#still that allowed for some good silly shots in the hot tub
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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Sadly, no, it was not -- Alice did her best, lifting weights and even going for a midday box, but by the time the timer on her resolution ran out, she still hadn’t fulfilled it. :( Ah well -- the day wasn’t a total loss, as both she and Smiler made it all the way up to Fitness skill 6! And, hilariously, I think VICTOR ended up achieving the level of fitness the game wanted from Alice from his climbing session. Maybe I should have put Alice on the rock wall instead. . .
Anyway -- with the resolution officially failed, I decided it was time for Alice to relax and sent her to go chill (metaphorically) in the hot tub downstairs while directing Victor and Smiler to join the energy-centering yoga class on offer. Victor was successfully able to claim a mat -- but for some reason, Smiler could not, despite my best efforts. O.o Not sure what is going on there. . .at any rate, since they couldn’t do yoga with Victor, I sent them downstairs to soak in the hot tub as well. As you can see, both they and Alice chose their most ridiculous outfits for said soak. XD I don’t even REMEMBER giving that particular bathing suit/cover-up combo to Alice -- are you sure you didn’t pull that out of the CAS ether, girl?
However, it soon became apparent that, for whatever reason, neither Alice nor Smiler wanted to stay in the hot tub -- so instead I had them decamp to the nearby sauna for some steam! This seemed to suit them perfectly, with them laughing and joking as they enjoyed the hot coals. Victor went down to join them once the yoga class was done -- followed by Nalani! Do you remember Nalani? She’s Smiler’s mermaid friend from a little while back, and the face of Island Living. She didn’t sit down and actually indulge in the steam proper, but she hung out with the gang for a while, shooting the shit and renewing her friendship with Smiler. It was just a nice chill time all around for everybody -- again, metaphorically speaking. XD
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natashaslesbian · 1 year
The Ice Cream Is Too Hot
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Summary: Natasha helps you to unmask and relax after a long day
Word Count: 823
Pairings: (Natasha Romanoff x Autistic!Reader)
Warnings/content: Neurodivergent behaviours and struggles
Your eyes were still so tired, you just didn’t want to open them. You sunk further into your pillow and blindly reached for your phone. “No, no, no!” You groaned ‘8:47am’ you started work at 10am, there was no way you would be able to continue your morning routine as normal now. It was all mapped out in your head, and on your phone, perfectly timestamped with each step. It must seem silly to everyone else how important it was to you, but messing up your morning routine was everyone else’s experience of falling face first down 10 flights of stairs.
Little did you know, the catastrophic morning you had would only turn into one truly catastrophic day. Work was a sensory nightmare, the constant change between the air con and the steaming hot kitchen was too much, and your hair was pulling and scratching all over your scalp. You started to crash after 3pm, confusing orders on the tickets and asking customers if they wanted their ice cream in a ‘cub or a tone’ rather than a ‘tub or a cone’ by 4pm it was starting to get too much, your skin was crawling, it was like their was someone else inside you trying to break through your skin. Thankfully, there was only one more hour to endure before your girlfriend came to pick you up.
“Hey beautiful” Natasha said as she pecked your cheek “how was work” she asked “it was alright” you lied. Nat suggested you pick up some takeout as a treat for dinner after your long work week, the two of you settled on pizza. After the table was set, the pair of you sat down for a semi-romantic dinner lit with candles and served with a side of wine. You were finally starting to calm down, relaxing after a very draining day, but as you bit into your second slice of pepperoni the gooey sauce spilled out onto your cheek. It was the final straw.
“Eugh! Ew ew ew!” You couldn’t take it anymore, the tears you had held back all day started to fall as your hands began to stim “hey, hey, hey” the redhead said as she made her way around the table, napkin in hand “it’s alright, come here” she said as she wiped the sauce from your cheek “Tasha” you sobbed as you crashed into her arms “bad day?” Natasha asked “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I should’ve said something I-I just wanted it to go away” you continued to cry into your girlfriends arms for a while longer. She just held you, held you with the perfect amount of pressure and allowed you to fiddle with her rings as an alternative to your injurious stimming. She continued to whisper sweet nothings into your hairline until your sobs turned to a quiet muffle of sniffles.
When you pulled away, Natasha offered to clean up dinner and put away the pizza for later. She knew you wouldn’t be up for talking just yet so when she finished, she joined you on the couch and simply asked “do you want to cuddle or just sit?” She politely asked. You reached out your hand and she softly took a hold of it. You squeezed gently and began to fidget with her rings one again, the rings she bought especially for you “when I was waiting for you out front I saw there was a new ice cream, party rings?” You giggled slightly “every time I walk in there there’s a new flavour, last week it was blue marsh mellow, it was really good” at first you knew Natasha was getting you to chat and ramble to help you unmask but after a while you forgot, happily just being yourself “the weirdest one was popcorn flavour, it tasted a little odd. I don’t even know how they make it, come to think of it I don’t know how they make ice cream at all” you shot up to grab your laptop, needing to research this burning question “I probably should know considering I work in an ice cream parlour” Natasha let out a small chuckle.
An hour raced by, the two of you on the couch, Natasha just listening to whatever you wanted to talk about. You came upon distraction after distraction, you were surprised your laptop hadn’t crashed because of all the random tabs you had open “no way!” You exclaimed “what?” Natasha said as she scooted to closer to see your screen “you know when cats do that slow blink thing, apparently it’s them saying that they love you!” The widows smile was so smile “I mean I knew that when they show you their belly it means that they trust you and that when they….what?” You said as you finally realised Natasha staring at you “I love you” she said “I love you too” and you truly did, Natasha was the safest place on earth.
Defiantly not an actual overwhelming day I actually experienced at actual work…
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Title: I Got You** {One-Shot}
Lewis Tan x Reader
Warning: Mild Cursing, Fluff, Mild to Moderate NSFW, Mild to Moderate Smut
Words: 3.1k
Summary: Lewis takes notice that you’re having a hard day, so he pushes everything to the side to make it easier.
Note: This is for @munteanhorewrites I hope this make you feel all fluffy, doll.  💜💜
 ***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
 ***Mildly Interactive***
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The way you kissed him goodbye this morning was weighing heavily on his mind. He was so in tune with you that it was easy for him to decipher how you felt. Depending on the kiss he got, he could determine if you were happy, feeling flirtatious, sad, angry, or even annoyed. This morning’s kiss was a detached one that left the taste of melancholy on his lips. He’d wanted to pull you back to him and badger you until you told him what was wrong, but time was once again against him.
 Four hours into this shoot, and he was still at it. He’d never had more than fifteen minutes to himself, and even then, he was still working. Either it was doing small interviews and web appearances, or it was answering emails. He always tried to find a balance in his life. A balance to give you the attention you deserved, but the last few months had been difficult because his name was coming up more and more for potential roles, which meant many more meetings.
 Finally, with some time for himself, he dialed you. After three rings, you picked up.
 “Hi babe,” you said, your voice low and dejected.
 “Hi, princess. How are you?”
“Eh--,” you began on a sigh. “I’m okay. I’m just sitting on the balcony with Bear.”
 “Is she keep you good company until daddy comes home?”
 “Yeah, she’s always so sweet to me.”
 Even your voice now didn’t sound like your usual self. He could feel something was off.
 “What’s wrong, princess?”
 Again, you sighed, but you didn’t speak right away. Instead of speaking, he patiently waited for you to be ready to talk about it. He knew better than to force you to open up. You’d do it in your own time. After almost a minute, you spoke.
 “It’s just one of those days, I guess.”
 “Yeah? Tell me about it,” he coaxed on.
 “I just feel at a crossroads, I guess. I don’t know how to explain it. I feel all over the place, but like I’m standing still. I don’t even know if that made any sense.”
 He could hear the struggle in your voice and even felt the chaos going on in your head. His heart sunk, and just like that, his decision was made.
 “It made sense. How about we talk about it when I get in?”
 “Sure, baby, I’m sorry I don’t mean to bring you down while you’re working,” you began before he quickly shut you down.
 “I don’t wanna hear you say that again. You never bring me down. You’re the reason I’m always on cloud ten.”
 You snorted. “Babe, you mean, cloud nine.”
 “Nah, I said what I meant, princess. Cloud ten. You got me walking in the sky on a whole different level than anyone else. They wish they were me.”
 “You’re so silly. Get back to work,” you teased.
 “Yes, baby.”
 “I love you. You know that, right.”
 “I know, babe,” you began to brush off.
 “No, I don’t think you do, but you will by the end of the day,” he finished.
 Once he ended the call, he got on the phone with his people to cancel the rest of his day. He didn’t care what it took. He had no intention of working for the rest of the day. It was strictly for you.
 Once the photo shoot was finished, he made a few quick stops to pick up things he would need. Plenty of your favorite candles. An overflow of your bath and body products from Lush. Your favorite order from the Japanese restaurant you always craved. Several servings of your favorite dessert and a few gifts. When he made it home, it almost six. Before bringing in the bags, he tracked you down, finding you still on the balcony in the bedroom.
 “Hey, baby.”
 Your smile was bright, but it never reached your eyes. “Hi.”
 He kissed your forehead, then your cheek, then your lips. “You smell like cotton candy, vanilla, and sugar. Where’ve you been?”
 Trying not to seem suspicious, he shrugged. “I just picked up a few things from the store. Have you eaten today?”
 You leaned back and hugged Bear closer, who was trying to reach him. Bending down closer, he allowed her to lick along his jaw.
 “Hi Bear, how are you? Have you been taking care of our lil’ mama? Yes, you have. Such a good girl.”
 For a few moments, both of you snuggled and scratched behind Bear’s ears, showering her with the same affection she always showed both of you.
 “So, did you?”
 “I had some tea and a muffin earlier.”
 “Princess,” he began scolding before you sighed then pouted those perfect lips.
 “Don’t be mad at me,” I couldn’t take that too.”
 “No baby, I’m not mad. I just don’t like it when you don’t take care of yourself. You mean everything to me, and I need you around.”
 You felt your heart swell from his words. You knew you meant a lot to him, but hearing him voice it always made your heart skip a beat. Turning around with the chair back between you, you flung your arms around his neck, holding him closer.
 “I love you.”
 “I love you too, princess,” Lewis whispered back.
 That was when you let everything out. You told him about the sleepless night you’d had, which he wasn’t even aware of. You told him about your worries, your fears, the anxieties that had reared their ugly heads, and held you captive all day. You held nothing back. The deepness of your anxieties and pain had him pulling you out of the chair, so you straddled him on the floor. He held you as you cried and let you use him as your teddy bear for as long as you needed.
 Once your sobs subsided, he proceeded to tell you all the things he loved about you, beginning with your kind and giving heart, the one he fell in love with first. He told you how much he loved your sense of humor and intelligence and loyalty to those you love. He even revealed a few secrets he’d held on to since the beginning of your relationship that would have told you how completely wrapped around your finger you had him. Nothing was off limits. He let it all out.
 By the time the sun had set over the horizon, you were staring at each other, neither in a rush to move or do anything else. He almost forgot about the night he’d planned—almost.
 “Give me ten minutes. I’ll be right back,” he said, kissing your nose and placing you on the floor.
 He rushed around your home to gather the bath products he’d bought and brought them into the bathroom to fill the tub. As he filled it, he didn’t think much of what ingredients were meant for what; all he cared about was the scent. He knew which scents would help with stress and mood, and those were the ones he focused on. As the water filled and the bath bombs fizzed out, he placed the candles around the bathroom and lit each one.
 Once he was sure everything was perfect, he went back to your bedroom and found you right where he left you, again with Bear in your arms. She loved the attention. Slowly he covered your eyes and led you to the bathroom, all the while you softly giggled.
 “What are you up to?”
 “Nothing. I just want tonight to be all about you. I want you to truly feel loved, taken care of, and safe.”
 “Aw, babe.”
 When he lowered his hands from your eyes, you gasped and brought yours to your mouth.
 “Oh my god, Lewis.”
 Before you was such a lovely sight, it brought tears to your eyes. The soft glow of the plethora of candles that were decorated around bathed the room in a romantic aura that had butterflies filling your belly. When your eyes dropped to the tiled floors, you found red and white rose petals leading to the back of the bathroom, where the dark bamboo colored flooring held the white porcelain tub.
 The tears in your eyes welled to capacity. Lewis dragged the pads of his thumbs just underneath your eyes to sweep them away.
 “Come on.”
 He led you along the flower path to the tub. The scent of plumeria, gardenia, vanilla, brown sugar, and a few other scents wrapped around you, making you moan.
 “Babe, this is so sweet,” you whined. When he smiled and showed off those adorable dimples, you playfully dug your pointer into them, deepening them.
 “Come on. Let’s get you in.”
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Lewis stepped behind you, undid your robe, and helped you into the tub. As you sank down, you sighed out, relishing the feel of the hot water on your skin. Once you sat, you stretched and dipped your back to rest your neck against the cushion there.
 “Is it good?”
 “Yes, baby, thank you.”
 Instead of leaving, Lewis went behind you, sat on the raised portion of the floor, and picked up your bath gloves.  When you felt him begin to bathe you, you melted.
 “You’re going to give me a bath?”
 “Yep,” he replied.
 “Sure, you can handle that?”
 His smile was wide before he bit his bottom lip. “You know how focused I can be when I have a goal.”
 “And what’s the goal, baby?”
 Your eyes met. “The goal is to have the love of my life feel like the queen she is. So turn around, lay back, and let daddy do all the work.”
 You did as you were told, and Lewis did as he promised—he did all the work. Lewis rubbed your muscles and massaged out all the kinks and lumps your body held with expertise. You always knew he was good with his hands. He could handle every weapon with ease and skill. That skill didn’t stop there; it stretched far beyond martial arts and weaponry. By the time he’d drained the tub and rinsed your body off, you could have floated away from how lite you felt.
 He left you for a few minutes leaving you to wrap in a towel and make it back to your bedroom where you found your stock of body products replenished with a sweet note and gift box. Inside the gift box were a new robe and a sexy cami and short set. After lathering your skin with the lotion that smelled like coconuts, roses, and cocoa butter, you put the items on. When you turned around there, Lewis stood leaning on the door jamb, just quietly watching you.
 “How long have you been there?”
 “Since you popped that delectable thigh up there,” he said, nodding to the bed.
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Smiling, you tried not to feel embarrassed. He’d been watching since the very beginning and hadn’t made one sound.
 “How many times have I told you not to used your creepy martial arts stealth against me,” you teased as you walked across to him.
 “Once or twice, but I get the best shows when you don’t know I’m there,” he cooed into your ear before he placed and kiss on your neck.
 “Mmm, you smell so good,” Lewis added, biting your shoulder, making you moan and melt against him. His hand slid down the curve of your back to grip your backside, again making you moan.
 “I like this,” he huskily mentioned.
 “Not sure who you bought it for, me or you.”
 Lewis’s grip tightened on your flesh, pulling you closer so you could feel the beginning stirs of his arousal.
 “Mmm, is that also for me?”
 You lifted a leg and wrapped it around him, making his grip change, so his fingertips gently brushed your sex. The action made both of you groan. When you felt his member thicken even more, you slipped your hand between you to rub your hand against his crotch. Lewis sucked in a breath, then grunted.
 “Behave, princess,” he said before you felt him pinch your clit, sending a hot red blaze of desire through your body.
 Lewis lowered your leg, turned, and led you out of the bedroom and down the stairs. When he brought you into the living room, you stopped in your tracks to find the biggest pillow and blanket fort you’d ever seen. Excitement bubbled in you, which had you jumping and screeching as Bear scurried by your feet.
 “Oh my god, baby. A pillow fort? Aaah!”
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With that, you ran around the living room, looking at everything he’d managed to do. It was a small thing, but he knew how much you loved cheesy things like this. When you rounded to him, you leaped into his arms, wrapping your legs around him.
 “Oh, baby, thank you. I love it,” you said, kissing all over his face.
 “I’m glad you like it. It’s gonna stay up the whole week. It took forever.” Your smile was wide before you kissed him once, then twice. On the third kiss, you delved your tongue into his mouth and took control of a kiss you hoped showed him how much this and he meant to you. Lewis moaned on your mouth before his hands dropped to cup your ass. As if unconsciously, he angled you against his need, and in seconds you were making out and moaning. Lewis was the one to abruptly pull away and groan.
 “Let’s eat.”
 Dinner was amazing and perfect. While you ate, Lewis gave you complete control over what you watched. Not wanting to make him sit through some super sappy romance movie, you chose something with a good mix of action and romance. By the time you moved on to the second movie, dinner was finished, and you’d moved on to dessert. Again you melted when you saw just how much trouble he’d gone through for you today. The second gift he gave you was a gold bracelet with a heart with your first initial and his together, and the mandarin word forever etched on the back. That was when stray tears rolled down your face, to which Lewis whispered nothing but words of love, infatuation, and desire.
 Halfway through their third movie, your hands began their search for the warmth of his flesh. It didn’t take long for your search to go from innocent to complete debauchery.  You could tell your touch was having an effect when Lewis’s breathing sounded more and more labored, and the speed of his heartbeat increased underneath your cheek. The way his slim limbs looked in his boxer briefs had your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Slipping your hand down his abdomen and over every ab, you slinked your hand unto his underwear. Lewis groaned.
 “What’re you doing, princess?”
 “What does it feel like, daddy?”
 He groaned, bit his bottom lip, then slightly arched when you gently gripped his shaft.
 “This is supposed to be a calm night for you. it’s not supposed to be about--.”
 His words paused, and breath hitched as your hand traveled lower to caress the balls of his manhood.
 “God, you’re killing me, baby.”
 “What am I doing?”
 When he looked at you, the innocence in your eyes hid his member visibly pulsate. The helplessness you saw in his eyes had you instantly wet. You swung your leg over him and straddled him, letting the heat from your core sear his hardness, branding him as yours all over again. Lewis sucked in a breath and leaned back on one of the mountains of pillows.
 “We don’t—you don’t have to—I just wanted to do something nice for you. I wanted to show you how much I love you,” Lewis rushed out with great effort.
 “I love you so much for everything you did today. You didn’t have to, and I appreciate it and you more than you’ll ever know,” you began.
 You then leaned closer to him so your face was right in front of his. He was close enough to kiss. All he had to do was take it.
 “It’s my turn to do something for you to show you how much I love you.”
 Once the words came out, Lewis’s lips were on yours. He kissed you intensely and passionately. It was a kiss that stole your breath. In no time, everything had flipped, including your body. You were now underneath him with your legs spread. As Lewis kissed you, he rocked his body against you, fanning the flames of your desire.
 “I love you,” Lewis whispered as you peeled his underwear off his hips. Lewis assisted you in sliding them lower until he’d kicked them off.
 Once you felt the heaviness of his need rest on your pubis, you moaned and wrapped a leg around his back. Lewis didn’t wait. In seconds he’d managed to pull off the shorts you wore and fling them somewhere in the room. From then, there was no need to go slowly.
 “Make love to me,” you whispered.
 Lewis locked eyes with yours and thrust forward, connecting your bodies. Both of you sighed out as if you’d found your sanctuary after a long day.
 “I love you,” you whispered on a strangled breath.
 His response was a kiss that spoke of nothing but languid need, while his thrusts said he needed you and needed you now. His thrusts were swift but deep, and they worked to drive you insane. Within minutes you were clinging to him, sinking your nails into his back. Every connection you clenched around him while panting his name. On every retreat, he whimpered yours.
 “You’re my world, Y/N.”
 You could see the truth of what he spoke in his eyes, and it brought you closer to the edge. Lewis sensed it and doubled down on his efforts to make you come undone.
 “Do you love me, princess?”
 “So much, baby,” you whispered before you gasped loudly.
 Your back arched, and seconds later, you were clenching around him as your orgasm tore through you. It was so powerful it dragged Lewis down with you. The two of you laid on the soft blankets of your fort, catching your breath. Lewis traced lazy patterns into your skin before he shifted onto his side, taking you with him. As you gazed into each other eyes, you fell in love with him all over again.
 “Thank you, baby.”
 “I’d do anything for you. Remember, I’m always here for you. You win, I win. You’re happy; I’m over the moon. You’re unhappy; my world is dark. Confide in me. I got you.”
 He kissed your nose and pulled you closer. It didn’t take long for you both to doze off completely exhausted.
 Tag List:
@chaneajoyyy @caplover22 @caramara3 @dangerouslovefanfic @munteanhorewrites @shar74nett @xsweetdellzx @night-of-the-living-shred​ @labella420 @coldmuffinbanditshoe @areubeingserved @cxmfort  @littlepreciousangel @youremysuperstar @i-just-like-fanfics @k347 @storiestoldbyjazz @jovanaprime  @ramp-it-up @october505 @ukmkhan @liquorlaughslove @msblkfire84​ @live-laugh-love-ki​ @literaturefeen @winchwm​ @queenoftheworldisdead
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stevesharrlngtons · 4 years
32 with Roman
prompts are open 
an anon requested some roman angst a lil while back, and while this isn’t super angsty it kinda is? lol
also i changed the wording a bit i hope thats ok
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Of course he was here, you really shouldn’t have been surprised. 
Roman had a tendency to worm his way back into your life, physically or mentally, one way or another. It’s like he knew when you were finally moving on, when you had finally pushed him from your consciousness, and decided that that was unacceptable. 
You let out a heavy sigh as you watched him enter the house party, a perky blonde slung comfortably under his arm. The mummers had started then, people whispering and peeking over at him and his date. Just because this party was outside Hemlock Grove city limits didn’t mean that Roman’s name didn’t have any lore or pull to it. You were sure everyone in the state, hell maybe the country, would stop what they were doing to follow him through a room. He had an incredibly commanding presence, something that you once loved, but now just resented. 
“Is that Roman Godfrey?” the guy you had been chatting up asked. 
He was good looking, this random man. Charming, always willing to refill your cup or dance when a song you liked came on. He laughed at your jokes and kept his eyes from wandering to any of the other girls that were in attendance, which was silly, but something you appreciated. You’d only met him a couple of hours ago, so any singular devotion he had to you was quite flattering. You were seriously considering taking his hand and asking him to join you in a room upstairs until Roman showed up and decided to steal his attention from you. This guy, this stupid guy who was the only guy in the party who you’d been attracted to even in the slightest, of course he would have a hard on for Roman and his family name. 
“Who?” you asked with resentment, drinking more of the swilly beer in your cup. 
“Who? Roman Godfrey? His family owns half the state! He’s like, a billionaire. How in the hell do you not know who he is?” he talks like an animated puppy about Roman, you can see as his eyes follow the taller man everywhere he goes in the room. 
You refused to look at Roman yourself, you just stared up at your date (if you could even call him that). You focused on the bumping music as he continued to gush about Godfrey Industries and Roman’s family money. God, you bet this guy talked about Elon Musk like this too… and suddenly you felt so repulsed by him that your skin crawled at the thought of him touching you. 
“You know what?” you cut him off from his rant, “I’m going to go out for a cigarette.” 
“Oh, OK. Want me to come?” He asked.
“No, not particularly.” And you were sure he was scowling after you and calling you a bitch, but you didn’t care. You needed to get away from him, his Roman complex, and all other Roman related things. 
You pushed your way through the throngs of people in the house to the back sliding door, where you exited to the pleasant gust of chilled air. It was a welcomed contrast on your skin after simmering inside with all it’s muggy body heat. 
The house that was throwing the party was really nice, nicer than any house you’d be able to afford. There was a large inground pool, complete with water features and a conjoined hot tub; an outdoor kitchen with a pizza oven and fully stocked fridge; and some of the most beautiful landscaping you’d ever seen. It made you wonder who actually lived here. One of your coworkers had invited you along, and you had only shown up to have something to do on a Friday night. You saw her for around five minutes when you arrived, then you’d both disappeared into the sea of people. 
You went over to the kitchen and took a seat on one of the built in benches. It was carved into the brick next to the pizza oven, and even though the oven was off, you could still feel some heat emanating from it. You pulled your knees to your chest and settled against the brick, temple to the oven as you enjoyed the silence the night had to offer. You took out your phone from your jeans and began to app surf, switching between social medias to keep your mind busy. 
“Now, what’s a pretty little thing like you doing out here, all by her lonesome?” you could see the smarmy grin on his face without even looking up. 
A part of you had futilely hoped that escaping outside would have thrown Roman off your scent. You’d up and completely left parties when he had arrived in the past, so you hoped he would have assumed that was the case tonight. But then again if he had, he wouldn’t be Roman. Because he seemed to have a tracking device on you, always aware of your whereabouts. It used to be helpful, but now it just pissed you off. 
“You’re such a little stalker, you know that right?” you sneer, refusing to look up from your phone. 
“Pretty sure you’re the stalker, (Y/L/N). Somehow wherever I go,” He trails off as he came to sit next to you, far too close for comfort, “There you are.” 
“Whatever, Roman.” you reply, eyes still glued to your phone as you huddled closer to the oven. 
“What? No snarky retort? No adamant denial? Man, someone’s gone soft,” he chuckles. 
“Or maybe I’m just sick of this little game you’ve roped me into,” you bit back, and you could see in your periphery that his smile grew. 
“You love it.” 
“No, you love it. It’s why you never fucking leave me alone.” 
He scoffs, but doesn’t say anything else. There is a long beat of silence where the two of you just listen to each other's breaths, of the sound of the others clothing scraping against the brick and the sound of your deft fingers against your screen. 
It reminded you of when you were together, of when you had been the perky girl under his arm and the one enthralled by his presence. It reminded you of the late nights he’d shatter your body with pleasure and put you back together again. It reminded you of the times that he'd lay on your chest and murmur secrets and confessions with tears streaking his alabaster cheeks. It reminded you of the ever present smile he brought out in you. 
It reminded you of Roman’s refusal to admit any true feelings for you. It reminded you of tense silence after fights. It reminded you of how he broke your heart. 
