form, "Dang right I do!" I squeezed her back until we heard a squeak from my lap. I smiled, "Awwwww, does mr.softshell want lovin from his momma too?"
April giggled, "Is it just me or is he overprotective of you?"
I chuckled and held the softshell tortoise to my face, "Yeah, he gets jealous easily and wants all of Momma's attention. He'll even try to bite you if you hug me too long. Isn't that right Pancake? Watch this." I placed Pancake on the floor a few feet away and hugged April and kissed her cheek. Immediately, Pancake squealed and crawled over to me as fast as he could. "Omg look at him go!" April squealed. I laughed as Ghostie helped him out and pushed him closer. Pancake crawled faster and hissed and tried biting April's bare feet. "He's biting me!!" April giggled.
I snorted and pulled away from April and resumed my spot across from her. Pancake hissed once more at April and crawled to my lap. "That is the cutest thing in the world. Sorry Mikey, you've been out played by a overprotective softshell turtle protecting his momma!"
The small one, I guess, is Mikey by the way he gasped.
I giggled softly and stood up as I held up Pancake in my hands. His tail wagged as I nuzzled his beak with my snout as I coped at him, "Awww Pancake loves his mommy don't cha? You just want to keep me all to yourself you little reptile. You jealous of April getting attention huh? You wanted all my attention you spoiled muffin!" Pancake's tail wagged harder as he churred as I peppered his beak, head and carapace with kisses. "You're going to have all of mommy's lovin! Yes you are!"
April shouted out between laughter, "Holy crap his tail is faster than he his! I want lovin too!!!"
I leaned over and kissed April's forehead and Pancake squealed loudly, loudest he's ever been. I cackled and kissed his beak lovingly and smothered him with nuzzles and kisses. April cackled lightly and tried kissing the tortoise but Pancake snapped at her. She bursted into a fit of snorts and giggles, "I wanted to give him lovin and he freaking tried to bite me!"
I bellowed a hearty laugh, "He only wants lovins from me."
"Never thought I'd be jealous of a pet turtle!"
April shook her fist at Pancake playfully, "One of these days I'm going to give you lovin and you're going to like it! One way or another!!"
Pancake replied with a hiss. I held him out.
"Watch out April, he's gonna bite cha!"
I kissed Pancake's beak once again to soothe him and placed him on my shoulder. He nuzzled my cheek and cooed. I turned to the giant turtles, "Hello! I'm Nova! What's yer name?"
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reviewae · 7 years
H2W Reactions (SPOILER ALERT) Chapter 14:Hands On Approach
(Disclaimer: any excerpts taken and posted here do not belong to me, only the reactions do. All the excerpts belong to the great, great Olivieblake.
So I was going to do the reactions last Sunday itself but I saw olivie’s post that she would not be posting a chapter this week so, to help myself from succumbing into dramione withdrawal, I did the reactions a week late.
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"But that man is my father," Daisy reminded him bitterly. "And seeing as I've already told you who's responsible - "  I feel really bad for her, actually. They should have torture Emmett or something, not outright kill him. Daisy reminds me a lot of Harry too y’know.
"Miss Carnegie," President MacArthur sighed, "as relieved as I would be for any explanation absolving my own Head Auror from guilt, the story that someone kidnapped you from your home, restrained you in your own office, and then murdered a famously well-respected man for conceivably no reason is not one that anyone's going to believe. Particularly not if the party responsible was, as you claim - " he paused, grimacing, to pick up her report file. "Nicholas Flamel, the alchemist who was born in the fourteenth century," the president muttered, and Hermione winced at the obvious skepticism in his tone as he shook his head, displeased. "Surely even you know this is not a promising alibi, Miss Carnegie." Spoken like -every politician who’s gotten his hands tied- ever. Though now that you think about it, Nicholas Flamel being alive does sound far-fetched. The fact that these people don’t believe them obviously means that these kids definitely are going to stir up some shit on their own.
"Wait a minute," Hermione interrupted, but Harry, who had been standing with his hand curled warily his mouth, promptly yanked her back. Was she always this vocal? I mean, yeah she’s a Gryffindor and all...but she’s like too impulsive. Even Harry knows that he needs to stfu and back off. And honey Harry, I’m still mad at you. So watch it.
"President MacArthur," he attempted, stepping forward, "surely you've considered that these enchantments might have been tampered with. Having worked with Auror Carnegie extensively, I assure you that I can vouch for her character, and - " Honey, you’re no smooth talker either.I think you should let Draco talk. Actually, no. His sarcasm will blow the guy’s head up.
"Let me guess," Draco ventured, his tone effortlessly dry. "The files are missing." Fucking obviously. This, is turning into a fucking nightmare of an investigation. But I really wanna see daisy go rogue. And Draco and Hermione to help her. But that would be too cliché so I am assuming not.
"Auror Potter, you may have rid the world of Voldemort, but that feat alone doesn't elevate your word beyond suspicion," President MacArthur cut in, his voice clipped. Finally a person who doesn’t worship the ground he walks on. No offense, but the guy’s right. Harry may have saved them all, but that doesn’t mean his word’s god. I’m pretty sure Harry’s feeling disgruntled and his brain’s going, “Touché.”
"I still don't know why you're here, Miss Granger, but believe me, this brings me no pleasure," he said flatly. “and that is only the case because Auror Potter has arrived - completely uninvited," he added drily, This guy is  so no-nonsense types, he reminds me of Professor Mcgonagall, but he’s also getting on my nerves.
"Aubrey's already submitted an addendum to his initial reports, saying - "He trailed off, and Daisy clenched a fist."Saying what?" she demanded, and the president grimaced."Expressing doubt," he offered, clearing his throat. "In your - "He stopped again, and Daisy's mouth tightened, furious."In my leadership?" she prompted angrily, and the president shook his head."In your innocence," he admitted, flinching apprehensively, and Daisy's eyes widened, opening and closing her mouth on a disbelieving lack of defense until Harry stepped forward to place his hand on her shoulder, his expression grim. Okay, this fucker Aubrey needs to be put into his place. Does he not know not to bring playground rivalries to the big leagues. Motherfucker. (I have adopted Daisy Carnegie cause she’s got two no good parents who have featured for barely 2 scenes in the entire duration of this fic and my sunshine and flowers needs someone to look over her.)
"Why we were - " She stopped, blinking, as she realized she'd forgotten altogether that their presence had been inexplicably erased. "Oh, my god -Like seriously gurl? You are a fucking war heroine. Pay some damn attention instead of just calling out other people’s bullshit.(I’m sorry, I’m just pms-ing and its horrible and there’s no hot chocolate and Hermione’s just getting on my nerves!!!)
