stantyrus-blog · 6 years
TJ is a foster kid???
Welcome to my TED talk, so I just had an epiphany. WHAT. IF. TJ. IS. A. FOSTER. KID. They often look down on themselves and have lower self-esteem. TJ saying that “anything good I got to ruin it” he could blame himself for what happened. They also can be rude and/or bully other people. TJ used to be mean and bully Buffy because she was a girl, that can be due to the fact that he was fostered, they usually have anger and we know that TJ isn’t always calm. Foster kids are also distant, am I describing foster kids or just TJ because he is literally all of these things. Him being a foster kid could be part of his ‘stuff’. The fact that Kira made him insecure also helps this theory because what if his foster parents are really religious and he thinks they won’t accept him. If that happens he knows he will go to another family, that means he leaves Shadyside and Cyrus. Also, Andi Mack tackles very real life issues and they have not mentioned foster kids or adopting so this can happen.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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buffyshirley-blog · 6 years
Episode 12 Theories
Josh’s recent hints about episode 12 have cleared a lot up since we now know whatever it is in episode 12 is not relationship driven.
I’ve seen people theorizing that it has to do with Jonah and I agree. From what I’ve seen people have been speculating for awhile about Jonah’s family life so that would certainly be something we want to find out/have been waiting for.
It’s very possible they are doing a divorce storyline with Jonah’s family. It definitely seems like a storyline Andi Mack would tackle. Josh said SANDWHICH is a wordplay so they could be doing the thing where his parents are splitting and he has to decide which parent to live with. sandWHICH parent will he choose? Could defintely play into Jonah’s panic-attack storyline.
OR it could be a different word play. Like Jonah is SANDWHICHED between two choices? Fighting parents, who to go live with etcetera. Just a thought I had. Can’t wait to find out when episode 12 comes around.
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stantyrus-blog · 5 years
Episode 15 “Unloading Zone”
I know I’m late to the game, I’ve been so busy, but with summer coming and new Andi Mack episodes right around the corner, I should be a lot more active. Sooooo......here’s my theory about what might happen in episode 15. This is the first episode after the hiatus with TJ in it. There is one episode right before this, but maybe…….TJ IS UNLOADING HIS FEELINGS!! He could tell his feelings to Buffy about how he likes Cyrus. He could literally unload all his feelings to Buffy, and tell her everything. About how he likes Cyrus and he is gay/bi, how Kira basically blackmailed him into the costume. He’ll ask Buffy to tell Cyrus that he’s sorry because he doesn’t want to ruin his friendship with Cy and TJ knows Cy will listen to her. Of course, we’ll have to see what happens in episode 14(I can’t wait) but this could happen. I really want TJ to be more vulnerable because he’s really only shown his soft side to Cyrus. 
Have a great day/night! This is a theory and nothing is facts, hope you enjoyed!
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stantyrus-blog · 5 years
New episode
So, the scene of TJ and K*ra. I am really mad. TJ looks happy in that scene and I don't know why. I really hope that Kira is just a fake friend and TJ doesn't actually like having her around. I think that Kira is doing this on purpose to get back at Buffy. Tbh I don't even really know what to think anymore. I will post again on Friday when the episode comes out. I can't wait!!
Have a great day/night!
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stantyrus-blog · 5 years
Where is the bench?
The famous b(redacted)h, that everyone thinks is a bench, is having everyone think about what happens there(as it is Josh’s favorite scene). I think(and hope) that it is a Tyrus kiss. So if it is, where would it be, as many benches are shown in Andi Mack. So someone on Instagram posted a picture of where they shot the scene where TJ tells Cyrus he told the police about the gun, it was the pond with the rocks where they sat, but there was no bench behind where they would have sat. In the actual scene, there was a bench behind them so that leads me to believe that the Tyrus kiss will be there(if there is one).
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stantyrus-blog · 6 years
Tyrus confirmed???