“That guy you were talking to? Tried to shake my hand,” Roman chuckles, “Fucking freak.” 
“Yeah, that’s why I ditched him. He probably liked you more than you like you.” 
Roman snorts, “He was practically humping my leg.” 
“Yeah, well he was practically humping mine before you showed up. So thanks for that.” you said bitterly, finally pocketing your phone and looking out over the groomed backyard. 
“He wouldn’t have known what to do with a woman like you.” 
“I would have liked to figure that out on my own upstairs, thank you very much.” you cross your arms over your folded knees. 
“C’mon, that guy? I could smell his drug store cologne from a mile away, and that fucking geled hair? You chose that guy?” you could easily detect the envy in his voice.
“C’mon, that girl? With fake tits up to her chin and boxed dyed roots?” you shot back fast, and then immediately cursed yourself. 
Because you had just played into his game, the one you had been trying for the past few months to eject yourself from. 
“She’s hot, isn’t she?” he drawls, leaning back against the bench. 
“If you’re into that 80’s fake Sports Illustrated look.” 
“She fucks like she’s straight out of Hustler.” 
“Thanks for oversharing, Roman. Though that information feels a little more suited for Peter than me.” you said sarcastically, hoping with every passing second that he would get the hint and leave you alone. 
But he never did. Not tonight, not last time and you were sure he never would. 
“You used to love when I overshared. You said it made you feel closer to me,” he nudged you with his shoulder and you felt sick. 
Because yes, you had said that. You had loved when he told you everything. When he didn’t hold back on his thoughts and feelings, and told you things that were sometimes so ugly he’d retch. 
“You’re such a dick,” you swore, and finally stood to escape him.
“Oh, don’t be like that! Sit back down.” Roman reached out to take a hold of your wrist, but you flinched away at his touch. 
“Leave me alone.” 
“Sit back down and maybe I’ll think about it,” he laughs while trying to grab you again. 
“How long are you going to do this to me, Roman? How much longer are you going to torment me!” you snap.
You look down at him for the first time all night. You had been avoiding direct eye contact since he followed you outside, afraid of what those sinful green eyes could get you to do. You’d backslid with Roman one to many times because of those fucking eyes. 
“Torment you? That seems a bit rash,” he scoffs. 
“I don’t think it is, I actually think it lets you off too easy.” 
“Yeah?” he replies, fully condescending and pompous. 
“Yeah,” you clench your jaw, “because it’s like you’re haunting me, it's like you’re this looming force that will never let me move on. And for the life of me Roman, I can’t fucking figure out why. Is it just to torture me for leaving? Are you that much of a spoiled brat? That once the toy you didn’t want gets thrown out you through a tantrum until it’s back?” 
“Fuck you.”
“No, fuck you! I’m so sick of this, Roman. I’m sick of being at a party or a restaurant or a coffee shop and then having you appear out of thin air to remind me of how much it all just hurts. Do you even care? Do you even care that everytime I see you it takes off a year of my life from pure grief?” 
Because it did. Everytime you spotted him in line behind you, at a table across the room or drinking at a bar you were sat at, you felt awful. You felt so disgusting and used and dirty, because you let Roman take and take from you and when you asked for something in return he refused to give. 
“Am I not allowed to see a friend all of a sudden?” he asks, his tone becoming defensive and worried. 
“We’re not friends. We aren’t. I loved you and you spat in my face. I could never be friends with you again, Roman.”
Roman purses his lips and looks up at you under his brow before pushing up from the bench to stand, “You don’t love me anymore?” 
“It shouldn’t matter.” 
“It does. It does to me.” he steps closer to you with every word and you finally feel the effects of the alcohol you’d had earlier. 
“Well it doesn’t to me, and it shouldn’t to you either. It didn’t then.” 
It didn’t matter to him when he screamed and laughed in your face after your confession. 
Roman doesn’t respond, even though you can tell he wants to. He towers above you now, but you don’t cower under his height. 
You watch Roman chew on the inside of his cheek for a few moments before you know the conversation is over.
“I’m gonna go.” 
You turned back toward the house and started your trek across the grass. 
“Wait!” Roman suddenly called behind you. 
You didn’t want to turn, and maybe if you were stronger you would have kept walking. But you did and you weren’t. 
“What?” you ask with a frustrated sigh. 
“I do, y’know,” he says, his posture hunched and uncomfortable, “I mean, as much as I can feel that way about anyone.” 
“Love me?” you shot back, saying the words he was too cowardly too.
Roman looks around like he’s embarrassed, like he’s looking for any witnesses that might find out he has a heart. Then he nods gently. 
“As much as a person like me can. I don’t even know if I’m capable of... that’ing. To anyone.” 
You knew this is an incredibly vulnerable moment for Roman. You knew from experience that this was as close as he had ever been to uttering those sacreded three words, as close as he had ever felt to feeling them. You knew that this should give you some solace, some closure in your ongoing battle of emotions with the tall boy. You should feel better. But you don’t. 
Because it didn’t change the past, and only gave you worthless hope for some kind of future with the only man you’d ever loved.
“Ok.” was all you said in reply. 
And Roman just nods again, though it’s clear that wasn’t the response he was looking for. You almost expected him to say something else, but he doesn’t. He just takes out a cigarette and lights it.
“I, uh, I’m still going to leave,” you say, rubbing your biceps awkwardly under Roman’s intense gaze, “I only really came here to get laid and that fell through, so…” 
“Well, I could fix that, y’know?” Roman smirks before taking a drag, and suddenly any semblance of a moment being had was.
“I’ll pass,” you say and bid him a silent goodbye. 
You walk across the grass, short and such a vibrant green, even in the winter. You wonder if Roman liked the landscaping and the pool and the kitchen like you did. You wondered if things were different, if you two would live in a house like this. You tried not to think too much about it, though.
When you were almost to the house, you heard Roman call out for you again. 
You simply looked over your shoulder to see him leaning against a brick pillar, cigarette between his plush pink lips.
“I’ll see you soon.” 
feedback is appreciated!! (:
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velvetthunder1999 · 4 years
All the time on Earth
Part 19 - The Room of Requirement
Summary: After Umbridge bans George from playing quidditch, you decide to make him feel better
Warnings: Smut (but I keep it romantic)
Word count: 2.8K
George Weasley x Reader
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When you and George woke up the morning after the detention at Umbridge, you both decided to head for the staff room immediately. You found Professor McGonagall there and you — after George gently persuading you for twenty minutes — showed her the (now barely visible) writing on your hand. She was shocked. She was furious. She squeezed your shoulder and promised you that she’ll take care of it. When you and George left the room, you heard her blowing her nose. And so you hoped.
Neither of you had class with Umbridge that day, and you were incredibly grateful for that. Even though Fred and George assured you that they won’t let anything of the same sort ever happen to you, you were still anxious. You kept your head low, trying to avoid Umbridge’s glance on the corridors, eating lunch only when she had finished. And then, when you were having dinner, you heard it. Voices from the Entrance Hall.
“Pardon me, Professor but what exactly are you insinuating?”
It was Umbridge. The whole table jerked their heads towards the Entrance Hall, and then students hurried over, keen to see what was happening. George took your hand and you quickly followed the others.
“I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you comform to the prescribed disciplinary practices.”
McGonagall and Umbridge were standing on the stairs, arguing. You nervously bit your lip.
“So silly of me,” Umbridge said. “But it sounds as if you’re questioning my authority in my own classroom Minerva.”
“Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods.”
You suddenly felt your hand stinging in pain again.
“I am sorry, dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extension, the minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty.”
McGonagall took one step down the stairs. She nodded in disgust.
Umbridge now looked at all of you. She raised her head. Your stomach trembled.
“Things at Hogwart are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action.”
You casted down your eyes and slowly let go of George’s hand. He turned to you immediately but you didn’t look at him. You headed back to the Great Hall in silence. The time had come at last. This is it. She ruined everything.
You felt George’s touch on your arm but you ignored it. You sat down next to Ginny, trying to hold back your tears.
From the next day on you were in a situation that is best describable by the word ‘miserable’. You and George had never pushed things far on corridors and hallways before anyway, but now it was reduced to the bare minimum. Yes, you sat next to each other at breakfast and the rest of the meals, yes, you were talking to each other, yes, he walked you to classes… but he didn’t press a good morning kiss on your cheek anymore, nor took your hand and played with your fingers while escorting you to places. For an outsider you two looked like friends, nothing else.
After the first Dumbledore’s Army session in the Room of Requierement things were a bit better; you both felt as though you had some kind of resistance going on against Umbridge and it made your mood a bit better as well. It didn’t last long, though; the Gryffindor quidditch team had to train for their first match agains Slytherin every night, which meant that without the DA trainings your only chance to be together with George was to wait for him extra late at night in the common room. When he arrived from the pitch, he always snuggled close to you on the couch in front of the warm fireplace while outside cold rain was falling heavily on the windows… just to be waken up by you twenty minutes later when you gently brushed his hair out of his tired face and told him it was time to go to sleep.
Even though you were glad Umbridge couldn’t find a reason to send you to detention for breaking some made up school rules, you still missed being with George. This year was certainly not going to the direction you had imagined it to be.
On the morning of the quidditch match you woke up with anticipation; as George said a couple of weeks ago you had never seen him flying, not at least as his girlfriend, and you just couldn’t wait to see him playing. You went down to have breakfast with Ginny and sat down next to Harry, Hermione and the sickly faced Ron.
“Are you all right, Ron?” asked Ginny. This was Ron’s first match. He didn’t answer.
You locked eyes with George a few seats further from you. He indicated with his head towards the door. You checked the staff table for Umbridge but she wasn’t there. You nodded and stood up from the table.
“Are you allowed to wish me good luck?” asked George when he joined you outside the Great Hall. “Or is that forbidden, too?”
“Don’t say that.” You knew he was bitter because of how things were. You intertwined your fingers with his and he seemed to ease. “Good luck.”
You gave him a sweet kiss which took him by surprise. He smiled against your lips before you pulled away.
“See you after,” you said and followed Ginny and Hermione to the pitch.
Ten minutes after you took your seats Gryffindor and Slytherin players mounted their brooms and rose into the sky. You searched for George and just saw him hitting a Bludger towards a Slytherin Chaser. You smiled to yourself without intending to.
“I hope Ron’s okay,” said Hermione.
“What’s this noise?” you said suddenly. All of you turned towards the Slytherin crowd which seemed to be singing.
‘Weasley cannot save a thing, He cannot block a single ring, That’s why Slytherins all sing: Weasley is our King.’
“You gotta be kidding be!” shouted Ginny. You saw Ron just letting a quaffle in. “It’s disgusting.”
After Ron letting in like a dozen of shots, you saw Harry shooting for the ground and raising his hand into the air while Lee Jordan was shouting that Gryffindor won. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause but you were looking at the ground where Malfoy was standing a few feet away from the team, apparently talking to them.
“Oh, no!” screamed Hermione when Harry and George ran towards Malfoy and started beating and hitting him in anger. A few seconds later Madam Hooch caught the boys and sent them up to the castle.
“We should go to…,” you started but Ginny pointed.
“Look, Umbridge!”
Umbridge climbed down the stairs and followed the boys up to the castle with a smug smile on her face. You had a really bad feeling.
You decided to go back to the common room and waited for Harry and George there. Fred was still fuming in anger.
“I wish you’d let me have a go at him,” he said to the Chaser girls. “Malfoy deserves much more than he got!”
“I’m sure Umbridge will figure out something to punish them,” you said darkly.
Just as you sat down next to Fred, the portait opened and Harry and George stepped in, both wearing a miserable expression on their faces. By the time they finished telling the story of how Umbridge banned them to play quidditch ever again, the whole common room was lethargic. You certainly did not expect this day to end like this.
Angelina was first to go to sleep, Alicia and Katie followed. You looked at the twins’ mournful faces and you felt nothing but anger and disgust towards Umbridge.
“I’m going to sleep, too,” said Fred drearily, standing up. You looked at George and whispered.
“Do you wanna come with me?”
He nodded without saying a word. You knew it was risky going out this late, but you took his hand and lead him out of the common room anyway. You walked in silence, though you felt how strongly he was gripping your fingers. When you reached the Room of Requirement you closed your eyes and wished for your own room, then opened the door and pulled George with you.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, after locking the door and taking his hand again. Your eyes stuck on his swollen lips for a moment that he got from Malfoy. You started gently rubbing his fingers. “You wanna take a bath?”
He finally looked into your eyes after staring at the floor for the whole time. He nodded and spoke in a low voice.
“Yeah… That’d be nice.”
Since you wished for the Room to have its own bathroom with a nice tub, well, it did. You let the warm water fill it up and you poured some vanilla scent in it to make it a bit nicer. You looked back at George; he was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking miserable. You walked back to him and sat down, too.
“It’s ready.”
He didn’t answer. He was resting his elbows on his knees, his head hanging low. You tenderly soothed his hair.
He sighed and stood up, following you to the bathroom. He was still wearing his quidditch robes, which you helped him get rid of, then you left your own clothes on the floor as well and sat into the hot water. George followed, sitting in front of you; the water reached both your necks as he leaned back, his back against your chest. You hugged him from behind, your chin resting on his shoulder.
“I just…” he started but struggled for long seconds to finish the sentence. He couldn’t.
“I know,” you said. “She just…” you struggled, too.
“Yeah,” he said softly.
You looked at George’s swollen lip with a tiny cut on the side of it and you felt anger boiling in you again. You pressed a soft kiss on his cheek and he hummed, closing his eyes.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” you said, whispering into his ear. “We can just… be here.”
He nodded again, eyes still closed. You pressed another kiss on the corner of his lips, then his jaw, then his cheek. He reached down next to him, resting his hand on your tigh. You hugged him a bit tighter while gently biting his neck, your hands caressing his hair and his chest under the water. After a few minutes you felt him ease in your arms and you took it as a good sign. But it wasn’t enough… you wanted to make him feel better, you wanted to see him smile again, because your heart broke everytime you looked at his sorrowful face… You wanted to give him everything  of you just as he gave you everything of him.
“You wanna lie down?”
Your voice was soft but you heard the restrained anticipation in it. You were sure George did, too. He turned a bit to face you and your lips met again in a sweet, careful dance. You felt a slight taste of blood on his lower lip where the cut was and your heart was longing for him even more.
“All right, then,” you said and he looked at you with his eyes full of desire. You shot a half-smile at him and took his hand after he stood up and stepped out of the bath.
As you left the warm water you shivered, feeling the cold air on your skin. You felt goosebumps all over your body, and George saw you freezing; he pulled you into his warm embrace and kissed you as your hungry lips were reaching for his. You started backing away towards the bed, pulling George with you, and with a soft thud you both fell on the matress. George’s lips left yours and started wandering on your neck, but before he could’ve gone further you stopped him.
“No,” you said and pulled him up to kiss him, while changing your position, gently pushing him onto the bed while climbing on top of him. He looked at you surprised, but closed his eyes the second you took over.
“Y/N…” he moaned softly as you bit his neck, this time a bit stronger than before. You could already see a few hickeys showing on his skin.
“Mm?” you said while kissing the freckles on his chest. His hand found a way into your hair, letting your locks fall between his fingers.
You made your way lower; you felt goosebumps on his midriff as your lips touched his skin.
“Y/N,” he said again, this time a bit louder. He cupped your cheeks and pulled you to him, tasting your tongue, gently biting your lips. Sitting up, he pulled you into his lap and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You somehow felt the vanilla on his lips… You also felt him against your tighs.
“Please,” you said, your voice hoarse from desire.
George whispered in your ears.
“Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours,” you said without hesitation.
“Only mine.”
“Only yours.”
“Tell me I’m only yours, too.”
You grabbed his face and kissed him with everything you had, with everything you were.
“You’re only mine and I love you more than anything.”
And then you sat on him. Both of you let out a soft moan and you felt as though your heart would explode from happiness. You felt whole with him in you. As he started thrusting, your breath became shakier, his soft moans became louder. You silenced him with your lips while he was holding your butt and squeezing it hard. His hands were so strong… You wanted more… Nothing was enough.
He lay back down onto the bed and turned over to be on top of you again. You didn’t resist… You could’ve let him do anything to you in that moment. His thrusts became stronger. Your fingernails dug deep into his back. He was kissing your neck, moaning your name.
“George,” you shrieked as you felt the knot in your stomach. You glued your lips to his. He reached down; as he started gently massaging your clit you moaned into his mouth. He smiled against your lips. “Faster… Please — ”
Your eyes closed thightly… You couldn’t breath straight… He was shaking… And then your body stretched out under him and you couldn’t help but let out a soft cry.
“Love,” he grunted and you felt him coming, too. He panted as you hugged him tight and pulled him to you, to rest on your chest. He wanted to pull out but you stopped him again.
“Wait…,” you panted. “Just a little… wait.”
You kept your eyes closed, slowly gaining back your breath, letting yourself enjoy every second of him inside of you. After all those horrible weeks apart… After missing him so much… You felt happy tears in your eyes and you wiped them away with a smile.
“I love you… so much,” you said as you gently moved your hips away from his. He looked at you with such adoration you felt like you just couldn’t handle it anymore.
“I love you, too, witty,” he said and he moved to his side, placing one hand under his head and one hand on your face. He ran his thumb across your cheek. His eyes were tired, but happy; they looked like melted chocolate.
You leaned closer and kissed him softly on his lips. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. You were tenderly caressing his hair as you lay on your back. He soon snuggled closer to rest his head on your chest. You felt his leg hugging yours and he wrapped his arm over your belly. He raised his head to your neck, letting out a deep sigh again. You felt his soft breath on your skin as he started dazing off, occasionally humming when you ran your fingers through his hair.
He looked so peaceful. You looked at his swollen lips again and suddenly anger came over you once more. You wanted to hurt anyone who would dare to hurt him. And that woman… That evil, loathsome, ugly toad… Your hand started shaking as her face came into your mind. She can’t do anything she wants… If she thinks you will be lying low just because she says so… Umbridge already took weeks from you and George… And now she’s punishing him… You couldn’t care less about detention anymore. You’d rather die than let her ruin your happiness.
And so in that moment, you swore to yourself not to be afraid anymore.
Because you weren’t going to let her win. You were going to resist.
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homosociallyyours · 3 years
Nosy meme: 2, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 22, 29, 33, 47, 50. 💜
OMG thank you Brynn!! So many questions to answer :) I’m putting it under a cut bc I know it’s gonna get long...AND YES IT DID. 
2) What are you obsessed with right now? Below Deck, this ridiculous Bravo show that follows a charter yacht through an 8 week season of trips. It’s dramatic and full of wealthy people like most Bravo shows, BUT it’s also following the people who staff the boat, not the guests, so it’s more relatable than Real Housewives. I just wrote a one shot ficlet about 2 of the women on one of the more recent seasons yesterday. Ridiculous. 
6) Describe your dream home. I feel like I always have a slightly different answer for this. Right now: my ideal home would be pretty small, maybe 700-800 sq ft, with a single bedroom, painted a vibrant pink and accented with green and white (think climbing vines with tiny, bright white blooms) and a small alcove done in a pale blue that housed a murphy bed for guests. The kitchen would be ultra organized to optimize space (I would NOT be the one to do this) and would be equipped with an air fryer, slow cooker, instant pot, and microwave in addition to standard brand new appliances. There’s a fold down table that can seat up to 4 in the kitchen, though it’s usually just set up for me. The bathroom has a shower done with celadon green tile with a bench seat built in and glass doors. The living room is small and simple, but there’s a big comfortable grey couch and a tv. The whole house has hardwood floors, and the windows each have a bit of stained glass in them up top so the light is sometimes colored as it filters in. There’s a covered carport with a doggie bath area and a chest freezer, and in the fenced back yard there’s a hot tub and comfortable lounging furniture among all the greenery. The house doesn’t have a lawn tho, fuck that. You can’t hear sounds from the street-- it’s a quiet house. I live alone unless i want a visitor. It sounds so nice.  
12) What’s one of your fantasies? Having my dream home as above, lol. But really my most typical fantasy is being able to afford a weekend away at a fancy airbnb by the ocean that allows dogs. It turns out the owner is fat butch dyke who loves dogs and we end up playing scrabble together sitting at a picnic table outside. She offers to cook me dinner; I put together a cheese plate while she grills steaks and broccoli, and we basically fall in love, turning my silly 2 day vacation into a lifetime of slow, sweet, happy love. ://////////
13) Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? I would, maybe? But also idk bc they’re extremely sensitive already and I don’t want them to lose sensation BUT i also don’t want them to be more sensitive bc that could cause legit problems. 
19) If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to? Nah, I like my name. Though if I were going to change it I think I would just go by a variation of my first name-- Dottie. 
20) What is something you’re obsessed with? Other than Below Deck? Yorkshire Gold tea. I bought it bc Louis Tomlinson drinks it and my whole life changed for the better. It’s SO FUCKING GOOD, ok? It rarely tastes bitter, even when you accidentally oversteep it, and the flavor and aroma are surprisingly complex for a simple black tea. I have been into teas since I was a teenager, and while I could never entirely give up some of my single origin black teas, Yorkshire Gold is my current (forever?) go to for a daily cuppa. 
22) Tag someone you think is hot. HELP I don’t experience attraction this way anymore :p Literally idk who to tag?? WAIT @mxaether!!! Kams is super hot in all the ways, I adore them so much. 
29) What’s the most overrated movie? In general anything directed or written by a white man who’s made lots of movies. I really try not to watch slogs like that anymore, but the last movie I watched that genuinely made me want to yell was The Dark Knight. Do I remember the plot? NO bc my ass was BORED BORED BORED and when I kinda thought it was about to be over NOPE! there was another hour of the movie left. Fuck that garbage. I haven’t seen it but I’m pretty sure I’d feel the same about that Snyder cut of Justice League. I read a long synopsis/breakdown of the movie (from someone who loved it!!!) and spent the whole time frowning with disgust bc it sounded like The Worst Thing I Could Ever Sit Through. 
33) If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? For the most part, not that different? I would have an endless supply of incredibly soft, comfy leggings with bright, eye-catching colors and patterns along with stretchy, form fitting dresses that were equally loud. Soft, loafer style slippers in a variety of colors. All my under things would be high end and custom made (also colorful! no white underpants! ever!) I would also have access to ultra fancy party clothes: stretchy, body con jumpsuits with plenty of sparkle (picture: a coppery jumpsuit that fits tight through the hips and ends with a high waist, the top slit in a deep V but draping softly with a bit of volume. The back has a light, diaphanous, cape of sorts), twirly dresses, etc. Everything is INCREDIBLY comfortable and easy to move in, but glam and fun and whimsically sexy?  
47) If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? None celebrity, left beef. :P Truthfully tho it’s Alex Guarnaschelli...she cooks for me, I serve her in any and every way she wants or needs. Would also say Lizzo but I worry that her partying days are still here and I know I wouldn’t be able to keep up. 
50) What’s your favorite kind of weather? Sunny but breezy, almost cool in the shade, for midday. In the evening the temperature drops enough that you’re grateful for a sweater but not so much that you’re ever actually chilled, and around 2am there’s a light but steady rain for an hour or two that’s barely noticeable by noon the next day. 
If anyone read all of these and for some reason wants to send me more, the asks are here
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bongugourokishima33 · 4 years
You can look, but you can’t touch
A/N: This was on my AO3, I moved it here to so hope you enjoy it. 
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Tracing your fingers gently across his bare chest you circled around the tied up man in front of you and smiled at his darkened eyes, angry with lust he watched as you stopped in front of him. Sitting in his lap you carefully ran your hands up his chest dragging your nails against his soft skin, earning another groan from him, his breath quickening at your touch.
Placing soft kisses up his neck you could feel him melting away underneath your taunting pets, it drove him crazy how much you turned him on. Giggling at his attempt to break free from the ropes, your sweet assault on his collar stopped making him think he now had a moment to collect his broken composure, oh how he was wrong. Roaming those luscious plump lips up along his jawline you left a trail of wet kisses, making your ascend to his earlobe nibbling on it.
"Untie me kitten." He breathlessly spoke, you felt his muscles tighten up again as he tried to get free from the restraints, ignoring him sweetly you continued to suck and nibble at his weak spot your hands moving down his abs to the top of his pants. You felt the hardness in his pants grow, his pants never felt so tight before, as you rubbed him over his jeans soft moans seethed through his gritted teeth, you enjoyed watching your lover fall apart before your eyes.
"Did you enjoy yourself at the event earlier." You cooed pulling away, staring down at him. Taken back by your words he nodded slowly as you ran a hand through his soft locks yanking his head back.
"Answer me." Your voice so angelic and soft it was hard to tell how serious you were being, but like the good boy he is, he answers. "Yes, I did." You placed your lips on his, kissing him zealously as you let go of his hair and wrapped your arms loosely around his neck. Both battling for dominance, you brought his bottom lip between your teeth and tugged always loving the feeling of those lips, one of the many things you adored on him.
Sliding off his lap you knelt down in between his legs rubbing his thighs, every action drove him insane, every word you spoke danced sweet melodies in his ears, the black laced lingerie hugging your curves perfectly, his kryptonite that's what you were, his dangerous little weak spot.
"Did you enjoy all the attention you were getting." You asked steadily unbuckling his belt, he watched you slowly pull it out from the loops and drop it off to the side. Waiting for him to reply you took the zipper between your teeth, his cock springing free, peering back up at him you licked your hand covering it with a thick layer of saliva.
“Y/N.” He yanked against the restraints, making it his second attempted at escaping.  
As if on purpose your hand lowered slowly onto his shaft, the cold sensation from your spittle instantly sending shivers down his legs, moving it up and down tantalizingly, another moan left his mouth throwing his head back pleased with the painfully delicious strokes you were giving him.  "Did you like having all those girls flirt with you." Circling your palm gently over the tip of his head you saw him twitch, bucking his hips against your wondrous movements.