"Anybody from all of time! What if nobody's dead?" she pressed frantically, tearing back and forth across the marble of the chamber floor. "What if literally nobody has ever died, ever, and anyone we know, including my - my granny," she sputtered, "is out there trying to murder us?!" Okay I’m pretty sure this is just the hormones speaking. Dang it, should’ve made Harry wait before he barged in. Now all the sexual frustration is making her brain short-circuit.
"How can you joke?" she demanded, and then let out another harsh cry of frustration, resting her forehead brusquely against his shoulder this time and beginning to wonder if either crying or vomiting would help. "I just - " she stammered. "Everything is - it's just so - "  Okay the only thing I am paying attention to is the fact they have initiated physical contact and Houston we DON’T have a problem so just go go go!!!
"You can't fix everything that's broken, Granger," Draco told her, shaking his head. "Don't you know that by now?"  Ha. I’m pretty sure she’s going to take that as a metaphor for him. Him accepting that, I am not so sure about it.
"Does everything have to be a metaphor?" he demanded. "No, Granger, I'm just saying you can't fix everything. Some things just can't be fixed.""But you mean you," she said. "Right?""No," he growled. "I'm fine, Granger - ""No, actually, you're not," she retorted, scowling at him. "You're doing terribly. You're a mess." Called it. Does this lead to angry sex? Please please please *crosses fingers, sacrifices goats and right hand, joins a cult*
"No. No," he said forcefully, staring down at her. "I told you I was sorry. I meant that. I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry about everything that I was, to you and to the rest of the world. I'm fucking sorry, Granger," he repeated, his voice mechanical and stiff, "but what good does that do me?""Malfoy," she sighed, "let's not do this, okay? I shouldn't have said anything.""No, you shouldn't have," he agreed, "but you did, so we're doing it. We're doing this right now," he half-shouted, "because you started it!" Sigh. My trash babies. Normally I would have been waiting to barge in and break up this fight but this is just gonna build up the sexual tension to a crescendo and then we’ll be having hot, hot, sex. Well, they’ll be.
"No, this isn't about me! STOP MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT ME!""DON'T YELL AT ME!""STOP TRYING TO FIX ME!" he roared, taking another step towards her. Okay guys I am getting a little worried. Is nobody else gonna stop them? Damn harry where are you when you need to be?
She didn't hit him. No, don’t tell me. Is it happening?!!! I am not ready for this!!! My body’s not ready for this, my brain’s not ready for this, my hormones are not ready for this!!!
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She kissed him, yanking him towards her and falling back against the railing as he half-choked on something breathless, stumbling against her and biting down on her lip as he let out a gasp of surprise. He caught himself, holding his breath, and pulled away, dazed.
I literally have no words for this. Just..
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So she yanked the zipper down.  GET SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not posting the rest ‘cause, hey! ya nasty!?
I am, supposed to be kid-friendly, though i have already cursed like a sailor, so, still, no smut. Though imma read this again. and again.
I hate to go forward, but the show must go on, so scene change.
the man's formerly handsome face now mangled beyond recognition. Yes! you deserve it you fucking bastard. Now enjoy eternity with that rubber bag for a face.
they should really call you Herpo the Oblivious, I remember hearing about this Herpo the oblivious somewhere though i don’t remember exactly where. Just a sec..
Roughly 3 secs later,
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Oooohhh... This bitch was the one who hatched a basilisk.
Herpo the oblivious does have a better ring than Herpo the foul don’t you think?
Okay,okay, moving on...
he replied, as Herpo and Ignotus exchanged an impatient glance. It is soo clear that antioch bitch wears the pants in this club. He’s almost like another Voldemort, maybe with more finesse.
"already knew what the lemniscate was, and - " Okay, back up! What the fuck is lemniscate?
Roughly 50 seconds later (’cause i spelt it wrong)...
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It’s the infinity symbol!! That’s his tattoo? Or is it what’s carved into the victim’s bodies? Honestly, I feel so confused.
"Not just that. They were expecting the lemniscate," What does he mean by expecting? Like they knew they would find the tattoo or what? It didn’t seem like that to me actually. Meh, whatever.  
"Yes," Ignotus said. "It's a complex potion, though, and paired with a fairly ruthless incantation. It may take a while."  That’s my trash kid’s handiwork. Honestly, I am so proud of him. I think this is the only fic in which I am invariably on Draco’s side no matter how asshole-y he’s being.
"Couldn't he be responsible for the Warlock poisonings?" Herpo asked, and Antioch shook his head. Wait. So these guys, are seemingly innocent. So now we have ruled out the ministry of magic, the MAUSCA, Draco,Hermione, Daisy, Emmett, Dionisia, and the Infinity Club. Who the fuck is left?
Shit, I forgot about Umbridge. Of course it has to be her. Okay too much foreshadowing. Moving on..
"Yes, definitely. But a matter of days ago it was published in the Daily Prophet that he's now an event planner for the Ministry," Antioch said wryly. "Evidently he and Granger are consultants."Herpo scoffed. "A cover, surely," he asserted. "But for what?" You know, the way they say it, it actually sounds ridiculous. I wonder how everyone’s bought the farce.
"Really, Ignotus?" he asked dubiously, the air between them turning glacially cold. "So now, suddenly, you don't see why we don't just get rid of everyone who presents a problem, do you?"   Oooooh. Bad blood between the ranks. you know it would be such a fuck all if Ignotus (Is he the youngest one. God knows.) teams up with Cadmus and together they screw over the eldest one (I think he’s Antioch? Well, he does look like the bossiest bitch out of the three so he must be. )
trailing off pointedly, and Herpo sighed."Can't you kill her yourself?" Herpo asked. "In case you've forgotten, I'm severely decaffeinated." God, this is so damn relatable. No murders today till I have had my coffee with cream and sugar. #Relatable
This is because while Dolores was not a pretty girl, she was a clever girl, a ruthless girl, and though her mother lamented her only daughter's failures - preferring instead her handsome but powerless son, the squib who was born with her own amber eyes and porcelain skin - Dolores decided her mother was just another pretty girl to be easily bypassed in the end. Ellen Cracknell was only a muggle, after all, and hardly anything was beautiful beneath the surface. Dolores, blessed with magic in her veins, ultimately found that it was her mother who was quite displeasing to her, and not the other way around. Okay, do i qualify as a heartless bitch for sympathising with her? I mean she’s still a complete bitch who i would love to see die slowly and painfull, but dang, does olivie paint her good. Making her this victim to gender discrimination and societal judgement has instantly made her appealing. And umbridge is not a pureblood? Okay, that’s kind of off.
Better to be lethal than lovely, she thought, watching her pretty mother shatter in crystalline shards across the kitchen floor, the pieces glinting in the midday sun. Shit. Oh my god that’s so cold I’m pretty sure even elsa’s bothered by her.(Get it? “The cold doesn’t bother me anyway”? Okay, I apologize, that was bad.)