In 3x8 “I’ve Got Your Number” TJ and Jonah were fighting over what number the jersey was. The jersey was 21 but due to TJ’s dyscalculia, TJ thought it was 12. It just so happens that episodes 12, “The Ex-Factor”, and 21, the finale, are two episodes that are being hyped for Tyrus. Joshua Rush said that 3x12 reveals something we’ve been wanting to know, and he is also a Tyrus shipper. He also said that one of his favorite episodes is 21 because of the scene on the b(redacted)h. I think we will get Tyrus on either a bench or a beach. But what if the scene in 3x8 was foreshadowing that Tyrus will be canon.
Thank you for reading have a great day/night!
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stantyrus-blog · 6 years
Opinion time
First of all, sorry for not posting yesterday. Secondly, I think that TJ did the costume with Kira because he felt insecure and embarrassed at what she said. She made it sound like it was a bad thing that he was doing the costume with Cyrus, or a boy. So he probably didn’t want people thinking he was gay and liked Cyrus. He obviously really wanted to do the costume with Cyrus and looked hurt when he saw how hurt Cyrus was. Now that TJ did that I think that Cyrus is going to get some trust issues, just ever so slightly, because when he wore his jacket to school Jonah didn’t because he didn’t want to look like dorks, now with TJ and the summersalt. TJ better apologize and it better be good.
Thanks for reading! Have a good day/night!
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buffyshirley-blog · 6 years
Episode 9 Theories
(AKA my rambling speculations which most likely won’t be anything close to what actually happens but at least I had fun)
The Secrete Society
Invitations from a secret society at school cause tension between Andi and her friends; Bex and Celia search for the perfect wedding dress.
The promo for episode 9 makes the basic plot pretty obvious. There is a Secrete Society at Jefferson to which one of the Good Hair Crew is going to be invited to join. And by the looks of it, Andi is the one invited. It also looks as if Buffy and Cyrus get notes saying they were not invited into the society. The "tension between Andi and her friends" seems to be mostly referring to her and Buffy as Cyrus seems really happy for Andi when she gets the invitation. Likely the poor boy with once again be stuck between sides. Now Buffy seems obviously upset that Andi was invited to join the Secret Society. It seems a little petty, but let's be real, being competitive has always been Buffy's strong point. I also think it’s deeper than that but I’ll get to that in a moment.
The opening scene will probably either be 1. a cute/weird Andi & family moment (75% of Season 3 has started out with scenes like this) maybe having to do with Bex's decision  to start looking for a wedding dress, or 2. it could be the scene where Jonah tells the Good Hair Crew about the Secret Society.
It's a little unclear to whether Jonah is in the Secret Society or not. I'm going to assume so since he seems to know what's going on on the inside? It's also little unclear as to what the Secret Society even is really and why they want one of the GHC to join specifically?
That brings me to the possibility that Marty could have something to do with the Secret Society. He's the only  reoccurring character in this ep. So maybe he is the one to send out the invitations to the GHC? This seems doubtful to me since it seems un-Marty like and what would he stand to gain for it? The only motive I can see for him to send the invitation and pick Andi is to make Buffy mad, and that just doesn't seem likely.
Marty is supposed to be returning this episode and mackmeta pointed out that Party Boy is a character listed on IMBD, and that likely Marty will be at said party. It would be the perfect way to reintroduce his character. The most likely theory is that the Secret Society hosts some sort of event/party at which Marty is in attendance. Seeing as Marty has never had a scene without Buffy, and as he is really only there imagine she will be in his returning scene. If she isn't I know I for one will be disappointed. But assuming there is a party for the Secrete Society and assuming Andi is the one from the GHC invited to join, why would Buffy be at the party? Maybe Andi and Buffy make up and somehow they both end up at the party? Or maybe Buffy and Cyrus decide to gate crash the party to spy on Andi. I mean it wouldn't be very Buffy & Cyrus like. They've certainly dabbled in spying before. Maybe they go in disguise. It would be the perfect set up for Marty's classic line "Do I know you?". This is actually my favorite theory for ep9. I can totally see Cyrus and Buffy pulling something like this.
I’m sure that Marty and Buffy will get a scene together no matter what the situation is. But I also feel pretty sure that Buffy won't be very happy with Marty. I mean why would she be? He literally stopped talking to her because she didn't share the same feelings. I've seen this happen to my sister in real life. This boy completely stopped talking to her after she said she just wanted to be friends and my sister was really upset with him. So likely, it won't exactly be happy Muffy reunion. Which I'm looking forward too because development is key to an interesting ship.
