#and you'll color coordinate with your pets because you too will have all sorts of cute outfits!
feluka · 1 year
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trynnabemultifandom · 5 years
Happy Birthday| Chris Evans x Reader
~~This is just a lil something because it's Chris' big day today. some of these ideas came from my ordeal of planning a party a few weeks ago~~
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it was the day before Chris' birthday and I was stressing out. I was planning a surprise party for him for his birthday. it's not like I had to do this but I'm making up for not being there with him last year. I had found a catering company, a dj, and I had also called Chris's family and friends to tell them about the party. Just when I thought I had everything finished, I remembered I had left out the one most important thing out, alcohol. There was only one person to call. I picked up the phone and called Scarlett. if I'm being honest, I was nervous when it took her a while to pick up "Hey Scar, I need you to do me a huge favour" "what d'ya need (Y/N)?" "I need you to go to the store and pick up some vodka, wine and beer for tonight. of course I'll pay you when you drop them down" "yeah sure that's no bother. I'll also help you out with decorating when I get to your house" "thanks Scar"
Time skip to when Scar is at your house
I was in the middle of organising how I was going to decorate the house, there was a knock on the door "Scar is that you?" can never be too careful "yeah it's me" I ran to the door to answer it "you're a life saver" I sighed "anything for my friend. so how's the planning going?" "yeah it's going good. please stop me from color coordinating everything" Scar laughed "you take a break. go have some food, I'll finish this" "thank you. you want some food?" she thought for a moment "no thanks, I'm good. have you got a plan for getting Chris to the house tomorrow?" I nodded "yeah I do with the help of Lisa. No doubt he'll want to go straight to Lisa's when he arrives, but she rang to tell him to come here because she had to go somewhere" she smirks "you thought of everything didn't you?"
I chuckle "couldn't of done it without the help of my friends. plus I'm making up for not being here last year" her smirk grew bigger and I knew what she was going to say next "I'm sure you'll make up for it all right" she winked. I rolled my eyes "Scar we're just friends" truth is, I liked Chris but knew he saw me as a friend so I kept how I felt to myself, not wanting to ruin our Friendship "(Y/N), I see the way you looked at him on set when he was filming his scenes" I just rolled my eyes again "not my fault he's good at what he does and I want to take pointers" she nodded and left it at that
Next Day
I woke up early in order to get my house ready for the party later. I was so excited to see Chris again, I haven't see him since the premiere of Infinity War which was almost a year ago. I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock on the door. I opened the door to see the excited face of Lisa "come on in Lisa" she carried in tryas of food "I ran into the caterers and took these off them" "thank you so much Lisa" she putthe trays down and hugged me "I should be thanking you. Chris is very lucky to have you as a friend and for you to go all out and plan this for him" I hugged her back "I wanted to do something special for him not only because he's my friend but because I wasn't here last year for him" she giggles and I pull away giving her a confused look "he was devistated when you weren't here last year. if I'm being honest, I think he has feelings for you (Y/N)"
I hope that's true "no I doubt it. we're just friends and we've been like since we were 6. he probably sees me as a sister or something" I brushed off what Lisa said and went back to getting stuff set up "hey Lisa, would you mind giving me a hand setting the food out?" "no not at all (Y/N). Scarlett's coming today isn't she?" I nod "yeah they're all coming over in about 20 minutes actually" while Lisa was sorting out the food and hanging the last of the decorations and banners up, I went to get into my dress
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I wanted something nice but I didn't want it too dressy or to make it look like I was trying too hard either, my hair was curled at the ends and I had a little bit of makeup on. when I came down the stairs, everybody was here, well except for Chris because he wasn't meant to get here until 6 and it was quarter to at the moment. as soon as I walked into the kitchen, I was bombarded with hugs from them all and tons of compliments. Scarlett and Lisa came over to me and both said how gorgeous I looked. "you look so gorgeous (Y/N)" I smiled "thanks Lisa" I was going to leave to get a drink when I was stopped by Scarlett who whispered "I'm sure Chris would like it too" I rolled my eyes "I'm going to get a drink"
