#and yes joeliana is my otp for life
Like I’ve said multiple times, I almost never like the main characters in stories. I either just don’t really care about them or hate them. But there are those really rare ones that I don’t just like, but actually love. So, inspired by how incredible of a main character Maura Franklin is and how perfectly she was written and performed, and how I believe she would’ve been written and performed to the very end of whatever her journey was supposed to be, because I trust Bo and Jantje, I have to give a moment of silence and remembrance to other two lead female characters that I loved. They were so damn good, but they were terribly destroyed and butchered by the writers of the shows they carried and that is really fucking sad.
So, I’d like to pay my respects to Juliana Crain and Lucy Preston. You were amazing, I am so really sorry it didn’t end that way.
- A character that was described with “I got to know a woman who would bet on the best in us, who bet on people, no matter what the world said about who they were, who they should be..........You were the only chance any of us had.” All this referring to her humanity, to her hope in humanity in a world where such a thing barely existed. How she was the same in every alternate universe there was and how she always, no matter what world she lived in, fought for something better and never gave up on people. Guess what? All of this was burned in a dumpster fire that the writers set this show to become. She went full 180, started killing people at every step, forgot about everything she used to be. While before she was loyal to her boyfriend in spite of having feelings for another man, they made her hook up with everything male on two legs and then as a cherry on top, kill the man she loved, who saved her life multiple times before and she his. What happened to her in the final season, I don’t know, because that much of horseshit I could not take and never watched it (though, I have heard from people who did that Alexa did not even make an effort to act and that she was reduced to a side character, so thank you Alexa, you are the queen). But, in this show I loved to death, every single character was butchered, so I will forever cry about it all and never in a thousand lifetimes will I be over them.
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- And then we have a woman who started insecure, doubting herself in everything she did in life, imagined herself always in her mother’s shadow. Slowly realizing she was wrong and starting to gain her confidence because she found herself in a situation where the fate of so many people and things depended on her and she carried so many things on her shoulders. They showed her and her strongest and at her weakest, all of it at once. She wasn’t some girlboss feminist, she was strong and she was weak, she was all at once, like a real proper character should be. A woman for other women to admire. The beloved historian. Guess what? They made her end up with a douche who treated her like shit, never chose her first, got their best friend killed because of his douche actions, boasted about having sex with another woman in front of her, and acted like a world class asshole when she turned to another man, who respected her even when he was her enemy, admired her and actually payed attention and was there for her when no one else was, The worst part, they tried to paint her as a feminist icon after this, with some cheesy men-hating lines. You deserved better Lucy. But in this house we like to pretend that idiotic two hour finale never existed. Thank you very much. 
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