#and while i was writing this i fuckign came up with a fantastic au idea
rexscanonwife · 5 years
All emotional ask with BeeJ~
Guess I’m doing all of them then!! :D Thank you so much, and thanks everyone else who sent emojis, @space-sweetheart, @ruby-flame, @nomournerzz , @the-storyteller-and-her-soldiers and @spectrumselfshipping! 💚 ily all so much!! 
😨 How does your f/o act when they’re scared? Do they cower behind you or act even more bold? Beej doesn’t get scared of things in the normal sense, he’s a demon who actively enjoys scaring the wits out of people. I think what would scare him the most would be going back to being invisible/alone, especially now that he knows that it feels like to be wanted and loved and supported. He knows that I love him too much to ever send him away again, but sometimes anxiety is really loud and when he gets really upset he likes to hold onto me and squeeze me a little too tight and nuzzle me a little too hard. I’ll run my hands through his hair and whisper soothing things to him until he feels better! 
😰 Alternatively, how do they act when you’re scared? Ok this is especially relevant now after what happened last night, but on the flipside Beej becomes livid and fiercely protective when I’m scared or threatened! I’d like to see someone try to keep their composure when faced with a fiery-haired pissed off demon!😘 How does your f/o flirt? Beetlejuice’s default state is flirting, and it’s not always super effective! It’s mostly really bad puns and poorly disguised innuendos, and no he does not stop flirting for even a moment after we’re officially together. He loves when I blush or scoff at him when he makes a particularly bad joke, and sometimes I react to it by kissing him because he’s an idiot but he’s my idiot.
😍 How well do they react to flirting or affection? Are they easily flustered? *rubs me widdle hands together* so more than a few times I’ve discussed this with friends (cried about it is more accurate but w/e) but he definitely can’t take what he dishes out! He’s used to being the one making advances and even more used to them being rebuffed, but when I react positively to them, or even more when I flirt back or give him affection he just completely forgets how to function!! Suddenly he’s at a loss for words and he’s the one blushing like crazy!
😭 How do they cheer you up when you’re sad? And vice versa? Beej will stop at nothing to see me smile again when I’m feeling down, there’s no lengths he wouldn’t go to, no joke too cheesy, he will not stop until he gets a laugh out of me! Actually, when I was first started listening to the album irl and I wasn’t sure whether I was feeling platonic or romantic for him, the thought of him trying to cheer me up was really what made me fall for him! 💚 When he gets sad I like to lay the praise and physical affection on even more than usual, I tell him that he’s the biggest baddest handsomest demon there ever was and that I could never love anyone more than I love him all the while peppering his face in kisses!! 
😡 What are your f/os pet peeves? I wouldn’t call it a pet peeve per se but I hc that Beej can’t stand people who drink or smoke! It’s a whole thing, reminds him too much of his mom. :(
🤒 Oh no! You’re sick - how does your f/o take care of you? Are they good at it? I feel like he would try his best but ultimately he’s not very good at the ‘taking care of’ bits. The dead don’t get sick so he doesn’t have a lot of experience with it outside of what he’s seen in movies or tv shows, and his soup ended up being completely inedible so I inform him that the best way to recover from being sick is some good rest. Since he’s not in danger of getting sick himself he’s happy to just hold me and let me snuggle up to him (he makes a very effective cooling pad for fevers) and though he’s still a bit noisy he eventually just watches me sleep and makes sure nothing gets in the way of my rest except for him! 
🤧 How do you take care of them when they’re sick? I actually never considered this before now so it was really fun to think about!! After we get married and he’s getting used to being alive, he also has to get used to things a living body does, like get sick. He’s soooo dramatic about it too, he would be whining and moaning about how he thinks he’s dying again, and I have to remind him that it’s only a cold and will clear up in a day or too. I make sure he rests enough, though it’s a chore and I basically have to knock him out with cold medicine at some point, but he loves being doted on! 
😔 What do you and your f/o like to do when you’re bored? I mean,, among other things, we like to browse the internet for funny tiktok compilations and complain about the ones that are bad, and on multiple occasions he’s had me film him doing something stupid in hopes of also getting tiktok famous. So far it hasn’t happened but he’s holding out hope! He likes to watch me draw or try to cook together, and after we’re married we try to make time to experience something new as often as possible, especially since almost everything would be new for him! 
😂 What is your f/os sense of humor? How do they feel about puns? It’s NONSTOP jokes with him, especially puns, and really morbid ones most of the time afhsflal. I really like his sense of humor though, and he always keeps me laughing! 
😴 How cuddly is your f/o when they’re asleep? He is the biggest cuddler ever!! He isn’t happy unless he has an arm or three around me, he just wants me as close as possible and to be able to nuzzle into my neck and smell my hair. It soothes him to the point of being able to sleep, and he likes to be cuddled in bed too! He’s not scared to be the little spoon and loves when I shower him with the same kind of affection!! 
👿 Does your f/o get nightmares? How do you help them with it? Once in a while! They’re mostly about the one thing that scares him, again, being invisible. When that happens I go about comforting him the same way as when he’s having anxiety about it, squeezing him tight and kissing him and reminding him that he’s not going anywhere. That I love him and want him around! 
😤 What is your f/o passionate about? Lots of things! Being the ghost with the most, loving his new family, being super handsome and sexy being a few of them. 
😶 How good is your f/o at keeping secrets (such as a surprise party)? He couldn’t keep a secret to save his life! He just gets way too excited and careless with his words and always manages to let it slip. Only when it’s something fun and frivolous, though, because he’s not really thinking about it. If it’s something more serious then he’s much better at keeping it secret.
😊 What makes your f/o happy? Aside from screams of terror or bad horror movies, being made to feel like he’s wanted! He’s spent so long longing to be seen and heard, all he’s ever wanted was to be included and feel like he’s allowed to take up space and that people want him around. I want to make him feel that way and I wanna make sure he never feels unseen again! 
Bonus for my autistic/ADHD folks - 😝 How does your f/o engage with you and your special interest/fixation? Do they help you infodump, learn as much as they can about your interests? Do they buy or make you things related to them? Ok literally tho my favorite thing ever is when ppl hc Beej as being autistic because I am too!! and I love the idea of him listening to me infodump about things I like or the way I talk about little fun facts I know, just him listening makes me really happy! and when he gets super excited he kinda stims through it and I like the idea of happy stimming with him and just relishing in the feeling ajhkfa,, 
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