#and yeah kronos would not have brought her back. if he succeeded there would have been no luke left so there's no point lmao
atlabeth · 3 months
after reading the newest part to the hurricane series I can’t stop thinking that Kronos told Luke that with the power he would get he could bring hurricane back, but I also feel like that if they did win Kronos would never bring her back.
he definitely did!! i mentioned this in a previous ask but the easiest way to control luke has always been through hurricane, even when they were young he would have laid down his life to protect her.
so when he's 4 years removed from her death and kind of has nothing to lose, giving him something to gain (literally the love of his life) and solid answers for his need for revenge is a foolproof way to get luke on his side
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Frontiers and Eggman
Now seems like a good time to talk about how I hate Eggman’s characterization in Frontiers
Such a fucking nothingburger of a character. He held no real importance aside from simply trying to get the Ancients technology and he doesn’t even do that much since he got trapped in Cyberspace for 4 islands. What was the point of his character in the game at all? 
We see his little hubs scattered around the islands but... how are they there? In the very opening of the game, where was Eggman anyway? Surely already on one of the islands right? If that’s the case, it would explain why his ships are on the first three. But given the scenery of when he was first transported, was he on Kronos or Ouranos? The greater point of what Im trying to say here is that he still accomplished NOTHING in terms of acquiring Ancient technology. 
He merely recorded his observations and left them in logbooks we find from Big. Problem here is, if he has ships on the islands, why are the logbooks not just THERE? Why are they set aside with Big? What does it mean if Big has them anyway? Also, some of the memos keep in mind that Sonic is on the island. Which means they’re being made as the story progresses. So why the fuck are they with Big in the first place? How do they get there and why with him and not on any of those damn ships? No hate on Big here at all, but why does he have them, seriously.
Im going on too much on a minutiae tangent so allow me to focus back on another point that annoyed me: this father/daughter thing Eggman has going on with Sage. Yeah this was garbage lol. 
It felt rushed and never earned any of its moments. Likewise, I felt no reason to give a shit about Sage since all she did was attempt to kill us and tell us to leave. So when they tried to force this idea of Eggman prioritizing this one creation above every other robot he’s ever built, I laughed. Especially with that crying flashback. God that was laughably terrible. The moment wasn’t earned whatsoever and reusing cutscenes from like 20 minutes ago doesn’t support whatever narrative was attempted there.
I can see Eggman having a sort of parental bond with one of his creations, mainly Metal Sonic. A robot Eggman has built, rebuilt, and kept around countless times - Sonic CD - Knuckles’ Chaotix - Sonic Heroes - Sonic 4 Ep II - Sonic Mania / Mania Adventures - (Sonic Forces I guess??)
But anyways, then comes Sage. An AI that makes her debut and by the end earns Eggman’s admiration to call her his daughter. Yeah, just toss Metal Sonic in the trash and take a shit on him too I guess.
I don’t have an issue with Eggman showing a humane side but he also didn’t show any other side in Frontiers either. He wasn’t the main villain here nor the sub-villain. The real evil here was The End and the sub-villain was Sage and the Titans. Eggman could in theory be written out of the story with proper adjustments done to Sage. Eggman takes over the world in Forces and discards Infinite, who as shown by the prequel comic. shared Eggman’s vision of the world. He gives him power to defeat and capture Sonic, causes a lot of destruction on behalf of Eggman and his Empire, and once once he failed, he was forgotten about. Both by the player and to Eggman. Sage gets destroyed in a sacrifice to stop The End and Eggman desperately brings her back no questions asked. Like what is this??
I know people are going to point out different writing and all that, but when has Eggman ever gotten this attached to anything or anyone? I think it’s appropriate to say his relation to Sage warrants being called “Out of Character.”
Even though I brought up Metal Sonic, I can’t say Eggman is attached to him as he’s rebuilt sparingly. His only real appearances in modern games were Heroes and Sonic 4. He’s a consistent weapon that Eggman refines upon because he knows Metal Sonic can succeed or at the very least, come the closest to succeeding.
Throughout all the games, Eggman will have one plan and abandon it for the next best thing. That is how he is. Metal Sonic being the only consistent thing there for reasons already mentioned. So his rush to bring Sage back from cyberspace just feels so out of character.
Far as I’m concerned, Sage should’ve remained another shiny new toy for Eggman and served her purpose. Ending what little story she had anyways.
TL;DR Eggman’s characterization sucked in Frontiers and I wish to see less of it. He accomplished nothing as he got stuck in cyberspace for a majority of the game’s runtime. Sentimental moments were superficial and didn’t tug at any heartstrings with their laughably bad buildups. Sage was a weak character who I felt nothing for as she lost all interesting qualities the moment she was revealed to be Eggman’s AI. Eggman’s aforementioned bond with Sage likewise fell flat as neither character were remotely interesting in Frontiers.
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