"W-what g-girls." A short whine slipped out his mouth, hi response not pleasing you at all, he knew what you were talking about. Licking the tip teasingly before spitting on him, the saliva ran down stopping at your fingers. Pumping him again you moved your hand all around leisurely, making sure he was coated nicely.
"You know silly.” Your sweet angelic look fading into a pout.
“The one who couldn't keep her hands off you." His eyes shot to you, you could almost hear how fast his heart was pounding in his chest.
You took no time in bringing him into your mouth, the warmth sending a beautiful sensation barreling up his strong physique, you swirled your tongue around a couple of time, sucking on the tip once more then bringing him deeper down into your throat, you sucked him a little harder, bobbing your head at a nice pace. His thick throbbing cock, filling your mouth as you gagged slightly.
"Fuck baby, just like that." He whimpered wishing he could run his fingers through your hair, you pulled away for a few seconds letting the saliva drip from your mouth back onto him, it was pure maddening watching you work your magic on him and not being able to touch your sweet delicate body.
You put him back in your mouth a little precum spilling out, as his breath shortened when you made a 'pop' sound taking him out of your mouth once more, he wasn't going to cum until you allowed it, but for now you were going to tease him in all the ways you could think of until he begged for mercy.
You stood up wiping the little remains from your mouth with your finger tips, a displeased grunt came from your lover as you walked over to the table that was in front of him.
You reached behind you unhooking your bra, slowly taking it off running your hands down your arms, your fingers tracing your soft skin. You took a peek over your shoulder at Todoroki who finally realized why he was tied up, punishment and you intended to make it hurt. He took a deep breath trying to collect himself, but knowing that and the many things you could do to him... he was going to be in hell.
You tossed your bra and turned on your heels, sitting elegantly on top of the table you ran your hands up your chest, massaging your tender breasts. Todoroki's passionate eyes watched you carefully as you pinched and tugged at your sensitive nipples, moaning softly as you handled yourself carefully in front of him.
Picking up a small bottle of lube you opened the cap and poured it over your chest feeling the cool liquid slide down your frame, massaging it all over your hands made their way to your panties and pulled them down till it dangled at your ankles, tipping out more of the lubricant over your thighs.  
“Y/N” He said holding himself back as best he could, his painful throbbing only made him suffer even more.
Laying your back on the cold table top you placed the bottle down hearing soft curses coming from the icey hot hero a few feet from you, a devilish smirk framed your face empowering your teasing side more and you slithered your hands down your figure groping yourself. Taunting him of what he could have but isn't going to get.
"Babe untie me...now." He growled unable to watch you any longer, powerless at the moment to stop you and take this torture any further. You disregard the demands some more and reached for the vibrator you brought out just for this special occasion and placed it inside once you were wet enough.
"S-since  ahh, you can't keep your flirts to yourself, you can k-keep your hands to yourself a-and not touch me." You whimpered turning the toy on, a wave of pleasure washing over you causing you to lock your legs. You could feel your wetness drip from your core, mewls of pure bliss get louder the more it brings you closer to your release as you held it bravely against your clit.
You moaned his name, legs shaking as you came closing your eyes in complete ecstasy. You heard sizzling noises and the smell of something burning sorta pull you back to reality, a loud scrape against the floors of your guys' playroom echoed bouncing off the walls.
The feelings of warm hands ran up your thighs to the sides of your body bringing you up in a sitting position. Your eyes opened to see Todoroki as he yanked the toy out of you tossing it on the table, crashing his lips against yours kissing you desperately.
“You still want me to keep my hands to myself?”
He took no time running his fingers against your sensitive folds, shoving a finger in as he moved it in and out of your soaking wet cavern, another finger added and he quickened his pace, cries of satisfaction filled the room his fingers doing a way better job than the toy.
He removed his fingers pulling your underwear completely off your ankles and laid you on your back throwing your legs over his shoulders giving you no time to recover from your release and rammed into your sweet dripping pussy.
Grabbing securely onto you he thrusts in you loving how tight you are around him.
"S-shouto!" moving faster he watches as you bite your finger, in attempts to dull out your loud cries for more.
"I promise, I have no interest in anyone but you." Leaning down to leave sweet kisses all over you he cups your breast in his hands, teasing one nipple between his fingers and bringing the other into his mouth. You felt the world around you disappear as you feel yourself about to cum again, bucking your hips to the meet his thrusts.
"D-don't stop please." Enjoying your whimpers for more he continues to fuck you hitting your spot, you cry out in delight as you cum again, your vision cloudy, quivering beneath your lover. He lets go of your boobs to hold on to your legs, pounding harder as he gets closer to his release, making you ride out your orgasm longer.
You scream completely elated as his hot seeds fill you up, moaning out his liberation, laying his sweaty body on top of yours Todoroki moves some hair out of your face, watching as you try to calm down and catch your breath. After a moment he moves off you and picks you up, carrying you bridal style out of the playroom and into the bathroom. You shook your head not able to fully move or want to move at this moment, he just chuckles softly at you and places you in the tub and turns on the water.
"I got you, love just relax and lay there in the water."
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lareinenoir · 5 years
∆Apple of my Eye∆
Loki x Female! Reader
Request: Hi, I love your work so much!! I was wondering if you could do a Loki x female reader where the reader isn’t heavy but she isn’t fit either. Where reader has been through a lot (depression, heartbreak, etc.) and when she sees another girl flirting with Loki she doesn’t have enough self-confidence to do anything about it but Loki notices and a lot of fluff happens.
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Summary: Body image is what you have struggled with for quite a while. Meeting Loki distracted you from it and his constant compliments always made you blush like crazy! When you are invited to one of Tony Stark's party and see your ex-best friend, the memories of your years in college come back. The memories weren't as fun as they are supposed to be.
A/N: I just wanna say, you are all beautiful and self-love is what I've struggled with for so long! For the past two years, I have learned that loving myself is the best thing for me. If you ever need a reminder on how "beautifully and wonderfully made" you are, hmu. ☺
Tag list: @tell-me-a-poem @thatweirdwalangpake @schizonephilim @hisparadox @empressoftheundergroundsun
"Morning precious." Says Loki kissing your head as you stretch your arms and look to the clock.
"Morning? It's noon." You yawn watching Loki toss an apple in his hand "Why didn't you wake me?"
"Well," he says walking over and kissing your head. "you look rather peaceful asleep and I couldn't bring myself to wake you."
"How charming." You replied and he passed you the apple.
"Eat, an apple a day gives the doctor away."
Bursting out you laughing you wipe the apple on the blanket and roll your eyes. "It's an apple a day keeps the doctor away' silly."
"Bah." He says waving his hand "Your Midgardian sayings are all so...let's just say they mean so many things."
"Haha." You shrug taking a bite. "Don't worry, I don't plan on visiting the doctor anytime soon. At least not because I'm sick."
"Good," he nods as he stands you up and pulled you to his body. "I don't want my precious queen getting the chills."
"You Asgardians never get sick." You say while chewing the apple. "Like...for the past two years I've known you and Thor not once have you gotten sick."
"Our immune systems aren't as weak as you mortals." He laughs and you snort
"Hey! Offensive to my people." You giggle slapping him on the shoulder as Loki lays his head in your lap. "We aren't as weak as you think, Loki. Especially women."
"Darling, men-" you give him a warning look and he gets your hint. "What I meant to say was...mortal men will never be stronger than Asgardian men."
"Whatever." You roll your eyes finishing the apple. "Speaking of men," you say, placing the apple core on the dresser "Tony invited us to his house for a little surprise party for Pepper. Do you wanna be my date?" You Giggle
"well..." He said pretending to think. "I'd have to ask the woman I'm currently with if she'd be OK with me going on a date with a very good looking woman, such as yourself."
You smirked and folded your arms as he twists a strand of your hair around his finger. "I'm sure the woman you're seeing wouldn't mind." You joke kneeling down your head to kiss his nose. "If you don't tell her I mean. It can be our little secret."
"Our little secret."
Sharing a small kiss you brush back his jet black hair just to study his face. You felt so lucky to have him.
Tony's parties. Always full of people. Men in expensive suits and Rolex watches. Woman in fitted dresses that matched there handbag. Not to mention some very hot eye candy on the arms of a woman or man.
"You've been staring at your reflection for two hours and have changed outfits seventeen times, not counting this one." Loki groaned getting frustrated and you shook your head
"You men have it easy. All you do is show up in a tux and add gel to your hair." You say heading back to the closet. "I don't...I just want to look the part."
Loki sits up in his elbows off the bed and squinted at you. "The part?" He questions
You instantly close your lips and bring out three more dresses. "So, which one. Blush? Copper red or Zesty-"
He appears in front of you with his index finger against your lips. His eyes in you he slowly takes the hangers and tosses them on the bed. "Y/N, I told you that you look ravishing in all of them. Asking me over and over again will not change my mind." You smile and he kisses the corner of your mouth. "You look good in everything."
"Aw." You say grinning like a ninny trying to avoid his eyes. You wanted to say, 'no I'm not' but you knew how much it annoyed him. "Thanks." You whisper biting your lip.
"Excellent, now can we please go? I'm afraid we are going to be rather late." Said Loki taking your hand in his.
"The party will just be getting started when we arrive." You shrug and you two share a laugh. "He'll have the drinks out by then I hope."
"You mortals and your alcoholic beverages." He said rolling his eyes. "They are a bit on the weak side."
You roll your eyes at him and pinch his butt cheek. "Shut up."
He winks at you and gives you a slap on the ass as you continue walking
When you arrive at Tony's place you are greeted by a whole lot of people bumping into you and Loki and are quickly offered a drink.
"Weren't sure you were going to show up." Said Rhodey handing you and Loki a glass of vodka. "Thor is over there with Steve and Bucky. He said our beverages aren't strong enough for a god."
"And he is indeed right." Said Loki handing it back. "I'm going to go over there, Y/N?" He sort of asks. "Will you be alright for a bit?"
"I will." You nod and he kisses your cheek. "Go on, have fun."
Watching Loki disappear in the crowd of people, you turn and see Rhodey is gone off and is dancing on some tables with Tony.
"Y/N!" Shouts Pepper and you take a sip of the drink as she wraps her arms around your neck. "Glad you could come. Having fun?"
"Yeah. You should be the one having fun! Happy birthday." You said kissing her cheek. "Sorry I couldn't be there to say 'Surprise' I think I spent more time figuring out what to wear than anything."
"No worries. You look great." She motions with her hands. "It wasn't much of a surprise anyway. Vision accidentally spilled the beans. He's still learning." Pepper shrugged "To surprises?" She raised her martini and you clinked it with hers
"Surprises." You say as you both take a large sip.
Walking around and partying with the others you catch a glimpse of Loki doing shots with Steve and Thor.
"What the heck?" You ask seeing they drew a big crowd. The countertop full of shot glasses, Tony filling them while Clint counted. "You've got to be kidding me." You laugh hearing everyone cheer.
In college, this is what the guys did at frat parties. Why the heck were they doing it. Grown men!
"Rogers wins!" Said Clint and everyone began to holler loudly. "Thirty-two shots in one minute." He announces
"I still think you won." You hear someone say as they approach Loki hands grazing his shoulder.
You stared at those perfectly manicured pink acrylic nails and held your breath when you recognized the black stilettoes.
"Thank you." Loki nods chuckling nervously
"I'm Missy Donaven" She introduces herself holding out her free hand. "You must be Loki."
"I am indeed. Its a pleasure to meet you, Missy Donovan." Said Loki being very polite.
You watched them carefully but couldn't help but stare from a distance at her perfectly shaped lips that curved into a smile. How her giggle made your skin crawl because of how lovely it was. Your heart beats with fear a bit as Missy and Loki talked. She would laugh then touch his chest.
Touching Loki! Touching Loki!
"You have a sense of humor. Pretty good looking too." She winks touching his hair.
Touching his hair! Touching his hair!
That's when she looked up and caught your eye. Quickly turning the other way you feel your feet begin to speed walk through the crowd.
"Where you going in a hurry?" Asks Natasha stopping you
Brushing past her you ignore and keep walking until you were in a bathroom. One perfect bathroom with a sink and mirror. And staring in it made you look away. Seeing Missy and how beautiful her red hair was made your body ache. You weren't as pretty as she was. You knew that. She had curves...you weren't sure if you had any. Missy had big boobs...bigger than yours.
Looking away from the mirror, you take a seat on the edge of the tub and bite your lip. Just as you took in a breath the door opens and a smiling Missy Donovan walks in.
"I knew it was you." She says closing the door. "The smell of loneliness was a dead give away."
You didn't want to fight. You weren't in the mood to exchange insults with her. It bothered you more because you should have known to lock the door.
"Where ya going? Don't you wanna talk to me? I haven't seen you in ages Y/N." She says face now in the mirror touching up her makeup.
"You look like a Teletubbie. I'm actually surprised you came out of the house in a dress. I thought you were more of pants and oversized hoodie kinda girl. But I can't complain too much." Missy shrugs fixing her hair and making kissing faces in the mirror. "Its a step up. A lot of people thought you were a dike Y/N, because of the way you dressed. Hell, I thought you were. It's an improvement." She spins on her heels, red hair slapping you a bit in your face as she grazes her finger across your cheek. "A+ for trying I guess."
Sucking in your cheeks, you stay silent and hold in your tears. It was very hard to look at her small pale feet and know, in your mind, Loki would pick her.
"Lay off the twinkies? I think I'm seeing a quadruple chin. You definitely need to hit the gym." Missy giggle perking up her breasts. "Hopefully I get this sexy hunk of a man in bed with me. I'll be sure to text you what it's like to sleep with a god."
Back against the wall, you feel helpless and hold in your tears. You even stopped breathing. Missy never allowed you to look at her directly. She always said, "only pretty people can look at me." In college, you waited on Missy. You were at her every beck and call she made sure you knew your place.
She'd always remind you how fat you looked in clothes. The first day you met her, you wore a dress to a party. "Oh honey, you look like a bloated Turkey."
At the time it was a joke? Right? Missy didn't mean anything by it...
When Missy had planned parties, you were in charge but never invited. "I don't want you eating up all the snacks."
One time you did have the nerve to buck up when you found out she was making out with a guy you liked.
"I'm saving you, Y/N. Pedro wouldn't date someone like you. He doesn't go for the girls who look like street trash."
Pedro Hernandez, you had an Instagram spam page and Pedro followed it. He commented on one of your memes and then started DM you. You kept it from Missy for obvious reasons. You and Pedro never met, or even sent pictures to each other. Unfortunately, Missy found out that you guys were planning on meeting and pretended to be you.
"I can't believe I ever thought we were friends." You said but you were more upset with Pedro then anything. He ended up picking Missy Donaven over you.
You and Missy stopped being 'friends' You told yourself, "College all by myself is way better than having someone like Missy."
And here you are. In the bathroom tub crying your eyes out because it was happening all over again. You knew how it would end. Loki would pick Missy. And you wouldn't blame him.
There was a knock at the door and you said,
"Go away!"
"Y/N? Is that you? Are you alright?"
You said nothing. Loki was probably coming to tell you that you were breaking up. He was gonna go for Missy...
"Y/N...I'm coming in. Ok? I'm coming in."
Not looking up, you felt his body heat over you. Loki knew why you were upset. Missy let it slip that you were in the bathroom crying.
"Y/N... I do hate seeing you cry." He tells you, climbing in the tub with you.
Looking up and at the sink, you shake your head. "I saw you with her. At first, I was mad but...I understand. She's pretty. Way prettier than me. Nice big boobs. Tinier waist with a nice ass...curves that I don't have. She isn't fat like me. It's ok. I'm not mad."
"Y/N, I'm afraid-"
"Loki you deserve better. A better-looking girl than me. She's perfect for you. Missy is...she's the perfect girl in every way."
You weren't sure if he was listening or not but he lifts your chin and wipes the pad of his thumb across your cheek. "Y/N. I picked a woman." Loki was looking at you. Eyes so intently looking only at you "I picked a woman, not a girl looking for attention. You are the apple of my eye. You are perfect for me.”
He meant every word. You knew it. Now, you felt stupid for just thinking Otherwise. Loki had already picked you.
"Do you-"
You pressed your lips on his smoothly and inhaled his scent as he kissed you back. Loki held you to his body with a firm grip on the small of your back as your lips moved in sync together. You pull away and he gives you a questionable look,
“What is it, Y/N?”
“Kissing in a bathtub? That will be one hell of a memory.”
both sharing a quick laugh kisses your top lip lightly. “Then let's not ruin it then, yeah?”
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yeet-or-be-hawed · 5 years
Hunters of Flesh and Money: Part 3
Trelawny has another job for you, but this job comes with a familiar comrade. 
Arthur Morgan x Reader
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“Shit,” You sighed as you dropped the corpse back down to the ground. Nine cents was all the poor bastard had. With a wipe of the brow you lifted the body and threw it into Flat Iron Lake, it will wash ashore in a couple of days but by then it would be impossible to track down the culprit. If there was one constant in your work it was your thoroughness.
With a sharp whistle, Garbanzo flew around the bend. When you reached into your pocket for your handkerchief you audibly cursed. It was lost somewhere between here and Roanoak Ridge so you washed your gloves and arms best you could in the lake. The water was warm and murky, not ideal for cleaning.
Garbanzo rested his head against your shoulder and you dried your hands to give him a pat. “Sun’s still high,” You said to the big horse. “Think we got time to go visit our old friend?”
The horse did not respond, but it really wasn’t up to him. Lemoyne was hot as ever, your clothes stuck to every inch of skin they touched and left you feeling sticky and uncomfortable. The smell of body odor was wafting into your nostrils with every gallop, maybe it was time for a bath. As you approached the center of town, you paused. Trelawny was still staying in his caravan north of Rhodes, it wouldn’t take long to meet him.
As you entered the saloon, you were greeted by the same old saloon gals, they were always happy to see you- it wasnt often they were paid in money and pleasure. Your favorite girl, a young blond waved at your from atop the spiral staircase. “Hey honey,” she called. “You here for me?”
You laughed, “not tonight sweetheart,” you placed a coin on the bar and slid it to the owner. “Just a bath today.”
The man behind the counter nodded, “Sylvia will have it ready for ya, you know where to go.”
You nodded, “Thanks Pete.”
Rhodes had become your semi-permanent home, as much as it bothered you to stay in once place for too long Sadie’s company was enough to keep you grounded. You would meet her at the saloon regularly, she would tell you about he people she rode with and you would tell her about the jobs you had been taking. She would bring up Arthur often, you tried not to linger on the subject. You hadn’t seen him since the night he came and checked on you and Trelawny after the whole kidnapping incident. You had made the mistake of admitting to Sadie he was a handsome man and she wouldn’t let you live it down since. She seemed to think you were a perfect match but the thought of being intimate with another person was scary. You had only loved once, and it ended with her being put six feet under because of you. When you needed a fix, saloon girls and random strangers at the bar were enough. It was safer for the men and women you slept with to remain anonymous, for their own good.
You couldn’t help the sigh of pleasure as you slipped your body into the warm water. The bubbles tickled your nostrils as you submerged yourself. It had been far too long since your last bath, you made a mental note to do this more often. As you began scrubbing your head, there was a gentle knock on the door. “Need some help, darlin’?”
You smiled at the beautiful blonde headed woman. “Well now, you know I cain’t deny you Ms. Sylvia.”
She giggled as she dipped her hands into the water, “it’s been so long since you called for me I reckoned you forgot bout me.”
“Forget bout you? Never.” Her hands glided across your arms and you melted under her touch. “I just been busy, you know me always gettin’ into somethin’.”
“Well, at least make an effort to come in for a bath every once ‘n a while, you’re covered in dirt head to toe!” Her hands moved down your back and rubbed slowly. Her lips were close to your ear now as she whispered, “you’re mighty tense honey, you sure you don’t want a bed for the night? No charge.”
She placed the softest of kisses behind your ear and you inhaled sharply. “No charge, huh?”
“That’s right.” Her lips were moving down your neck now.
“Well, who could deny that? I think I’m all clean now.”
You started to pull yourself from the tub and she pushed you back down with a soft chuckle, “not yet you ain’t, no need to be impatient, we got all night.”
You couldn’t refuse that, so you relaxed under her nimble fingers. Trelawny could wait until tomorrow.
The beams from the morning sun poured in the window and woke you. Sylvia was already gone, slipped out after you passed out. It was better this way, it was too dangerous to get attached. You stared at the ceiling as you puffed a cigarette, in your twenties these flings were nothing, but now? Now you just felt tired. Strangers and night women didn’t fill the void like they used to, with age the hole in your chest grew wider and wider. But this life doesn’t allow a family, doesn’t allow the deeper vulnerability that comes with love. Not without a price, and you had already paid it once.
You stretched and pulled yourself from the bed. Your clothes were scattered about the floor and you yawned as you retrieved them. “Shit,” you whispered as you fummed with the buttons on your shirt; the last button had popped off in the frenzy of lusting hands. You examined yourself in the mirror, your clothes were worn and dusty. Little holes were beginning to wear in the arm pits of your shirt. The closest tailor was in Saint Denis, and god did you hate it there. It would almost be worth the ride all the way to Blackwater just to avoid the congested city. But that would have to wait, you needed money.
The downside to staying so close to town for the sake of your old friend was the lack of animals around Rhodes. Sure there were plenty of deer- whitetails and pronghorn a plenty but you lived for big game. Elk, bears, cougars- that was what gave you the thrill and most importantly they were the big money makers. Maybe after you get done with Trelawny you would write to Sadie and let her know you were heading North West for a couple of weeks. Surely she would be safe with the others. You felt silly, of course she would be safe they saved her when she needed them most. This gave you a pang of guilt, had you been there for her when she needed you, maybe Jake would still be alive right now and maybe she wouldn’t look like a dead woman walking. A part of you wanted to stick around, but you couldn’t revolve your life around her and she wouldn’t want you to.
When you exited the saloon, you headed for the stable. Garbanzo whinnied excitedly when he saw you enter. The man working the stable looked up from grooming his horse. “Take it you’re here for pick up?”
You nodded. He pointed lazily towards the stall. “It’s unlocked, you can go ahead and grab ‘em.” He stood. “That’s one well behaved horse ya got there.”
You gave him a pat, “that’s my beanie boy.” You turned to the stable hand. “You damn right, best horse I ever had.”
You paid the stable hand well and led the hulking horse outside. The morning sun was rising steadily and the heat rose by the minute. As you rode to the bundle of caravans, you tried to remain in as much shade as possible; the midsummer heat was damn near unbearable.
When you approached, Trelawny was in his same spot reading his same book. He looked up as you dismounted. “Ah, hello old friend!”
“Hey there Trelawny. Looks like yer bout done with that book there.”
“Ah yes,” he folded down the page and closed it. “I assume you aren’t here to discuss literature.”
You chuckled and rubbed your neck, “naw, but I’ll always listen. Used to be a reader myself before I got in knee deep with the law.”
He extended the book to you, “here take it, that is if you’re still literate.”
You waved your hands in denial, “You ain’t gotta do that, I could pick up a book next time I find one.”
“But I insist! I’ve read this one so many times I know what the next word is before I read it.” His tone turned solemn. “Please, take it. Think of it as a small payment for my eternal debt to you.”
You scratched your nose as you took the book. “Thank you, Josiah. I’ll be sure to read it.” You leaned against the railing of the small porch. “You got anything for me to do today?”
“Ah yes,” he straightened in his seat. “You’re an avid hunter, yes?”
You looked at the pile of furs on your horse and turned back to Trelawny with a smirk. “Guess you could say that.”
“Well how do you feel about hunting down some wolves?”
You spat on the ground. “Shit, I’ll kill anything worth killin’.”
He nodded, “good, good. A farmer down at Bolger Glade is paying well for the skins of the wolves who have taken a liking to his farm. Says they’ve been eating up his livestock.”
With a nod you mounted your horse. “Sounds like my kinda job. Ain’t far from here neither. I’ll come back when I get done if it ain’t too late.”
“I look forward to your return.”
You tipped your hat to him and you were off. Trelawny watched you disappear over the horizon. Something was nagging him, he immediately felt uneasy about sending you by yourself.
You frowned at the bloodied corpse. He sure looked like a farmer, with a grimace you wondered if there would be anyone to pay you. Well, if anything the butch will pay well for the furs. The tracks were a winding mess and the farther you followed, the more evident it was this was more than a couple of lone wolves. You clutches your rifle tight, a wolf can be taken down easily with one shot but with this many you were beginning to feel uneasy.
You followed the tracks to a pile of bones, covered in teeth marks. You counted at least four sets of tracks. Nothing you hadn’t dealt with before, you inhaled then exhaled deeply. As you stood, the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. As you turned you heard the snarl. Coming on you fast we’re three big grey wolves. You backed away as you put a bullet in the skull of the first. As you reloaded, you whistled for your horse. The second wolf was almost on you when you shot it clean between the eyes. The third followed right behind, hardly giving you time to reload. It knocked you to the ground, but not before you pressed the gun to its chest and fired. Luckily it only knocked you to the ground, no blood was shed. Your eyes studied the woods around you, one more wolf was left, that you were certain. You whistled again, where was Garbanzo?
You turned around to search, the big animal didn’t scare easily but wolves were one of the few exceptions. He was on the far side of the field, trotting wearily towards you. Another growl from behind you drew your attention back to the woods. It was fast, but not fast enough. You had already reloaded and the wolf was making a beeline straight for you, an easy kill. A single bullet and the wolf fell forward. With another look around, you finally allowed yourself to relax. As you began skinning the first wolf, Garbanzo trotted up behind you. When you loaded the skin, you gave him a pat. Most of the pelts were quite perfect, except the one that knocked you to your feet. You frowned at the poor pelt as you examined it before stowing it.