Another part of ep9 which I can see playing into the supposed party is the wedding dress storyline. It looks like for once Bex and Cece agree on something, which is great, and it also looks like they forgot about Andi. So maybe when Andi goes to the Secret Society party because of her what happened with Andi’s last party, Bex insists on dropping Andi off and picking her up at a certain time but then they forget about her. And maybe them forgetting about her could lead to some conciliation between Andi and her friends? Like Buffy takes her home or something along those lines.
Which brings me to the Bandi drama. I get the feeling that the Andi/Wuffy drama won't conclude definitely until episode 10 when Andi joins Buffy's team. I feel like Andy joining the team is the climax and final conclusion. I know Wuffy is supposed to sink this episode and I just hope Andi and Buffy reconcile before that because it be disappointing if the reason for them making up is because Wuffy broke up.
Now the question with Buffy and Andi is how many times are they going to break up and make up? They keep getting into arguments which are semi concluded, but not entirely. The end of episode 8 was pretty satisfactory but then we saw the promo for episode 9 and the drama is still clearly thriving. Like I said before, Buffy is competitive so it's not out of character for her to want to be the one picked for the Secrete Society BUT it definitely think it goes deeper than that. In the promo Buffy says "I knew this was going to happen" which suggests to me that Buffy knew this would drive them further apart. Now I definitely think Buffy is at fault in this one, but as we saw when Buffy made Cyrus choose between her and TJ, she isn't too keen on sharing her friends. Which is a very realistic flaw. But, it’s obvious how much Buffy misses Andi (we saw that in ep8 when she made an invitation all just to ask Andi over her house) and I think that really is the most driving factor to Buffy’s anger. So the drama is obvious but the real question is will that drama get a semi-conclusion like we got in episode 8, will it be a final conclusion to the conflict between Buffy and Andi, or will the drama in episode 9 carry into episode 10 and be resolved then?
Also after thought is this the episode where Cyrus has his dance plot line? Or is that episode 10?
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stantyrus-blog · 6 years
Wish theory
As many know Josh posted a series of emojis as a hint to what the wish is. I think that the wish is Jonah’s because we know the least about his family from the people at the festival. Also one of the emoji hints was a family. There is also a bee and a happy emoji, so I think that the wish says something along the lines of “I wish my family will be happy again.” In the promo for 3x12, Buffy said that Jonah and Amber looked like a couple and Andi had this ‘look’ on her face. Then Cyrus said, “Unless she knows something we don’t” leading us to believe she knows something about either Jonah or Amber. We know that Amber and Andi are close and she knows stuff no one else knows about, but Amber was not at the festival. Also in the promo, Andi gave the wish to someone else, I think she gave it to Cyrus because, if it is Jonah’s, Cyrus is great friends with Jonah and would understand. He also is a great therapist when it comes to helping his friends. Hopefully, we find out tomorrow.
Thank you for reading my theory, have a great day/night!
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stantyrus-blog · 6 years
Miranda and Morgan are back
So in the 3x12 promo, Miranda and Morgan are back. I think that Miranda is going to create even more problems by trying to split up Bex and Bowie. The mailman obviously made Bex uncomfortable. Now that Miranda is going to be interacting with Bowie again I think that Bex might get jealous but also rethink their marriage because of what the mailman said. In my opinion, Bex and Bowie will be fine by the end of the episode but Miranda will do something and hopefully, after this, she’s gone for good.
Thank you for reading my theory and have a good day/night!
Bonus theory coming later today.
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stantyrus-blog · 6 years
Andi Mack theories
I have a lot of theories for this show. It is one of my favorite shows ever. I will not go super in depth of my theories but if you want to hear more about what I think just message me. Also, these are only some of my theories.
-What was on the piece of paper Andi read during the Moon Festival
-Cyrus coming out to TJ 
-Tyrus and other ships
-Miranda and Morgan
Each week I will post one of my theories, and please remember these are theories, not facts, I came up with these theories off of what happened but none of this is confirmed.
