#and yes i am tagging it as spirk bc once more it is them being foils to each other. mirrors that are more similar than dissimilar
favvn · 4 months
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This Side of Paradise + The Paradise Syndrome
Hey.... Star Trek TOS writers..... let's talk. How was this ok to do using Spock and Kirk of all characters to say these things. That Spock could only be happy under the influence of mind-altering plant spores. That Kirk could only be happy after losing his memory.
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bongojones · 7 years
I was tagged by the stupendous @nerdalay!!! This is thrilling i’ve never done onw of these before :D
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 (omg 20?) blogs you would like to get to know better. 
A - Age: 18
B - Birthplace: Vancouver, BC (that’s super heckin west Canada)
C - Current Time: 14:07
D - Drink You Last Had: Hot chocolate from a Keurig
E - Easiest Person To Talk To: Gosh probably my pal Caitlin
F - Favourite Song: TBH at the moment it’s Wannabe by the Spice Girls
G - Grossest Memory: One time I had such a terrible stomach virus I barfed 7 times in 1 night then laid on the couch all the next day and puked incredibly frequently to the point I consumed only water, sips of Gatorade, and a single saltine cracker (but none of it stayed down). N a s t y
H - Horror Yes or Horror No: Omg no my imagination is far too zany for that
I - In Love?: If we’re talkin in the romantic sense that is a solid N/A
J - Jealous of People?: Y u p
K - Killed Someone?: In fiction, sure
L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: “Love at first sight” is a hormonal reaction that was helpful in an evolutionary sense of including more DNA in the gene pool. So lust. Which is discrete from love. Nice
M - Middle Name: Louis Wayne
N - Number of Siblings: 1 younger brother. We’re great pals.
O - One Wish: To go to outer space.
P - Person You Called Last: Probably the Calgary transit automated phone line to tell me when the next bus at my stop was coming lol
Q - Question You Are Always Asked: “How’s school?” the curse of being a priest’s kid
R - Reason to Smile: My Dr Who fanfic (which i’m writing RIGHT after this), spirk, being in a dark and quiet house, mental health improving, yet another sweet Queer Revelation (this is #4 already I’m truly a snowflake now), good and supportive friends, BROOKLYN NINE-NINE, my mom found an unusable Pusheen the cat poster book in her grade 1 book drive and gave it to me so now I have several Pusheen posters in my room, feeling productive!
S - Song You Sang Last: I rarely sing aloud so tbh it was probably singing along to Starships by Nicki Minaj while doing the dishes alone :P
T - Time You Woke Up: 7:45 am which doesn’t sound that bad, but I regularly sleep from 2am to 11am bcus that’s better for me, so that’s basically like waking up at 4am for me, 0/10, would not recommend
U - Underwear Colour: Grey
V - Vacation Destination: I’m going to England and France this summer with the fam and I’m SUPER stoked bc that’s one of the dream locations
W - Worst Habit: Forgetting things
X - X-rays: Once in grade 4 when my friend accidentally fractured my arm while tubing (she went TOO hard), and once when long story I wasn’t going through puberty and everyone was on a fuckin MISSION to find out what was “wrong with me” and they X-rayed my pelvis or smt??? I don’t remember
Y - Your favourite food: Popcorn!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Ok I only follow like 85 people so I’m not about to tag just under a quarter of them so I’m just gonna tag a spicy bunch of mutuals in no particular order
@thoughtful-constellations​ @lieutenant-sapphic @wolfch1ck @theholmeshome​ @what-baby​ @khangratulations​ @spockspinklipstick @siryalniphre Help me out here 9 through 20 can be any of y’all who see these things and are like “I wanna do it!!!” but haven’t ever or maybe very few times, together we can make a full list of 20, Go Team
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