The last wolf was the farthest away, lying just on the edge of the wood. You wiped the sweat from your brow and skinned the wolf quickly. It was afternoon now and the heat was sweltering. As you slid your knife along the spine of the wolf, Garbanzo whinnied. “I’m bout done, ‘Banzo just hold on.”
A branch snapped behind you, you looked up in time to see the huge black wolf mid-jump. Before you could react, it’s claws were in your back. You threw your elbow back hard and knocked it to the ground. Your rifle was back on the horse, you drew your knife. In order to time it right, you would have to make a risky move and allow yourself to act as bait. You crouched low to the ground as the wolf circled you, you circled with it so it couldn’t pounce your back again. With a snarl and a bark it charged. Lightning fast, the wolf was on top of you, one arm held up above your body to protect yourself, the other plunged the knife through the wolf’s jaw. You winced as you pushed the dead weight off you. When you touched your back, you could feel where the wolf’s claws tore through your shirt. Your hand was covered in blood. It’s hind claws tore through your pant leg on your thigh, leaving angry red scratches. Luckily for you, it didn’t break skin.
You quickly loaded the big black wolf into your horse, better to find a safe place to skin it than risk a run in with another wolf. Mounting Garbanzo, you pushed him hard back to Trelawny’s caravan.
You arrived back early evening, you couldn’t feel the blood trickling down your back anymore so you assumed it had stopped bleeding. You had used all your bandaging last week, you prayed Trelawny had some. As you approached, you saw another man standing on the porch talking with Trelawny. Those broad shoulders looked familiar, when he turned you recognized him.
“Howdy fellers,” you greeted the men as you hitched your horse.
“Howdy,” Arthur repeated back with a wave.
Trelawny stood, “Ah, hello my dear girl! Seems as though those wolves didn’t give up much a fight.”
You chuckled lightly and turned and pointed to your back. “Well, I wouldn’t say that.”
Trelawny inhaled sharply, Arthur took two long strides and inspected your back thoroughly, “Shit, you okay?”
You weren’t used to physical contact with other people, his soft prodding hands made you feel uncomfortable but you didn’t shift from under them. “I’ll be fine, may need some new clothes though.” You turned back to face them and looked pointedly down at the gashes in your pants. “I’d say these are done for.”
Trelawny chuckled. “I would be inclined to agree. It’s about time, I thought you’d be in those rags til the day you died.”
You shrugged, “probably. You got any spare bandage I can borrow? Pretty sure the bleeding stopped, just don’t want it to get infected.”
Trelawny frowned, “I’m afraid not my dear.”
You sighed, “guess I could shred this shirt for bandage-“
Arthur interrupted, pulling a roll of bandage and a bottle of whiskey from his satchel. “I gotcha. Sit on down.”
You sat on the crate in front of the fire, his big hands gently pulled the shirt up above the claw marks without revealing your chest. “This okay?” He asked.
You just nodded, his rough hands were surprisingly gentle. You winced in pain as he poured whiskey in the gashes. “Sorry.” He whispered.
“S’ okay.”
He made quick work dressing the wound. You were glad to be facing away from him, his touch filled your brain with static and sent a wave of heat across your face. It was very strange, you didn’t know how to feel about it. When he finished, he pulled your shirt back down and gave you a pat on the shoulder. “Yer good.”
You stood and nodded to him, “Thanks.”
Trelawny cleared his throat, “You wouldn’t happen to be feeling up for another job would you?”
You scratched your head, “depends, does it involve wolves?”
Trelawny laughed heartily. “No, not at all. It should be very easy for you, I just need you and Mr. Morgan here to deliver some supplies.” He scratched his nose. “It really needs to be delivered to Emerald Ranch before sun down. I’m sure Arthur here can handle it on his own though if you aren’t-“
“Nah, I can do it.” You said as you stood. “Emerald Ranch ain’t too far from here anyways, long as there ain’t no distractions we should be able to get there ‘fore night fall.”
“Wonderful!” Trelawny exclaimed. “The wagon is just behind that caravan there.” He pointed past the neighboring shack. “Hurry along now, you’re losing time!”
“Yeah, yeah we’re goin’.” You rolled your eyes as you hitched your horse. “Well be back soon now, ya hear?” He responded with a huff.
“You ready?” Arthur asked as you joined him beside the fire. You nodded.
As you turned Trelawny called back, “be careful this time! You won’t get paid if you wreck the wagon again!”
Arthur smirked, “Again?”
You crossed your arms and your lips pulled into a mischievous grin. “Ain’t never quite got the hang of wagons, always try and go too fast around corners.” You scratched your chin, “come to think of it, I don’t think Trelawny’s given me a delivery job in months. Not since I almost killed myself crashin’ a wagon full a dynamite.”
Arthur laughed as he climbed up the wagon. “No offense, but I think I’d be more comfortable if I drove.”
“None taken,” you said as you took your seat beside him. You pulled your shot gun off your shoulder and into your lap. “And no offense to you Mr. Morgan, but I think I’m better suited as the strong arm anyways.”
His brows flew into his hairline as he scoffed, “I dunno bout that one.” His tone went to a more joking manner. “‘Sides, I’d say my arms are stronger than yours.”
With his free arm he flexed with a goofy smile. He did indeed have very nice arms. You cleared your throat and mirrored his flex. “What’s that phrase, bout the size of the ship?”
He laughed, “It ain’t the size of the ship, it’s the motion of the ocean?” Another laugh. “Guess there’s some truth behind that.”
You giggled, “you seem pretty familiar with the phrase, you use it a lot for compensation?”
Arthur’s face turned bright red and he began to stammer when your eyes glanced pointedly at his trousers. “No-“ he started, more defensive than he meant to sound. “No, I don’t think I got much to worry bout in that department.” His tone sounded more smug.
You chuckled, “Good on you, Mr. Morgan.”
“I ain’t never cared for the whole Mr. This and Ms. That, ya know.”
“Sorry, Mr.” You cut yourself off. “Sorry Arthur.” You looked up at the sky. “Ain’t much stuck with me as far as manners go, ain’t quite sure why but that’s just bout the only thing I remember my parents tellin’ me.”
“You ain’t gotta apologize, I understand.” He scratched his chin in thought. “Guess I don’t really remember much a what my ma tried ta teach me. Ma daddy ain’t never taught me much more than to be a thief.” He turned back to you, “Is Fletcher yer real name?”
“Is Tacitus Kilgore yours?”
“Fair enough. But you know my real name.”
You returned his gaze. “Ain’t nothin’ to a name. Just another word people use to talk boutcha behind yer back.”
He nodded, “Ain’t quite thought of it that way.”
You nodded and a silence fell over the ride. The bench seat of the wagon was terribly short. Arthur’s thigh was pressed against yours and with every tremble of the wagon you could feel his body against yours. You kept your eyes forward and tried to ignore the static in your brain. As the sun fell behind the trees, the sky was filled with bright orange and red, the clouds were pink and lilac. As your eyes wandered, you caught Arthur rubbing a bald spot on his chin. “That a scar?”
Your question seemed to pull him from his trance like thoughts. “Huh?”
“On your chin there,” you pointed to it. “Is it a scar?”
“Oh, yeah.” He smoothed the hair around his chin line as he spoke. “Got thrown off a horse one day and got skidded up pretty bad. Took a nice little chunk outta my chin and sprained my wrist.” He nodded to the scar that ran across your right cheek. “What bout you?”
“Cougar, our near Strawberry back in ‘88. First time huntin’ a big cat.” You chuckled, “learned the hard way to never leave your back open, and always pack one of these.” You dug in your satchel and pulled out a mask. Arthur laughed, it wasn’t pretty that’s for sure. It was nothing more than a thick parchment with a crude face and strings that tied in the back. The artwork was terrible, but Arthur would never say it. “What in the hell is that gonna do?”
“Well,” You said as you tied the mask to the back of your head. “Met a man from India years back, he said their cats back home are even bigger than cougars. I didn’t really believe him, but he showed me a picture in a book. Looks like a mean son of a bitch. He said his people made masks to wear on the back of their heads, keeps ‘em from sneakin’ up behind ya.” You turned your head to show Arthur the mask, “don’t even have to be a good lookin’ one, as long as it has a face.”
Arthur was stunned, “and that really works?”
You nodded, “ain’t had one jump me from behind since.”
“Amazing” he whispered.
You nodded and put the mask away. “Learned a lotta tricks of the trade in my years. Makin’ money off the land can be just as deadly as makin’ money off the people.” You lifted your shirt to reveal a round scar above your stomach. “Got too close to a Whitetail Buck during mating season. Always thought I’d get pummeled by a bison or eaten by a bear before I got stabbed by a damn deer.”
Arthur averted his eyes from your skin quickly, even on your stomach you were riddled with scars. It reminded him of his own body, a body he always thought was grotesque and ugly because of his scars. So why didn’t he find your scars so horrible to look at? He didn’t want to find the answer. He coughed, “looks like we’re bout there.” He paused for a moment then brought his spare hand to his brow and squinted towards the horizon. “Hold on a minute, we may have company. You got that shotgun loaded?”
You gave it a solid pump. “Always.”
He kept his eyes on the horsemen ahead. The path went up a small hill and at the very top, two men were stationary on their horse; that’s always a suspicious sign. As the wagon approached, Arthur could clearly see the men were holding guns. “Yep,” he sighed. “Definitely got some company. Keep a level head, if they let us clear we-“
You had also examined the horsemen on the hill, you had also noticed the guns. Whether they were waiting for this wagon or not, their presence was not welcome by you. You stood and pulled the rifle from your back. Arthur’s eyes were trained on the men ahead and he was saying something, but you weren’t listening. You lined up your sights and landed a perfect headshot.
Arthur jumped in surprise to the loud pop of the gun. He watched as the first man fell. “What the hell are you doin’?”
As you lowered your gun to reload, the second man barreled down the trail, accompanied by six other men who appeared from the trees. You lined back up for another shot, “Ambushin’ them before they ambush us.”
“Shit!” Arthur cursed as your gun let out another loud shot. He began to pull out his pistol. You switched your rifle back out for the shot gun as the men approached firing range. “Just keep drivin’! I can take care a these guys you just make sure we get there in time!”
Arthur watched as your slugs blew back one body after another. He nodded and whipped the reins hard. Luckily for you, Arthur was a master driver; he maneuvered the wagon off the path and around trees and shrubs as you tore through the pursuers. Arthur hit a small rock and the bump almost threw you off the side, you let out a small yell before a big hand caught your wrist and pulled you back down on the bench seat. You nodded a quick thanks to Arthur before turning back and delivering the final blow. You kept an eye on your surroundings before finally relaxing and turning back to the front. “Okay, think we’re clear.”
Arthur nodded. “Just in time.” He pointed and just over the rolling hills of the Heartlands you saw the towering windmill of Emerald Ranch. Arthur pulled the wagon into the barn just as the sun was turning to a sliver over the horizon.
“Didn’t think you’d make it.” The man in the barn said as he handed Arthur a stack of cash.
He nodded, “wasn’t quite sure we would.”
“Have a good one!” He farm hand called as the two of you exited the barn.
Arthur silently counted the money and handed you half. He let out a sharp whistle. After a few minutes and a handful of whistles, a beautiful white Arabian came appeared from beyond the horizon. You turned to Arthur, “we not takin’ the wagon back to Trelawny?”
“Naw, it’s their wagon. I take it to load up and bring it back.”
“Shit, I left Banzo with Trelawny. There’s no way he’d hear me if I whistled for him.” You rubbed your neck and cursed again. “Guess I could rob the next unfortunate soul I see of their steed.”
Arthur mounted the horse, “ain’t no need for that,” he offered you his hand. “I can take ya back.”
You eyed the tiny horse suspiciously, Arthur looked huge on the little thing. “I dunno Arthur, that’s one tiny horse ya got there.”
He rolled his eyes, “not all of us ride mammoths, you know.”
You took his arm and he pulled you up, “What did you just call my horse?” You wrapped your arms around his waist and frowned. “Jesus Arthur, this is a child’s pony! Next real horse I see I’ll nab for ya.”
He chuckled, “I thank ya, but this ol’ girl is good enough for me.” He patted her neck. “Strong gal, this one is.” He paused. “Bet she could beat your ol boy in a race any day.”
You scoffed, “I’m sure she could, Garbanzo isn’t meant to be fast, he’s meant to be strong. He’s meant to be fearless.”
“You sure love that horse, don’t ya?”
You rolled your eyes, “course I do, don’t you?”
He smiled, “yeah, I do. They really are somethin’ aren’t they?”
You nodded. “Loyal, beautiful, strong creatures. Everything we’re supposed to be. A horse has never lied to me, or killed someone I love. A horse has never betrayed me or sold me out. A perfect companion.”
Arthur nodded, “couldn’t agree with you more.”
By the time you arrived back to Trelawny’s humble abode, the moon was high and the crickets and cicadas were singing. He was no longer in his usual spot on the porch and the lamp inside was turned off.
“Probably asleep.” Arthur whispered as he peeked inside. “Yep, definitely asleep.”
“Good thing we already got paid.”
He nodded. A strange quiet fell between the two of you, not awkward or uncomfortable but not familiar either. You rubbed your arm uncomfortably and cleared your throat. “I should uh, I should go.”
Arthur stuck his hands in his pockets and nodded. “Me too.”
You unhitched Garbanzo and as you passed Arthur you tipped your hat, he returned the gesture. It wasn’t a long ride back to your camp, when you arrived you crashed into your bedroll immediately. That night you dreamed of a familiar feeling you had long forgotten.
47 notes · View notes
imagine-loki · 5 years
Imagine that you are Stark’s niece and you secretly share a strong relationship with Loki since he entered the crew. One day you get hurt so bad during a mission that you are about to die.  Loki knows a spell that will save you and share his immortality with you but you and he will be linked forever sharing thoughts, pain, emotions…
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS:  Also on AO3 click here
You woke after only a couple hours of sleep, feeling scared and alone. You hadn’t gotten sucked into the nightmare of the fire or the party, but you were still uneasy and didn’t want to go back to sleep, especially not alone, where it wasn’t safe. So you padded out of your room in your pajamas and made your away across the hall. You were sure you would be turned away, but you opened Loki’s sitting-room door anyway. You made your way to his bedroom and cracked the door open. His eyes opened when you did and he looked over at you, half-glaring that he had been woken. You weren’t actually sure he was entirely awake.
“Can I come in?” you asked him softly, scared he would turn you away. He hesitated. You knew he was thinking of the party, of how careful he’d been not to push you, to make you uncomfortable, in the couple of days it had been since the party. And now you were asking to join him in his bed. Only for sleep, but still… “Please?” you added, your voice a whisper, and that whisper betraying your fear.
He pulled back the covers on the other half of the bed and rolled over on his side, facing away from where you would be. “Fine,” he relented. “Just do not tell your uncle. And close the door,” he grumbled, half asleep. He wasn’t being malicious, but Loki didn’t do well in the morning, or with being woken.  Or with letting little mortals wear away his better judgement. 
You closed the door and crept into the bed. He had his back to you and stayed that way, trying to be as proper as possible.  You hindered with that by curling against his back, wrapping your arms around him like he was a giant teddy bear. You finally felt safe, despite all logic, and were finally able to get some sleep.
Your alarm woke you both the next morning. You found that you were still wrapped around Loki, holding onto him for safety. You blushed when you realized what you had done while half asleep.  The thought startled you and you scrambled out of the bed, turning all sorts of shades of red. Loki followed behind you, concern on his face. “Love? Are you ok?” he asked gently.  You nodded, trying to reassure you both.  Loki sighed heavily, looking at the fear in your eyes. “I should not have let you stay…”
“No, I’m glad you did,” you replied quickly. It had been what you needed.  “Just embarrassed that I asked, embarrassed that I slept in your bed with you. It’s not…appropriate, but it’s what I needed to be able to get any sleep.” You knew you weren’t explaining this well. You’d napped in the same bed as Loki before and you knew it was the party that had you on edge now.  
Loki wrapped you in a hug, now that he knew what the problem was.  “I am glad you came to me  for help. It was soothing to have your heartbeat next to mine, to know that you were safe,” he replied gently. He kissed the top of your head. “Now go get ready for school,” you nodded and slipped out of his room to get dressed. You wished yet again that girls’ uniforms included pants instead of skirts, but there was no choice, so you had to get over it. You also hoped that the school wouldn’t be too terrible after what you’d done to the star football player, but you didn’t have time to dwell on that.  
You looked around for your schoolbag and lit notes, only to find that they were missing.  You glared at the spot where they should have been. A note came fluttering down into your hands.  <Your breakfast is getting cold> Silly trickster stole your stuff. 
You sighed and went to go find him, your breakfast, and your notes. He was waiting at your table in the dining room for you.  Your notes and bag were there too, as was your breakfast. At least you had an easy hunt to find all of your possessions. 
You smiled brightly when you realized that Loki had convinced Helene to make you pancakes for breakfast. You grinned at him while you devoured them. “I love you,” you told him between bites of pancake. He was adorable and so thoughtful and you didn’t know what you had done to deserve such treatment.
“I love you too, your darling,” he replied with a smile.
Tony came to bother you before you left. “Did Fury come talk to you yesterday?” he asked, sounding worried. You rolled your eyes and held up your wrist with the bangle on it as you nodded.
“He did,” you said dryly.  Obviously your powers were blocked and you were cleared to leave thanks to the bangle.
“Good. It’s not a permanent solution. It’s also not a punishment,” Tony reminded you.
“I know, Fury told me yesterday,”
Tony gave you a warm smile. “I’m glad we could come up with something so you don’t have to stay cooped up here while you’re learning,” he was extremely proud of himself.  “Good luck on your AP exams. They’re this week, right?” he asked. He tried to keep up with what was going on in your life, though it was hard with how busy he was.
You nodded with a small smile.  “AP English Lit this morning,” you agreed, then glanced at the clock.  “I should get going so I can get some last minute cramming in.” Tony nodded and gave you a hug once you got up from the table, wishing you luck when he did. 
You handed Loki your keys as you left the dining room so he could drive you to school. You usually walked with him, but you were stressed about the exam, so you wanted him to drive.  Loki didn’t comment about you wanting him to drive.  Instead he chose to comment about your stress over the exam. “You did not tell me that you are going to be worried all week over these tests,” he grumbled.
“I told you they’re important,” you reminded him as you got in your car. “And that I’ll play with you all day Saturday to make up for it.” you reminded him. Again. You sighed. “What am I going to do with you when I’m in college?” College was harder than high school, especially if you were going to be a doctor. Loki could be incorrigible when he was bored and you’d be spending a lot of time studying.
“Hopefully continue to love me,” he replied with a smirk.
“Always,” you replied brightly.  That part of your future you didn’t plan on changing.
“Very well. I will not complain about how much stress you are putting yourself under. Provided you do not complain about my plans for Saturday,” he gave you a mischievous grin. 
You sighed; it was the best offer you were going to get.  “Fine. I won’t complain, but it better be fun,” you warned him.  You promised to spend the day with him and after the week of hell exams you wanted the day to be fun.
“It will be quite enjoyable,” Loki replied, his smirk still in place.  You didn’t quite trust his words and hoped it wouldn’t just be fun for him.
The week flew by and managed to drag at the same time. You spent every moment you could cramming for exams and were stressed out mess the entire week. You barely slept and there were dark smudges under your eyes by the end of the week. Loki seemed less and less happy about the exams as the week went on, but he kept his word and didn’t complain. He did badger you into sleeping and eating. The only way you even got naps was when he either let you use him as a pillow or plushie. He didn’t mind that part, though, but kept trying to make you stay longer and actually rest. 
He was only grudgingly allowed in the library where the exams took place during the exams. He had to stay at the circulation desk with the proctor of the exam, so he couldn’t be accused of helping you cheat. 
At least since you were trapped in AP exams all week, the students couldn’t be upset with you over the football jock.  They didn’t see you and you didn’t see anyone over your notes.  The entire school was a nervous wreck over exams. 
You nearly sagged in relief on Friday afternoon when your last exam was over.
Loki made sure you got back to your car the second classes were over on Friday afternoon and nearly shoved you into it. “Loki,” you grumbled, tired and brain-dead after a week of hell exams.
“I put up with you killing yourself all week without complaining, because these tests were important to you. No more,” he told you firmly. He drove you back home more quickly than you would have liked, and was opening your car door for you before you could even think to open it yourself. Gods, you were tired. He hauled you out of the car, his movements were still gentle, but insistent. “I let you kill yourself for these exams. Let me take care of you now,” you should have fought him, but you nodded wearily. You’d let him do this today and figure out how to do something equally caring for him later. He swept you up into his arms and carried you into the compound. You just laid your head on his shoulder, too drained to do anything else. He set you on your feet in your bedroom and steered you  towards your bathroom door. “There’s a hot bubble bath and a novel waiting for you. Go relax, darling,” he bid you, propelling you through the door and closing it firmly behind you, with him still on the other side.
He wouldn’t put you in a situation where you’d be uncomfortable.  So he was taking care of you, while making sure you felt safe about it.  
You sighed and couldn’t remember a time you’d ever been ordered so firmly to relax before. However, the hot bath was inviting and so full of bubbles, so you did as you were told and climbed in, though you hadn’t taken a bath in years. There were candles floating around the room and the promised book was on the ledge of the tub. It was a fluff novel you’d been meaning to read, something light that didn’t take much brain power. 
You opened the book, intending to relax.  You shrieked and dropped it in the water instead when it started talking. You fished it out quickly, cursing, but it wasn’t hurt at all. Loki must’ve put a spell on it. You cracked it open and the words began again. It was Loki’s voice, reading the story. You smiled and set it on the ledge, open, so you could hear his words while you enjoyed the hot relaxing water. The water never cooled, though you knew you had been in there long enough that it should have.
/Darling/ you heard Loki’s voice in your mind. /Helene will be quite upset with me if I let you miss dinner/
I’m coming You thought back at him, using the trick of a mortal mind, not telepathy to reply. You hadn’t used your powers all week and was finally starting to feel less raw and ripped open because of them. Tomorrow would be the last day of freedom before you had to start training hard on control. But that was a problem for Sunday. Tonight, you got out of the tub to find fluffy pajamas waiting for you on the sink. Once you were dressed, you left the bathroom to find Loki waiting for you on the other side of the door. He gave you a real smile then.
“You look like you are feeling better,” he told you warmly, looking extraordinarily proud of himself.
“I am. Thank you.”
Helene had made one of your favorite meals for dinner. You had a feeling that she had noticed how stressed you were too. You thanked her sincerely for it, still surprised by how many people here legitimately cared about you. You spent the evening with the rest of the supers watching Avengers movies. They skipped Superhero Musical in consideration to your reaction to it last time. 
This time when they looked to Loki to say the lines from the Avengers movie, he got off the couch the first time to say them instead of making them harass him to do it. You got to laugh at his silly antics, which was just as relaxing as anything else he could have planned. You did all watch Frozen and Loki looked more and more upset when the supers kept calling him ‘Elsa’ for the rest of the night. you just laughed and he finally thawed.
It was fairly early when Loki convinced you to go to bed. You didn’t complain too hard, though. You were exhausted after a week of hell and only gave him a token resistance. You promised yourself that that night you would be brave and stay in your own bed and not go seeking comfort from him.
You hoped you would be able to keep that promise to yourself.
It wasn’t fair to Loki to keep having to take care of you.
45 notes · View notes
remedialpotions · 6 years
Over Biscuits
Happy birthday to one of my very favorite people, the amazing @aloemilk ! I feel so lucky to count you as a friend ❤️ I hope you enjoy this fluffy little fic!
Word Count: 2,075
Rating: K+
This can also be found on FFN (author: bowtruckles) and AO3 (author: remedialpotions)
Pausing in the doorway, Ron furrowed his brows at the scene developing before him. Hermione stood at the stove, her bushy hair just barely contained in a thick knot at the back of her head, gaze fixed intently on a saucepan. Not unsurprisingly - she was skilled at a great many things, but this really wasn’t one of them - her face betrayed more stupefaction than she’d ever displayed in Potions class. Given that this was his wheelhouse, he knew he should help her, but when she started nibbling on her lip, a flush rising in her cheeks from the heat emanating off the range, he thought there also wasn’t much harm in allowing himself to watch her.
Just for a minute, anyway. He didn’t see as much of her lately as he would have preferred, and it gave him a small glow of warmth, deep in the pit of his stomach, to see her standing in the kitchen of the Burrow, scowling at a recipe. Too many times over the past four months, he had thought the Christmas hols might never actually be upon them and that he would spend the whole of his life missing her, but she was home. For two glorious weeks, he had her all to himself, and he wasn’t going to let any of it slip away.
He always loved watching her when she didn’t know he was looking. Hermione was rarely vulnerable, but when it was just the two of them together, or he caught her in a moment when she thought she was alone, all of her pretenses fell away. She stopped being Hermione Granger, Head Girl and war hero and ‘brightest witch of her age’, and simply became the woman that he loved - the one standing in his parents’ kitchen with streaks of cinnamon across her cheeks.
“After melting butter on low heat,” Hermione was muttering to herself, eyes fixed on the stained and crumpled parchment before her, “stir in brown sugar, molasses, salt, and spices.”
She tugged a sack of brown sugar toward her, picked up a measuring cup, and dutifully dug it in.
“There are spells for that, y’know,” said Ron, opting to make his presence known and striding across the faded tile floor toward her. He plunked a tub of molasses down on the work surface and grinned at her.
“Yes, well.” Hermione used the back of her wrist to push a rogue lock of hair out of her eyes. “It never hurts to do things the Muggle way, does it?”
“No, s’pose not.” Stepping behind her, Ron set his hands on her hips, his chin coming to rest on the fuzzy wool covering her shoulder. As she leaned back against him, one of her hands falling onto his, he peered into the saucepan. “Er - I should probably tell you-“
She craned her neck to meet his eyes. “Oh no, what?”