just as I was going to leave, somebody grabbed my arm. I was going to scream in protest but when I turned around, I was relieved to see that it was only Elizabeth Olsen "Elizabeth, ohmygod I was about to scream at you" she hugged me "you look gorgeous (Y/N) and no drinking until the birthday boy gets here" she winked and I laughed "I need something if Scarlett keeps making them comments" Elizabeth rolled her eyes "what has she been saying to you know?" "you know, the usual about Chris, and also that I wore this dress to impress him" "I see where she's coming from but I'll try get her to stop, especially for today" I smiled and hugged her "Thank you Elizabeth" she hugged back "no problem"
"(Y/N), he's coming" shouted Sebastian who was looking out the window "places everyone" I yell. taking a deep breath as I hear a knock on the door, I walk over and open in to see a happy looking Chris "hi Chris" I say as I hug him "hey (Y/N), it's so good to see you" Chris says and returns the hug "so what's the plan today?" he says pulling away from the hug and looked at my dress. I couldn't stop the hint of a blush forming on my cheeks "I'm glad you asked because," I turned to where everyone hid
"SURPRISE" they all jumped out and yelled. I quickly turned to see Chris' reaction, it was honestly the most cutest thing I have ever seen "Happy Birthday Chris" he turned to me and engulfed me in a hug "did you do all this?" he asked. I nod "yes but I couldn't have done it without the help of everybody here" I pulled away and kissed his cheek "thank you so much (Y/N)" I smiled "this is to make up for not being here last year with you" our conversation got interrupted by Lisa "sorry to break up what looks like a good conversation, but I just wanna talk to my boy on his birthday" I nod to say it's ok and go over to the bar where Sebastian is
"(Y/N), hey" Seb gets up with a wide smile and hugs me "enjoying the party?" I hug him back. he pulls away "yeah it's amazing. free food, free booze" I laugh and lightly hit his arm "and seeing your friend on his birthday, don't forget that" he chuckled "yeah that too" we shared more laughs and had more drinks together. during our time together, I could feel eyes on me. I look around the room to see none other than Chris glaring at Sebastian. I smirked and pretended not to notice him, wait why is he glaring at Seb for? does he like me? nah probably not
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Sebastian leaned into me "I really like your dress by the way" I blush "thank you. just something I threw on" he wrapped his arm around me "well either way, it looks gorgeous on you" I giggle and hold onto his arm. I think that was the breaking point for Chris because he came marching over to the two of us "hi Seb, I gotta borrow (Y/N) for a chat" Sebastian smirked "yeah no bother" and with that, Chris had grabbed my arm and dragged me to the closest empty room
"what was that about?" I ask him and he scoffs "don't act so innocent doll" I blush at the pet name "I don't know what you mean" "should I talk about how you flirted with Sebastian and didn't try to hide it?" I bit my lip and let a little 'oh' escape "yeah oh. you don't get to flirt with other guys and not get away with it" I gave him a confused look "but we're not even toget-" before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by Chris' lips on mine. i gasp a little in surprise but didn't pull away, instead I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck to pull him in more
when he pulled away, I could feel myself start to blush "how about we change the face the we aren't together?" my eyes widen "Y-you mean-" he nodded "yes I do. (Y/N), do you want to be my girlfriend?" I nod and hug him "yes I do. I never though you would ask. I liked you for so long and your mom and even Scar said I should ask you out but I never though you liked me in that way i always tjought-" again, he cut me off with a kiss. when I pulled away, we both chuckled "shall we go back out to your party Mr. Evans?" he smirked and nodded "we shall Ms. (L/N)" I honestly couldn't have asked for a better night than this. spending it with all my friends and my now boyfriend. that was by far one of the best days ever
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