#and will be attempting to freelance while i look for full time employment that wont make me violently hostile to others and myself
dylawa · 5 months
Nobody look at me I'm cooking and I have anxiety
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00sheven · 4 years
business as usual
(taking a scary and unpredictable time and making it mor scary and unpredictable.)
well shit,
unemployment is insisting on giving me a good spanking.
when I was on it before I was using it as a safety net. a lot of stagehands will file for it to fill in gaps between work ( it is considered being under employed) so at least they receive some income when things get slow. it's not much but at least its something.
in my case I believe if I made over 200 and change I wasnt eligible to receive benifits. (maybe 300 I dont remember, but it wouldnt be much over that) it is impossible to live on but you can pay a bill and buy some groceries.
well silly me forgot to log sick time into one of my certifications.
you practically need a course in simple accounting when being a freelance stage hand when filling out an unemployment certification. (jokes.)
when you know you wont quailifiy you have to do it anyways.
how many hours did you work?
tally tally tally tally tally
who were your employers?
list employers 1 through let's just say 10
A) employer's name and address
how much money did you make?
tally tally tally (didn't get paid yet) guess tally tally guess guess tally tally.
did you look for work?
provide contact information.
have you pooped today and if do how many times.
hopefully you are getting the drift.
I was happy to do it, it was helping me out.
anyhow, forgetting to log in sick time.
I forgot to log in sevral hours of sick time and was paid by my employer and unemployment.
honest mistake.
well, I had to pay back the money, fair enough.
then I had to pay penalty money, understandable. they will let me make payments.
we are going to refuse benifits for (I cant remember how long) okay that sucks.
(apparently) you must continue to certify for benifits during this period to be eligible for unemployment benifits. that you are not going to recieve.
what I have not mentioned.
I was going through such a bad depression at that time that I couldn't even put on my shoes. I would sleep for one or two days at a time. I would leave my bed to eat and use the restroom, it was difficult to do simple things like hygiene related tasks. I know it's hard for people to understand. you really cant unless you experience it for yourself, and I wouldnt wish that on anyone.
I worked when work was available, but it was very difficult.
I scraped by and made enough to pay off the debt.
I thought I was done and got off unemployment.
although I needed it I managed to get by without out it. I ended up getting a job with the AV company (the one i was working with full time until all this craziness started happening. see earlier posts) on a freelance basis, and doing music production as a runner. I started making good money and making ends meet. dont get me wrong. I wasn't making enough to get an apartment. but I was making enough money to live a little more comfortably at the hobo compound. ( see hobo compound in previous posts.)
kick in the balls time. (recap)
I have to move from the hobo compound.
(the overlords are remodeling wont be taking tenets anymore) I am homeless, goose moves in at the outpost.
(see money breakdown in earlier post. if you think my bills went down, they didnt.)
covid 19
I work in the entertainment industry. no shows. no work. I get laid off.
(lots of other fucked up shit happens. review the blog if you wish.)
I have to refile for unemployment.
my case gets accepted, no mention of previous problems.
2 maybe 3 weeks later. nothing.
I check my account online last night.
your benifits are denied for this week due to penalty period.
the next week
your benifits are denied for this week due to penalty period.
what the fuck.
I paid the money back.
I paid the penalty money.
I did the pointless certifications.
how much longer is this going to last?
I tried to make a call to talk to them.
they are no longer taking calls.
I go online and through an online maze to find something close to a predetermined question that I can choose from that matches my situation.
it allows me to ask for information.
message sent.
we will get back to you in 5 to 7 business days.
okay I'll wait.
I have an indefinite amount of money to sustain the goose and I while we wait.
it's cool guys.
this commercial break is brought to you by the circle jerks and the endowment for the arts.
I wake up to a vague text message from the insurance adjuster.
Tumblr media
as you can see from my response I required a little more information.
what you dont know.
when dealing with my insurance company
I was kept in the dark
they didnt respond to my calls
I found out they settled my claim when I went to pay my bill
they sent the check to the hobo compound.
the check was issued to the guy I bought the car from.
they didnt notify me of a settlement at all.
they didnt inform me about where I should go to get my car fixed. as far as I know they got a random estimate and then subtracted 500 dollars for my deductible.
the payout to my claim was like 730. somthing dollars.
when I called them to inquire
goes though phone maze.
waits on hold due to covid 19
finally gets through.
it appears we forgot to subtract 20% for some type of fee. you were over paid we are going to stop payment on your check.
we can write you another check minus 20% or you can contact the insurance company the other party yourself to see if you have better luck. we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
yeah, fuck you.
so I call the insurance of the other party.
phone maze
on hold, covid 19
we thought this claim was closed
no it is not. I rejected the offer from my company. why would I pay a 500 dollar deductible when I am 100 percent not at fault.
we need to talk to your insurance company call you back.
they call back
we see you want to settle through us we are going to send a guy in a couple of days.
guy shows up hella early in the morning. (yell talks.) is rude. tells me a guy is gonna call me to discuss outcome of my claim. takes pictures. leaves.
hella early receives text message.
try to text number the text originates from.
you can't text that number.
why would I want to speak to someone regarding my claim you ask.
well I'll tell you. it so happens I'm my case that people are dropping the fucking ball mother fuckers and I want to avoid any more possible complications and dragging this situation out any further than it needs to be.
I call insurance co.
goes through phone maze
doesn't have correct option.
chooses incorrect option in an attempt to speak to someone.
gets put on hold due to covid 19
someone answers.
you need to talk to claims. I will try and contact your adjuster. (knows who I am because of phone number.)
your adjuster isn't available. I will put you through to someone who can give you the information you've requested.
gets put on hold.
other person picks up.
I repeat information to new person.
new person has no idea who I am. (has no information tied to my phone number.)
new person asks when the loss occurred.
I dont know that off the top of my head.
new person can't proceed without that info.
I dig the info up.
new person what was the other parties name.
I'm getting really annoyed at this time
digs up other parties name.
new person can you spell other parties name
I spell other parties name.
new person do you have a claim number
how may fucking people with that name on that date have had accidents mother fucker.
gets put on hold.
waiting on hold
waiting on hold
waiting on hold
new person comes back.
new person. here is the number and extension for you claim adjuster.
hangs up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze
puts in extension
phone rings
phone rings
phone rings
phone rings
some weird electronic music comes on.
electronic music plays instead of going to voice mail.
keeps playing
keeps playing
keeps playing
keeps playing
I hang up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze
something goes wrong hangs up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze chooses different option
something goes wrong hangs up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze
chooses different option
gets put on hold due to covid 19
something goes wrong hangs up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze
puts in extension number again
gets put on hold due to covid 19
adjuster picks up the phone.
the clouds part and Angel's sing
talks to adjuster for 3 minutes confirming information is correct.
hangs up the phone.
red tape circle jerks
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