“The butter,” said Ron, wincing. “It’s a bit - er -overmelted.”
With a sorrowful glance down at the oily, golden-brown liquid in the pan, Hermione let out a sigh of resignation.
“You can just say that I burned it, Ron.”
Suppressing a laugh, he pressed a firm kiss to her temple and tightened his arms around her waist. So many times over the past four months he had wanted to hold her, just to feel the warmth of her in his arms, and he wasn’t about to take it for granted now. He only had a second to relish it, however, before she wriggled out of his embrace to retrieve her wand from the kitchen table. In the next instant, the burned butter had vanished from the pan, replaced by a fresh new block from the cooling cupboard. Instantly it began to sizzle and hiss against the scorching cast iron.
“Oh, that’s too hot, see?” Ron reached around Hermione’s hip to dial down the flame. “It isn’t supposed to bubble like that.”
With her lips pursed tightly together, she glared at the butter as though it had committed a personal slight against her. She never did cope well with being less than the best at anything, even something as trivial as baking gingerbread biscuits.
“Just pretend that it’s Potions class,” he told her, wrapping one arm around her shoulders and using his free hand to gently stir the butter with a wooden spoon. “You’re brilliant in Potions.”
“But you hate Potions - and yet you like doing this-“
“Yeah, well, this is better, it results in food,” he grinned. “And anyway, Potions was different, there’s no way to like a class when you've got either Snape breathing down my neck, or Slughorn, who poisoned me and still couldn’t remember my name-“
“Technically it was Malfoy who poisoned you, not Slughorn-“
“Still,” argued Ron, that little spark inside of him igniting like it always did when they bickered back and forth, “you’d think if someone nearly drops dead in your office, you’d-“
“Oh, stop,” Hermione whined. The genuine anguish on her face was like a blade through his chest. “Let’s not talk about that anymore.”
“Sorry.” He dropped a chaste kiss on her lips by way of apology. “Look, it’s really not a big deal,” he continued, deciding to pick up where she left off with the brown sugar. “We’re only responsible for the entire pudding portion of Christmas Eve dinner, so no pressure - oi!”
For she had pinched him on the arm.
“That isn’t funny,” she moaned. Eyes closed, she leaned her cheek against his shoulder. “What if I end up ruining it-“
“You won’t.”
“You won’t,” he repeated gently. “We - we’ve had some pretty shit Christmases in our day, my family, but none of them have been completely ruined.” He quickly shoved away the thought that, in his eighteen years of life, no Christmas on record had ever followed events like that of the spring, and instead offered Hermione a smile. “It’d take a lot more than some botched gingerbread biscuits, I promise.”
She gave an relenting nod. “Fine.”
Her fingers brushed his as she took the wooden spoon from him, stirring as he poured the brown sugar into the melting butter. There was still a streak of cinnamon across her cheekbone, and he wiped it softly away with the pad of his thumb.
Unbeknownst to Hermione, Ron had actually offered, in conversation with his father one Sunday evening, to make all of the Christmas puddings. It was the one part of the meal he felt he could successfully prepare, and while he wasn’t naive enough to think that it would relieve the weight that had permanently settled onto his mum’s shoulders since the second of May, he felt it was the least he could do. He wasn’t naive, but he also wasn’t blind. He saw the weariness in her every time he and Harry visited for Sunday dinner, and as the pang of guilt shot through him, he would always promise himself he would do more, be there more. The only problem was that the Ministry of Magic seemed to think he had no life outside their intensive Auror Training program - and then George had asked him for help getting the shop back in order, and he couldn’t say no to that - and he’d also been Apparating to Hogsmeade every chance he got-
Anyway, baking a few batches of biscuits and a treacle tart felt like the very least he could do.
A companionable silence fell between them as they continued to prepare the dough, punctuated only by the occasional shared kiss or murmured request for an ingredient. And Ron let himself pretend, just for a second, that perhaps this wasn’t his parents’ kitchen, but their own, and maybe they weren’t baking for his family, but for their own children - and it was madness to think about, at eighteen, things like marriage and babies, but he couldn’t stop himself. He looked at Hermione, and he saw the whole world before him.
“So now,” he said, giving the sticky dough one last stir, his biceps sore from the effort, “this has to cool for about an hour, then we bake it.”
“So how do we spend our free hour?” asked Hermione, a sort of mischievous twinkle in her eye that made Ron deeply remorseful that his parents were in the next room. Kissing was one thing, but he definitely couldn’t sneak her up to his room undetected.
“I - well - as great an idea as that is, I - I got you something,” he confessed.
He had never seen her look so indignant. “You - but we promised-“
“I know, but it really isn’t a gift - just stay here for a second, yeah?”
Before she could respond, he kissed her hastily on the forehead and darted out of the kitchen.
It had been a strategic move to stow this little token of affection in his former bedroom at the Burrow, knowing that he and Hermione would be spending a good portion of her Christmas hols there. And while he understood why they had agreed not to exchange gifts, given that neither of them had any income to speak of, he couldn’t resist wanting to show her what she meant to him. He hoped this little item, silly and useless as it might have been, would maybe at least come close to doing that.
Her eyes were still shooting daggers at him when he returned to the kitchen.
“If it helps, you don’t have to think of it as a Christmas gift,” he said as he pressed the box into her hands. “It’s really just because I love you, anyway.”
At his words, her expression softened, and she leaned back against the work surface as she prised open the box; Ron’s stomach shook with nerves.
Gingerly, as though scared to harm it, Hermione pulled the little gold key from its bed of cotton with two fingers and looked expectantly up at Ron.
“It’s to Grimmauld Place,” he explained, though this did nothing to assuage the polite bewilderment on her face. “And I know what you’re thinking, that you don’t need a key to get into Grimmauld Place, but it’s - y’know, so that you know that it’s as much yours as it is mine or Harry’s.”
Her lips were on his before he could keep talking. Though he had more to say, he couldn’t help leaning into it, forgetting everything but her and the taste of sugar on her lips.
“But also,” he said around one last kiss, “it’s really mostly symbolic so it could also be for - for anywhere, really, that you and I might live together. Y’know, in the future.”
As Ron watched, a series of emotions crossed over her face in rapid succession as she pieced his words together: confusion, surprise, happiness.
“So you want to live together,” she stated as a smile split her face.
“I definitely don’t want to live apart,” he assured her. “Not any longer than we have to, anyway. This is for later, by the way,” he felt compelled to clarify. “For once you’re done at Hogwarts and you’ve set the record for most NEWTs achieved by a single student or something-“
“I just mean,” he said, sobering a bit, “that it’s there for you whenever you’re ready - if that’s what you want-“
“Of course it’s what I want-“
“I’ve completely bungled this up, haven’t I?” said Ron, now a bit sheepish. “It was supposed to be romantic-“
“And it was - oh, come here-“
And she grasped him by the ears and kissed him soundly on the lips. When she pulled back, her fingers remained plunged in his hair.
“You still don’t really get it, do you?” Her nails tickled down the nape of his neck. “I love you-“
“I know you do-“
“And I want all the same things that you want.”
He knew that. Of course he knew that. Two people couldn’t share all that they had over the years without knowing, but she had never stated it quite so plainly before. It was something quite different to hear it aloud, to see their future etched more clearly before him.
“All right,” he said, reaching up to take her wrists in his hands. “All right, you decide, then. Wherever you want to live, whenever you want to live there - you just tell me and I’ll be there.”
“Sounds perfect.”
“And in the meantime,” Ron said, giving her forearms a tender squeeze, “we’ve got a treacle tart to make.”
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loverontheleft · 6 years
Ready to Leap (Chapter 16.2)
AU with B as a band teacher and reader as an English teacher. Fluff and smut. Chapters 1-15 can be found on my Masterlist.
Brendon x reader. Warnings: language, some dirty talk, trigger-ish abuse stuff, some talk of violence. No sex shockingly. This will probably be my least read chapter 😂😂😂
Word count: 3.2k; I barely proofread so we’ll just hope for the best, yeah?
He kept his promise and showered with you, digging his fingers into your scalp and massaging the shampoo in and rinsing it out before running the conditioner through. You return the gesture, and the two of you make an attempt at washing each other, but it’s a distracting task at best. He’s kissing you hard against the ceramic wall, fingers pressing into your thighs, and when his lips start moving across your neck, you moan and press closer.
“Ssssssh baby, we have other things to do today; we can’t fall back into bed…as much as I’d like that.”
You moan, frustrated, and he steps back, kissing your lips. “You finish up in here, I’m gonna go change your sheets.” He winks, running a hand down your side and stepping out, grabbing a towel to sling low around his hips.
“I miss you,” you call out longingly, only half-kidding and you peer out from behind the shower curtain.
“I love you,” he replies, meeting your eyes in the mirror and running a comb through his hair. He blows you a kiss and heads back to your bedroom.
You step out of the shower and grab your own towels, one for your hair and the other to wrap yourself in before going to get dressed. You don’t see him but the bed is remade and - “Jesus!” You shriek as he pounces from behind the door and tackles you onto the bed.
“Gotcha.” He grins, his chest against your back and your chest against the bed. His lips move across your neck and his hands curve over your hips, and you can feel him erect against you, even through both of your towels. “Missed you,” he murmurs, pressing hot, wet kisses down your neck and across your shoulder blades.
“Baby,” you sigh, arching your hips against him, pressing against him hard, and he groans, biting your shoulder lightly.
“We gotta, we gotta get up.” He sounds resigned, and you whimper, digging your nails into the bed.
“No.” He can hear the pout in your voice.
“Honey, we gotta. So many things to do.” He pauses. “Okay, two, maybe three, things to do. Max of four. But the sooner they’re done, the sooner we can go home and have dinner and maybe use the hot tub before I take you to bed.” You tilt your head, considering. “Yes, I thought that’d get your attention,” he teases, nuzzling your ear.
“We need to get up.” You press your palms flat against the mattress and push to raise yourself up, and he rolls off of you to let you, laughing a little at how eager you are. “What’s the dress code for the day?” You call out and he makes a thinking noise.
“Well, if time allows and you’re okay with it, I want to run by the school for a little bit. So something you’d run errands in and wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen in at school.” He laughs a little. “So no micro-shorts and tube top today m’dear.” You come out in a simple, bright sheath and give him a questioning look. His breath catches a little and you raise an eyebrow. “You look perfect.” He stands, kisses you hard, quickly dresses, and heads to scavenge for breakfast while you blow dry your hair.
“It’s probably gonna be another poptart morning,” you call out and he groans. “Sorry! See this is why I need to move in with you; so I’ll eat adult food.” You laugh a little and twist your now-dry hair into a bun, not having the energy to straighten or curl it. Mascara, a tiny bit of concealer, and a swipe of lipgloss and you’re out the door to meet him in the kitchen.
He presents you with beautiful wheat toast (you forgot you had bread) and a yogurt parfait. “Poptarts will have to wait another day; you actually had some strawberries that were perfect.”
You eat happily, his foot rubbing your calf under the table. You smile at him softly.
“What?” He grins back and you shake your head, just smiling. “What?”
“Nothing. Just thinking how happy I am and how much I love you. We should go by the school first, so we’re not too tired later. And it’s close by so it would be silly not to,” you point out, gesturing with your toast triangle. He nods, finishing off his parfait.
“If you don’t mind, that sounds good.” You tell him you don’t mind at all; and after you’re both done and the dishes are in the sink, you head out for the school.
You’re stretched out on the couch in his office, and he looks over at you from behind his desk. “Stop tempting me,” he says in a teasingly commanding voice and you smile, looking over at him. “Honey, you look so good on that couch, I wanna stop finding concert music and just crawl on top of you. God babygirl, you don’t even know.”
You arch an eyebrow at the nickname and roll off of the couch gracefully, crawling over to him and resting your head on his thigh. “Is this a test? Think I won’t do it. Think I won’t suck you off under the desk you fucked me on.”
He groans, caressing your cheek. “It wasn’t a test, it was a slip-up, but god, you’re making it hard,” you giggle and he rolls his eyes, “to say no right now. But if I say yes, the rest of our day is shot. So go wait on the couch for me, I won’t be much longer.”
You grin, the rejection not bothering you at all. You know he wants it. You crawl back to the couch and drape yourself along it again, humming along to the various concert pieces he samples. “I like this one,” you comment and he raises his head.
“Yeah?” You nod, tapping your foot. “Yeah this is nice. It features all of the sections and balances well. And it’s Berlioz, so it won’t be ridiculously overdone. Good ear, baby.”
You smile, basking in his praise, raising both hands in triumph. “Victory is mine.”
“‘Tis,” he agrees with a smile, completing the purchase and printing off the master set. “Okay,” he says, as he stands and stretches. “I can run section copies Monday. Finding music was my main stressor. We’re good to go.” You don’t move, you just beckon him over. “Milton, we have to behave,” he says with a knowing smile.
“I just want a kiss.” He stands over you and holds out his hands. You comply, taking them and letting him pull you into his arms. “See? I’m playing nicely. I just want a kiss.” He grins, kissing you softly, parting your lips with his tongue and seeking yours. Your hands grip his hair and you return the embrace, smiling into the kiss. After a moment, you pull back and beam at him. “And I got one. So we can go to your next stop.”
“To the car!” He cries valiantly, slinging an arm around your waist and leading you to the car. You giggle and match his stride, taking his hand eagerly when he moves it from your waist. “Target or Bed Bath and Beyond first?”
You look at him in mock amazement. “You just asked a woman if she wanted to go to Target or somewhere else first.”
“Target. Got it.” He laughs, opening your door when you get back to the car. He presses you against the rear door first, kissing you again. “Missed your lips,” he says as he lets you go and you climb into the car.
You laugh and take his hand once he’s buckled in and ready to go. “I’m not complaining.”
The drive to Target is short and he lists out loud the things he wants to get. “Definitely a new toaster and we’ll need more flatware. And anything else you see,” he grins at you, squeezing your hand.
“This is going to ruin our future wedding registry,” you tell him with a serious look and you both start laughing. “I’m glad we can talk openly about that,” you say after a moment. “Because I do love you. And I absolutely see a future with you.”
He smiles softly. “One hundred percent. You’re it for me. And I’ll wait until you’re ready, but the moment you are, please know I’m going to be down on one knee again, and more prepared this time.” He parks the car and you walk in together, a little stunned when you find it so empty. The parking lot should have been a clue honestly but you were so engrossed with each other you didn’t really notice.
“Okay, toasters.” You lead the way, and he follows, hands still linked. You stop in the aisle, scanning. He stands behind you, arms linked around your waist.
“I like that one,” and he nods towards one on the middle shelf. You study it, nodding. “It holds four slices…” he murmurs, “and has a bagel function,” and his lips catch your earlobe. “And it’s shiny.” He kisses your neck and you giggle.
“You’ve made this toaster sexy.”
“Sounds like a yes to me,” he laughs, and leans forward to put it in your cart. “Let’s see how sexy I can make flatware.”
You finish at the register and he carries the bags to the car. “Ready for Bed Bath and Beyond?” He smiles, kissing your forehead.
“Hell yeah, I’ve had my eye on that As Seen on TV potato gun.” You grin and he rolls his eyes. “Don’t make that face, you love me.” You beam up at him and he nods, opening your car door.
“I certainly do. And you can have as many potato guns as you want.”
You laugh, taking his hand as he pulls out of the parking lot. “You’re so good to me, Urie.”
He smiles over at you, kissing the back of your hand. “You make me happy.”
“What are we getting here?” You’re curious what Bed Bath and Beyond has that Target didn’t, but you’re not opposed.
“You’re gonna think it’s crazy,” he starts and you give him a look. “I want us to pick out new sheets together. Make it our bed.”
You think you might cry. “That’s not crazy, that’s so sweet. I love you.”
“I love you too. Let’s go.” Neither of you can stop smiling and you walk into the store.
“Hi! Do y’all need to register?” The salesgirl is chipper and holding a scanner in her hand.
The two of you exchange a small glance; he looks almost worried and you smile to reassure him. You turn to the girl. “Yes please!” She starts talking about the scanner and hands you the clipboard to start filling out paperwork and he gives you a surprised look. You shrug. “It’ll be fun.”
“I just don’t want you pushing yourself too far, baby.” He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you in to kiss your temple. “It’ll be fun, but we can have fun other ways.”
You give his hand a quick squeeze. “I’m okay. This is okay.” The girl turns back and trades the scanner for the clipboard and gives you two a quick wave. You grin up at him. “Let’s go, baby.”
He follows you with a smile. “I was honestly not listening, how does this thing work?”
You slip the scanner into his hand. “All we have to do is point and click at what we want.” His eyes light up and he starts clicking rapidly, scanner pointed at you. “You’re cute,” you whisper and kiss him.
He smiles and clicks once more. “Let’s figure out our sheets and then we can play with this.”
You wander the aisles, each clicking at random shit until you reach the sheets aisle. “Here we are, baby.” He squeezes your hand and you survey the selection, running your fingers along the samples.
“Oh my god, Brendon, feel these.” You turn to him with wide eyes, rubbing the sample between your thumb and index finger. He reaches out and nods. “These are so soft,” you marvel. “I mean, your sheets now are amazing, but-“
“These are incredible,” he finishes for you, and you grin. “Are these the ones?” You cast another look along the aisle, walking slowly to feel them. Nothing really compares. You turn back and nod. “Good. I wanna take you home and make love to you in our bed with our sheets.” You slip the scanner from his hand and point at him, clicking. He smiles and grabs two sets, and it’s while you’re reaching out to take one that you hear him.
“Well, aren’t you two the absolute picture of domestic bliss.”
You freeze and the sheets slip from your hands. Your back is to him; you’re facing Brendon and you look up to meet his eyes, hoping you’re wrong, hoping you’re hearing things; Brendon was right, the registry scanning is too much and this is a stress-induced hallucination. But his face gives it away; this is real. His jaw is tight and his eyes are cold. You instinctively step into his outstretched arm, letting him press you to his chest.
“Fuck. Off.” You’ve never heard his voice that tense or his tone so icy.
“Jason, why are you here?” You hate that there’s a tremor in your voice and you know he heard it; he always picks up on the details that make you the most insecure.
“Aw, can’t even look at me? That hurts Y/n.”
“Oh no, you don’t get to say shit to her,” Brendon counters, pulling you behind him. “And you seem to have missed my original comment; fuck off.”
“Why are you here?” Your voice is rising in a panic and you can see him over Brendon’s shoulder. “Why, what the fuck could you possibly -“
His stance is relaxed; his eyes neutral. He isn’t aggressive in posture or demeanor right now, but you know it’s a trap. You honestly think Brendon is about to lose his mind; he is trembling all over, but you know it’s with rage and you place one hand on his shoulder. “Well, you’ve wasted your time. I worked hard to get away from you and hell will freeze over before I let you back in my life.”
His eyes soften. “Baby, I know I didn’t treat you right. And I’m sorry for that. I’ll do better. Come home.”
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you?” Brendon’s voice is light, almost like he’s amused or making conversation. He’s still trembling under your fingertips but he’s calmed a little or is at least in more control. “I mean, there’s got to be something clinically wrong with you if you honestly think she’s going to just come back like that. So what the fuck? Help me understand what the fuck is going on in your head.”
Jason lolls against the shelf, almost bored. “She always comes back. Or lets me come back. I’m not too worried.”
Brendon turns to you, tone with the same lighthearted lilt. “I’m going to punch him in the mouth, baby.” You grab his hand and beg him with your eyes. “I’d really like to fucking break his jaw,” Brendon continues, and you shake your head, eyes widening when Jason starts laughing. “Or rip his goddamn throat out. Any of the above would be satisfying.” He smiles at you and you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. You can’t do this.
“She won’t let you touch me because she knows she always comes back and she wants me looking good for her when she finally comes to her senses and leaves you.”
Something snaps in you and you shoot out from behind Brendon and punch him in the face, hard. Your hand hurts but the stunned look on his face is so satisfying. Brendon is laughing behind you, but he grabs you by the waist when you lunge again. You want to scream, but you can’t make a sound and you struggle against Brendon, frustrated.
“Not a good idea, baby,” he whispers, holding you tight. Jason is rubbing his jaw a little and he gives you a steady glance.
“I’ll let you have that one. We’re even now. But we need to talk Y/n.” He drops a card on top of the sheets nearest him. “Give a call when you’re ready.” He turns to Brendon with a cold stare. “This isn’t me fucking off. This is me choosing to leave.”
“Oh, fuck you,” you spit, pleased you can finally speak. He just gives a sarcastic wave over his shoulder and walks away. You turn to Brendon, eyes wide and holding your hand to your chest. “Fuck.”
He gives you a grim look and examines your hand. “We need ice on this. Let’s get you home.” He plucks Jason’s card from the shelf and shoves it in his pocket. “Come on, honey.” He picks up both sets of sheets and tucks them under one arm, the other holding you close.
You’re silent until the car, when you look up at him, crying again. “I’m sorry.”
He stares at you. “Why are you sorry?” When Jason asked that after you apologized, it was to humiliate you, to make you recount whatever you had done wrong. Brendon sounds genuinely confused.
You hesitate. “I don’t know. I felt like I had to apologize though.” He looks sad and frustrated, and shakes his head.
“No Y/n. You have nothing to apologize for. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry for not shutting him up sooner, for leaving it in your hands.” You rest your bruised hand over his on his thigh.
“You don’t need to apologize either. You were trying to keep things civil and be in control. You can’t reason with crazy though.” You flex your fingers a little and wince. “And it felt good... at the time.”
He laughs a little, raising your hand and kissing each knuckle, eyes still on the road. “My fighter. Let’s get you on the couch with some ice on this hand and watch a movie or something to distract us, and then we’ll think about dinner eventually, yes?”
You nod gratefully. “That all sounds really good.”
He glances over at you. “I’m glad you’re moving in with me for a multitude of reasons. One of them being he doesn’t know my address. You are not going over there to pack alone, okay?” His tone is serious and you agree softly. “I love you so much. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
Your tears finally dry as he parks in the driveway and leads you inside, settling you on the couch before going for a bag of frozen peas and a dish towel.
“Fifteen minutes on, then take a five minute break. I’ll remind you though.” He slides behind you on the couch and pulls you between his legs to rest against his chest. His arms wrap loosely around your waist and your head drops back on his shoulder. “If you want to just nap, you can do that too, baby,” he whispers and you nod, eyes slipping shut. “Rest, honey. I’ll wake you when it’s time for food.”
You nod again, rolling onto your side, curling into his embrace. “I love you,” you whisper, and he murmurs it back, kissing the top of your head.
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lena-went · 7 years
Camminare Pt 2
R: The days came and went some long and others short. Frederick's recovery was nothing short of miraculous and the doctors marveled at his progress. He was fitted for temporary prosthetics and a few contact lenses at his request. His mood had been dark and heavy, cheering only when I crawled into the bed with him to sleep at night. The act was typically forbidden but the doctors had made an exception after a few pissy comments from Frederick that had left me stifling giggles.
Greg brought me blankets and pillows from my apartment and soon the hospital room was more cozy and Frederick looked far more comfortable. Things were getting better. Frederick was expected to be discharged in a few days and the doctor recommended that I leave to prepare my apartment for his return. Obviously we couldn't return to Frederick’s house, Jack Crawford had the crime scene cleaners scrub the place within an inch of its life but I suggested it and Frederick had paled at the thought. I immediately offered my apartment and his demeanor changed drastically at which I smiled. However I refused to leave Frederick’s side and so I figured we would just have to wing the entire transition. I gave Frederick’s keys to Greg and he kindly packed a good portion of Frederick’s clothes into one of Frederick’s suitcases and brought it to my apartment.
We checked out of the hospital with a list of medications, prescriptions and instructions on how to change his bandages. I listened carefully to what the doctor said and promised to have Frederick back at the hospital in a week for a check up exam. The drive home was hard and longer than I thought it would be. When we got to the apartment I helped Frederick into bed before clearing off my bedside table and lining up dozens of yellow orange bottles. I bustled around before unpacking Frederick’s suitcase and placing his clothes in drawers alongside mine. I settled in bed next to him and began to read over the thick packet describing the drugs and their side effects that the doctor had handed me on our way out. I noticed Frederick watching me as I flipped through the many pages my eyes bouncing from one edge to another. I turned to him with a little smile and gave his hand a squeeze.
“Are you hungry?” He shook his head slightly.
“Thirsty?” Another shake.
“What is it?”
He looked at me with an odd sort of emotion in his eye and then spoke. “You can leave me.”
I repeated his words mentally trying to find another meaning besides what he clearly intended to convey.
“I will not blame you. I will not stop you. You do not deserve this.” His voice was surprisingly steady and I got the distinct feeling he had been rehearsing the words for days.
I then did something that surprised me. I smiled. Widely. Confusion presented itself on Frederick’s face and it made me smile even wider.
“Oh hush you silly man.” I spoke and kissed him on the exposed skin of his face before taking his hand in mine and kissing it too.
“I am serious.” He stated but I could hear relief in his voice.
“Me too. Now go to sleep.”
He moved closer to me and I swear I could see smile lines form around his eyes. “What if I do not want to go to sleep?”
This child.
I raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. “Oh really?”
He nodded. “I cannot fall asleep with you smelling like a hospital.”
I laughed for the first time in weeks my chest glowing and rising with the glorious sound.
“Touché you smell exactly the same my dear.”
He moved to stand and I inquired as to where he thought he was going.
“To take a shower, now.”
I shook my head and reminded him of what the doctor had said.
“I promise I will not get the bandages wet.”
I shook my head again. And he sighed heavily.
“Fine then. I did not want it to come to this.”
He lifted himself up from the bed and I moved to his side afraid he would fall.
“Come to what? What are you doing?”
“You, he corrected, are giving me a bath.”
I pretended to mull it over before feigning hesitancy. “I suppose thats the best way for me to ensure you don't disobey the doctor’s orders. But I’m going to warn you now, I’m in charge, understand?”
