#and who'd fight the world for you if they see you being mistreated
Ok so for context. I don't know this guy. However, the clip came across my dash and I have a few things to say about what the lady here is saying. Things that bother me, and things that we should get out of the habit of teaching young girls. This is the clip: (Keep in mind my comments are fully about what the girl here is saying, not the guy. These are my own thoughts on this)
So I have SEVERAL thoughts about this. First is the consistent thing I've personally seen for a really long time and have not just experienced on my own but several of my friends have dealt with on all sides of this. TOO MANY WOMEN seem to want to date shitheads. That's not a joke, that's not a lie. That's not even an exaggeration. This is not one of those Incel, "OH well she only dates chads". No. This is a, women like men that abuse them, talk shit to them, mistreat them, and tear them down.
I have seen it for YEARS. My friends have seen it too. And you can go off and say, "Oh well it's because women want a confident man who can protect them." Have you ever heard the phrase, "The fury of a patient man", before? But the thing is it's not that. It's an attraction to violence and aggression. I have no friends personally who'd ever hit a woman, but some of my friends know guys like that. Hell, I KNOW guys like that. And if I ever caught them, I'd be in jail.
But this mentality is so broken. And it's not healthy. She strait up said, "I'm looking for Husband energy, and treating me properly and being kind isn't husband energy". So you want an abusive spouse then? But then she follows up with, "I can be manipulated".
So let me get this straight. (Preface, I'm not talking about ALL women here, just a large number of) A lot of women, want a kind man, who's also a bad boy, who's also always around, but who's never around, but who is away enough to make a lot of money, but will sacrifice his job for you, but if he does he's not a good provider. Is willing to give you the world, and WILL give you the world, but you don't actually want it and if he does provide you'll feel guilty about it, but also a man that shows his emotions, but also doesn't show his emotions. A man that will actually cry but when he does you view him as less of a man.
Frankly? Too many women have this mindset of consistent contradictions and because of it, men can't find meaningful relationships. And I'm not talking about the men that ONLY want to f*ck around. There are a lot of men out there who are looking for more than a hookup. And they've been looking for them for years. We are living in a pandemic of loneliness because dating has become a, "We are kinda just friends that f*ck sometimes but I don't want to get too attached" type of thing. Dating in your 20's should not feel like friends with benefits.
But more to the point with this lady in the video. WHY would you want to be manipulated? Because that's what you are alluding to. What's more, you are asking a guy you deemed nice, respectful, etc, and you want him to ignore your wishes that you worded out clearly? And YES I understand the whole, "Women like men that fight for them", mentality. The issue with that mentality is there is a subset of women that don't have a line in the sand. They will go out of their way to insult, offend, and sabotage their own relationships just to see how far their man is willing to go to fight for the relationship.
Frankly speaking? That's toxic as hell. For the past 15+ years we've told men, "When a woman says no, it means no and f*ck off". NOW you want them to both keep that message as a teaching, AND to also ignore it? Inconsistency like that is why men kill themselves at higher rates. It's a fight in which we literally can't win.
Again. This is NOT directed at all women. At all. I have mutuals, and people I follow that are happily taken and have been for a while. And I wish them all the best. But I can almost promise that none of them are like this woman. (I don't know all my follows a mutuals that well so a few might be like her. I don't really know). My point however stands. Please do not teach your daughters to be like this. And if you have friends that think like this. You need to tell them WHY it's a problem. Because they will be alone and unhappy. Or they will end up in an abusive relationship where they believe he's the only one that will ever love her, and "He doesn't really mean it, he's just correcting me".
Which sadly is something else I've had to grit and bare through. Because the conundrum is, "Call the cops, and the man potentially doesn't go to jail, and in the process I lose a friend and the ability to know that she's even still alive if the report get's tracked back to me, or let her go through what she is going through, knowing that it's wrong and that I could physically do something about it." Real life is shit sometimes in those situations. But that's more to my point. The way this girl is headed if she doesn't get some sense about her, is exactly into that kind of relationship.
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aglitchysylveon · 1 year
(Warning: Graphic and really, really edgy)
Sylvia *was* owned by a trainer who was apart of Team Rocket (now note that in the world and or reality she came from its some type of weird fusion between Kanto and Kalos, called *"Kaltos"*, like that alternate universe from Johto and Sinnoh where they were fused together from Pearl and Diamond) he was a secret hitman who worked for Giovanni when someone new information about them and they needed them to be put out of commission or silenced so they can continue doing their nefarious plans, he was just as greedy and cruel if not more than Giovanni himself. His name was Drake (not the dragon type gym leader) and he was a *huge* power hunk, like he only approved of the strongest, brutal and intimidating pokemon on his team to do the job, he didn't like "weak" ones, he thought they were as important to him as a dirt in the sand under his boot. Stereotypical asshole trainer.
