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The anarchists still deny any of it happened at all. So.
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You know how I was saying earlier that there is no justification for rape and torture ever, under any circumstances?
These people are calling for that to happen to Jews every. single. day.
There is no excuse for this whatsoever. I better hear the gentiles insisting that the pro-Palestinian movement is not antisemitic condemning this with your whole chest.
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Look you can say that the students with Hezbollah flags quoting hitler are "not part of your movement" all you want but they ARE in fact sitting at the protests long enough for people to take pictures of them and post them on the internet without getting told to leave so ??????
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instagram: smacmccreanor
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I think the idea of guns be regulated AND gun laws being an infringement more often than not are ideas that can, and should, coexist.
ATF bases their rules on basically fuck all. If I sat you down and you didn’t know shit about guns you’d be suprised what the ATF thinks is criminal.
BUT I also think it’s ridiculous we don’t have like, gun registration in most places. Or gun licensing. Literally something as simple as “do you know the basics of gun safety” and “here this gun is under your name to make it easier to tell when a weapon is stolen”
But nooooo. Dems think Gun Control is turning perfectly good citizens into criminals in the blink of an eye and destroying historical weaponry during trade-in and Republicans piss their pants at being asked to maybe think about regulating their dangerous items.
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Normally, I would not engage because I've already left it alone. But as it stands I'm a little bit annoyed. I keep seeing people effectively claim that I am just islamophobic or that I just believe Israeli propaganda or that I am a Zionist.
The issue however is that there are a lot of people who are on the anarchist far right and anarchist far left and just the far right and far left in general who have issues with States existing. Yet for some God forsaken reason or another most of their problem seems to be with a Jewish state. Often times you hear minimal to no discussion at all about what's happening to the uieger Muslims in China or literally any other country that's going through an actual genocide.
Genocide as a term means that it is either the actual completion of or the attempt of purging physically violently of a group of people with the intent to wipe them off the face of the Earth. The Nazis tried it that was definitely a genocide. My issue is the fact that they are people who are anarchist who very clearly hate Jews who pretend that they're just against Israel but want them to have no safe place to go. While leftist in the west are beating and harassing and threatening with death Jewish people who have nothing to do with Israel.
So effectively you want them to have no safe place to go. And to be called intellectually lazy is funny from people who just gag down to the nutsack on Hamas propaganda of whom we've now found out dozens of times that they've lied about the numbers of those who have died. It is not islamophobic to point out a fact that the Muslim religion does not like the Jewish religion on a fundamental level. It wouldn't be christophobic? To point out that Christians also at least to some degree not most but some also take issue with the Jewish faith. No my issue isn't the fact that I'm intellectually lazy it's that people in wartimes lie. And the number of people that Hamas killed unprovoked on October 7th mostly civilians is a testament to how evil they actually are.
No, you might say well oh well what about the Palestinians that Israelis should just lay down their weapons and leave Hamas alone because Hamas would never break ceasefires for the third fourth fifth sixth and 7th time in a row. No not at all it would never happen you must be crazy. No intellectual dishonesty and intellectual laziness is looking at Hamas and the propaganda that they've ingrained in the Palestinian people and thinking that there's no overlap. Civilians should not die I am 100% on board with that. The problem is Hamas is using Palestinians as human Shields so I guess what lay down their arms and just accept the bullets coming back at them? Yeah I know that sounds to me like you just want the Jewish people to f****** die.
So the only solution in my head that I can come to is that you just hate Jews. Because there's literally no other solution it could be. Because you seem to not care about any other Faith or country that is a state except broadly and the one that you seem to take the most issue with is literally just Israel. Which leads me to believe that it's more than just the country you have a problem with.
Having said that I think that it is perfectly reasonable to criticize anything that Israel does wrong as well as any other country on earth. What I don't agree with is the idea that a hostile force will lay down their arms when the people who they pissed off stop. Same thing goes with self-defense generally speaking you don't pull a gun to disable someone you pull a gun to put them down. Gun training 101 you do not point your gun at anything unless you plan to destroy it. Unfortunately retaliation goes the exact same way because in some ways it is a form of self defense. Because on a fundamental level it is a do this again and there won't ever be and again. Except Hamas and other extremist groups have done stuff like this again and again and again. And Israel has seeded back some of that land over the years even from Middle Eastern countries who have tried to conquer them.
So you know what like and reblog every anarchist douchebag that you want to. Because I know that I'm not an islamophobe I know that there are plenty of Muslims out there that don't hate Jews but I also know that there are a lot more that do. It's called having a nuanced understanding of reality; try it sometime. Because I'm sure that Israel has done not good things but such is war. And while I don't want war I have to consistently post questions to people who keep calling for no war. Which is do you think self-defense is okay? Because if so this is a war of self-defense with two areas that are extremely close in proximity. Hamas will not stop. Hamas will never stop. If Israel does not cut them off at the neck they will kill more people constantly over and over and over again and you know what I'm going to point to you and be like, "Oh how's that ceasefire working out for you". But then I understand that you won't care because you pretend it's about the state when it's about the fact that you just hate Jews. Because I don't see you calling for the dissolution of anywhere else except Israel. Because assuming even for a moment that Israel was dissolved and the Jews were forced to go random other places in the world so they weren't f****** massacred overnight and they would be, the entirety of the Arab world would conquer that area and turn it into a new state calling it something that was s******* on Jewish people and they would know that they have won. So you know what continued to be a dumb b****. I don't care. Because this is the absolute last time I actually plan on engaging and I'm not going to even bother tagging. And it's not because I'm a coward. It's because I'm sick of c**** like you pretending that you give a s*** and that you're against tyranny when it's very clear that you're for anarco tyranny. Just keep pretending that Islam is just this bastion of peace religion with no Mass sects of genocidal lunatics. Nah. Nope just Israel who's evil, no one else right?