Better still to be deadly than dead. Okay this is gonna be my new catchphrase. See me sport this on my original blog cause dang those are some smooth lines. Olivie you lethal dose of cyanide.
It was funny, really, that she and the Dark Lord never met. She always suspected they'd be quite good friends, or at least kindred spirits; but then, as they say, one should never meet one's idols. Hers, for example, disappointed her by ending up dead. Hahahahahahah...this is such  fuckall moment. I always assumed that they had met. But this is priceless. Honestly this is proof that umbridge was the real threat. Voldemort is the playground bully, and umbridge is the principal.(Our school’s principal was a fucking tyrant.)
A pity she hadn't seen Harry Potter coming. Seriously? He waved banners screaming,”This guy’s evil!!! this guy’s a death eater!!!!” so on and so forth. He was literally a poster-child and you didn’t eliminate him when you had the chance? I guess they always underestimate the small ones.
Dionisia made a face. "Amazing that you're willing to trust an idiotic man with a gambling addiction," she murmured, "rather than - ""Rather than the woman I've blackmailed into servitude?" Dolores prompted, tutting impatiently. "Strangely, I find I'm inclined to question your motives." She’s so snarky, I love it!!! I hate her still, cause you can never stop hating Dolores Umbridge. It’s like olivie had all this snark inside her but theo nott isn’t enough to release it though, so she’s made all her other characters equally snarky.
"But I've seen enough organized crime in my lifetime to know they will always opt to clean up the little messes until it becomes too large to ignore. I would not expect them to seek you out at this stage, as I've said before - or at any stage, really," she murmured, "unless you manage to hit them where it hurts."  So its umbridge behind all the killings? I don’t get her motive though. Just to get their attention she’s doing all this? Its kinda far-fetched don’t ya think? And where will it hurt for the infinity club? They don’t really have a home do they?
"It must be undeniable that the British Ministry is under siege."  Oh shit. Umbridge is going to strike again. They are so screwed.
"There's someone here," she eventually managed, visibly uneasy, but Dolores only shrugged. Shit, Herpo’s here. she’s really going to die isn’t she? That’s a shame. I actually was starting to like the ignotus and dionisia pairing.
For Dolores had never been a pretty girl, nor a very lucky one, but she was certainly a resilient one, and there had never been any doubt that she was a hard one to break. She had not been born ordinary, and she trusted that her future held a return to freedom, to power, to greatness, and - at long last - to the long-deserved humbling of Harry Potter. *snorts* good luck with that. Anymore humble, and harry would be as humble as he is rich.
Okay scene change. Yaaaayyy its Dramione!!!!!
Internally, he sighed.They had to -Touch. That never occurred to you when you were f***ing each others lights out.
He glanced down at her, instantly regretting it as the memory of her face (the way her eyes had fluttered shut, the way her lips had parted, the way she sounded the way she felt the way she tasted, everything everything everything and the constant echoes of oh god and yes there and holy fucking shit you feel so—) flooded through him in a rush without restraint, his entire body going rigid.  That’s hot and they are definitely going to have regret sex later. call it a gut instinct but they are. *Fanning self*
To say that the aftermath of what had happened between them had been awkward would be tragically unfunny; a laughable understatement. I couldn't put it in better words. my trash kids are really useless. Like seriously, they had sex in an f-ing corridor and then they worry about touching each other? Obviously both of them were thinking with their downstairs brains till now.
He grimaced.She obviously didn't want to touch him.If he had been waiting for a sign, that was clearly it. You idiot boy, don’t jump to conclusions. She wants to touch-oh do much more than just touch you again, you just need to glow a little slower than a bullet train at wanting to attempt their escapade again.
"Yes," she snapped. "A thoughtless mistake.""We should have known better," he said. "After all, we barely get along." escalating..."I wouldn't have done it if I weren't so tired," she told him briskly, giving him a hard, sweeping glance. "You - " she sputtered. "You're - " EsCaLaTiNg..."Yes," he drawled. "And I am thoroughly opposed to you as well."Good!" she half-shouted. "I'm glad we're on the same page. This was a mistake, I regret it completely, let's just both put it behind us and - "  The foot in the mouth syndrome raises its ugly head."Oh, you regret it, Granger?" he echoed, bristling. ‘
How Dramione foreplay:
"Do you think I've just been mooning about, longing for this to happen?"She opened her mouth, furious, and then snapped it shut."God, you're such an arse," she growled, the words slipping through her teeth. "I can't believe I ever let you near me.""Oh, is this you putting it behind you?" he prompted sarcastically. "Thank goodness, and here I was so worried you'd overthink it and be a nuisance - ""Oh, so I'm a nuisance now?" she retorted. "You're the one that's completely - "
Like this ^^^^^.
He paused, facetiously holding his hand to his ear and waiting, and then laughed. This is most definitely Antioch.
"You both look awfully flushed," he commented, smirking, and then discarded the thought, shrugging  Well they first fucked, then they fought...
"Are you alright?" he asked, reaching for her, and she nodded, stumbling forward and gripping his arm Awwwwwwww their first instinct is to reach for each other that’s so cute!!!!
Okay so where I am from its now 3 o'clock in the morning and i haven’t slept all night, so i’m just gonna just go crash now.But before I go...
Here is the noteworthy moment of the week:
“And the rest of the world clearly cares more about Dramione," she added, gagging at the utterly ridiculous diminutive on the newspaper's cover, You’ll take some time honey, but you’ll get there. Shifting from romione to dramione is kinda hard, but worth it.
Okay so that’s it and i don’t have the energy to do anything except for crash. I’ll meet you on the next sunday.
1402wisegirl over and out.
(Links to the fic are: [FF] [AO3])
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excessivewhining · 5 years
Dang gurl ur def up in the charts, I see u lol! Keep it up, lovin the confidence and accepting your body❤️✌🏼
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heartwarminghockey · 8 years
Meet Miles Larue
Because this is still a writing blog, dang it. :)
So today, I am introducing you to the protagonist of my upcoming project, which I lovingly refer to as “garbage party 2.0.” What follows is a (stunningly beautiful, absolutely perfect) portrait courtesy of @redporkpadthai, a brief character questionnaire, and assorted facts/quotes about Miles.
Under a courtesy cut because it’ll probably be long and I know not everyone cares!
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So this…this is Miles, bless his heart.
The story starts when Miles breaks down crying in an interview on National Television (he was on a daytime talk show to promote his book) because he’s just been dumped the night before. It’s awful, it goes viral, he becomes a Meme, the works. His mama invites him home to Louisiana to hide out and recover, and while he’s there, he’s forced to reconcile with his past, including his family, childhood friends, and the old flame that never really went out.
1. Full Name: Miles Ignacio Larue
2. Age: 26 at the start of the novel
3. Gender and Sexuality: Gay cismale
4. Pronouns: He/him/his
5. Ethnicity: Multiracial, half-Hispanic. His father is biracial black and white Cajun/Creole, and his mother’s family is from Mexico.