So Sylvia, whose an Eevee at this point, was exposed to the cruel fate she didn't expect to find. Her parents (an shiny Umbreon, her father, and a Espeon, that's her mom) we're defeated/fainted and captured by Drake as they were trying to defend her. Taking them away from her. They then mistreated her parents and eventually they died, they eventually captured her just because, thinking maybe she'll be "useful" in the future, he forced her to fight even at her weakest against stronger pokemon and ridiculed her when she failed and fainted, all on purpose. After painstakingly long torturous months of "training", he put her in a daycare and just left her there, forgetting about her. She then met the daycare lady, April Songbird, who was just what she needed. Someone who was compassionate and loving. (How could someone be so cruel to a Eevee? Clearly anyone who'd hurt an Eevee has no soul) April had created a attachment and fondness for Sylvia and eventually all of that affection, love and support made her evolve into a Sylveon. April, surprised then thought and made the fatal mistake of "What if, he'll take her back since she evolved?" So she took the now evolved Sylvia out the daycare, and invited Drake over to show him a surprise. Though she thought he wouldn't come but she still hoped he would so she'd impress him and make him change his view on Sylvia being this "weak, inferior, waste of time" but she didn't.. He came, she hoped he'd be happy to see her evolved but.. He was *disgusted*, "is this a joke? You think this is funny?" Would be the words he'd say to her.
April's reaction was what you'd think, saddened, disappointed and ashamed. She thought she did something right, but, apparently not. Drake was so disgusted by the sight before him, yet he still took her.. Only to show her whose boss, and to see how much power she had. She was put through all that torment again, even newly evolved he still thought the same. Starting to punish her for "not being good enough" till he "disposed of her", April came by to check on how she was only too see her injured body laying motionless on the grass. She was terrified, yet angry. Tried to help her but Drake stopped her. So she won't spread more information to others and expose the truth of Team Rocket's cruelty. He then ordered his Houndoom to attack her, burning her alive. He then put her body in a bag then threw her into the forest, some burned lump of flesh and bones to be eaten by wild hungry pokemon.
Sylvia eventually after weeks died from her injuries leaving her to rot and decay, the many lacerations and scars all over her body, torn ribbons and flesh. It's what he considered "to be strong" to have battle scars, to show how tough she was.. Of course her fragile, wounded body couldn't handle all the pain and she bled out. Her body may have died.. But not her soul, not her *anger* not her *rage* all of that pain and anger against all he did to her and those she loved fueled her spirit, rebirthing her to the mortal realm beyond the understanding of others. As a some supernatural force of vengeance, she had kept all the lacerations and cuts on her body as a reminder of what he did to her, and as some sick twist on how she "was strong enough" strong enough to cheat death and come back by sheer revenge and anger. And killed him the exact way she died, lacerations and bleeding out by Pokemon. Forcing his pokemon to attack him. Then attack each other.
She was treated and told as some urban legend by trainers alike to their children for the dangers and curse of mistreating your pokemon, as they will come back for you.
I also like to think she has a sense self-awareness. She knows she's fictional. She's a being, an entity of unbridled corruption and vengeance.
The large stitch on her chest that goes down her abdomen is there because when she died, wild pokemon came by and took bites from her corpse, Drake didn't seem to bother to get rid of her corpse, he actually treated it as some trophy. Sick freak, when she was "revived" it was stitched back together. It leaks a black liquid, that's corruption. It comes out from the large stitch and her eyes, which were turn out as well, only leaving two red dots as her eyes.
Sylvia can talk, it's a high-pitched, static-y distorted, almost annoyed sounding voice, either through telekinesis or literally speaking.
If you're wondering if she got a good ending she semi did, she found a family of stray Eeveelutions and wild Pokemon that took her in, (she just had to disguise herself as a "normal" Sylveon so she wouldn't freak them out by her visage, a normal Sylveon, just the blue in her eyes are red) and the colors are a tad darker.
She had formed a close bond with a Umbreon named "Midnight", who reminded her of her father. And a Espeon named "Psyche" who reminded her of her mother. As well as a Sylveon named "Sylvianna" who accepted Sylvia as her adopted Sister. More on them later. But yeah that's basically Sylvia.
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