simgigglegirl · 7 months
Hi, Simgigglegirl. I want to thank you for genetically correct premades, but I have a question: how did you decide that genetically correct Morty Roth from Riverblossom hills must have green eyes while none of his ancestors be they in 1st or 2nd generations didn't have green eyes even in recessive genes? His mother, Sara had dark blue eyes, while his father should have brown eyes, as his parents were with brown eyes as you did it correctly. What do you think: brown or dark blue for Morty?
Hey Andreyb1994
I may have made a mistake while I was writing my DNA note. Checking and comparing what I wrote in my note and what SimPE is showing me, I might have mixed another sim's DNA with Justine Roth (Morty Roth's grandmother). I gave her blond hair and green eyes when it should have been brown hair and brown eyes. Add the fact that I had the more realistic genetics mod which helped make that green eyes pass down more easily for Morty Roth to inherit.
So you're correct that he should have at least gotten the brown eyes or rare case, dark blue. I am gonna inform that in the Riverblossom Hills post at least and hope I didn't make any more mistakes...
Thank you again andreyb1994 for this ask 😊
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