6. Birthplace and Birthday: Miles was born April 17 (Aries) in Selma, Louisiana, which fictionally is about thirty minutes southeast of Alexandria.
7. Family Ties: Maurice (father), Silvia (mother), Marceline (paternal grandmother), Dorotea “Dot” (maternal aunt)
8. Career/Job: Officially, Miles is an event coordinator in Los Angeles at the start of the novel. But he’s also a YouTuber who has just published a book of autobiographical essays. He’s a busy boy.
9. Guilty Pleasures: His number one guilty pleasure is just tortillas with butter and honey, warmed in the microwave. That’s when you know it’s been a really bad day.
10. What They Would Be Famous For: I mean, he wouldn’t be mad if his book took off and he was able to become a famous author…He wouldn’t hate that…
11. What They Would Get Arrested For: Probably vandalizing the property of an ex or someone who pissed him off. Miles is nothing if not petty and bitter.
12. OC You Ship Them With: James Ronald Elder III, aka Jay, who you’ll meet soon, I promise
13. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Possibly also Jay for numerous reasons, or perhaps Zuzu for leaving her alone with Dean in LA.
14. Contents of Their Pockets: PHONE, keys if he hasn’t lost them, headphones, wallet, assorted bits of paper shoved into wallet with notes/ideas/contact information/etc.
15. Typical Dress: My favorite way to describe Miles’s style is tacky yet fabulous. He loves big comfortable sweaters, short shorts, skinny jeans, cardigans. Loose on top and tight on bottom, that’s his motto. And it has to be bright colors and patterns that may or may not technically quote-unquote match. He also favors thigh-high stockings if he’s at home. A possible concoction: big Hawaiian shirt, someone else’s loose t-shirt underneath, a pair of patterned denim shorts, and long striped stockings.
16. Talents: His mother is a librarian, so he was raised on great fiction, and his writing shows it. He also loves to be in charge, which makes him great at his job. Also a very good cook.
17. Why Someone Might Love Them: He’s fun! He’s silly and sassy and sweet, and if he’s adopted you, he will defend you to the death and do literally anything for you. He’s basically unflappable when it comes to other people’s problems - like, if you need to hide a body, call Miles. He’s also great at giving advice and always has food on him.
18. Why Someone Might Hate Them: Well…He’s messy, lazy, loud, self-destructive, impatient, perpetually running late, can hold a dang grudge, and can be self-involved and oblivious.
19. How They Change: Miles’s journey is about acceptance of his past, his mistakes, the people who have hurt him, all the things he left behind…ultimately, acceptance of himself for who he is, not who he thinks he needs to be.
20. Why You Love Them: What’s not to love? He’s mean and outspoken and bitter and jealous and spiteful and caring and soft and sweet and will always share with you and loves to build people up…He’s tender and actually really fragile behind his confidence. He’s afraid of a lot of things even though he acts fearless. He’s just a sweet boy who needs love and praise like everyone else.
Will spam you relentlessly when you don’t text him back - also not great at replying to text messages.
Selfie game too strong
Makes amazing fudge
Literally - literally - if it’s spicy, he’ll eat it
Layaway queen
NEEDS coffee to function, will love you forever if you bring him some
Trilingual - sometimes his texts are erratic, his accent can be all over the place (Southern, Cajun, Mexican), hates autocorrect (”I know what I meant!”), uses his languages for different things (French = when he’s amorous or very sleepy, Spanish = when’s he’s beyond aggravated, when someone needs consoling)
Big, loud laugh - there are snorts involved
Parents love him and hate him at the same time
Has his nose and belly button pierced
A few of my favorite Miles quotes:
The literal embodiment of “NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN, YOU CALM DOWN!”
Miles “first of all, excuse you” Larue
Miles “kiss my ass, Jay Elder” Larue
Miles “if you’re gonna do the wrong thing, do it right” Larue
And my personal favorite: “He’s like a plague of locusts,” in reference to Jay’s eating. He tries to act like he’s really aggravated about it, but it comes out all proud and loving, because he loves the way Jay eats like a plague of locusts and especially when he compliments Miles on his cooking.
And while I’m at it, here are some songs from Miles’s collection:
“Get Me Bodied” - Beyonce (his JAM)
“I’ll Be Okay” - Allison Weiss (he affectionately refers to her as ADubs, and this is what he listens to in the dark that first day back in Louisiana)
“Shake It Off” - Taylor Swift (he thinks this is his theme song)
“Ne Me Quitte Pas” - Edith Piaf (gurl - he has to be sad to listen to this)
You have reached the end of Miles’s introduction post! (Like anyone is still reading, lol.) Miles and his friends will be featured in my Camp Nanowrimo project starting April 1st! I will probably be blogging about it some, as I will inevitably get frustrated with it and all that jazz. I hope to do Jay’s introduction post next, not sure when!
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sabakunoo · 8 years
New year thingy late af as usual
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SO. I KNOW IM LATE. NEW YEAR WAS 3 DAYS AGO. but you’ll forgive me because you all love me ( right ?? ) anyway!! I’ve been in this fandom (on tumblr) for approximately 4 months and while I’ve got ups and downs getting into that whole tumblr business, you all have been incredible! Both my followers and my roleplay partners and anyone who ever interacted with me! I would do a follow forever list but it would be hypocritical of me since I have a toc that makes me unfollow people who are inactive after 2+ weeks (unless my biased little ass waits a month because they’re a doflamingo or another muse I REALLY enjoy) so, instead of lying and pretending I’ll never unfollow anyone, I’m gonna make a small thingy for the people I’ve met and who (bless their ass) have made my days so incredible since I joined!
