#and you know blood conspiracies in general and the entire insight concept and i THINK bb is the only fs game
witchblade · 1 year
bloodborne is much closer to being a squit game (‼) than the former to me
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p-weezy1 · 7 years
The internet is the place for you if you don’t have anything nice to say
It’s pretty upsetting to see how many people spread hate and negative words/emotions on the internet every day. Sure, there are many different topics that are occupying our minds during these times with bad dudes having too much power and others being too blind to see that we’re headed down a road that eventually leads towards a dead end, do not enter. But I think there’s a limit to everything, even if your opinion is the most relatable and targeting the problems this generation is facing it shouldn’t be facing in the 21st century. You can’t just step out there and trash everyone and everything in your way in the comfortable shelter of the internet’s anonymity because you’re convinced your words carry any significant meaning when they really do not. I wish some people would simply wake up in the morning and realize all the negativity they’re spreading is fueled by nothing other than the plain desire to have an opinion and use it against others in the same extreme way the guys they’re pointing their middle fingers towards do - it doesn’t make you any better, no matter what kind of opinion you’re sharing.  Extremism will always be extremism and you’re not going to be an exception, no matter the side you stand on. Just because you’re right about the fact that discrimination of all sorts is an issue we have. Your words can be equally as hurtful, just like your actions. So maybe think twice before you attack someone out of the blue and stomp on them like a spoiled little kid that didn’t get the toy they wanted out of their Happy Meal. It’s easy to point fingers online but it’s also easy to point them into the wrong direction.
Racism, sexism, all that is downright a terrible thing and I hate seeing nazi punks kicking it off just as much as any of us do. But really, are you going to play the “oh my god this is sexism” or “oh my god this is racism/white washing” card everytime something pops up on your social media feed that is even just potentially linked to any of these hot topics? Don’t waste your breath on Hollywood supposedly white washing shit or some comment some celebrity dropped that is per usual taken out of context. It’s just fueling the fire, not trying to extinguish it. We live in a time where everything offends someone. Even me breathing right now probably offends half the planet. I’m sure there are some people out there who are offended because the McDonald’s sign is yellow or because they put pickles on burgers. If you don’t like them, guess what. Yes you can remove them and still enjoy your burger.
If it bothers you that much get up and stop punching your computer keyboard with your greasy ass chips fingers. Leave the comfort and shelter of your own home, go outside on the streets and try to make an actual change. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling anyone to swallow their opinion. Just not to waste it on minor things while worse is happening. It’s important to make your own in this world we live in. If you think I do, you’re misinterpreting this entire text. Never let an idiot get away with discriminating a person for their gender, their sexual orientation or their ethnicity. It makes my blood boil just like it does yours. Of course there’s going to be controversy about whatever I’m saying right now, like I’m not used to people ripping apart everything I write or speak about. That’s cool, I’m not here to please. I have an opinion and I know that in the spheres I’m currently floating in having an opinion is not something that is actually in style. Because it’s inconvenient. For example when I expressed how I don’t like this one song by that one artist who happens to have a homosexual background. Oh my god shocker, P. W. is homophobic because he hates him. No I do not. I simply just didn’t like the song. And that’s what it’s like with the situation we’re having here. Just because I’m voicing myself about this awesome spectacle that takes place pretty much everywhere on social media right now with people using every statement that’s ‘kinda’ racist or ‘kinda’ sexist or ‘kinda’ discriminating in any sort of aspect as an excuse to spread their useless hate and make them feel better about themselves doesn’t automatically lead to the conclusion that I’m not all for equality - because I am and I’ve shared my opinion on it more than once. All I’m saying is you’re targeting the wrong people. This is not about dissecting movie concepts or song lyrics, some line someone dropped in some interview, some headlines you read but not the entire article or someone making a stupid tweet about something. As long as we’re going to be on this planet, there will always be assholes talking shit on the internet. The root of the problem sits elsewhere and it’s firmly anchored within the ground. It’s about getting out there and fighting for what you supposedly think it is that you support. In the end it’s about equality. For everyone out there, no matter the gender or the sexual orientation. A human being is a human being. Just like the people you’re attacking despite them simply having failed to overthink their statements when they weren’t supposed to come off a certain way. Use your brain before you hate is all I’m going to say. All of us know what headlines can do, or rather what they don’t do. They don’t give you an insight into a person’s character or personality. They’re words someone typed up to catch your attention and you can’t say it doesn't work. Out here you have to watch every move you make, every word that leaves your mouth and actually becomes reality as soon as others hear or read it. I’ve been there, believe me. Never would have thought anyone would care about what I’ve got to say but whenever I manage to express myself in a way that leaves room for people to make false assumptions and take my statements out of context, I get all the hate for it. Although I’m partially Jamaican, although I’ve openly confessed not to hate the idea of being with a guy a couple of years ago (that’s another topic), although our band supports the LGBT community. It just wouldn’t make the smallest of sense for me to be racist or homophobic. But I guess you can toss and turn everything the way that is most convenient to you if you have too much free time to spend on the internet instead of being out there on the streets with the other kids waving banners and giving the victims of everything I’ve just spoken about a voice. A louder voice. The voice of millions that will eventually be heard. I really think we need to make a move instead of posting smart ass comments online. Only gets everyone riled up and ready to judge everything that’s potentially this or that. I promise I’m going to eat all the empty shells in the edamame discard bowl if someone tells me ‘you’re doing the very same thing right now’ but I think it’s fine because I’m not hurting anyone with my rant and my words, not targeting anyone in particular. I’m just talking about the way I experience social media these days. Especially online where there are only words and no expressions behind them, there’s too much room for interpretation. Status updates shouldn’t be more relevant than real conversations. Follower numbers shouldn’t equal a person’s worth or credibility. I think that the internet is a place where opinions clash and fights are being fought that are unnecessary, mostly because everyone wants to be edgy. Again, what you might be supporting is the right thing but that doesn’t mean there’s a hidden meaning behind everything. Not every word someone posts is a conspiracy theory. Stop feeling so attacked by everyone else. Of course there are countless of douchebags out there posting crap that makes me want to throw up my breakfast into their faces. But we know where the real bad dudes are and we know who they are so fucking fight them instead. Much love Peter
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