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stantyrus-blog · 6 years
Sorry I’ve been so inactive. I have had a lot of work and I was sick. But if anyone has ideas on what they want to hear next just tell me. I will respond to anyone who wants to hear any more theories but I will also post a theory tomorrow. I’m super excited for new Andi Mack on Friday!!
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stantyrus-blog · 6 years
The Wish Andi Read
In 3x 2, the Moon Festival, Andi, Buffy, Cyrus, Jonah, and others were putting their lanterns with their wishes into the sky. A piece of paper fell, Andi read it and responded with "wow". We still do not know what was written or by who (as of 3x 9). I think that it was Jonah's wish saying that he still likes Andi and wants to continue dating her because right before this Jonah and Andi became ""just friends". We now know that he is right now "dating" Libby, but I think he still likes Andi.
Thank you for reading have a great day/night!
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stantyrus-blog · 6 years
Secret Society of Jefferson
Jonah, in the 3x9 promo, told Cyrus, Buffy, and Andi about the secret society of Jefferson, and that one of them would be picked to join but he shouldn’t be telling them. I think that Jonah is the leader because a) if it’s that big of a secret, how does he know b) why would one of the three get picked. I also think that it’s Andi who gets picked because in the promo Buffy gets mad at Cyrus and Andi about something and Andi tries to go after Buffy. I think that Buffy isn’t mad that Andi got picked instead of her, I think she’s mad because Andi actually accepted. Also out of all three of them, Jonah is the closest with Andi because I think he still likes her. 
Edited: I am writing this after watching the episode “Secret Society”, I am completely wrong. The Secret Society was actually something Walker made to ask Buffy to the fall formal. I thought this was really sweet and based off what was showed it is obvious Buffy likes Walker and I wished she said yes.
This is what I think. But please do not come after me for thinking Jonah is the leader, I love Jonah, don’t get me wrong, I just think he created the secret society. Also please do not steal this, this is my theory.
Thanks for reading have a great day/night!
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buffyshirley-blog · 6 years
Episode 8 Theory
“I got your number”
Since Asher spilled that his brother Avi will be playing young TJ on the show, it’s cleared up a lot of mystery surrounding the “longtime rift” between the TJ and Jonah. Obviously something happened between them (which we will see in a flashback most likely taking place at a baseball field) when they were little kids that Jonah has a sort of grudge about. This doesn’t really line up with past scenes we’ve seen with TJ and Jonah, like Jonah getting the basketball signed by TJ for Buffy, and being at the same table at the spoon. So it seems a little inconsistent but it’s not entirely impossible either since we didn’t see the basketball scene and Jonah and TJ didn’t directly interact at the Spoon.
While it’s possible this storyline could be fairly irrelevant to the rest of season 3, I can think of several ways it could progress both TJ and Jonah’s storyline.
Since Jonah’s mom is included in the flashback, it’s possible the flashback links in with the hints we’ve had that Jonah might not have the best family life. I don’t think there’s any canon evidence to this theory, but we’ve got hints, and I think it makes sense. So I think something happens in the flashback with Jonah’s mom that makes Jonah’s dislike towards TJ deeper and more than just a grudge from when he was a little kid. I’m not exactly sure what could happen though. Obviously whatever happens between Jonah and his mom wouldn’t be TJ’s fault, but it happens because of Jonah and TJ so that memory is linked to TJ in Jonah’s mind. Again, not sure what it could be. Maybe Jonah’s mom yells at him, or his parents get into a fight because of what happens. There’s not really any evidence to support this, but it’s just a theory I had.
Now for TJ I think this will tie in with the mental health storyline he is supposedly getting. The line “anything good I gotta ruin it” I think is a huge hint to what TJ’s mental health storyline is about. I think TJ is struggling to be a good person but no matter how hard he tries it seems like things are always against him (Reed and the gun, the thing with Jonah) and this creates a really bad mentality that he can’t ever be a good person. I think we could get a scene with TJ telling Cyrus about the way he feels, and of course Cyrus tells him he isn’t a bar person and we get a cute Tyrus moment.
Or of course this could just be (yet another) redemption storyline for TJ. Either way, I’m really excited for the upcoming episode and flashback.
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