#and yes i know the hobby of roadkill pickup is centered around salvage and not keeping roads clean/scavengers safe but it very well could be
cosmicyeen · 6 months
i saw a post recently that was talking about how people won't stop working bad jobs like customer service just because they no longer have the threat of starvation from making no money, and that is a very true statement!
but in that same post they also said that eventually even the worst jobs people will "never wanna do" will eventually be automated, with one of the examples being roadkill pickup.
Which that didnt make sense to me in the context of the larger post, there are absolutely gonna be people who will wanna pick up roadkill. Its quite literally a hobby for some folks.
like, the statement "people are still gonna find fulfilment working "bad jobs" like house cleaning or garbage pickup" is true!
BUT saying it with the caveat of "oh the *real* bad jobs will just be automated" is unrealistic, both because how the hell are you gonna automate something like roadkill pickup?? and because i think some people underestimate just how "bad" a job can be and still be appealing to someone else
this isnt super coherent probably but it's been on my mind since reading that post because it was kinda like "huh i guess a lot of people just dont know about this sorta thing"
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