He nodded somewhat happily and I helped him into the bathroom.
As he undressed I couldn't believe how hesitant he still was about being nude in front of me. I sat on the edge of the clawfoot tub and dangled my fingers under the heavy stream of water making certain it was neither too hot or too cold. I heard him begin to stumble so I rushed to him and he gripped me for support.
“Hey, hey, hey…let me.” I spoke softly.
I leaned him against the sink and found the edge of his shirt before pulling it gingerly over his bandaged head. He raised his arms to aid me and then quickly lowered them across his stomach. I discarded the shirt to the laundry basket and ran my hands over his broad shoulders which had risen in tension. My hands wandered to his chest where I pressed them firmly. I kissed his neck gingerly before leaving little wet nibbles on his collarbone. I heard him moan and I smiled before remembering what my original task was. I reached to the loose waistband of his sweatpants and boxer briefs and gave them a little tug. Soon he was bare before me and it felt strange seeing how I was fully clothed.
“Come on,” I wrapped my small hand around his larger one and led him to the tub now full with water and lightly scented vanilla soap. I helped him into the bath and knelt beside it as he sighed in relief and relaxation.
“Is the water good baby?” He hummed his confirmation and reached for the arm I had dangling in the water.
“Join me.”
I laughed softly and shook my head with a small tsk tsk tsk. “I’m in charge remember, now lie back.”
He did as I said and closed his eye. I washed what remained of his hair with careful and controlled movements, making certain no water got on or under his bandages. He made the sweetest little sounds almost purring as my hands scratched lightly at his scalp. I washed his back and chest next with little giggles as he ran his hands up and down my working arm kneading and massaging my muscles slowly. I laughed even harder when he raised a leg from the tub splashing me with a sudden wave of water.
“Freddy!” I scolded him playfully before scrubbing the offending leg clean.
I folded a towel on the end of the tub and gestured for him to lift his feet. He did so, careful that the water only reached the edge of his collarbones. I worked the tired muscles of his feet with both hands, rubbing each and every toe before rolling my knuckles into the arch of his foot. I had done this a few times before for him and I knew exactly what he liked. His days at BSHCI left him spent and achy so I had become quite the masseuse for my dear Frederick. Finishing both feet I resumed my job with my loofah reaching for his stomach. His hands found my arms and they gripped me tightly. I began to ask him what he was doing before the answer was quickly revealed.
With a surprising amount of strength he pulled me off my perch on the side of the tub and into the water. I squealed loudly and heard him rumble with laughter. Water sloshed over the sides of the tub and onto the tiled floors with the sudden addition of another body. I scolded him repeatedly but nestled into his familiar embrace despite myself. I hummed at the warmth of the water and Frederick’s touch and noticed he did the same. I closed my eyes at the feel of his arms wrapping  around my middle and sighed when his fingers spread and flexed possessively over the skin of my stomach. As we relaxed I was careful not to drift off though every part of me wanted to. I felt Frederick’s breathing grow tired and I moved to climb out of the tub. He made sounds of protest but I insisted we both go to bed. Removing my soaked clothes I toweled off before putting on my robe and then proceeded to help him out of the tub. He hugged me tightly to him getting my body and robe wet all over again but I didn't care.
How close had I been to never feeling his arms around me again?
Greg had spoken to me at the hospital in hushed tones while Frederick was sleeping. He told me that Frederick shouldn't have made it and that if he had been shot any higher or lower he would have been killed instantly. Greg’s words hadn't truly sunk in until now and I began to cry burying myself in his chest and pulling him close with my arms under his.
Now it was his turn to comfort me. He hummed little songs in my ear like he would when I couldn't sleep and stroked my hair while not allowing an inch of space to come between us.
“I love you, I am here.” The words that he spoke then would echo in my ears for years to come.
Back in bed we both fell asleep tightly wound in each other, as much as Frederick’s injury would allow. Our legs and arms knit a pattern only we knew and the rise and fall of our chests soothed the other into a much needed deep sleep.
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themowrites · 7 years
One-Shot: Bet is a Bet.
+ I would like to thank @dayjavoo1 for giving me the opportunity of bringing her prompt to life. I hope I executed it properly. Thank you again and readers enjoy! Constructive and Positive feedback is always welcomed. -Mo
“So, baby let's just turn down the lights. And close the door. Oh, I love that dress. But you won't need it anymore. No, you won't need it no more. Let's just kiss 'til we're naked, baby. Versace on the floor. Oh, take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl.” -Bruno Mars (Versace on the Floor).
No man could be proud of moments like this, it was quite embarrassing in fact. He had to keep up with his end of the deal, he wouldn’t go back on his word he wasn’t that kind of guy. But now as he stood here before her he surely wished he could renege or maybe go back in time and change the stakes on the bet itself. Now as he thought about it, his bet was nowhere near as embarrassing as hers had turned out to be. He guessed he deserved it the bet itself was silly. But it was sad to say that he still hadn’t pulled through even with that notion. Shaking his head Samuel looked to his wife of twelve years in the chair before him, she was so amused and elated to see him in this state it almost made him want to renege anyway.
“Okay, okay, okay. How about this, how about we bet on this since you know so much Mrs. Evans” Samuel said with a wide grin. “I don’t know why you doubt me so much. I am the man. I know I can do this and there is nothing to it, but to do it” he joked “how about that?” he asked her with a grin.
Mercedes looked to her husband and she chuckled sipping down her tea “you want to bet me, on something you and I both know you won’t be able to do successfully?” she asked. Samuel truly had Mercedes amused, and that was saying the least. Their daughter had just become a woman, and though they knew this day was coming they hadn’t truly thought much about it. But now that the day was finally here and she was upstairs in agony Mercedes was curious to see what her husband would do to contribute to this new transition in their teen daughter’s life.
“Chloe loves me, we are more than daughter and father. We are best friends Mercedes. She’s the only kid and she’s been up under us since the day you popped her out. I can do this. You just put your money where your mouth is?” he said as leaned against the large island in their kitchen.
Mercedes snorted “you know what, for a man who nearly passed out while I was giving birth, you are surely talking a lot of trash right now” she told him giving him a knowing look. “Chloe was six when she fell for the first time from her bike. She was at your parents’ house and I was at work. You went over there to make sure our baby had no broken bones or substantial injuries. When you got there, I got another phone call saying the both of you were crying…. but you want to bet me?” she asked pointing to herself before she tossed her head back laughing loudly as large curls bounced around her. “You will lose” she said happily as she walked over towards the plastic bags filled with items their daughter needed.
“Oh God here you go” Samuel replied waving her off “you bring up that story for everything. Both of those stories. And I have you know, I didn’t almost faint. You squeezed my hard so hard I thought you had broken it and that sent me to my knees! I have witnesses, your mother was there” he argued. “And!” he added lifting up a finger “I was not crying it was allergy season that is my story and I am sticking to it” he rushed out leaning back in the tall chair he was sitting in.
As he replied back to her Mercedes couldn’t contain the booming laugh that left her full lips, her husband was so full of himself honestly. He was more protective of their little girl than she was, and that was saying a lot. Chloe’s feet hadn’t even touched the ground until she was five thanks to her father. She had him wrapped around more than a finger and it was amusing to see him try to pretend that that wasn’t a fact. Mercedes shook her head slowly before she pushed the bags over to him. “Well then Mr. Evans, I bet that you can’t go upstairs and teach or tell rather… our daughter what a menstrual cycle is, why women have one, and what to do with these” she said gesturing the bag. “And, the bet itself is… you’d have to” she said thinking to herself long and hard, she squinted looking up to the ceiling as she tried to find a really good thing to bet on. After a few minutes, she concluded “I bet you to strip for me… on a pole” she said slyly as she looked to him with a wicked grin.
Samuel watched his wife and sighed, she was telling the truth through and through his daughter couldn’t get a nose bleed without him almost going into cardiac arrest about it, but he couldn’t help it. She was his angel, his baby, the reason he breathed aside from his wife. Everything he thought he never needed came forth the day she was born and he as well as his wife’s life had been made whole ever since. But hearing it from her made him sound like a bigger softy than he was allowing her to credit him for. However, she stated her bet and what he’d have to do, he chuckled at her, oh he would definitely win this little game she was playing. “Okay and if I do this and win. I get you to skinny deep with me in the backyard, hot tub or pool doesn’t matter. And you have to stay in their longer than twenty minutes, despite if anyone sees us or not. Unless it’s Chloe and they we get the hell out of there and tuck in roll into your garden. Deal?” he added quickly.
Mercedes looked to her husband again leaning against the counter as he spoke and she wiggled her brows a bit before she says “deal” lifting her tea mug she got up and tossed hair over her shoulder. “I got this in the bag” she told him as she grabbed a hand full of folders off the kitchen table. “I will be in the home office, I have a large case load this week” she said with each swish of her hips as she moved up the stairs barefoot in nothing but her robe and the undies she was sporting beneath the thick fabric.
Samuel watched his wife as she walked away and he nodded “mhm” she said popping his lips as he watched her disappear up the stairs. Samuel opened the bag and saw the variety before him scrunching his face. He knew what his wife wore, he’d been married enough and made enough runs to know so. However, seeing it before him now knowing his daughter would soon be wearing tampons? Sent shivers down his spine slowly, it was okay for his thirty-eight-year-old wife to wear them, she was supposed to but his baby girl? “Shit” he breathed as he licked his lips slowly, he took the time to quickly read all of the packaging so he could explain everything to Chloe properly. The last thing he wanted was to lose the bet. However, he was more concerned with the fact that his wife doubted his abilities to educate their daughter on this subject. After a few minutes had passed he finally lifted the bag off the counter, stood up and moved upstairs towards Chloe’s bedroom. He knocked twice on her door once she reached and he let himself in after a few seconds.
If death had a close relative, cramps were it. Chloe had no idea how horrible having a period was, what was the deal with women bodies’ to make this happen once a month. She was suffering and didn’t know what to do. Her mother had given her some tablets to take almost an hour ago and she swore she’d faded in and out of consciousness twice since then. She could faintly hear her mother laughing downstairs but she couldn’t imagine what comedy was bringing her to do so. Didn’t she know she was dying up here. Why didn’t her mother just come kill her now and take her out of her misery. As she heard the knock at her door she continued to lay wrapped up into a tight ball beneath her covers, as her father walked in.
Samuel saw the outline of his baby under her covers, he felt bad a twinge of pain shot through his heart seeing her this way. However, he walked in and he sat himself on her bed stretching his long legs. “Baby girl mommy and I got some things for you and I want to tell you how to use them” he said easy enough. Maybe he could do this after all, he thought to himself. So far so good, and he read the directions on each box. He’d be done before he knew it.
Chloe felt the dip in her bed and she leaned up hearing her father’s voice, pulling the covers from over her body she sighed heavily looking towards the bags in her father’s hand. Nodding her head, she looked to him crazily for a second before she asked him curiously “um, why isn’t mommy here talking to me about this stuff?” she asked as she moved to sit upright her hand rubbing against her cramping stomach.
Samuel pursed his lips slightly “you don’t think your old man can tell you about this stuff? ‘Cause I’m a man, I’m not supposed to know about the stuff women go through?” he asked her.
At her father’s words Chloe’s eyebrows raised to her hairline and she shifted. “That’s not exactly what I meant dad. But… lay it on me I guess” she shrugged to him as she rested her chin on her knee cap as she pulled her legs to herself.
“That’s what I thought” Samuel said as he looked to her before he simply pulled a box out of the bag. “These are maxi pads…” he said handing them over “uh the box says that you unwrap them and adhere them to the inside of your panties” he said slowly “and the wings fold in the opposite direction so it doesn’t move” he told her nodding his head.
Chloe looked to the box and she looked it over taking it in as well as the directions. “So, it just drips down into this thing and I wear it like a diaper or something?” she asked him. At the moment, her mother had given her one of her tampons, she wasn’t used to it and the feeling of it was extremely weird and uncomfortable at times but it was something she had to wear for the moment. They had to go shopping for her and this is what they brought back she assumed.
Samuel looked to her and cleared his throat “sure” he said nodding “if you want to put it like that” he told her. “Just an option. Your mommy got you these too” he said brining out some more tampons. “You know how to use these already I guess” he said truly hoping she used the pads instead when the time came for her to use something regularly. “Have any questions?” he asked her, thinking maybe he could get out of the other stuff and still tell his wife he had done it, causing him to win the bet after all. “Oh” he said after a thought came to mind “these are panty liners, which are smaller maxi pads. You can use these towards the end of things” he said offering her a simple smile as he sat them before her.
Chloe looked at each individual box and she took the diagrams in as her father spoke, she guessed she doubted him because right now he did seem to know what he was talking about for the most part. Thinking about the question he asked she looked to him and nodded “yes, can you please tell me why I am dying and bleeding out to death?” she said as she rested her head back down.
Samuel had nailed it, he did exactly what his wife assumed he couldn’t. He was a jack of all trades, and his wife would have to respect that. This he’d enjoy to the fullest; but when Chloe’s mouth opened again and she asked him what exactly caused them Samuel cursed mentally. The thing he wanted to avoid had come up and he licked his lips thinking to himself. “It’s simple to grasp. Women have a cycle ever month to get rid to eggs that weren’t fertilized” Samuel told her as he moved to stand up. That would settle that and he knew it would.
His explanation was simple but it wasn’t detailed at all “details dad” she said with a tired sigh. “What is my body actually doing? And what eggs are you talking about? Like babies?” she asked confused. Her mother had tried to talk to her about sex at one point of time, but she had made it awkward and shooed her mother away never having asked her about it again. She knew women made the children of course, but she didn’t really know how the male’s played a part physically aside from the act of sex itself. And now sitting here, she wanted to know why women had to get rid of eggs that weren’t fertilized? Whatever that meant.
As she went on to ask him for details on the matter, Samuel’s stomach begin to hurt. No way could he have this talk, he had already had it in his mind that his wife would have the sex talk with his daughter and that would be that. But here he was being pressured by the somewhat teen girl. She truly just became a teen, and now even he was beginning to doubt himself. He sat back down anyhow and placed the bags on the floor near her bed. “Women produce eggs to make children. Men fertilize them. When...” he paused “we guys don’t, those have to be replaced with new ones. Out with the old in with the new” he said. “There you have it. It’s natural. Mother nature they say” and he got up again quickly.
Chloe nodded her head before she asked her father “so mommy has one every month too?” she said her curious mind realizing that she and her mother now had more in common then she had thought before. As a child, you don’t think about these little details but now it had hit her, after all that is how she had gotten on Earth anyway.
Samuel shoved his hands in his pockets as he was trying to run out just out of fear, his mind was no longer on the bet he was losing so badly at. He hissed “hot damn” he said loudly in her room it was the one thing that would connect all the pieces for her if he truly answered the question. But he couldn’t, if he told his daughter that some months her mother went without one, maybe. She’d ask why, and then he’d have to tell her that her mother was on birth control. And then knowing his bright child she’d ask more questions. Which would all boil down to him telling her they didn’t want any more children and that all of this revolved sex, sex was the culprit in the end of it all. When it was said and done, this all connect and that was the common denominator. He couldn’t do it. “Look baby ask your mother, okay” he said with a gracious smile. “I have got to take the trash out before she kills me anyway” he said excusing himself so quickly he was sure dust was floating behind his large feet as he rushed down the hall towards his wife.
Chloe looked to her father as he cursed, she didn’t know what that meant but she’d wait and see. When he told her to talk to her mother she frowned slightly, she thought he could make it through the talk but clearly, he was disturbed. As he rushed off she laid back against her pillow groaning somewhat, she was starting to feel a little better. Maybe the medication was working, anyhow the bed is where she’d remain for the rest of the day.
Mercedes looked over each folder slowly, minutes had passed one after the other and she presume her husband had done what she asked and won the bet. It was beyond a bet though, she wanted to see if he could actually separate the strong feelings he had about their little girl turning into woman. She was testing him, trying to see if he could handle the tough things in case she wasn’t around. He’s proven her wrong, so there was some skinny-dipping madness in her future, sadly. When she heard footsteps moving down the hall, she slid her glasses off and sat them down looking towards the door. When Samuel approached she asked, “how did it go?” inquisitively.
Samuel opened the door to the office, he shook his head “I couldn’t do it. You won, she started asking questions I just didn’t feel comfortable answering. So, you are going to have to do it for the both of us” he said tucking his lips in.
Mercedes titled her head and she smiled faintly before she moved to stand up from her seat. Moving around the desk she kissed his cheek, on her tippy toes she looked to him. “At least you tried” she said sympathetically. “You know how she is, she’s beyond curious. And…” she dragged out. “I warned you, or told you so… which ever suits you best” she giggled. “I’ll talk to her in depth later” she told him.
He looked down to his wife, that kiss was a I told you so kiss. She’d won, after all through and through she knew her man. Samuel rested his hand on the small of her back, rubbing it as she spoke. He growled slightly at her little joke before he caressed her thick side. “Fine, I admit you are better when it comes to those things” he said. “So… I guess… a bet is a bet” he said sucking his teeth.
“Do you need a little music to be played for you, or are you just going to wing it?” Mercedes asked as she crossed one leg over the other. Sipping from her glass or wine she smiled up at her husband, he stood before her in nothing but his boxers. His hands were gripping the pole she purchased just for him. He had suggested or implied that one day he’d get her to do this exact thing and she found it funny to return the favor, hell with no doubt in her mind she knew he was going to lose the damn bet. Who didn’t? She had to go back a day later and explain everything he couldn’t and then some. Their daughter was at the age where she needed to know everything that came along with sex and being a woman, she always wished her husband and she both would be able to explain to her or at least separately but the most he could do was explain what the diagram showed on the side of her feminine product boxes. Shaking her head at the thought she sipped from the glass again, and here it was the day she’d been waiting for. Two weeks after losing the bet and finding a portable stripper pole off the internet Samuel was standing before her in all of his glory ready to show her exactly what his father, or mother? Had gave him.
Samuel squinted at her, she was enjoying this way more than he anticipated or liked. He shook his head before he said, “I have my own music actually” the attitude he sported was matter-of-fact. He moved to his Iphone, placed it on his speaker and began to play some music. He walked back over to the pole in the middle of their large room and he held on to it. He wasn’t homophobic but the thought of him swinging on this was truly making him sick. He looked to her as she sipped her glass of wine and he walked to the other side of the pole. Swallowing hard he didn’t know what to do. How did people do this for a living he’d never understand he felt like a piece of meat and she was the ferocious lion stalking her prey. “I can’t do this” he told her shaking his head. “I can’t”.
She watched him as he turned his music and awkwardly moved back to the pole, she raised any eyebrow as she continued to watch. Once he told her he couldn’t do this, she sat her glass down “you have to, a bet is a bet” she repeated.
“Oh God” he told her as he sighed running his hands through his hair. Pulling his lip into his mouth he moved towards her, straddling her lap he grind into her hips playfully before he shook his head. “I can’t believe you have me doing this” he said taking it all as a joke.
Mercedes watched him walk over to her and as he lowered himself into her lap, rocking his hips into hers she chuckled pulling a few hundred dollar bills out of her bra she made them rain over him. She rested her hand on his but sticking her tongue out as she smacked his butt gently.
Samuel continued to dance against her awkwardly before she tossed money into the air and he looked to her crazily before he chuckled. “You are insane, I can’t do this” he said shaking his head as he got up.
Mercedes rolled her eyes slightly chuckling at him “what?” she asked though she knew he was serious. “What do you suggest you do to repay your debt?” she asked.
Samuel moved towards her and he kissed her lips sweetly “I can think of something” he said huskily against her puffy lips before he leaned in to kiss her again. His large hand gently caressing her face as he pecked her once or twice over tenderly.
Mercedes watched as he came close and she shifted in the chair, he leaned down to kiss her and she met him halfway. Leaning up she crashed her lips into his closing her eyes immediately after, he caressed her face, a simple gesture he’d always did, before he pecked her lips several times. She smiled up at him, pecking him back each time playfully.
Samuel kissed Mercedes fully against the lips one last time before he pulled away from her gently. The tall man lowered himself to her level with ease, kneeling before her he kissed her warm neck before he peppered his way down to her collar bone, across it, and to the other side of her neck kissing against it tenderly as well. His tongue jutted out licking up and down chocolate skin slowly before he moved to the other side of her neck once more, licking up and down it as he did the other side. Pulling his lips and tongue away from her neck, moving to peel her robe back exposing her lacey bra to him. He took in the sight with a groan, he loved her massive breast. Hands sliding down her thick arms he opened the robe completely, his hands pulling at her ties as he revealed the full lace boy shorts she had on. His mouth was watering at the sight.
Kissing him back a second time, Mercedes chuckled slightly at the toned man as he lowered himself before her slowly. On his knees, he leaned into kiss and lick at her neck, she smirked as he did so tilting her head back a bit to give him more access to her flesh. He assaulted her neck for a while before he pulled away finally she looked down at him, watching as he slid her robe down revealing her almost naked body to him. As he groaned she smiled through tucked lips at him, he was taking her in like she was a warm meal and he was ready to feast. Parting her legs just slightly she leaned forward taking her husband lips in and she kissed him passionately, eyes rolling shut she wrapped her arms around his neck moaning into his mouth as she forcefully stuck her tongue into his mouth roaming in soundly.
As his wife leaned into him capturing his lips again Samuel slid his hands down her back and he gripped her lower back roughly as she stuck her tongue into his mouth. Samuel closed his eyes sliding his hands down to her butt now, gripping the round mound he pulled her closer if it were even possible with their close proximity already. His tongue toyed with hers for a long while before he pulled away from her, tugging her panties down her thick thighs he discarded them before her part her legs with his hands. He could have moved to the bed for course but for now he liked the chair. He licked his lips before leaning down to lick hers as well. His tongue slid up her folds slowly and he gripped her legs in his hands keeping them parted.
Helping him remove her panties by simply lifting her hips, Mercedes nibbled her lip in anticipation for her husband as he spread her thick thighs apart. Watching him closely she dropped her head back in the chair, closing her eyes softly as he leaned in licking at her folds nice and delicately. A gush of moisture grew at the simple action; she hummed softly as he took his time offering her teasingly slow licks with his wide tongue. She looked down at him again with lust filled eyes as he continued to hold her legs open not wanting her to close them in the slightest.
Sam smiled around his mouthful, engulfing her womanhood into his mouth after teasing her with repeated licks. He allowed his tongue to dip in between her folds, sweeping back and forth, left to right. He released her, his tongue pushing deeper and deeper between her pretty brown lips before he found her clit and he circled his tongue around the button slowly, his eyes looking up to meet hers in the dimly lit bedroom.
Mercedes hummed out gently as he slid his tongue against her and she bit down on her lip gently teeth skinning into flesh. Her hands moved to cup her large breast through her lace bra as the temperature rose in the room from his actions. Her breath hitched ever so often as he circled her clit, eyes closing again as she spread her legs a little more for him, pointing her toes she sunk down in the chair.
Sam moaned against her sweet clit, being gentle with her for the time being. He lightly nibbled and sucked the button before he released and slid his tongue up and down her slit once more. His tongue circled her and he smirked before he wiggled his long tongue inside of her, flexing the muscle back and forth. Samuel felt himself getting hard as he watched her fall under his lustful spell.
Mercedes licked her dry lips gently as he continued to tease. Whimpering she shifted slightly her hands still cupping her large breast in them as he gently aroused her. Enticing her with every lick he had to offer and when he slid his tongue inside of her, she smirked at the white devil before her. Wiggling her toes lightly, she flexed them as he kept up his work. His work was toe curling but she didn’t want to cum just yet.
Samuel’s tongue stroked in and out of her and he moaned at the taste of her essence in his mouth. “Mmm.” He let out as his tongue flicked against her rigged walls. He placed his hands on her inner thighs, moving one of his hands his thumb rested against her clit as he began to gently circle it. His tongue flexed against her before digging just a little deeper, finding her spot.
“My God” Mercedes breathed out, her breath hitching again as he moved his thumb to her clit rubbing gentle circles into it. She panted softly as he continued to assault her with his tongue. She licked her lips again opening her eyes as she looked up at the ceiling moving her hips in time with him. “Mm” she whimpered softly as she moved one of her hands to grip the seat she was in as she hummed out in pure ecstasy.
Sam looked up at her, smiling as her breath hitched and her hips moved in time with his tongue he was going to bring her to her brink soon. He stroked his thick muscle in and out of her, his thumb circling her clit before he began to flick at the sensitive button. Reaching up he placed his hand over one of her large breast just as she had, giving it a rough squeeze before he tugged the cups of it down revealing it and her chocolate nipple to him.
Mercedes hummed out, moaning against her closed lips as he continued to tease her bundle of nerves. She clutched her toes a bit as his teasing caused waves of erotic pleasure to coarse through her. Mercedes bit her lip as she felt him move his mouth back to her clit to suck it gently. “Fuck” she breathed out closing her eyes again as she resisted the strong urge to close her thighs around him. Instead she moaned grabbing his hand as he rested it against breast, she laced their fingers. Holding his hand tightly as she arched her back, pushing more of herself into his mouth. “Mm, baby” she said breathlessly.
Samuel nibbled her sweet button, opening his eyes to look up at her as she gripped his hand. He placed his freehand against her hip, encouraging her to rock against him as he pushed his tongue back inside of her. He wiggled the strong muscle against her spot, rocking her against his tongue with ease as he let out a content hum. “Mmm.”
“Sam” Mercedes moaned out in pleasure as one hand gripped his and the other gripped the chair she was balancing on. “Uh,” she said sweetly into the air as he moved his hand to her hip and she continued to rock against him, her impending orgasm building as she did. She held his hand tighter as the seconds pass by, pulling it to her as she twisted her body at the feel and the sensation. Before long Mercedes was coming undone before him, she came against his tongue body shaking violently as she did, moaning his name into their bedroom as she panted out quietly.
