#and yes I wasn't about to call disaster down on Smiler for stealing alien artifacts
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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Once the rain finally stopped, it was time to enjoy what GeekCon actually had to offer! Specifically, it was time to actually COMPETE in the Ultimate Gaming Test, the thing that had so screwed up Smiler the last time they were here. They flew over to an empty mat, and THIS time were able to get on and actually go through the various games! They blicblocked, swung their fantasy sword, matched all the pictures, and smashed their bat to get a final score of --
30. Out of what, I actually don’t remember, but it’s a lot higher than 30. Though, to be fair, that’s better than what I THOUGHT their final score was when the notification first popped up -- it was one of those you have to click on/hover over to open up all the way, meaning I initially believed they’d scored a THREE. XD Poor Smiler. . .they haven’t had much time to game the way I’ve been playing them, admittedly!
Smiler didn’t let the low score get them down, though. After going around the food tables and giving everyone a nice Focus boost (because that’s what makes Sims happy at GeekCon), they hopped on another gaming mat to practice their Blicblock skills for the next time. Once that was over, though, I was wondering what to do with them --
And then I spotted the working rocket.
Space adventure it was! Smiler blasted off, and -- via text adventure pop-ups -- successfully landed on a lush planet, explored some alien ruins, but declined taking any of the important artifacts in favor of just grabbing a cool rock. :p (Hey, I know what’s up -- you gotta be careful with ancient ruins! Just ask “nearly poisoned fatally” Victor.) They took an awful long time to come back, though -- so long that I had to cancel the interaction to get the rocket to actually return. And then, when I did, I thought I could sneakily do some of Smiler’s homework before the end of the festival, to take advantage of some of the skill-boosting atmosphere --
And then the table vanished just as Smiler set their homework down on it.
Taking the homework with it.
. . .Welp, off to campus to buy a new notebook, I guess! Good thing it’s only one simoleon, given Smiler’s constant financial woes. They promptly caught up on their homework while they had it -- never know when it might disappear, after all!
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