@thesealovesme​ / @shukkou​ / @that one law blog I don’t remember the url of : I wish we interacted more mang. I love how you write your Luffy so much and the dynamic between him and Crocodile cracks me up! I also adored our interactions between Maverick and Noya :’) All in all you’re a great roleplayer and you brightened up my day so many times I can’t even count them anymore. <3
@despairforme​ / @autotoxins​ / @hisashtrayheart​ : T O B Y I love you. Your characterization ( for ALL of your muses ) is incredibly spot on and I love them all to bits. You even made me consider joining the Bleach fandom (but I’m a shy nugget and haven’t watched/ read it in years) because I love interacting with you so much. Even if we don’t do the crossover thing (because I have no idea how an encounter between Nnoi and Croc would end up in something else than a fight) I still love reading your threads on Nnoi and am on the edge of my seat waiting on your Roci and lil clown <3 I love you a lot, thanks for interacting with me <3
@ask-earlobes​ / @burger-face​ / @notarealflamingo​ / @idiothandle​ : Frankyyyyyyy I wish you had more time online but I understand rl is a bitch and we can’t just roleplay every hours of the day. Because trust me I would interact with you every hour of any day any time. You are amazing, I love your muses and your crack stuff. Enel is hilarious and so is your portrayal of Doflamingo, interacting with you is always a delight because of how humorous and lighthearted it is. Thank you and I wish you the best for 2017 <3
@nobedsidemanners​ : I know we’ve just started to interact but ever since I started following evils-champion, I’ve been reading your threads with them and I just --- can I just say that your portrayal of Law is scarily accurate? To be completely honest, Law isn’t even a character I enjoy that much in the One Piece universe, I felt like I was let down post-war and my tiny gay heart still wishes he tampered with Luffy’s body and reveal himself a villain later on ---- but that’s just me. In any case, any time I read you on my dash, my mind is blown with how in character you are. All your threads are amazing and even the one we have started I really love! If anything, you might have rekindled my interest in his character because of how great you are ( I see your Law as even better than the canon one, if that makes sense ). The insights you give about your muse are so detailed and heartfelt I cannot possibly not like your portrayal. I know we didn’t talk ooc but as far as I’m concerned, someone who writes such a « real » muse cannot be anything but awesome. Bless you, I hope you have a great year <3
@magnetiicus​ / @sadiestic​ : I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuu I could write forever about how much I love your Sadie-chan but the first things that comes to mind is a loud, heavy moan because I fucking miss you on my dash. I hope life is treating you well and I can’t wait for us to interact again <3
@ask-sir-crocodile​ and all your other blogs I’m following, which I won’t list here because heavy nsfw. (okay I lied, yall should follow @jiryoku​ and @shichibukkake​ for Crocodile naked goodness. 18+ only) : Laura! I know we haven’t interacted a lot (well IC we never-) but every time we talked I was always on the edge of my seat because you are the FIRST Sir Crocodile I really enjoy (outside of mine because I’m a biased asshole) Your many blogs about him are the highlights of my days all too often and I just want to thank you for all the amazing content you provide to this fandom. Talking about theories with you is a blast and just like some others of my followers who I discuss theories with, you sometimes made me reconsider / tweak my stuff and it’s just so great? In any case, you might not be a rp blog but you totally deserve a spot on my bias list because you’re just really amazing, both IC and OOC. I look up to you a lot and I’m always MIND BLOWN with how handsome you draw that shitty character who took over my life 16 years ago. Bless you and I wish you nothing but the best. Like at least a million dollars and all the love for next year. <3
@evils-champion​ : First of all, How dare you. Your portrayal is just incredible and any time I see you replied to me I’m literally blushing like a DORK and squealing like a god damn schoolgirl who’s crush just told her she had nice braces. YOU ARE SO AMAZING hahahasdlfkjasd;lkfj. Doflamingo is my second favorite character in the serie and you characterize him so well I’m always holding my breath when I read you and then I fangirl for like 2-3 minutes before WALLS OF TEXTS appear in my mind. I always try to tone it down because I could literally write you 4 pages worth of replies with how much I love your Doflamingo.  Thank you for roleplaying with me, thank you for going with my headcanons, thank you for ??? just anything tbh. I love you so dang much okay? I hope you have nothing but the best in 2017. <3
@gravitou​ / @boneavant​ / @hellstrings​ : You have an amazing way around words and I just love to see your writing on my dash. I think you have a real talent with all of your muses too, which adds even more to your appeal as a roleplayer :) I wish we interacted more but I really enjoy seeing you on my dash and reading your stuff, on any of your blogs. Hope you have a great year <3
@shiapolux​ : I know we don’t interact a lot but I find Shia and your art to be absolutely adorable. Croc also thinks that much ;D You’re a gem in this fandom and I’m glad we talk here and there and roleplay as well. I wish you all of what you want in 2017 and then some <3
@scarlethaki​ : IM BIASED FOR UUUUUUUU. I LOVE AKANE SO MUUUUUUUUCH. That sassy piece of shiiiiiit I can’t believe how -- I mean Croc likes her????? even if he pretends not to? I told you many times, I’m not fan of characters who are related to canon but in Akane’s case I just??? completely forget about it lmao. Because her personality is so rich, so flavorful I cannot  do anything but express my love for her. Your OC is, in my opinion, one of the realest , most heartfelt original character in this fandom. Sorry, I don’t mean to depreciate anyone but I just really really really really love Akane. I love a LOT of other OCS but the dynamic between Akane and my muses is just too good for me to ignore. Even with Noya jfc. She’s the kind of character that can pretty much interact with anyone, she would be a very canon One Piece character too, in my opinion. I hope no one feels left out because I said that, my love for your muses is strong and Akane just has a special place in my heart <3
@beastyhound​ :  V A L. Val, I feel you and I are way similar in roleplays. We both have an undying love for darker themes and we both are as masochistic as sadistic with our muses. You are me, I swear. I just love to interact with you both on Croc and Noya, and I’ll probably enjoy it too when I finally get my Blackbeard blog’s going. You are an amazing writer, oh so self-indulgent but tbh there’s nothing I dislike about that. We’re both greedy for what we love and we reap what we sow and I just?? Really love you. Michi is an amazing muse and I want to applaud you for keeping him consistent. I’ve seen many « crazy » ocs in my time who were just crazy for the sake of being crazy but your portrayal is always consistent. God knows how hard it is to have a volatile muse and keep it for long but you do it with such ease ( or so it appears ! ) in your roleplays that I am literally awestruck when I read your replies. I love you so much, I hope you spend 2017 doing all the things you like <3
@missprissyperona / @ask-perona / @peronasnegativehollow​ / @sableofmany​ : PAULA im a terrible friend and I know it. I love your Perona, I love you so much but I have a hard time coming up with replies between Croc and Perona in our threads lately. Croc is just snobbing them and I hate it but I don’t want to give you half assed replies so they’re just sitting in my drafts :C Either way!!!! YOU ARE STILL, TO THIS DAY, THE MOST WELCOMING PERSON IN THIS COMMUNITY. You made me open up to the rest of everyone here because of how social and positively persistent you were in communicating with me. ( for lack of better word, persistent, because I’m terrible at keeping in touch with people but you always come talk to me, which I REALLY appreciate ) I love you a whole damn lot as well as your many blogs and muses <3
@tenaxmiles​ : I don’t have a lot to say here because we only have one thread but I really love Katey on my dash :’) Especially her interactions with Michi and Loni. Rip. Sorry Katey, you’re good angst fodder. 