He looked up at her as she moaned his name. He watched her as she began to come undone. As she began rocking herself, he smirked, moaning against her as well. He could feel her walls clenching around his tongue and he worked the muscle faster, stroking in and out of her with ease. He squeezed her hand back gently, his hand resting on her hip once more as she began to twist her body. He held her steady, keeping his pace as she began to cum against his tongue. He worked her over, holding her hip firmly in his hand as she shook. Samuel lifted slightly, releasing her hand as he used both hands to keep her steady on the chair, his lips wrapping around her clit as he sucked.
Mercedes moaned softly as he held her still keeping up his assault, she squirmed slightly breathlessly whimpering his name as she did. She bit her bottom lip roughly, closing her eyes and laying her head back on the chair again as she tried to shift her chubby body before him. She looked down at him finally hissing slightly as she moved her hands to his head both egging him and pushing him away.
Samuel chuckled against her as she squirmed and wiggled underneath his relentless torment. As she placed her hands on his head, he finally lifted up, smirking at her as he licked his lips clean. “Mmm.” He moaned after doing so, he began kissing his way up her body. He licked his way up her stomach, kissing up the valley of her breasts, until he was kissing her lips, his large hands stroking her thighs. “Good?” He asked her softly as he rested his forehead against hers.
Mercedes hummed out, exhaling softly as Sam finally let up and instead moved up her body. Kissing her here and there as he did, she watched him as he kissed up the valley of her breast, moving to her lips. She kissed him back moaning into their kiss tasting herself on his tongue. At his question she nodded, smirking at him. “Yes” she breathed out against his sweet lips as he rested his forehead against hers. She looked into his eyes, biting down on her lip as she moved her hands to his sides her long nails sliding across his skin.
Sam gazed into her eyes, lifting his head slightly to take her in completely a smile tugging at his lips. He rested against her, just taking her in for a moment before he asked. “Should we move this to the bed Mrs. Evans?” He didn’t necessarily have to but he wanted her to be comfortable as well. And if she wanted to he’d move their little fun to the bed itself verses the chair she was currently resting in.
Looking to him as he stared upon her, Mercedes blinked slowly at his question thinking to herself for a moment. She shook her head at him quietly she looked up into his eyes. “It’s fine” she breathed after a few minutes. She moved her hands down his hips towards his member, she stroked him through his boxers. He was already rock hard for her, she smirked at the notion.
Samuel rested above her, letting the silence surround them. He waited patiently for her answer and when she gave it to him, he nodded slowly, kissing her lips again. As her hands moved to his dick stroking it he grunted slightly at the feel. He could only hope she was about to engage in her favorite pastime. If Samuel truly loved nothing more from his wife, it was some good head. Looking to her Samuel moved to slide his boxers down, his dick jumping at attention.
After Samuel pulled his boxers down Mercedes begin to stroke him again, leaning up right in the chair as he stood before her, she gently swirled her tongue around his head slowly tucking hair behind her ear as she did. She looked up at him with a grin as her small hand held his large member in it.
As she sat up right in the chair he moved to quietly unfasten her bra tugging it to slide down her arms. Samuel gazed at her, his eyes wrapped her hand around him preparing herself to give him head. At the feel of her warm tongue against him, his eyes closed, almost rolling back.
Mercedes move to relax her throat as she pushed him into her mouth deepthroating him. He begin, to remove her bra completely and she dropped her hands simple bobbing her head against him as he tossed it aside. Once he was done she pushed him back down her throat in one swift motion and removed him slowly, repeating this movement several times as she got his dick slick with her saliva. Pulling him out completely, Mercedes shoved him back into her mouth again gagging slightly before she released him. She spat on it, the wholesome housewife, turned lawyer, Christian, and feminist spat on Samuel’s dick swirling her tongue around his shaft again before she bobbed her head up and down his length using her hand to twist her wrist in the motion with her mouth.  
Samuel hissed at the feel, groaning out as she took him deep. “Mercedes…” He moaned her name, his mouth falling open as she worked him over with her hot mouth and tongue. “Fuck baby.” He whispered softly, tentatively moving a hand to the back of her head, tangling within her curls. “That feels amazing.” He groaned using all his strength to keep his hips still to stop himself from fucking her mouth. If he didn’t know any better he would have sworn his wife was a hoe in her past life with the way she worked tricks on his dick.
Mercedes moaned around him “mm” she hummed out as he moved his hand behind her head and she continued to bob up and down against him before she pulled away. She licked around him, licking his head and down his length before she took him back into her mouth moaning all the while, she shoved him back down her throat gagging as she fucked the back of her own throat with his dick. Hand holding the base of his dick she shoved him in and out her throat hotly as he grunted and moaned out her name in return.
Samuel couldn’t look down at her. If he looked down at her, he would lose his mind. He simply couldn’t do it. However, he felt like regardless of if he looked down at her or not, he was going insane. The way her mouth worked over him and the way her tongue slid up and down his length. It was driving him crazy and then he had to do it. He opened his eyes and looked down at her, watching as she shoved his dick into her mouth. “Fuck.” He moaned out before he grabbed her. He held her by her arms and pulled her up to him. Without hesitation he captured her lips, kissing her deeply as he hummed out against her lips “Dammit Mercedes” He groaned. “Trying to make me cum?” he asked her huskily as he smacked her round bare ass.
Breathing in through her nose, Mercedes released Samuel one final time from deep down in her throat as she began to stroke him with her hand. Twisting her wrist ever so often as she moved up and down him rhythmically. When he pulled her up to him she squealed slightly from the sudden action. She kissed him back hungrily; she yearned with just as much want if not more. She bit her lip bashfully as he smacked her round ass in the now quiet room, batting her lashes she smirked evilly up at him.  
He wanted oh so badly to fuck her and make her scream but he had to calm himself down first the thought along was making his dick throb for a release. Groaning once more, Samuel decided to push her back down against the chair. He allowed his dick to press against her thigh as he moved his lips to her ear leaning over her in the chair. “I am going to tear you up” Samuel said lowly to her moving to grab her legs he lifted them up placing them over his shoulder, he leaned down into her aligning himself with her before he slid into her slowly. He filled her up inch by inch, watching her face as he did so. The feeling of being inside of her again, just about set his body on fire and he moaned her name. His hands resting on the back of the chair she was sitting on, he used his body to keep her legs up.
Mercedes looked to Sam as he moved to align himself his words both excited her and terrified her. She closed her eyes, feeling him as he pushed inside her inch by inch and Mercedes’s hands moved to the seat gripping it as he lift her legs up over his broad shoulder. The angle was killing her, here she was leaning against the unsteady chair awkwardly and he was pressed into her thick thighs holding her up with his body and his hands. She moaned softly hearing her name leave his lips and she opened her eyes looking to him gently. “Y-you’re so b-big” she told him as he slid in and out of her.
Sam pushed into her slowly, giving her all of him little by little until she was completely filled with him. At her words, he couldn’t help but to chuckle softly. “Are you okay?” He asked her softly, knowing that the angle could be putting pressure on her back in the chair. He slid out of her nice and slow only to push right back inside of her just as slowly.
Mercedes smirked knowingly and she nodded “yes”, breathing softly as he inched out of her and then right back in. She moved her hands to his hips holding him there as he slowly worked in and out of her. He was being gentle and she was grateful for it in the moment, she closed her eyes again at the feel of them reconnecting again.
Sam watched her face as he stroked her deep and slow, making sure she truly felt alright. He shifted slightly, his hands gripping the chair holding it steady. He leaned down into her kissing her forehead sweetly allowing his muscular body to rest against hers slightly bending her legs back against her own chest a little more. He captured her lips after a few second stroking her evenly. He gave her long, soft thrusts smiling softly against her plush pillowly soft lips as he planted his feet to keep his balance steady.
Mercedes felt him lean down against her pushing her legs back against her chest and the feel made her moaned out loudly closing her eyes. Feeling his rock-hard body against hers made him shiver slightly; the man was in impeccable shape. He kissed her and she moaned against his tender lips opening her eyes to look up at them but the pleasure being too much caused her to close her eyes again. Sliding her tongue into his mouth gently; she toyed with his as she breathed evenly out of her nose. She moaned again as he dipped his hips in and out hers.  
Sam felt her body shiver under his and he groaned at the feeling. His tongue tangled with hers, sucking at it as well as nibbling her lips as he worked her tenderly. He gave her one slightly harder thrust as he rolled his hips, rocking against her, his pelvis pressed directly against hers. His hands moved to her hair stroking it as he made love to her, giving her a few hard thrusts here and there.
Mercedes moaned again as Sam supplied a harder thrust in the midst of making out with her, her back arched a bit at the feel. As he stroked her hair she deepened the kiss a little more, despite the need for a deep breath she pressed the kiss on. Her hand moving to his hip pulling him closer if it were even possible as he made love to her.
Sam moaned at her moan, his lips locked with hers. Feeling her arch against him, he lifted ever so slightly before he felt her hand against his hip pulling him closer. Resting back flat against her, he kissed her deeply, ignoring the burning in his lungs. His fingers played throughout her curls as he picked up his pace just slightly. Finally, he broke their kiss, inhaling a much-needed deep breath as he gazed down at her. “I love you.” He whispered to her gently as he moved his hand to stroke her cheek.
Mercedes felt him picking up his pace a bit and she closed her eyes at the sensation. As he finally broke them apart she took a deep breath in looking to him as he told her he loved her. Blushing slightly “I love you more” she told him easily, and without hesitation. She felt him stroke her cheek and she closed her eyes again her hand still on his hip and the other holding him close.
Sam smiled at her blush and he told her again. “I love you. I have the most beautiful wife” He breathed out as he rolled his hips back and forth before he began to swivel against her. He alternated from swiveling his hips and stroking her deep. “You feel so good.” He told her gently, smirking a bit before he dropped his head to her shoulder.
Mercedes opened her eyes to look at him again, his words her heart swell in her chest. “I love you too baby” she breathed in a shaky voice both from his ministrations as well as his words. As he released her stroking her deeply dropping his head to her shoulder she groaned.
Sam nuzzled her shoulder and neck, peppering the area with tender kisses. He slid his arms around her thick frame, holding her and the back of the chair as he continued to stroke her easily; he added a few hard thrusts again, pressing another kiss to her shoulder as he did so.
Mercedes held him as he held her back; she nuzzled her face in his neck as well. “Mm” she moaned out his thrusts were clouding her mind. “Shit baby” she breathed out as he offered her a few harder thrust, kissing her shoulder. “You feel so good” she told him moving her hips against his, matching his slow grinds as she panted quietly.
Sam moaned softly against her, a smile tugging his lips slightly. He lifted his head just slightly, whispering in her ear. “So, do you.” He groaned gently as he gave her a few more particularly hard thrusts, his pace still slow, until he settled into the new rhythm, stroking her harder.
“God that feels good” she hummed out into the room, looking to the side of his face and she kissed him there. Nipping at his neck, marking him up as she did, she curled her toes slightly her thighs shaking as he changed his rhythm up a bit. Stroking her harder Mercedes lip parted babbling nonsense as he worked her, hitting her spot as he did. Mercedes moaned loudly, the unexpected moan filling the room around them.
Samuel buried his face back into her shoulder, gently nipping and sucking there as she moaned for him. He caressed her thigh, gently sliding his hand up and down her thick leg as she babbled. He shifted just slightly, angling his hips a little differently to tap her spot with each and every thrust that he had to offer. “Mmm.” He moaned himself.
“Fuck baby” Mercedes cursed as he purposely moved to hit her spot, her body jerked from the actions. Hips bucking as he moved in and out of her expertly. “Fuck” she repeated to him as he caressed her thigh in his hand, Mercedes’ back arched pushing him into her, her hips still moving against his as her face scrunched in pleasure.
Sam listened to her moans and curses of pleasure as he tapped her spot with precision. As she shifted he did too, lifting up and taking the pressure off her legs and hips, he swiveled his hips once more making sure to still tap her spot each time. “You going to cum for me baby?” He asked her softly, stroking her cheek once more.
“Y-yes” Mercedes mumbled out at his question she could feel herself getting to that point. She cupped her breast tightly in her small hands, biting down on her lip as her body rolled into his. She looked down as their body worked in time, she dropped her head back down against the chair as Sam fucked her. “Fuck, I’m so close” she told him as she moved one hand to his back scratching down it once more. Moaning his name on her tongue as she panted out.
Sam moaned himself, watching her small hands cup the breasts that he wanted to so badly to dip his head and suckle. Instead he licked his thumb and pressed it against her clit, flicking it back and forth as he began stroking her once more. Hearing her panting, he bit his lip watching as she withered beneath him.
“Shit” Mercedes let slip before she came undone beneath his strong body. She shook slightly from her orgasm, toes curled, and eyes rolled shut. She scratched down his back roughly as she moaned out loudly her pussy creaming for him. “Shit” she whimpered at the familiar feeling she got when he went entirely too hard sometimes. She moaned out again moving between them pushing his hand aside she slipped him out her pulsating pussy gasping as she squirted, gushing from her core Mercedes strummed her own clit as she rolled her body against him again mouth forming the perfect ‘O’. “Mm, fuck” she whimpered biting down on her lip. As her hips bucked and she ejaculated beneath him.
Sam felt her pussy creaming for him and he groaned, his hand gripping her thigh as she came. However, when she pushed his hand away and him, strumming herself as she gushed all over the chair and their hardwood floors, his dick twitched, growing just a little harder at the sight. “God you’re so beautiful.” He told her as he kneeled between her thighs moving to lick up her juices, his tongue lapping at her hungrily.
Mercedes groaned out as she laid against the chair feeling him between her legs. She released her lip, having dug her teeth into it hard. She grunted softly looking down at herself and her hand covered in her cum. Mercedes groaned inwardly as she moved to cup her breast again with one hand her other covered in the mess she made resting on her shaky thigh. She licked her dry lips watching as he licked her clean and she dropped her tired head back against their seat as she tried to stop her racing heart from thudding against her chest.
He lapped at her, eyes closed as he did. He licked her clean of her juices and cream with a satisfied smile. Lifting his head, he gazed at her covering her breast with her hand and he moved to grab her wrist. Pulling his fingers into his mouth he licked them clean one at a time savoring the taste of her on them. “You taste so good baby” he told her truthfully before he pulled her hand away from her breast. He leaned down as captured her nipple into his mouth and he suckled it hungrily, tongue rolling over the chocolate mound. After licking and lapping at both of her nipples, teasing her breast he moved to stand back up again. Snatching her up he moved her to the bed, he angled her in his lap slightly sliding her down on his dick, as he lifted one leg allowing her to rest back against it as he lightly began to thrust into her again.
Mercedes looked to him and she nodded at him, she smirked sweetly as he licked her hand clean of her mess. He toyed with her large breast and her nipples arousing her once more as he did. After he was done she leaned up as he pulled her up with him. As he moved her to the bed getting comfortable and moving her to hover his lap. Sliding her back down against him she moaned out. “Shit” she said at the new angle. She licked her lips again as he shifted them into the position he wanted them both, she felt him rolling his hips up into hers and she bounced lightly. “Fuck” she breathed out as she did and she stilled herself closing her eyes as she moved her hands to his shoulders, lowering her head down against him gently as she moved her hips in time with his despite how sensitive she still was.
Sam groaned at their new position, smiling at her softly. He rolled his hips upward, his hands resting against her hips. As she bounced lightly, he rested his head back against the bed, his eyes closing at the feeling. “Fuck.” He moaned himself. He rocked against her gently, knowing she was still sensitive, his own orgasm growing in the pit of his balls from the simple movements.
She rocked into Sam, swirling her full hips as she did. She continued to bounce lightly against him hearing his own moans of pleasure. She lifted her head from his, her hands still gripping his shoulder as she got into her element. Smirking she kissed his lips tenderly as she forcefully bounced. She pulled his bottom lip into her mouth tugging it lightly before she released it. “You feel amazing” she told him sweetly as she twerked her ass slightly for him. She rocked into him harder, pushing him back against the bed as she fucked him roughly.
Sam bit his lip, groaning softly as he watched her bounce against him. Once she found her rhythm he settled, his hips stilling as he allowed her to do her thing. He closed his eyes, moaning her name softly as his hands slid from her hips to her thighs, giving them a squeeze. He kissed her lips tenderly, nodding slowly as she began to twerk her ass. “God ‘Cedes, so do you.” He groaned gently as she rocked against him, pushing him into the bed roughly with her thrust.
She leaned up again, moving to place her feet beneath her. Mercedes began to lift and drop herself down against Sam harder. Mercedes placed her hands against the bed as her head rolled slowly, she rocked back and forth against him. She picked her pace up swirling her hips as she bounced, her breast bouncing with her. And she moaned his name and a bunch of nothing as she worked, never letting up.
Samuel opened his eyes, watching as she took her pleasure and gave him his. He watched her as she bounced and rocked against him, finding her groove again and it was definitely a sight to see. He could see the spark and the passion rising in her eyes and it turned him on even more. His dick twitched inside of her and he groaned deeply, his hand sliding back to her hips as he caressed her sides. “Fuck baby.” He groaned for her. “That feels so good.” He told her as he slid his hands around to cup her ass before he dipped his head and began pressing kisses to the tops of her breasts.
“Mmmm” Mercedes moaned out loudly, she swirled her hip down against Sam hitting her spot as she did. And she began to bounce against him again rocking from left to right ever so often as she practically fucked herself. Her hand moving to Samuel’s head of hair, she closed her eyes. “Shit” she panted as she continued to drop down against him repeatedly.
Sam growled softly as he began to thrust upward once more, matching her as she rocked and bounced against him. Feeling her hand on his head, he lifted up and kissed across her collarbone and neck, until he was sucking there, leaving a love-mark as he began panting himself. “Fuck…” He groaned as he closed his eyes again. “So close.” He told her as he gripped her ass in his hands, thrusting against her thrusts.
She felt him as his hips began to push up into hers, matching her thrust and she cried out slightly. “God” she said as he marked her kissing, sucking, and biting at her flesh. Mercedes gripped his arm dropping her head, mounds of curls falling as she did. She rocked into him determine to get him off in the same way he’d done for her. “Cum with me baby” she told him gripping his face in her hand, making him look at her as she continued to twerk her ass for him, hips working feverishly. She hissed slightly as she felt her orgasm building once more. Mercedes licked her lips “cum with me baby” she whimpered as her body began to shake above him this time around.
Samuel moaned her name softly, his hands holding her tight as he moved right along with her, the both of them reaching for the same stars. At her words, he nodded, panting roughly. As she grabbed his face, he opened his eyes looking at her. He gazed into her eyes green one’s searching brown, searching them with a small smirk on his face even as a moan passed his lips. “Shit…” he growled, his hips bucking as she began shaking and his eyes fluttered, but he fought to keep them open as he came, shooting his seed deep inside of her.
Mercedes watched Sam looking down at him until she no longer could and she closed her eyes dropping her head against his shoulder as they came together. She felt him filling her up with his seed and she came, creaming him again as she panted softly. Groans left her one by one as she willed herself not to stroke her clit again. She breathed out a shaky breath as she shivered above him. “Mm” she released as she rocked her hips to a stop. Her body going limp against him as she tiredly exhaled. She moved her hands to his shoulders again as she turned her face to his neck lovingly kissing it.
Sam came hard, his body jerking slightly as he did. His eyes closed and he let out a breathy moan of Mercedes’ name, as he rested back against the bed once more. “Shit baby.” He whispered softly, feeling her pussy cream him a second time. He breathed in and out deeply, opening his eyes to gaze at her as she shivered above him. His hips stopped moving against hers and he licked his dry lips. “A bet worth making indeed…” he told her as she rested against him, face in his shoulder. He wrapped her up in his arms, gently lifting her off of his now flaccid member and laid her down beside him as he rolled over against her licking his lips. Cuddling her close to him, arms wrapping around her body protectively.
“I’s say so…” Mercedes said tiredly as Sam moved to pull her down into the bed now. She laid there on her side as he cuddled up to her and she breathed out softly as she wrapped his arms around her protectively. She hummed softly before a small purr left the happily fucked woman lips, a smile gracing it as well. She wasn’t sure how this little bet would work out, but you didn’t call it a gamble for nothing.
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sparkesink · 4 years
Chapter 11:
Use Pens, Not Pills
In Which Way Do A Accurately Expect To Finish Writing This?
(The Ultimate Seven Year Question…)
Scratch That:
Going On Eight Years Now,
How Does One Used Eight Years Of Writing…
(And Still Not Understand What To Make Of It.)
Today Is One Of Those “Shitty”Kind Of Days:
Wake Up,
One Thing Or Another,
All The Suppressed Stress Pokes It’s Nasty,
Head Out,
(Evolution Of A Nasty Demeanor.)
Not All Negative Outcome Has Come From Instances Such As this,
Had This Not Occurred…
I Would Have continued Procrastinating This,
(Now Eight Year,)
Procrastinated Dream…
Today Was Not A Good Day.
My Face Split In Two, 
(As I Coward Within The Bathroom.)
“It’s Not Him.”
“He Won’t Love You.”
 The Whole World Is On Fire, 
(You’re Nowhere To Be Seen.)
Like Hot,
Clinging To My Flesh, 
(As The Feathers Are Stripped Away,)
 You Turn A Head,
(Whilst I Scream For Help.)
You’re Pointless Bullshit,
Too Important To Spare A Look,
(My Way:)
To Understand The Pain You’ve Caused…
 As A Child,
(Determining Right From Wrong,)
You Cannot Even Admit,
Your Actions Have Been Passive,
(For Far To Long.)
 So I Sit Here, 
Crumbling From Beneath.)
You Cannot Even Respond:
Claiming A Position Of The Victim,
(She’s Got No One To Listen.)
If She Dies,
(A Little More Inside,)
And No One Is There To See…
Do Her Requests For Chivalry,
Even Matter,
(Within The Grand Scheme?)
 Don’t Pay Her Any Attention,
(The One You Broke On Purpose.)
You Isolated The Prey,
Take Your Shot,
Don’t Sway,
(Don’t Miss.)
Over And Over,
(And Over And Over Again…)
Till The Poor Thing Lay,
Until Its Very, 
Last Breath.
 You Sit Upon Your Thrown,
(Made Of Self Justification And Deceit,)
Remember Who’s Fur You Stole:
Purposeful For Nothing,
But Simply Warming The Creases,
Upon Your Seat.
 (Mind Throbbing.)
Fuck This Untested,
Experimental Project.
A Raw Attempt To Dive,
Inside Out:
(Finding The Basis Of A Tormented Soul.)
 From A Third Perspective,
Nothing Is Sensible.
Whilst Experiencing,
(This Puzzle Of Self,)
I Find It Most Unfaltering,
 It Comes Within Waves,
Salt Written,) 
Crashing Upon My Skull,
(A Pressure Of A Thousand Suns:)
Hundreds Of Gallons, 
Smoldering Water,
 Gasping For Help As My Airways’ Fill,
Grasping For The Tiniest Molecule,
The Waves Power Through Me, 
Whirling Through, 
Of An Origin Unknown.
 I Shall Work Through My Story,
(Simultaneously Observing,)
My Own Life Crumble, 
(Scatter Amongst This Learning.)
 How Am I Suppose To Help Anyone?
(I Can’t Even Help Myself.)
Secluded From Everyone:
(No Outlet From My Silence.)
Thoughts Raging:
The World Spins,
(The Great Always Fall,)
Skidding My Face Amongst The Pavement.
(It’s All My Fucking Fault.)
 I Had This Inept Idea,
By Finishing This Fucking Project,
I Would Find Self Peace:
Experience Happiness Once More.
I Can’t Remember The Last Time I Smiled, 
Without My Heart Bloody,
(Gruesomely Tore.)
 If I Cried Forever,
Would Anyone Ever Care?
The Next Best Video Will Drop,
This World… 
Just Disappears.
 “How Are You Doing?”
“Are You Okay?”
(The Half Hearted Gestures,)
Enough To Make Me Stay?
My Baby Smiles,
A Tragic Mother,
A Beautiful Story,
(For Another Day.)
 So If I Sit Here,
Within Myself…
“Who Am I?”
“What Is My Purpose?”
I Cannot Seem To Find Viable Truth.
 If My Existence Is So Insignificant,
(My Presence A Nuisance,)
If The World Doesn’t Stop,
To Woe An Insignificant Existence…
Why Am I Here?
 I Once Believed, 
It Were For The Hope Of True Love,
Some Other-Worldly Purposeful Greatness,
Some Shift Of Conscious, 
A Good,
(Always Too Far.)
 Not All Sheep Are Born Within Black Wool.
I’m A Fraud,
I’m Something, I Am Not.
I Could Take The Pills,
Dull the Pain,
Mask The Fact:
I Got A Shitty Hand.
It Is My Fault,
My Responsibility.
I Let You Hurt Me.
I Allowed Myself To Play Victim,
Allowed Myself To Stay…
And Longer,
Until The Only Thing I Had,
Belonged To Whom I Write,
(For Sake Of “Love”,)
This Very Day.
��(No One Will Understand.)
 If Money Is The Root Of All Evil,
Time Is Money,
Human’s Break Under Financial Strain,
Wasting Time,
Making Tireless Money...
Is The Time Spent,
Seeking More,
And More,
And More,
And More, 
And More,
And More,
And More,
It Will Never Be Drenched In Happiness…
Why Wake Up?
Why Get Dressed,
Why Go Outside?
 A Realization…
(You Have Nothing Valuable,)
A Heart Of Broken Strings…
A Castle, 
(Turned Dungeon.)
(Turnt Soot.)
Showering In Ash,
(To Heavy To Loot.)
 I’m Sure I Could Fake This “Happiness”,
Lost Within Friends, 
(Saturated In Constant Forgiveness.)
A Love Who Fails To Reach For My Hand,
Another Fall, 
(Amongst The Blood, Soiled, Dirt.)
