#and wintertime is a homecoming to him. getting to be w u. getting to stay still w u. yeah
miwakags · 1 year
boba boba what is kazuha’s fav winter time activity to do with me!!!
kazuha has two winter moods: wants to be warm all the time or loves adventuring in the snow. subsequently, he loves existing everywhere and in any mood with you! so like, there’s a lot. every activity with you is his favourite
1. SLEDDING: he tries to surf down the hills on his sled. he encourages u to get on the sled with him all the time bc he likes holding u/likes it when u hold him. he always offers to push u down the hill. it is just such a fun and joyful activity and he loves sharing these moments with you, shrouded by silver-lined trees and tangling his fingers with yours for warmth. you guys get warm drinks after. he kisses you all over your face.
2. CHRISTMAS MARKETS: kazuha loves loves winter markets/christmas markets. he likes going thru all the locally made things. he likes buying u things and buying things he thinks you’ll like. you guys get yummy food and he tries to hand feed u and u tell him hes ridiculous and he just laughs in agreement, pressing his cheek to urs for warmth. u end up with wayyy too many things to carry home but he uses his anemo vision to help out
3. licking chocolate off his abs dear god he is down so bad for u but also will let u do whatever u want to him until he can’t take it anymore and has to be inside of u. when he wants to be warm all the time? yeah he cuddles around u. sometimes heavy petting is involved. he just likes u a lot and thinks ur beautiful and theres nowhere else he’d rather be then staying warm in bed w u okay goodbye
4. WATCHING SHOWS/MOVIES WITH YOU: kazuha ALSO likes reading beside you bc he has this huge stack of books and he likes cozying up in bed w you, a book and a warm drink. but also shows/movies are fun and sentimental and optimal for snuggles. he likes to pet down ur back (non sexually) and he also likes to curl up against u like a cat. u rewatch some classics year after year and he thinks, i want to do this every year for the rest of my life. i want to grow roots with this person and stay grounded with them and love them forever
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