#and yes i plan on fixing my carrd and pronouns...
qtubpol · 1 year
carrd - pronouns - ao3 - fics/aus - icon/banner - tag list - rp blogs - cashapp
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Hi! I'm Finn/Eret/Ferret/Foosh/Helios/Zagreus/Kameto!
DSMP ~ Traffic SMP ~ Empires ~ OSMP ~ Hermitcraft ~ Starfell SMP ~ QSMP
I'm primarily an Eret enjoyer, but I love other streamers too!
I tag character/content creator crit as [c!/cc!(name) crit]
I don't like truthers, I will block and out you if you are one!
I'm 21, I make adult jokes. If you are under 18, please block the nsfw/nsft or thirsty post tag!
I ship block people (who's ccs consent to it). block the dsmpshipping tag if you don't want to see that please!
More information under the cut!
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I am part of a system! This blog is mostly me, so there's no need to worry about my alters saying something (unless they want to).
We don't have an official diagnosis and we are not an expert on anything plural-related!
I've got a blog I will one day link when I am ready to. We'd be willing to answer some questions if you have any!
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