bluemantics · 2 years
ALLISTER SHOEMAKER, the love of everyone’s lives. He’s the town sweetheart. If you need some shelves put up, a gutter cleaned, or a hearty pie, he’s the man for the job. Because he’s always so focused on helping everyone out, he’s also hard to pin down. On any given day you can find him somewhere different doing something different. As beloved as he is, JACKIE can’t help but worry for him. He hasn’t taken a break in… well, the entire time that she’s been working for him. In order to help him find happiness with someone just as kind as he is, Jackie has been trying to set him up with various people, from the kindly emergency doctor in town to the selfless knightguard of the bank. Every attempt has failed, though.
However, when Steve walks in and faints, and then comes back two days later, Jackie stares. He’s rude, quick to anger, and ungrateful. Yet Allister is head-over-heels. What the fuck is going on? And can Jackie divert Allister’s moony eyes from Steve before he gets hurt?
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