#andalusia ftw
99v4ni · 2 years
[ art ]
feliz día de andalucía estimados paisanos <33
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carry-on-josten · 8 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy! 
I was tagged by the lovely @gayer-and-cuter-than-you​, thank you
Are you named after someone? I don’t think so, my name doesn’t even have something in common with what they were hesitating with so I have no idea where it comes from
When was the last time you cried? Between two weeks and a month I think
Do you like your handwriting? It depends on the pen, but most of the time yeah
What is your favorite lunch meat? Le saucisson (I can’t say it in english it is so french)
Do you have kids? Nooooo, I still live like one
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Nowadays maybe yes but before definitely not, I love using sarcasm but I hated when someone used it against me
Do you use sarcasm? Well, as I said before YES, it’s the only way I know how to communicate
Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
Would you bungee jump? I would like to but I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to do it
What is your favorite kind of cereal? les Tresor Chocolat au lait
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Never
Do you think you’re a strong person? Well yes and no. I won’t be hurt by a lot of things but when I am, it will hurt for a really long time
What is your favorite ice cream? Cookie dough from Ben & Jerry’s or a lemon one
What is the first thing you notice about people? If they seem to be nice or harder to reach (but I’m not a good judge of that)
What is your least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? My teeth and my ears
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? I’m in my pyjamas so no shoes et grey pants
What are you listening to right now? Green Day. As always since Friday
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? White or a pale yellow, I don’t know
Favorite smell? A can of tea leaves I have at home that smells like peach and kiwi
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mum who wanted to know what I was doing the next week-end
Favorite sport to watch? Probably figure skating even if I don’t watch a lot of it
Hair color? I’m going to answer in french because it’s complicated. Certains me disent que je suis blonde foncée, d’autres chatain clair, et d’autres blonde vénitienne donc WHO KNOWS
Eye color? Blue
Do you wear contacts? No but I have glasses.
Favorite food to eat? Green olives I think
Scary movies or comedy? If I’m alone probably comedy even if I rarely like them but I’m too easily scared to watch a scary movie alone
Last movie you watched? Singin’ in the rain I think
What color of shirt are you wearing? Green
Summer or winter? Winter, I can’t function when it is hotter than 25°C outside
Hugs or kisses? HUGS FTW
What book are you currently reading? Miss Peregrine and the peculiar children
Who do you miss right now? My cousins
What is on your mouse pad? I don’t have one.
What is the last TV program you watched? Brooklyn 99
What is the best sound? I have no idea
Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Probably The Beatles but I love both of them
What is the furthest you have ever travelled? Hum, in Andalusia
Do you have a special talent? Other than embarrassing myself? Yeah I guess I’m pretty good at horse-riding since I’ve been doing it since I was 4
Where were you born? In Melun so in Seine-et-Marne
I tag : @anviree, @trashlord-watson, @a-random-fandom-girl, @mariuspontbambi, @jehan-in-the-flowers
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