#andrew llord webber
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Starlight Express Appreciation Month
Day 3: Greaseball
Many railroads liked to feature their engines in advertising. Union Pacific was no exception. 
Favorite Actor: that one blonde mf that replaced robert torti on bway, that guy
Favorite Song/Scene: Rolling Stock
Favorite Costume: As much as I love the John Napier design, that original London hits different
Favorite Ship: GBxDinah but only in recent productions, that og version....yikes
Headcanon: As rough and tumble GB is, he is very detail-oriented and strategic. He’s the kind of person to watch tapes of himself racing over and over to find out what exactly worked and what didn’t. He does have a title to keep after all. 
Unpopular Opinion: Dinah should have dumped his ass lmao
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