And here's the fun part. Normally I'm against stuff like this so I'll say it in a different way.
I hope the day never comes where somebody massacres half your family because then I'm going to come to you and tell you to just keep laying down your arms because war bad. Oh and if you try to get into a semantic argument about war being a numbers thing or a country's thing I am going to cut you down right there and be like you said violets is evil so why are you fighting back? Oh that's right because you don't actually have a moral foundation at all you just pretend to so you can ride that far right or far left cock that is Jewish hate. Spare me.
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Non-zero chance you're a fed.
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What are your thoughts on this
Looks like a REALLY tall fox but maybe an offshoot of Fox breed?
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Unfortunately what ends up creating this type of mindset is pretty simple actually. It's literally just conspiracy. You have the far right who think that Jewish people control everything in that their puppeteering you know every bad thing ever happening behind the scenes an intentionally trying to just Master control s***. Then you have the left who hate Jewish people for the same reason that Communists did because they refer to the missed colonizers or you know landowners or property owners and other things. Basically it's oh there are Jewish people who work in certain industries therefore they must control everything.
Unfortunately it's two sets of conspiracies coalescing together where the far right and the far left are actually on the exact same page. Israeli Jews existed in the region before Palestinians ever did. But even if you point that out to people they don't care. Because in their mind Jews are just evil. And both the far left and far Right have been aligned with this for a very long time. However the only reason that the far left is pretended to care about anti-semitism, is because it was beneficial for them to s*** on the far right with it or anyone that they deemed not far enough left for them.
Which is to say you know Nazis and communists teaming up again to do what they do. Although I think it's more along the lines of the fact that at least right now, the biggest issue is the fact that a lot of the people on the left outside of just the Communists are looking at this from a DE islands. Which is to say that they think all Jews are white and I quote, and therefore must be an oppressive force in the world.
On ironically one of the bigger issues is the fact that the far left and the far right are aligned on this matter. And this post stands to prove anarchists that I had been arguing with several weeks ago or morons. Because they claimed that it wasn't that people hated Jews it was that they were having an issue with israel. And that no one is going after Jewish people. Or other renditions of that. So unfortunately this is what we end up with. We end up with two groups that are radicals on far side of both sides of the political spectrum aligning in their hatred of a minority group on the face of the Earth. Because of course they are so much for tolerance.
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Anti-semitism on full display. Oh but no no no "It's not that people hate Jews-"
Really? Are you sure? This looks a lot like hate to me.
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No no. Correction. They did act. To keep other people (people who were also armed that wanted to save their kids) from stopping the shooter, even other cops.
Wait, people are actually using Uvalde as an argument ? The shooting where cops just stood around while it was happening and prevented anyone from coming in to help ? That Uvalde ?
They will use anything that they think has even the remotest chance of supporting their argument, regardless of whether or not it actually does.
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You just know that if Aang was like "murder is cool and good, actually" that an entire chunk of the fandom (primarily zutarians) would be saying stupid shit like "maybe airbenders were the real genocidal fascists" or "sozin did nothing wrong".
I mean, some do that already and even compare Aang to Ozai, despite the fact that he is clearly against killing and so were the other monks. It's sounds crazy, and it is, but it's not even a rare thing.
People that can only use bad faith arguments don't care if said arguments are easy to contradict - just look at the zutarians that claim Katara threatening to murder Zuko if he harmed Aang again was "just further romantic tension" and she didn't mean it, yet insist Mai's joke of "But don't ever break up with me again" was her genuinely threatening to harm Zuko and therefore being abusive.
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The funny thing about all of this, is the fact that if corporate greed was the reason for inflation they would no longer exist. Because if people can't buy things that means companies can't make money. And if companies can't make money that means people can't buy products. And it starts off a chain reaction that effectively destroys the entirety of the economy.
So basically you have to come to the understanding that corporate greed only goes so far to raise prices. Because of a product is more than a person is willing to pay for it then they won't buy it. But what's more if you mark a product as too expensive and too many people don't buy it you effectively lose money. And in more than just one way. You have to actively pay stores to host your product. With the exception of your own website. But even the infrastructure for paying for the space for that and then the space for the products themselves, ie: a Warehouse, tends to add up.
No the issue is and always has been the government consistently printing more money thinking that it's going to alleviate problems when all it does is make things worse. Mind you the government shouldn't already know this because every time they print more money inflation goes up. Every time they bail out a company that is failing on its own accord inflation goes up. Every time they print a new billion or trillion dollars to send to Ukraine inflation goes up.
Corporate greed is definitely a problem I'm not going to even pretend it's not but to even suggest it is the bulk of the problem is gross negligence and absolute moronic thought. Shrinkflation is gross 100%, but if you want companies to stop abusing their BS stop buying their products. If you don't vote with your dollar you don't win. Sadly however you can't vote with your dollar when it comes to our government because they just keep printing money anyways so they can send it to foreign countries and or on the criminal aliens coming to the United States where they welcome them and stick them in lavish hotels and give them $10,000 monthly allowance cards.
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Queue the people claiming "It has no real correlation, because it was not all Muslims doing it".
Oh? So bringing their culture with them had nothing to do with it either? So mostly being patient with them, and hardly punishing them to look tolerant had NOTHING to do with it?
And since certain anarchists might see this, NO this is not an implication of ALL Muslims. Clearly just the ones committing these atrocities and those who excuse it because a LOT of their cultures are ACTUALLY misogynistic . So kindly before you reply, fuck yourself.
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