@worldsmostdangerous​ : - Careless whisper plays in the distance - Ayy gurl ;D . Ah, Helena. I could ramble about how much I love your Dragon for hours. I love the way you portray this obscure character so much. There’s little about him known in canon but I’ll be really disappointed in Oda if he doesn’t base his portrayal on yours.  You gave him life and made me love him and get even more interested in the revolutionary army than I already was because of my headcanons. Bless you and I hope you get everything you want in 2017 and then some <3
@7hits​ / @salamandcr​ : SQUINTS LOUDLY AT U. Gimme the Salamandcr I love her so much. Giant girls who antagonize Crocodile are a+ in my books. LOVE ME. ( I love you ). Wish you an amazing new year <3
@chillin-at-partys-bar​ : I miss Shanks and I miss you! I hope life is treating you well and I hope we get to interact again <3 Our exchanges are either hilarious or angsty af and I love the dichotomy between the two and how the dynamic is evolving. Bless you and I wish you nothing but the best in 2017! <3
@menagerie-rp​ : May I just reiterate my love for your Rocinante? He was a character I didn’t love all that much and didn’t care for, to be honest, but your portrayal made me love him. I love the interactions we had and hope we can rp again in the near future! I know I don’t talk much OOC but just like you I’m a bit of a shy nugget. Either way, I just want to tell you that you are always welcome to interact with me and I will keep sending you memes when I see you pop on my dash because I really love your characterization and you in general <3
@alabasti​ : TRUST ME. BEST VIVI. I’ve been roleplaying Croc for over 11 years and you wouldn’t believe the number of terribly ooc vivi I’ve met in that time. ( Going to celebrate 12 years in february, with Croc as a muse ! ) ANYWAY. I’ve always been turned off to rp with Vivi in general because of all those self-inserting mary sues I’ve met and I was reluctant at first to interact with you because of that but you BRING HER TO LIFE instead of bringing your life into her, which I cannot thank you enough for. I’ve never met such a dedicated roleplayer for Vivi that aimed for something else than getting herself captured and f*cked by Croc :’) And though we have a rp that is similar to that theme, Vivi is still in character and I really, really, really appreciate that. I am interacting with a VIVI, finally, after nearly 12 years. It’s so good I want to sob. Thank you so much and I hope we can have a lot more roleplays in the future. I wish you an amazing new year <3
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guidetoenjoy-blog · 5 years
All The New Albums Coming Out In April 2019
New Post has been published on https://entertainmentguideto.com/awesome/all-the-new-albums-coming-out-in-april-2019/
All The New Albums Coming Out In April 2019
Keeping track of all the new albums coming out in a devoted month is a big task, but we’re up for it: Below is a comprehensive list of the major releases you are able to look forward to in April. If you’re not trying to potentially miss out on anything, it might be a good notion to keep reading.
Friday, April 5
& More — Ethel Bobcat( D-Tone Victorious/ nicethingsMUSIC) Ages And Ages — Me You They We( Needle and Thread Records) Alma — Have You Seen Her?( PME) Andromo& Iain Howie — Just Stay EP( Rainforest Music) Big Eyes — Streets Of The Lost( Greenway Records) BLACKPINK — Kill This Love EP( YG Entertainment) Bogdan Raczynski — Rave’ Till You Cry( Disciples) Brass Box — The Cathedral( Dune Altar) The Brave — Aura( UNFD) Brooks& Dunn — Reboot( Arista Nashville) Bryce Dessner( of The National) — El Chan( Deutsche Grammophon) bulow — Crystalline EP( Wax Records/ Republic) Callum Easter — Here Or Nowhere( Lost Map Records) Cassia — Replica( Distiller Records) Cherry Pickles — Cherry Pickles Will Harden Your Nipples( PNKSLM Recordings) Christian Loffler — Graal( Prologue)( Ki Records) Circa Waves — What It’s Like Over There?( Prolifica Inc .) Cities Of Mars — The Horologist( Ripple Music) Cocaine Piss — Passionate& Tragic( Hypertension Records) Conjurer — Sigils( 1126252 Records DK2) Crown Of Autumn — Byzantine Horizons( My Kingdom Music) Datura4 — Blessed is The Boogie( Alive Naturalsound Records) David Berkman — Six Of One( Palmetto Records) Don Felder — American Rock’ n’ Roll( BMG Rights Management( US) LLC) The Drums — Brutalism( ANTI -) Evan Greer — She/ Her/ They/ Them( Don Giovanni Records) Flying Fish Cove — At Moonset( Darla Records) Foie Gras — Holy Hell EP( Yellow Year Records) Girl On Grass — Dirty Power( September Gurl Music) Girli — Odd One Out( Virgin EMI Records) GRiZ — Ride Waves( self-released) Gurr — She Says EP( AWAL/ Rough Trade) Hannah Grace — The Bed You Attained EP( Never Fade Records) I Know Leopard — Love Is A Landmine( Ivy League Records) Idlewild — Interview Music( Empty Words) Jackie Venson — JOY( Big Indie Records) Jai Wolf — The Remedy To Loneliness( Mom+ Pop) Jaw — The Ceiling( self-released) Jelly Boy — Everybody Is A Universe EP( Cannibal Hymns) Jimbo Mathus — Incinerator( Big Legal Mess Records) John Vanderslice — The Cedars( Native Cat Recordings) Jonathan Larson — The Jonathan Larson Project( Ghostlight Records) Justin Wright — Music For Staying Warm( First Terrace Records) Kendrick Scott Oracle — A Wall Becomes A Bridge( Blue Note Records) Khalid — Free Spirit( RCA) Khotin — Beautiful You( self-released) Kiefer — Bridges( Stone Throw Records) The Infamous Stringdusters — Rise Sun( Time Tape Records) L’Imperatrice — Matahari( Microqlima) Lady Lamb — Even In The Tremor( Ba Da Bing) Larry “Ratso” Sloman — Stubborn Heart( Lucky Number) Mana — Seven Steps Behind( Hyperdub) Mark de Clive-Lowe — Heritage II( Ropeadope) Matt Maeson — Bank On The Funeral( Neon Gold/ Atlantic Records) Mike Mains& The Branches — When We Were In Love( Tooth and Nail) Molly Turtle — When You’re Ready( Compass Records) Night School — Disappear Here( Graveface Records) Partner — Saturday The 14 th EP( You’ve Changed Records) The