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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: none
A/N: This is a story with a younger Andy Barber (30) and a 3 year old Jacob. English is not my first language, I know Little about how education (in general) and universities work in the States, also, I don’t know anything about laws, DA, ADA, etc. sooooo don’t come from me, please, at the end of the day this is just fiction and the purpose is to entertain. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1645
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)
Due to the load of work he had now, and his moving from the apartment he had been living since Jake was a baby to a new house, it wasn’t until a Thursday when Andy finally finished his research on the nanny Pam had recommended. He had talked to Jacob about his new job and explained to him how they had to spend a little less time together. Of course, Jacob wasn’t so thrill about it, but this job was to give them a better life and sacrifices had to be made. After picking up Jake at daycare at noon, and had lunch with his son, he called the infamous nanny.
Annie was at the coffee shop with Mark and Sharon, her classmates and close friends, working on a project to turn in later that evening. Annie had her nose stuck up in a book, when her phone rang.
“Who is it?”  Sharon asked.
“It probably is Daniel,” said Mark with a disgust face. “He calls her every time she is not in the apartment. Seriously honey, I don’t know how can you like him, he is kind of a jerk.”
“He has a big dick…” she joked. “Hello?” Annie put the phone in her ear.
“Hi! Is this Annie Johnson?”
“This is she, who is this?”
“This is Andy Barber, look I need someone to take care of my kid and I was wondering if you are available for an interview today at 2:30.”
“Sure! Where do you live?”
“Newton, I’ll text you the address.”
“Perfect, I’ll see you at 2:30 Mr. Barber.” Annie ended the call and smiled.
“Who is Mr. Barber?” Sharon asked.
“I don’t know, he said he needs a babysitter, so I have to meet him at his place.”
“Oh no! You can’t leave! We haven’t finished!” Mark said.
“Please! You know this is what I do, I have to go. He said it was just an interview.” she looked at her friends with puppy eyes. “Look I will finish my part and I promise I’ll send it to you before 7.”
“Fine!”  Mark told her rolling his eyes while Sharon laughed at his expression.
Annie grabbed her things and headed to her car when the phone dinged with a text with an address. Newton wasn’t far from Auburndale, where the university was; 10 minutes tops if there was traffic, which hardly ever happened. It was 2:20 when she arrived to the Barber’s house. It was a pretty white house with a red door, and a wide driveway.  She looked herself in the mirror of her black old Jetta, putting some lip-gloss on her lips, she was wearing a light pink sweater, jeans and her black Converse. She got out of the car and walked to the door, fixing her clothing and hair a little before knocking. The door was opened by a man with black pants and a white shirt, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Annie was taken aback by his face, full beard, blue eyes and white skin, he had broad shoulders, and in general he seemed fit.
“Annie Johnson?” Andy looked at her, she was just an average girl, wavy light brown hair, tanned skin, she didn’t look skinny nor fat either, 5’4” perhaps.
“Excuse me?” Andy raised his eyebrow and cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, yes, I am Annie Johnson and I guess you are Mr. Barber.”
“Andy, you can call me Andy. Come in” Andy step aside for her to get in. “You’re early.”
“Yeah, sorry.” Annie could smell his cologne as she passed by him.  “Did I interrupt anything?”
“No, not really.” Andy looked at her up and down as she passed in front of him.
Annie looked at the living room and dining room and then followed Andy.  There were boxes everywhere. The big window on the dining room allowed her to see the backyard, with two swings, a slide and a trampoline.
“We just move in, sorry for the mess. Please, sit.”
“It’s ok Mr. Barber.” Annie sat around the dining table, some dirty plates where still there.
“Andy… so my friend Pam told me you were an excellent babysitter.”
“Pam Duffy.”
“Oh right! Phoebe’s mom! I love that kid, she is very smart.”  Annie smiled at the thought of the child.
“Alright so, here’s the deal, I need a nanny from Monday to Thursday, from 3 to 7.”
“Wow! Hold on, I thought you needed a babysitter, you know for the day, or the weekend. I have never done something like this before.”
“I understand that but look I really need help, I got promoted, I’m the new ADA…”
“ADA?” She asked confused.
“Assistant District Attorney” She kept looking at him when she heard the answer, “I’m a lawyer.”
“Oh!” she blushed a little, “Sorry, I really didn’t know what it was.”
“Anyways, my son can’t be by himself all afternoon, nor be with me at the office; he is just 3, and I promise you he is very calm.” he looked at her with pleading eyes.
Annie looked at the men talking in front of her, he was really handsome, his teeth were perfect, and those rosy lips seems so soft.
“Miss Johnson?” His voice brought her back to reality. “Are you listening to what I’m saying?
“Just Annie, and you said over the phone this was just an interview.”
“Well, yes. I need to know more about you. As I told you my son Jake is only 3, and…
“You need to know I’m not crazy” She interrupted him. “It’s not my first interview.” Both smiled. “What do you want to know?”
“Just, tell me about you.” Andy said while leaning back on the chair and crossing his arms.
“That poor shirt must be suffering, it looks very tight around his arms.” Annie thought. “Alright, my name is Annabelle, Annie… I’m from Boston, I’m 21, I study education at Lasell, is my third year now… I have a brother back in Boston, he is an accountant, and he is married, they have a baby girl named Denisse. Ammm I like chocolate ice cream… I have a boyfriend, Daniel, he is majoring in criminal justice… my favorite Disney film is Aladdin,” Andy laughed.  “What? It’s a great movie! And ammm I’ve been a babysitter since high school. I think that’s it.”
“What about your parents?”
“Theirs names were Peter and Lisa, both were high school teachers, dad taught English and my mom taught sciences.”
