#and with the designs of my humanoid au
stuarts-randomplace · 2 years
I only saw a tiktok of shed 17 and I already want to make a fucking au of it
and I still want to make a swap au of my au xd
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
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So @clownsuu -
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bonkalore · 1 year
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I figure I should just share these before MerMay is over! I wanted to do more but these took me way longer than I hoped as is. Just some mer designs I had in mind for my Daniel Spellbound AU and wanted to try out. Didn't want them based on just one animal!
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camo1000le · 15 days
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Do you wanna rev up your Bill?
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reborrowing · 5 months
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oh no dragon attack!! 💋
someday I’ll do something other than vague gay art with this but in the meantime happy lesbian visibility week
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wiickian · 9 days
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Guess who finally decided on a design, me! You guys probably saw my post earlier and saw a more humanish version but I sort of moved away from that. Anyway here he is! Him and ford are very much in love with each other
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kideartzz · 2 months
Your Highness..?
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My crazy AU is going on!
Left is Lucifer and the right is Formtaker’s mother; Mishura-Evelane a la Shapeshifter (dragon-queen 👑)
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scarapanna · 7 months
Here's some concepts for y'all while I write the AU info post!!
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I'm normal bsfbsnfn
Also here's a silly human WL design since I love her a bunch/silly
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klein-sodor-bahn · 10 months
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Henry (engine accurate) full body reference
Time for design ramblings. My basic idea for Henry was making him big but in a different sense, because he had to be height wise smaller than Charlie and the other German characters. Also Black 5s look like boxes on wheels when viewed straight on. Also he’s a mixed traffic engine meaning he is rather powerful. So this sorta dad bod, bear like physique was what I settled on. The long hair well Henry has more feminine facial features compared to Gordon. So the long hair underlines that.
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I imagine the mask gets misplaced or damaged at some point, so at the time humanoid bittergiggle dies his face is actually uncovered. I want to doodle the covered side of his face even if I’m gonna have to google how to draw severe facial scarring for it because it would be very fun to make
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walkinthew00ds · 4 months
CW for blood + a very minute scopophobia trigger under the cut
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Not going to ramble on too much about my personal AU until I have more art drawn, but GOD did I need to draw one of these sketches like I used to do last year again. To put it shortly, malware makes you do some wild shit! Even if you don’t have the best control over it!
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fabianvtugsart · 9 months
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I finally actually worked on Tophat's design instead of rushing his design last time I drew him ..(⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|)
What do you guys think?
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thatcheeseycandle · 8 months
//tw for bright light, white background, explosion, and water bursting
"Evelyn, Evelyn
Why do we bother to stay?
Why are you running away?
Don’t you feel like severing?
Everything’s just come together at last
It’s broken, I don’t want to play."
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn.
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Did I rewatch the Great Race instead of continuing the video I've been working on for the past few weeks? Yes. Yes I did.
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toxooz · 9 months
omg i literally love wheelbitten as a comic and ur art is amazing
random question but how long have u been drawing as an artist and do u have advice.............
thank uuuu and I've been drawin my ass off since I could hold a pencil and I'm 24 (25 next month) now so this shit wasn't overnight by any means lmfao idk the way i did it was have A Thing that you like drawing and just draw the fuck outa it and eventually you'll get better for sure whether it be the desire to get better at drawing said thing makes you do research and study something to become better at it or just literal muscle memory from drawing said thing so much. I had lil spouts of taking time to get better at specific things like anatomy, shading, ect. by studying it but overall i just subconsciously got better by mentally picking up new things everytime i draw and analyzing the world around me. Even recently i got to see that with drawing tactical gear (that ive never really drawn before and never wanted to draw in my life) soley bc i just REALLY fukkin love Ghost and Konig
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i went from being terrified and intimidated of drawing tactical gear (even trying to put a gun in front of it as if that was any better lmfao) it used to be vague as hell and my brain would shut down just trying to look at the references(i remember having a ''shit man am i even gunna be able to draw these characters???'' moment of dread the first time i was drawing Konig pffft) to absolutely loving drawing tactical gear and seeing how much more detailed i can make it with every new drawing, so a complete 180 but that's bc im just totally obsessed with the characters and drawing is how i express that sO thats mainly what i mean by just have a thing that you love and want to draw and the rest should follow with time, patience, and practice. I think it's about training your brain and motivation to pick up on details or a certain way something looks in lighting (or lack thereof) bc my brain is probably wired a certain way after art being like a centerpiece of my development to the point to where drawing is just What I Do and at this point if i dont draw for even a few days i start getting vaguely antsy and fidgety it's crazy lmfao SO idk if this is worded like i need it to but yeah art and the act of drawing can be frustrating as hell but it should be enjoyable and rewarding above all else at the end of the day!
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sheeperzzz · 2 months
I need to ramble about my High on Life AU hrbrbrbrbr Tl;Dr: Kenny turns bipedal and becomes a Bounty (Hunter) Check below the cut for the rest!!
Okay so I'm not really good with words, and I've got severe writers block, but the general idea of the AU is that after the Bounty Hunter dropped him during one of their adventures, Kenny got picked up by some scientist that decided to give him nonconsensual "upgrades".
Like- The way I imagined this going (and being as vague as I can so I dont overexplain shit) is that Kenny was dropped somewhere with a lot of vegetation that made getting him back nearly impossible. He was also wounded in the fight that the Bounty Hunter was fleeing from- this will be important. Kenny is laying in this place for a little over a week or so. He couldn't really move or protect himself, nor did the grass provide enough shelter from whatever things are running about, so his wound never properly healed. He's just stuck there, waiting and hoping for the Bounty Hunter to come back. Eventually, he heard someone approaching and felt someone grab him. He thought it was the Bounty Hunter and is incredibly happy, but his joy instantly died down when he realized that it is not, in fact, the Bounty Hunter. It was some alien he didn't recognize the species of. He tried to make conversation, but they were not interested in talking with him at all. They talked, sure, but not to him. They kept mentioning things about upgrades and tests and "seeing if it would finally work". Kenny, becoming uneasy and very uncomfortable in the clearly unsafe situation, tried to escape, but, again, he couldn't do much with a gaping hole in his side. Before he knew it, he was put in a containment cell with things hooked up to him. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was the steely stare of that scientist that put him there.
For the next six months, Kenny was kept in a large containment cell (like the ones we saw with the human and two aliens with the Skrendel Bros mission). His body was warped and evolved much faster than it should have been to reach the bipedal design he has now. It was actually a pretty painful experience, but Kenny wouldn't remember that when he was woken up.
When Kenny came to, he was disoriented and confused, of course. He had new limbs, a new body, a new self, and having just woken up from a six month slumber didn't help at all. Kenny was given help by a cartel grunt that had stumbled across the place and had broken the glass of his prison. Kenny stayed with this grunt for a bit (getting used to his new body, what he could do, all that) before deciding to try and find the Bounty Hunter.
So the current thing I have in my brain going for this is that Kenny has caused so much of a ruckus with the cartels he keeps accidentally finding and the remaining G3 grunts running about that he HIMSELF has become a Bounty, but that's not stopping him from trying to find the Bounty Hunter. He wants to find them and get them to explain why they never came looking for him. He's not vengeful, he's just hurt.
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m0nsterwife · 1 year
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two (2) losers
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