#and yes of COURSE she'd pick the one with the hat to lounge around in a hot tub
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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Sadly, no, it was not -- Alice did her best, lifting weights and even going for a midday box, but by the time the timer on her resolution ran out, she still hadn’t fulfilled it. :( Ah well -- the day wasn’t a total loss, as both she and Smiler made it all the way up to Fitness skill 6! And, hilariously, I think VICTOR ended up achieving the level of fitness the game wanted from Alice from his climbing session. Maybe I should have put Alice on the rock wall instead. . .
Anyway -- with the resolution officially failed, I decided it was time for Alice to relax and sent her to go chill (metaphorically) in the hot tub downstairs while directing Victor and Smiler to join the energy-centering yoga class on offer. Victor was successfully able to claim a mat -- but for some reason, Smiler could not, despite my best efforts. O.o Not sure what is going on there. . .at any rate, since they couldn’t do yoga with Victor, I sent them downstairs to soak in the hot tub as well. As you can see, both they and Alice chose their most ridiculous outfits for said soak. XD I don’t even REMEMBER giving that particular bathing suit/cover-up combo to Alice -- are you sure you didn’t pull that out of the CAS ether, girl?
However, it soon became apparent that, for whatever reason, neither Alice nor Smiler wanted to stay in the hot tub -- so instead I had them decamp to the nearby sauna for some steam! This seemed to suit them perfectly, with them laughing and joking as they enjoyed the hot coals. Victor went down to join them once the yoga class was done -- followed by Nalani! Do you remember Nalani? She’s Smiler’s mermaid friend from a little while back, and the face of Island Living. She didn’t sit down and actually indulge in the steam proper, but she hung out with the gang for a while, shooting the shit and renewing her friendship with Smiler. It was just a nice chill time all around for everybody -- again, metaphorically speaking. XD
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚
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Imagine: High School!Au. Caroline suggests secret Santa and it's no surprise who she got to buy a gift for.
Pairings: Human!Caroline x Human!Reader, Human!Elijah x Human!Reader
Warnings: Fluff 
A/N: This imagine is quite possibly the worst imagine, I've written. It's hardly even a Caroline Imagine. Genuinely I really struggled writing this one. If you have any notes or ideas/improvements that would make it better please be open and tell me ! I won't be offended, I would love feedback so I can make it better. I want to make you guys Happy with what your talking time out of your day to read :)
Caroline Forbes. She is a very special girl. In more way than just one. She's the 'Popular Girl'. The one who everyone loves and wants to be. She can be a bitch but not at Christmas time. That was her time. The time she loved. Her favourite. She may seem self-centered at times and botchy and maybe a little shallow but she is most definetely the sweetest, cheeriest and most excited around Christmas. No one could deny that. Or ruin her mood. She loves giving presents and making people happy at Christmas and that's exactly what she does. Every. Year. By organising a secret Santa between our whole friend group. Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Elena, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Tyler, Matt, Myself and especially Klaus.
Last year she rigged the raffle so that when Klaus and herself picked names, she made sure it was eachothers. Turns out, Klaus really isn't that great at gift giving or REMEMBERING secret santa. So she didn't get anything but he did. A very expensive paint and paintbrush set and a designer watch, I told her not too splashout but that's what happens when Caroline is your secret santa.
We were all huddled in the lounge of my house when we picked names this year, since last year we were at the Salvatores and let's just say their Mom and Dad aren't the most discreet when having fun or in other words to express the situation, making love. So we've decided to come here instead, since my parents are at work for another couple of hours. I was sat in between my two closest friends Stefan and Klaus.
Us three have been bestfriends since Kindergarten and always will be. The friend group was just us three but then Damon decided to start bugging us with brought Elena along...which then prompted Bonnie and Caroline to join, which led too Kol, Tyler and Matt following and then Rebekah having a thing for Matt followed an then most fortunately Elijah tagged along to watch out for his sister and Kol. I've always had a massive crush on Elijah. So when he wanted to join our friend group of course I immediately said yes.
I was the first to pick mine and I'd like to blame it on fate but I got Elijah. Which I'm excited about. Yes, he does have VERY expensive taste and likes very limited things but, I know that he loves expensive suits and classic books. I'm also not exactly loosing money. My mom is a psychiatrist and part time model, although the modelling is more of a hobby and my Dad's a surgeon, I just really
I didn't mind who got me really, aslong as they didn't spend way too much on me. Of course, Caroline was my secret Santa though. I knew as soon as she picked her's out because she said and I quote “oh this is going to be so easy, they are the only person I know what to by for.” She was clueless when it came to Klaus, so she asked me. Technically, I got his present for him but whatever. We move. 
3 day time skip(christmas Eve Eve)
We were all huddled around my dining table about to swap gifts and Caroline has put everyone's names in to decide who gives their presetn first. Of course she was picked out first. She handed me the present and when I opened it, I was shocked to find that, yes it was expensive but she didn't buy it. It's my grandma's wedding ring that she'd obviously got back from the founders council. Tears pooled in my eyes and I felt so warmed, I placed the present on the table and bear hugged Caroline.
“You don't know how much that means to me, thankyou Caroline.”
“Your so much more than welcome Y/N.”
I sat back down beside Klaus and Stefan and they both grabbed my hands and I let my head fall on Stefan's shoulder. Next secret Santa was Klaus, He got Damon a really beautiful leather jacket and a bottle of cologne. Then we continued the secret Santa after we made jokes that Damon clearly didn't smell very good.
Stefan got Rebekah a really lovely yellow dress and a Pandora charm bracelet. 
Rebekah got Caroline a very expensive pair of earrings and some pink Jimmy choo’s.
Damon got Bonnie a emerald jewelled necklace and an orange skater dress.
Bonnie got Kol a signed baseball bat and hat from his favourite player for showcasing only.
Kol got Elena a purple charm bracelet and some Armani Diamonds.
Elena got Klaus and John vervados jacket.
Elijah got Matt a watch.
Matt got Tyler a new pair of Nike Trainers.
Tyler got Stefan some really expensive hair gel as a joke, since they weren't very close.
Last but hopefully not least, was my present. I had got Elijah a short cotton trench coat, some Vanilla aftershave with woody tones and a pack of cigars since he promised he would teach me how to smoke one.
The look on his face was indescribable. I think it's safe to say that me and Caroline are good gift gifters since we are the only ones who received emotional reactions. 
“I did promise you, maybe later ?”
I giggled and calmed myself down a bit. To distract my excitement that he liked his present to not seem to desperate. 
“Don’t rush, whenever you want ?”
“What is he talking about Y/N ?”
“We were talking the other day about how he's smoked cigars before and he told me that he'd teach me since I never have before.”
I looked at Elijah the whole time and I couldn't describe the love we sent to eachother with just a look.
Maybe I'm actually starting to like secret Santa again.
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