#and yes im putting this in the tags cause im fucking pissed at you hypocrits!
kayrowsyrup · 4 years
I don’t like the majority of Democrats, voters and politicians, cause y’all are so god damned hypocrital.
Y’all spent the last four god damn years never shutting your yaps about how Donald trump is a racist and sexist.
Y’all spent the last three months destroying and burning black homes and businesses, and killing people because of police brutality. Y’all screamed BLM and ACAB in the streets.
But then in walks Joe, I’m agaisnt desegregation, Biden. And y’all look past his “poor kids have the same equal opportunity as white kids” and “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” phrases. Know good and fucking elk that is a republican had said that shit y’all would never let their political careers live. Down. CNN would run for a week about why that politician was racist.
Yall pretty much brushed Tara Reade under the god damn rug and her accusation against Biden didn’t even last two weeks. But Bret Kavanough got accused and y’all wouldn’t let it go for two god damned years! Hell yall even said that she didn’t have any proof and shouldn’t be believed, but every woman who came agaisnt trump clearly wasn’t lying, right~!?
Now onto your favorite police officer Kamala Harris.
Where do I even start with this bitch? How long have y’all been protesting police corruption? This woman is literally the god damn poster child for police corruption.
“Oh this guy who I put in jail on a life’s sentence for a crime he didn’t commit got out of jail. Hehehe nope! Back in the slammer!” “Fuck poor single parents who’s children miss school!”
Y’all are still protesting police brutality and corruption while choking on her boot.
And then these politicians get in the news for the past three days and talk about “change” they had eight god damn YEARS to change America. But you know what? They fucking IGNORED the holding camps illegal immigrants were placed in for over 20 years until trump decided to get harder on illegal immigration, which they didn’t have a problem with shoving illegals into cages til the past four years. ICE went from just 14 jurisdictions to over a THOUSEND under “cool dad President Obama”.
Y’all and your politicians are just as bad and corrupt as Republicans. And y’all can keep saying you ain’t but you are. Your willing to excuse sexism, racism, police brutality, and LGBTphobia so long as it comes from your side.
At least the republicans own up to what they are.
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