A Roaring Audience, 
Hollering Obscenities,
(Every Which Direction.)
 Am I In Love With The Idea Of Love?
The Character Built Up Within My Heart Will Never Exist,
And No-one Will Ever Amount To “Him”…
That Idea Of “Him”,
That “One” I Urned For Since Before I Could Understand,
What Love Even Meant.
 What Is Love?
When Is Love Not Love?
When Does Love Become An Addiction?
The Lines Of Heartbreak And Withdrawal,
Blur As One.
Is This Love?
Or Dependence?
 Do We Even Exist?
When The Knot Within My Gut Wreathes From Within Me,
What Would I Do Without My Daily Dose Of Serotonin?
That Hug,
When Your Stupid Face Makes Me Forget My Own Judgement,
(Just Moments Before.)
How Can You Be My Heaven,
And My Hell…
 You Will Never Be The Man I Want You To Be,
(Within My Own Mind,)
You Will Never Change To Be That Man…
I Cannot Continue To Pretend,
You Won’t Ever Be The Man I Need You To Be.
And You Don’t Want To Bend.
 It’s Time For Me To Fly.
Because When I Sat In That Tub…
You Weren’t There.
And That Was Fine,
And When I Died That Night…
(When I Believed The Pill Would Taste Better In Bulk.)
My Wounds Were To Fresh, 
(To Handle The Stabs You Had Dealt.)
 And This Is All Probably Just A Bunch Of Shit,
You Never Understood What My World Looked Like After Being Hit.
You Never Sat In That Cold Bathtub,
Shaking Under Boiling Rainfall.
You Never Knew How Much You Effected Me,
Because You Never Cared To Ask.
You Never Cared To Check,
(To See,)
If I Was Slamming My Head Against The Wall, 
(To Beat.)
 I’m Just Another Teenage Tragedy,
Make Up 13 Reasons,
While Raking Millions Like Last Season’s Leaves.
 “She Thought Too Much,
That Poor, Smart Girl.”
“She Lacked Religion.”
As If Not A Single Person Had Any Blame.
Like Just One Mother Fucker,
One Fucking Person To Worry…
When That Addiction Doesn’t Pass.
When They Don’t Wake Up,
(From A Drug Induced Nap.)
She Was Never Wanted, 
(In The First Place,)
Why Pay Her Any Attention?
Then Cry At The Funeral Like,
“We Were So Close, 
I Never Saw This Coming.”
 Just Another Statistic…
Just Another Overdose.
Another Sad Story,
Another Trauma For Their Children,
(As If We Didn’t Make Them.)
 The U.S Military Guard Poppy Farms In The Middle East,
And Then Shifts A Head To The Opium Crisis.
“Such A Tragedy,”
(A Simple Travesty.)
Your Politicians Pocket Their Cash,
(The Real Drug Dealers.)
The Profit Of Misery.
I Fucking See You!
I See Your Childish Game.
 It’s Easier To Murder The Victim,
When You Spent Valuable Time,
Feeding Sickness To Their Beautiful,
Mind Space.
 A Fucking Dollar Earned Mad, 
 We Don’t Need Your Chemicals.
We Don’t Need Your Phycho-analysts,
(If Your Only Solution Ends In Sedation.)
We Need To Feel.
We Need To Process,
We Need Time,
(To Heal The Broken Bits Of Our Self…)
We Need To Hit It,
(Full Force,)
Take That Fucking Bull By The Horns.
We Need To Fix Our Selves,
Because Everything Else…
Is Nothing More Than A Cowardice Copout.
A Shortcut,
(An Addiction,)
With Psychosis On The Withdrawing Menu.
 I Am So Fucking Sick…
The Excuses We Create To Avoid Confrontation,
(Especially With One’s Self.)
God Forbid, 
We Be Human.
God Forbid,
We Allow Ourselves To Be Raw.
God Forbid,
We Figure Out…
Who We Are;
That Our Truth Is Our Purpose.
 Those Who Understand This Assimilation Of Writing,
Understand The World In Which We Exist Within.
Nothing Matters,
(In Direct Contradiction,)
It Is The Only Thing That Has Ever Mattered…
The Memories,
Those Fuzzy,
Simple Thoughts,
They Get Sweeter, 
(The Longer They Age.)
 You Don’t Need To Savor So Intensely,
(Upon Those Darkest Of Pages:)
Desperate For Someone To Love,
Unable To Be Loved In Return.
A Turntable,
Flowing One Way…
Scratching To Reciprocate,
A Passion.
Left Empty…
Tucked Inside A Dust Sleeve,
Filed Carefully For Further Enjoyment, 
(When Left Alone.)
 A Lifetime’s Belittling Weight,
Piled Through The Galaxy, 
(Upon My Heart.)
Haunted By A Love Story,
In Which,
Will Never Stop Ending.
 When The Antidepressants,
And The Antipsychotics,
The Antispasmodics,
And The Countless Diagnostics,
Peg You As A Lifetime Customer,
Causing Manics Upon Withdrawal…
Banking In On Your Torment,
(Your Soul.) 
A Sea Of Prescription Zombies,
Hazing Everything, 
(Including Your Light Of Day,)
Drug Dealing Billionaires,
(Masking The Façade,)
Pulling Your Pennys For An Endless List,
(Of Side Effects.)
 Constant Fear,
A Beast With Four Mouths.
Constant Reassurance Of My Failure,
Achievable Exclusively By Breaking Through Rambles:
(The Consistent Chatter Ringing As Church Bells.)
It May Be Nothing But A “Silly Dream.”
It May Be Nothing More Than “A Waste Of Time And Money.”
It May Be Nothing To Anyone More Than Myself…
(Scraping By,)
Shot Back In The Dirt…
(Back Where I Started.)
An Inspiration Sprouted Through Hunger,
Unable To Afford Nourishment For Those I Love,
(Those I Am Responsible To Care For,)
Till My Next Insignificant Paycheck Rolls Through.
A Thought To Myself:
“Such A Fucked Up World Is This?
You Receive One Day Off Per Week,
(If You Are Lucky.)
You Still Cannot Feed Your Family.
After All Of The Bullshit That Steals Your Money,
Before You Even Get A chance To See it.
The Crippling Student Debt,
The Medical Bills,
The Various Insurance Bills,
The Utilities,
The Shelter…
What Does One Do?
A Beautiful Daydream Of A comfortable Life,
A Life Of Beauty,
Helping The World See The Purpose Of Their Own Existence Here…
Just Write.
(What Other Choice Have I Been Given?)
Regardless Of Failure,
(Rejection By The Masses.)
At The Close Of all Of This…
I Will Be Able To See My Story…
Sitting Upon My Bedside,
(Till’ The Day I Perish From This Existence.)
I Will Fulfill My Greatest Challenge,
(Reap The Gratitude Of My Greatest Accomplishment.)
Not A Damn Soul Will Ever Be Given The Power To Remove That From ME.
Here It Is.
(A Young Woman’s Most Intimate Reality.)
Pieced Together.
One Part At A Time.
I Am Here.
Finishing This Shit.
I Will End This Fucking Story.
I Will Finish Telling My Truth.
I Will Heal From This Journey,
Hidden Away…
For Too Long.)
I Will Wake Up.
 I Will…
Use Pens…
Not Pills.
0 notes
boschlingtumbles · 4 years
White Wedding Chapter 17
Cersei was power walking on the treadmill with the incline set to high. Toning her legs and lifting her rumpus with minimum impact on the joints or the biscuit. She was determined that the only thing that would outshine her custom one-of-a-kind wedding dress would be how hot she looked in it.
Next to her, Brienne was running with long loping strides, her face a blotchy red and sweaty. Cersei considered turning her speed down as a favor, but strangely Brienne seemed to enjoy looking like a hot mess.
Brienne really had been a lifesaver. Once they’d put the awkwardness of her having some unresolved feelings about Robert behind them, everything had been great. She had even taken over liasing with the wedding photographer from Robert, and had volunteered to drive out to King’s Landing with Cersei for the second round of cake testing when Melisandre’s schedule had gotten too busy.
Automatically, Cersei checked her phone, as she always did now when she thought of the wedding. She was expecting an email from the artistic director of Vogue, who she’d managed to connect with through a friend of a friend of a friend. 
As her inbox popped up, she nearly gasped and fell off the treadmill. There it was! The moment she’d been waiting for!
She paused the treadmill and hopped off, going over to her gym’s smoothie bar and getting a lemon water spritzer. 
She took a sip and opened the email.
Dear Miss Lannister,
Thank you for your interest and congratulations on your coming nuptials! As I am sure you can appreciate, the feature spreads in our issues are planned years in advance. Given the logistical difficulties and the lack of synchronicity in our brands, we feel that coverage at this late hour is simply not feasible. We wish you all the best...
Cersei spewed her spritzer across the pink marble counter. Her knuckles tightened around the phone in white hot rage. Lack of synchronicity in brands?!?! Her brand was universal! She wasn’t an influencer, she was inspiration itself! She was beauty, she was health, she was fitness she was interior design and fashion and film and society and... she realized with some alarm that she was on the verge of tears. This would not do. She would be in Vogue. She would break them if it was the last thing she did.
She coldly off her phone and spun on her heel, walking back into the gym. Calves, thighs, butt. What was next? Arms. Arms were next. Her eyes fell upon a vacant speed bag.
She moved over to the small punching bag dreamily, and gave it a good thwak. It came flying back immediately and she hit it again. And again. Wasn’t it enough that she’d donated hundreds of thousands of dragons in advertising to the magazine?! She’d asked Varys, she’d asked Petyr, she was using Vogue approved caterers and florists and videographers. She’d completely rehabbed Robert’s image, all of her polls showed that he lead the professional football league in both name recognition and likeability. (Just not wins, her inner Jaime noted sourly.) And now she was paying through the nose on that Tarbeck woman! How dare they say she wasn’t good enough?! How dare they say no to her?! She’d called sorority sisters and besotted exes. She’d begged and bribed and cajoled and threatened. Why was this still so elusive?! WHY?!
“Cersei?” Brienne said timidly.
Cersei paused, panting slightly.
“Are you okay?” Brienne asked tentatively.
“Of course,” Cersei flipped her hair. “I’m working out my arms. My dress is sleeveless you know.”
“Right. Um... your knuckles are bleeding.”
Cersei blinked at her hands. So they were. Was this a dry skin thing? Maybe she had been neglecting her moisturizing regime. She made a note to book a green tea spa treatment first thing.
“Usually people wear gloves when they box for... forty-five minutes,” Brienne added.
Cersei looked at the clock. Look at that. How time flies when you’re having fun. Maybe she should box more often.
“Are you okay?” Brienne said cautiously.
“Of course,” Cersei laughed. “I just got distracted.“ She took a breath.
��But I’m completely focused now,” she added. Nobody says no to Cersei Lannister.
While Brienne moved her shopping bags into the apartment, Cersei took a moment to meditate in front of the mirror in her powder room. She ran through her self-affirmations. 
I am a goddess, mirror Cersei smirked. I am brilliant, I am beautiful, and I have never lost. In the soft light of the powder room, she nearly glowed. She gently cradled her biscuit. Her darling baby girl who she could mold in her image. Who would grow up knowing that Mummy’s wedding had been featured in the August edition of Vogue. 
She still had the engagement party this weekend. The whole world (or the important part anyway) being welcomed to Casterly Rock. It would be the social event of the year if she weren’t getting married six weeks later. The press and the paparazzi would be fighting each other for photos and she would be standing at the center of the hurricane. A star. Let’s see Vogue say no to you then, mirror Cersei winked. 
She came out of the bathroom feeling as though some subtle shift in the universe had occurred in her favor. Brienne had turned the television in the kitchen on, and the commercial for Storms Ending was playing. Cersei allowed herself a smug smile.
Really, she had only been trying to help Beric with that Daily Raven article. But Robert had said she’d made him look pathetic. Pathetic! Didn’t they know any press was good press? But Robert had said fix it, with that sullen stubborn look he got sometimes, where she knew he would pout and sulk for ages unless he got his way. Such a child, that one. 
Robert had been blowing off meeting with her camera crew to film the commercial so it had been a simple matter of selling it as an opportunity to retool Beric’s image. “Beric’s” image. Ha. As if Beric had ever been caught by hotel security breaking into the hot tub with four escorts.
Once she had aligned their interests, Robert had been almost docilely cooperative. And yes, maybe she did get a certain mischievous satisfaction in turning Beric into a tween heartthrob. All it took was the right clothes (she’d gone to his dry cleaners and gave them a hundred dragon note to let her ‘borrow’ some of his suits for the right sizes) and some good lighting. A display of athleticism, a cute shot with a prop child, some CGI magic to get rid of that icky scar around his neck. Presto! He was adorable in a non-threatening squeaky clean kind of way. A million watching school girls squeezed their stuffed animals just a little tighter. Follow that up with a couple of hashtags on her part, a few thousand bot retweets and a phenomenon was born. 
A magazine should be child’s play compared to that.
She sent a quick calendar invite to Varys and Petyr for that afternoon, when Brienne would be at the Citadel. She wasn’t embarrassed that she still hadn’t gotten Vogue, not exactly, but she did somehow feel that the less people reflected on that fact the better. And she knew how Brienne looked up to her. The poor girl. She was such a role model, and she hated for Brienne to think there was anything she couldn’t do.
So it was with a twinge of relief that Cersei waved Brienne off to her to her silly job with the Archmaester (really, who when given a fake job demanded to be allowed to work, Brienne was so adorably strange). Then she retreated to the war room, which had once been the parlor, but now had been completely claimed by wedding planning.
At precisely two, Petyr and Varys both Ravyned in, her laptop screen splitting into three boxes to accommodate each of them. Occasional friends of hers in high school, Varys was now a columnist for the Daily Raven, covering the celebrity beat. Petyr was a freelance photographer, which Cersei would ordinarily consider a gross underuse of his talents, were she not fairly sure he was actually compiling a blackmail dossier for future endeavors.
“I want any updates on the engagement party,” she said brusquely. “Where are we?”
Varys and Petyr looked at each other.
“I got Moon Boy,” Varys announced.
Cersei felt the tension in her shoulders ease just a smidge. The EDM artist turned stand up comedian turned late night talk show host had been an A List Target.
“He’s agreed to do a segment on his show Friday, insulting half the people on Saturday’s guest list. The potential for tearful confrontations...” Petyr smirked. “I’ll be there to catch it all on camera naturally.”
“We’ll use the ensuing stories to inundate the tabloids, driving up the hype for the wedding itself,” Varys said. 
“Music?” Cersei asked.
“Marillion,” Petyr announced. “A surprise concert. He’ll serenade you on the back lawn of Casterly Rock.”
“In addition to your father’s private force, we’ve hired the Gold Cloaks. There will also be a couple police cars on patrol in the area, and I have hired six people to attempt to break in,” Varys consulted his notes.
“Guests,” Cersei pursed her lips.
“I spoke to Shella Whent and she has agreed to move her garden party at Harrenhal, freeing up a number of people who had previously committed,” Petyr said. “You’ll have to invite her though.”
“Ugh that old bat,” Cersei sighed. “Who has a party on our national heritage day anyway?!”
Petyr and Varys exchanged another look. Did they think she was blind?
“Cersei,” Petyr said in his best soothing voice, which Cersei distrusted immediately. “The party is going to be flawless. We both have a vested interest in making it a superlative success.”
“These stories will make my career,” Varys added.
“I’m only wondering whether I’ll make more money selling the photos to magazines or back to the subjects for hush money,” Petyr continued.
“I’m only wondering if your date will care that you’ve abandoned her to take photos of strangers,” Varys sniffed.
“Lysa has always been understanding about my career,” Petyr smirked. 
“And your affairs?” Varys snarked back.
Cersei closed her eyes and let their ceaseless bickering flow over her. They were right. The engagement party would be the linchpin of her campaign, the coup de grace that ended this battle once and for all. 
She ended the call and cracked her knuckles in a distinctly unladylike fashion. It was time to go home.
She left a note for Brienne saying she was driving back to King’s Landing to prep for the party in three days, and gave her a list of pre-approved vegan takeout restaurants for dinner.
Then she hopped into her baby blue sports car, a college graduation gift from her father, and proceeded to leave Oldtown in the dust.
She got to Casterly Rock as the sun was setting, and the inherent beauty of the family’s ancestral home held her eye for a moment. Garth Greenhand was doing the flowers for both the engagement party and the wedding, and had clearly been at work constructing a massive arbor arch at the entryway. It smelled of lilacs and jasmine, and Cersei imagined the guests walking up on white sand drive, passing under the flowers to see the water fountains on either side. There would be rose petals on the day of, naturally, floating in the bowls. The stone lions would be festooned with garlands. People would walk up the steps—stop for a brief photo op—and then be ushered inside by the staff.
Her arrival would naturally be the highlight. Her cousin Joy, Uncle Gerion’s daughter, had gone to fashion school and was making a name for herself as a designer. She was doing Cersei’s dress, a custom number in gold and red silk that had left even Cersei a bit breathless. She would come in a vintage white convertible, a cheeky nod to her bride to be status, her elaborate hairdo protected by a driving scarf. She would be devil-may-care delighted at the party, casually amazed by the cheering throngs.
“Oh Daddy, you shouldn’t have,” Cersei practiced to herself with a light giggle. As if her father had lifted a finger after signing the check.
She would take off her matching white sunglasses, leave the car idling (someone would get it later) and walk down the path in her Joy Hill gown to the fanfare and applause of a thousand guests. This wasn’t just an engagement party, Cersei smirked. It was a fucking coronation.
The next two days were a blur. Joy had to take her dress in a size (Cersei mentally promised her biscuit all the cake she could want AFTER the wedding), Garth had pulled her aside to warn her that the trellises on the East Wing were overloaded with flowers and he wouldn’t be responsible for what could happen if anyone so much as sneezed on them (such a primadonna, who died and made him king), and Petyr called up in a tizzy wanting to know if Lysa’s invite was a plus one or named him specifically because it turned out that maybe she wasn’t okay with him constantly cheating on her and she was making noises about having met a real gentleman on their trip to the Summer Islands, an older man who treated her with respect... (Cersei told him no it was a generic plus one so get your fucking house in order). 
There were caterers to be directed, parking valets to be corralled, event planners to oversee. Her father had retreated into his study where he wouldn’t be disturbed, but Tyrion was happy to blow off classes on Friday to go over the wine list with her.
The third assistant sommelier, a Miss Tysha Crofter, was a slender dark haired girl that Cersei considered much too junior to have been tasked with this delicate work.
“You want the guests to start with a 2017 Honeywine? Do you want them to be asleep before the apperitifs,” she scolded the little dimwit.
“I don’t mind sweetness myself, but you’ll find my sister runs to the tart,” Tyrion had drawled, winking at the girl.
Gods, he was nineteen. The little hussy!
“Do not seduce the help!” Cersei hissed out of the side of her mouth as Tysha hurried to get another bottle.
“Well I have to do something to get the taste of that swill out of my mouth,” Tyrion laughed. “Stop worrying sister dearest. If I can be trusted to do one thing, it’s find good wine.”
“Who said there’s even one thing you can be trusted with?” Cersei shot him a warning look, but left him to go check on the fireworks.
Robert, when he finally showed up Saturday morning, was his usual imperturbable self.
“Here’s the ring, Queenie,” he tossed it to her. So romantic. Just how she always pictured getting the ring she would wear for the rest of her life.
Cersei shot him a look and opened the box to slip open the platinum band with an emerald, flanked on either side by a smaller diamond. The platinum was twisted to look like a thousand smaller strands, and Cersei admired how the stone caught the light on her hand.
Then she frowned.
“It’s too big,” she said, as the ring slid ever so slightly on her finger.
“Aw really? We did that stupid size chart and everything!” Robert groaned.
“It’s fine for tonight, but we’ll need to get it resized,” Cersei tsked and added it to her to do list. “Now let me show you wear to stand. You’ll be here on the terrace. As each guest comes up, you’ll shake their hand. The photographers will be over here. Make sure your left side is facing the cameras, you know that’s your good side. Robert, do you need me to mark this spot?”
“I literally hit routes for a living, Cers, I’ll be fine,” Robert kissed her temple. “When do we get to have engagement party sex?”
“There isn’t time for engagement party sex!” Cersei swatted him. “I have the entire party scheduled down to the minute. The party starts at five. I’m arriving at 5:55, and I’ll reach the top of the stairs at six, which according to my calculations of tonight’s sunset will be precisely the start of golden hour. We will kiss, as the sun dips below that tree over there, approximately 6:05, and that is as much action as you’ll be getting so savor it.”
Robert grinned.
“I’ll wear you down yet.”
Cersei arched an eyebrow and moved on to running through the guest list.
Her masseuse and her facialist arrived next, and then hair and makeup, and then Joy to fuss over the dress one last time. Westerling, her family’s butler, and Joy escorted her to the car waiting for her behind the guest house. Joy tied the scarf, and applied a last scarlet stain to her lips.
“Gods you look like a blonde Audree Hepbyrn,” Joy giggled.
“Knock them dead, Miss,” Westerling said, looking suspiciously teary eyed.
Cersei blew them a kiss and drove away. She couldn’t resist stopping two blocks from the main entrance, just to pull up the coverage on her phone.
“Here is Olenna Tyrell, escorted by her son Mace. She’s looking fabulous as usual, wearing three tiered pearl necklaces and a beautiful dove grey dress,” a bubbly reporter was enthusing on Channel Three’s webcast.
I’ve rechecked the tables to make sure the Tyrells’ table is across the hall from your father’s. It’s Brienne btw
“Agora of course has the exclusive coverage rights, but we have managed to place a man on the inside and he says everyone is buzzing about Moon Boy’s monologue last night,” a flamboyantly stylish fashion critic winked at her from Channel Four.
Are you going to leave me with your father forever? Engagement party sex better be lit.
“The real question of course is who will Miss Cersei Lannister, soon to be Baratheon, be wearing?” Asked Channel Five. “Sources have suggested that Arguella Durrandon is a done deal for the wedding dress, a nice nod to the Baratheon Stormland history, but of course the engagement party is all about flexing that Lannister new money. Odds are good they’ll choose someone fresh and avant garde...”
Jaime’s pretending he doesn’t care but we all want to see this dress father’s paying out the nose for. PS we got a twenty-five percent discount on the wines ;)
Cersei checked her watch. She did so hate to keep her public waiting.
She shifted the gears, felt the rumble of the car engine through the calfskin leather seats. It was a summer evening in King’s Landing, the center of the country, and tonight Casterly Rock was the center of the city. And she, Cersei Lannister, was the center of the world.
The blue sky had darkened just a shade, the sun was painting clouds golden, it was the cusp of sunset as she pulled in. Barricades had been erected and throngs of people were clustered to take photos. She shot them a smile and a hundred bulbs flashed.
“Miss, they’re waiting for you,” an attendant hurried to open the door for her.
“Is all this for me?” She said in a wondering voice. More flashing bulbs.
“Miss Lannister who are you wearing?!“
“Miss Lannister, is it true Marillion is playing Casterly Rock?!”
“Miss Lannister, did Robert Baratheon found Storms Ending for you?”
She untied her scarf and shook her hair out, a tumble of loose blonde curls with a braided crown set with a diamond and gold filagree. 
“I’m wearing Joy Hill, a dear cousin of mine. Because nothing is more important to me than family,” Cersei said sweetly. “My father really handled the arrangements, I couldn’t possibly say who will be there. And Robert was inspired by an incident he witnessed at a bar, but the fact is ableism is an issue that speaks to both of us profoundly. My brother is a little person and has certainly dealt with his fair share of bullying. Charity work is actually one of the things that brought Robert and I together.”
“Miss Lannister!”
“Sorry boys,” Cersei purred. “I believe I’m late to a party.”
Her stiletto heels clicked and she added just a hint of a roll to her hips as she strode down the path to her destiny.
Immediately the whispers started, a ripple radiating out from the arch she passed under, guests turning and gasping as they caught her in her glittering radiance.
Across the front gardens, her father and her fiancé stood silhouetted against the fiery sky. Tywin Lannister, tall, thin, back ramrod straight as he mechanically shook each well-wishers hand. Across from him, Robert threw his head back and laughed at something Hoster Tully was saying, the easy magnetism of his personality capturing everything in his orbit. He threw his arm around Hoster and grinned for the cameras, completely ignoring her instructions about what side to stand on. All the same she felt a flush of warmth. Gods he looked good in a tux.
She absently touched her stomach (a weakness, don’t do that again), and he looked up and saw her and smiled. She put a hand to her hair, a mockery of primping. She knew damn well she looked perfect.
And as she prepared to take the first step toward fulfilling her destiny, she heard it.
The dull mechanical drone of a chopper. The guests heard it too, they were turning away from her, turning to identify the source of the sound.
Look at me!!! Cersei wanted to stamp her foot. This is my moment, look at me!
Was it the police? How could Varys have overlooked this, he was on the security detail, he’d had everything buttoned up?! She would castrate him for this, see if she didn’t.
But as she helplessly squinted at the helicopter, she had to admit it was private. It touched down right in the center of where they had planned to have the guests view the fireworks.
A door opened.
A slim elegant woman with dark hair and a stunning red dress stepped out, accompanied by an equally dark haired escort who also looked suspiciously good in a tux.
Cersei’s eyes slipped helplessly back to Tywin and Robert. Her father’s face was twisted in irritation, his knuckles white. Meanwhile, Robert’s ever easy smile had vanished, his tanned skin pale. He looked like he had seen a ghost.
“It’s Steffon and Cassana Baratheon!!” Olenna Tyrell laughed delightedly, audible across half a garden. And the guests clapped in delight.
Cersei looked across the lawn at her future father and mother in lawn. Across a hundred yards, Cassana Baratheon smirked.
Oh game on bitch. GAME ON.
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