Prescriptions — Hollywood Gold( Single Lock Records) Priests — The Seduction Of Kansas( Sister Polygon Records) Pup — Morbid Stuff( Rise Records/ BMG) Reba McEntire — Stronger Than The Truth( Big Machine) Rescue Ranger — Divisive( Klonosphere/ Season Of Mist/ Cargo Records UK) Rod Melancon — Pinkville( Blue Elan Records) Rose Elinor Dougall — A New Illusion( Vermillion) Rose Of The West — Rose Of The West( Communicating Vessels) Rozi Plain( of This is The Kit) — What A Boost( Memphis Industry) Sara Bareilles — Amidst The Chaos( Epic Records) Savoir Adore — Full Bloom( Nettwerk Records) Sego — Sego Sucks( Roll Call Records) Shana Cleveland — Night Of The Worm Moon( Hardly Art) Sharkmuffin — Gamma Gardening EP( Exploding In Sound Records) Spoony Bard — Old Friends( self-released) The Suitcase Junket — Mean Dog, Trampoline( Signature Sounds) Swimming Bell — Wild Sight( Adventure Records) Tayla Parx — We Require To Talk( Atlantic Records) Tyler Ramsey( of Band Of Horses) — For The Morning( Fantasy) Uncle Meg — Butterfly EP( Yellow Year Records) Weyes Blood — Titanic Rising( Sub Pop) Whispering Sons — Image( self-released) Yarrow — A Mild Circus EP( Get Better Records)
Friday, April 12
Aaron Lewis — State I’m In( Valory Music) ALL TVVINS — Just To Exist( Faction Records) All Your Sisters — Trust Ruins( The Flenser) Anderson. Paak — Ventura( Aftermath Entertainment) Astrid — Fall, Stand, Dance( AED Records) Band Of Skulls — Love Is All You Love( So Recordings) Bar Of Gold — Shelters( Equal Vision Records) Beat Music — Beat Music! Beat Music! Beat Music!( Motema Music) Bibio — Ribbons( Warp) Big Business — The Beast You Are( Joyful Noise Recordings) Big Search — Slow Fascination( 30 th Century Records) Black Flower — Future Flora( Sdban Records) Broken Social Scene — Let’s Try The After — Vol 2 EP( Arts& Crafts Records) Bruce Hornsby — Absolute Zero( Zappo Productions/ Thirty Tigers) BTS — Map Of The Soul: Persona( Big Hit Entertainment) The Budos Band — V( Daptone) The Chemical Brothers — No Geography( Astralwerks) The Cradle — The Glare Of Success( NNA Tapes) Cris Jacobs — Color Where You Are( Blue Rose Music) Damien Jurado — In The Shape Of A Storm( Mama Bird Recording Co .) Eli “Paperboy” Reed — 99 Penny Dreams( self-released) Emily Reo — Merely You Can Insure It( Carpark Records) Eric Reed — Everybody Gets The Blues( Smoke Sessions Records) Escort — City Life( Escort Records) Fontaines D.C. — Dogrel( Partisan Records) Glen Hansard — The Wild Willing( ANTI- Records) Run Cosmic — Sideways In Time( Kozmik Artifactz) Gretchen Pleuss — Daughter Of The Broader Skies( Sun Pedal Recordings) Jess Ribeiro — Love Hate( Barely Garmented Records/ Remote Control Records) John Paul White( of The Civil Wars) — The Hurting Kind( Single Lock Records) Junodream — Terrible Things That Could Happen EP( self-released) Khalid — Free Spirit( RCA) The Leisure Society — Arrivals& Departures( run Drain Records) Lloyd — Black Haze( Flipside Recordings) Lowly — Hifalutin() LSD( Sia, Diplo, and Labrinth) — Labrinth, Sia& Diplo Present … LSD( Columbia) Melby — VCR( Rama Lama Records) Melissa Etheridge — The Medicine Show( Concord Records) MONKEY3 — Sphere( Napalm Records) Native Harrow — Happier Now( Different Time Records) NUMENOREAN — Adore( Season of Mist) Odonis Odonis — Reaction EP( Felte) Pixel Grip — Heavy Handed( Feeltrip Records) Reese McHenry — No Dados( Suah Sounds) Shovels& Rope — By Blood( Dualtone) Sophie Auster — Next Time( BMG Music) Tellavision — Add Land( Faux) Theories — Vessel( Corpse Flower Records) Thomas Henley — Epoque EP( Pan European Recording) Through The Noise — Dualism( Eclipse Records) Yours Truly — Afterglow EP( UNFD) Zvi — Deer Pink( Nefarious Industries)
Friday, April 19
Angelique Kidjo — Celia( Verve/ Universal Music France) Ann My Dice — Thorn EP( Profane Records) Anna Tivel — The Question( Fluff& Gravy Records) Beauty Queen — Out Of Touch EP( Sleep Well Records) Bells Atlas — The Mystic( Tender Loving Empire) Bernard Fowler( of Rolling Stones) — Inside Out( Eagle Records) Cage The Elephant — Social Cues( RCA Records) Countless Goodbyes — Cycles( Inverse Records) The Cringe — Everywhere You’ve Never Been( Silver Lining Music) Daniel Norgren — Wooh Dang( Superpuma Records) Diane Coffee — Internet Arms( Polyvinyl Records) Drugdealer — Raw Honey( Mexican Summer) Faith Eliott — Impossible Bodies( OK Pal) Fat White Family — Serfs Up!( Domino Records) Field Medic — Fade Into The Dawn( Run For Cover Records) Flaural — Postponement( Staycation Records) Gus Dapperton — Where Polly People Go To Read( AWAL) Heart Attack — Fake Blood( You Did This/ Triple Crown Records) Heather Woods Broderick — Invitation( Western Vinyl) Heavy As Texas — Heavy As Texas( Crunchy Western Records) The Hot Sardines — Welcome Home, Bon Voyage( Eleven Records) Jade Bird — Jade Bird( Glassnote Records) JOHNNYSWIM — Moonlight( BMG Rights Management( US) LLC) Jonatha Brooke — Imposter EP( Bad Dog Records) Kelsey Lu — Blood( Columbia Records) Kinbrae — Landforms( Truant Recordings) Lizzo — Cuz I Love You( Nice Life/ Atlantic) Lovers Leap — Lovers Leap EP( Moon Loof Recordings) Loyle Carner — Not Waving But Drowning( AMF Records) Maren Celest — I Insured The Sun( Candor Arts) Mark Peters — New Routes Out Of Innerland( Sonic Cathedral) Mitch Woods — A Tip Of The Hat To Fats( Blind Pig Records) The O’Jays — The Last Word( SC1/ S-Curve) Pamplemousse — High Strung( A Tant Rever du Roi) Peggy Gou — Moment EP( Gudu Records) Polly Gibbons — All I Can Do( Resonance Records) Raffi — Motivational Songs( Troubadour Music/ Universal Music Canada) Russ Tolman — Goodbye El Dorado( Lost) Sabbath Assembly — A Letter Of Red( Svart Records) Sad Planets( Patrick Carney and John Petkovic) — Akron( Tee Pee Records) Sarah Mary Chadwick — The Queen Who Stole The Sky( Rice Is Nice Records) Seaway — Fresh Produce( Pure Noise Records) Shotgun Sawyer — Bury The Hatchet( Ripple Music) Stealing Sheep — Big Wows( Heavenly Recordings) Tech N9ne — N9NA( Strange Music) The Tallest Man on Earth — I Love You. It’s A Fever Dream.( River/ Birds Records) TR/ST — The Destroyer — 1( Grouch) Tripsitter — The Other Side Of Sadness( Prosthetic Records) Wand — Chuckling Matter( Drag City) Wargirl — Wargirl( Clouds Hill) Yes We Mystic — Ten Seated Figures( DevilDuck Records) Your Heart Breaks — Drone Butch Blues( SofaBurn)
