#and yes we can talk about the money bc being poor sucks ass and I've been there
sasuke-and-naruto · 1 year
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Hello, hello! It's been a long time since I made this blog and til today I am a loyal ✨SNS stan✨. Sadly life moves on and after all this time I am now a responsible adult with adult duties. So I have to say goodbye to my SNS collection and looking for someone who wanna buy it! My collection is an amazing zine, the CD "Yours for an hour" with all the translations, stickers, postcards, prints and charms that I loved so much I actually never unpacked them haha
I would sell everything for 35 € (38,28 in Dollar) plus the shipping cost. Ideally you live in Germany or Europe. I hope everything can find a nice and new home, sharing would be rlly appreciated! <3
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shinydixon · 1 year
"As for the “she ruined his life,” please. His life was already ruined. Motherfucker was a grown ass man living in a dirty 1 bedroom trailer with his uncle (because he has no parents), making speeches about how much high school sucks but he can’t get his grown ass out of there. He plays games with 14 year olds instead of getting a job. Statistically, he was gonna go to jail at some point for carrying a lunch box full of drugs around a high school and selling drugs to minors."
so, you resort to classism? who says his life was ruined? sure it seems he hasnt had the best childhood, but that doesnt mean his life is ruined. theres nothing wrong with being "grown" and living with a relative(s), especially when you have money struggles. and saying that he and the trailer is dirty is pushing gross stereotypes about poor people/people who live in trailers (bc not all of them are poor).
eddie being stuck in high school can be a multitude of reasons, maybe he has a hard time focusing/understanding subjects. maybe he missed a lot of school picking up jobs to help wayne out, and hes just a bad student! who knows! its not like he purposefully held himself back. (sometimes there are teachers who fail you on purpose, happened to my brother.)
and whats wrong with him playing a GAME with younger kids for a CLUB? if thats the case, you should be angry with the 18 yr old basketball players playing with lucas, whos 14/15.
and yes, indirectly, chrissy killed him. bc if it wasnt for her wanting something stronger, eddie wouldnt have went to his trailer to find and sell it to her. if she had taken the weed from the first deal, eddie wouldve most likely still been alive.
AND, we dont know how steve felt about eddies death, with dont know how any of them besides dustin felt bc of the stupid "2 days later". but if i were to say "chrissy doesnt care about eddie" (pre + post deal" and "eddie never cared about chrissy", I would be the bad guy.
also, you guys say every. single. time. "dont generalize all hc!! we arent ALL bad" yet its ok for you say "You Eddie munson / steddie fans all have worms for brains" ? if you get to say that all the time, then we should get to generalize too, its only fair.
stop being hypocrites
That person is doing what people in hawkins were doing ; judging Eddie without knowing him.
There are so many reasons why people fail schools and it's not because they are stupid, it's because school is not for them(mind you that Eddie is a DM, which means that he must have been good at math and also, since he creates the campaigns, he has a good imagination and an excellent ability in writing and narrating).
It's like that example "if you have a monkey and a fish and you ask them to climb a tree, obviously the fish can't do that, but he definitely can swim better than a monkey" (I don't know if that makes sense).
Also, I get so mad when people judge adults that lives with relatives.
I'm 27, I have a job and yet I still live with my parents, do you wanna know why?
However I've bought a car and once I finish paying for that I'll be able to look for a place on my own, hoping that there's something I can afford.
About Steve, we don't know how he reacted to Eddie's death so, what point are you trying to make?
Do you know that Eddie wasn't crying because it was chrissy that died but because he was traumatized by seeing someone dying like that? As I said he did the same with Patrick and I assure you that he wasn't his friend at all.
Finally, about what you say, why should I be like them? If you want to generalize every hellcheer, then be my guest, I won't be like that(even though this person is clearly a chrissy Stan, not an hellcheer considering how they talk about Eddie).
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