Friday, April 26
AJR — Neotheater( Warner Bros. Records) Alan Parsons — The Secret( Frontiers) Aldous Harding — Designer( 4AD) Amon Tobin — Fear In A Handful Of Dust( Nomark) Aries — Juramento Mantarraya( K. Records) Bailen — Thrilled To Be Here( Fantasy Records) Bear’s Den — So That You Might Hear Me( Rounder Records) Black Zone Magick Chant — Voyage Sacrifice( Shelter Press) Catfish And The Bottlemen — The Balance( Island Records) Chelou — Out Of Sight( Concrete Dog) Claude Fontaine — Claude Fontaine( Innovative Leisure) Craig Finn( of The Holy Steady) — I Require A New War( Partisan Records) The Cranberries — In The Aim( BMG) The Damned Things — High Crimes( Nuclear Blast) Danko Jones — A Rock Supreme( M-Theory Audio) Delsbo Beach Club — A Burger In Akersberga EP( Rama Lama) DJ Nate — Take Off Mode( Planet Mu) Dub Trio — The Shape Of Dub To Come( New Damage Records) Ezra Collective — You Can’t Steal My Joy( Enter The Jungle) Foxygen — Find Other People( Jagjaguwar) George Benson — Walking To New Orleans( Provogue Records) The Get ahead — Deepest Illuminate( Jullian Records) Guide By Voices — Warp And Woof( Rockathon Records) Hannah Cohen — Welcome Home( Bella Union) Hembree — House On Fire( Thirty Tigers) Hillsong United — People( Hillsong) In The Valley Below — The Pink Chateau( Bright Antenna Records) JJ Cale — Remain Around( Because Music) Jackie Mendoza — LuvHz EP( Luminelle) Josefin Ohrn+ The Liberation — Sacred Dreams( Rocket Recordings) Josh Ritter — Fever Breaks( Pytheas Recordings/ Thirty Tigers) Justin Moore — Late Nights And Longnecks( Walkie Talkie Records) Kelly Finnigan — The Tales People Tell( Colemine Records) Kevin Morby — Oh My God( Dead Ocean) Kiefer Sutherland — Reckless& Me( BMG) King Gizzard& The Lizard Wizard — Fishing For Fishies( ATO/ Fightless Records) Lamb — The Secret Of Letting Go( Cooking Vinyl) Local Natives — Violet Street( Loma Vista Recordings) Lonely Robot — Under Stars( Inside Out) Lord Dying — Mysterium Tremendum( Entertainment One) Maddie& Tae — One Heart To Another EP( Dot Records) Marina — LOVE+ FEAR( Atlantic) Marissa Nadler And Stephen Brodsky — Droneflower( Sacred Bones) The Mountain Goats — In League With Dragons( Merge Records) Nancy Kelly — Remembering Mark Murphy( Subcat Records) New Years Day — Unbreakable( RED Music) Nick Murphy( fka Chet Faker) — Run Fast Sleep Naked( Downtown/ Future Classic/ Opulent) Nils Lofgren — Blue With Lou( Cattle Track Road Records) OLSSON — Tropical Cologne( Universal Sweden) Otoboke Beaver — Itekoma Hits!( Damnably) Rodrigo y Gabriela — Mettavolution( ATO Records) Peakes — Absent In Person EP( Practise Music) Peter Doherty& The Puta Madres — Peter Doherty& The Puta Madres( City Slang) The Pilgrim — Walking Into The Forest( Heavy Psych Sounds) Pure Bathing Culture — Night Pass( Infinite Companion) Radical Face — Therapy EP( Bear Machine) Sid Le Rock — Scenic Route( Hafendisko) SOAK — Grim Town( Rough Trade Records) Spotlights — Love& Decay( Ipecac) The Story Changes — To Hell With This Delicate Equation( Magnaphone Records) Sublime With Rome — Blessings( 5 Music/ RED MUSIC) SUNN O ))) — Life Metal( Southern Lord) Teen Daze — Bioluminescence( FLORA) Tiny Fighter — Tell Me EP( Bay Terrace Records) Trade Wind — Certain Freedoms( Other People Records) Walker Lukens — Adult( Modern Outsider) The Well — Death And Consolation( RidingEasy Records) Winnetka Bowling League — Cloudy With A Chance Of Sun EP( RCA Records) Your Heart Breaks — Drone Butch Blues( SofaBurn)
Read more: uproxx.com
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Supernatural S4 E02 - Are you there, God? It's me, Dean Winchester
Sooo last episode Castiel appeared. And apparently Misha Collins is not doing that super-deep-voice thing yet?
- "groped by an angel" yeah uhh that's... absolutely what happened xD
- so... new Ruby has less of that snarky sass. Not sure about her yet
- aaaand dead body at 9:20-something
found the bullet points! Very distracting
Ooooh frosty dead dude
Looking surprisingly non-murderrrr nevermind
Yet another broken mirror!
- yeah nuh this looks better
- distracting myself from hunters being haunted by their failures? Again? Is that another theme here? why am I even asking ofc it is
- is that a pepsi ball?
- ooooh terror in broad daylight. I like it
- oy gurl if that's "dressed like a slut" to you idk what to say
- ooooh is that foreshadowing I smell? What with the "trapped in my head but I was AWAKE"
- cmon guys defend yourselves pls
- hooo boy this is getting very depressing
- this is one creepy panic room
- oooh we got back on the God track
- yeah Dean that IS a good question and u are not the first to ask it
- théodizée, buddy
- ooooh signs of the APOCALYPSE
- yass the first milestone
- actually if you just stayed in there till Judgement Day it might work out better for everyone involved
- just saying
- awww no the mandroid dude
- nooooo i liked him
- "opium?" Dude don't question his drug choices NOW
- well Meg you may have a point with that thing about Ruby BUT he luuuvs her
- ouch. Lilith is a bitch
- well, well, well. Yet another time Dean was very close to death
- man, these ghosts are like wasps in a room. Waaay worse if you can't see them
- nice catch there, Dean
- still not full-on deep voice, but Dean IS gruffing it up
- oh DANG Lilith is Out There Breaking Seals
- deeeeeeeeep eye contact
- also now I see why people keep emphasizing Castiel's blue eyes
- also uuuh that "I dragged you out of hell, I can put you back"
- yeah
- badass. Also, def some sexual tension there I say, already biased by the internet
So! This was very depressing and I'm happy to move on to the next episode - but. Nice moving the story along a bit xD
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