“Ammm they died a little after I came to Lasell. Car accident, a drunk driver hit their car.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
“No problem. Sooooo… You actually need me 4 days?”
“Yes, you will be free on the weekends, I managed to convince my boss to let me work half the day on Fridays. I just need you to be with Jake, help him with the little homework they give him at daycare and make dinner.”
“Make dinner? Well… we may have a problem there, I don’t cook much, but I guess I can learn.”
“Great!” Andy clapped his hands. “Questions?”
“Yes, how much are you going to pay me?”
“Right! Excellent question.” Andy give her a toothy smile and winked at her. “20 bucks an hour.”
“Mr. Barber, you got yourself a nanny.” she extended her hand waiting for his handshake which Andy replied.
“I told you I’m Andy. Just Andy. Now if you excuse me, I will go for Jake to introduce you.”
Andy left and Annie let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. The man was hot, like really hot! Whoever was married to him was a lucky lady. She was deep in her thoughts when Andy came back.
“Annie, this is my son Jake. Jake this is our new friend, Annie.”
Annie looked down to the kid behind Andy’s legs, Jake was a cute little boy, dark hair, pale skin, and very marked bags under his eyes, a little strange in a kid his age.
“Hi Jake, I’m Annie.” Jake looked at her with big eyes while he held his Captain America action figure against his chest. Annie kneeled to be eye level with him. “Do you like Captain America?” the boy smiled and nodded. “I like Loki you know.”
“He is ba’ guy.” Jake said walking towards Annie.
“I know, but superheroes need bad guys to fight with don’t you think?”
“Yes… Loki is good bad guy.”
“Yes, he is a gud ba’ guy.”
Andy was amazed with how good she was, she did nothing and the kid sat with her and showed her his toy. He looked at his watch.
“Damn,” he said under his breath. “Can you stay today? I’ll pay you. I’m already late.”
“Sure Mr. Barber.” Not even looking at him, her whole attention was on Jacob.
“Either you call me Andy or I will fire you.” Andy said while picking his briefcase.
“Andy it is… come on Jake say bye to dad.”
The boy stared at his dad, tears in his eyes and a trembling chin, and hugged his dad.
“Shhhh, Jake we talked about this, I have to go, and you can’t come with me. Annie will play with you ok? Be a good boy, for me.”
“Yes, daddy.” Jacob rubbed his eyes with his sleeve.
Annie carried Jake in her arms to the couch and walked Andy to the door.
“I feel terrible for this.”  Andy commented grabbing his keys.
“Don’t worry Mr… Andy, is normal. He’ll be fine.”
“Ok.” Andy gave a last look to his son sitting on the couch. “Ok… call if you need anything or an emergency, you already have my number.”
“I got this, go.” Andy walked away to his car. “Excuse me, Andy?” He turned and looked at her.  “When is your wife coming home?”
“I don’t have a wife.”
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: none.                      
A/N: I did some research about Lasell University and their programs, and apparently students can study for 5 years in order to graduate with a master’s degree.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1559
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :) 
Annie came back to the living room, where Jake was closing his eyes fighting to sleep.
“How about if we take a nap?”
The boy yawned and nodded, she held him in her arms and went upstairs to Jake’s room. She put him to bed, gave him his stuff animal and Jake yawned.
“Is you a liar?” the boy said rolling to his side.
“A liar?”
“Yes, like daddy.”
“Oh! You mean lawyer. No Jake, I’m a student and for now I’m gonna take care of you. Is that ok with you?”
Jake smiled and closed his eyes, she waited a little just to make sure he was truly sleeping and then headed back to the living room to work in the project.
An hour later Annie had finished her part and send it to Mark. She was about to send a text to his brother when she heard small steps coming for the stairs. He found Jake with sleepy gaze and his pants all wet.
“I’m soddy…”
“It’s ok buddy. Wanna tell me what happened?”
“Da moster wants to take me” Jake yawned
“What?! Oh, no! The monster can’t get you, cuz I’m here and I won’t let him.”
“Daddy is gonna be angy.”
“Of course not Jake, your daddy loves you very much. I will tell him about the monster ok? But for now, you need a bath and a change of sheets.”
Annie bathed Jake and changed the bed sheets. She was about to leave the boy’s room when she saw the picture of a woman with a baby in her arms, a picture she didn’t notice earlier, the dark-haired woman was beautiful and seemed to be so happy holding her baby. She smiled and went to the kitchen to make dinner. They didn’t have much so she just make pasta with marinara sauce and mushrooms. While she cooked Jake was on the floor drawing something. It was 7:10 when the door opened.
“I’m back!” Jake jumped to his feet and ran towards his dad. “Hi, buddy! Did you have fun?”
“Yes, dad. Da moster…”
“Oh God. The monster came back?” Jake nodded. Andy walked to the kitchen with the boy in his arms, then put him on the floor. “Go watch TV, I need to talk to Annie.”
The boy ran, while said: “tell’im bout da moster!” and Andy laughed at his son.
“Did he wet the bed?” Andy said leaning against in the counter.
“Yes, he took a nap, and it happened. I gave him a bath and changed the sheets.”
“I should’ve told you about it. He has trouble sleeping, he crawls to my bed some nights because of the ‘moster’.”
“That explain the bags under his eyes. Don’t worry, is just pee. It happens more often than you think.” Annie smiled at him. “You didn’t have much in the pantry, so… Pasta!”
“Fuck, I have a lot of things to do.” Andy rubbed his temples and then his eyes.
“You know, being a single parent is difficult already, don’t make it worst with that kind of thoughts.” Andy smile at her words. “If you don’t need anything else, I’m gonna take off.”
“Wait. Just a couple of things. While you are here, your friends or boyfriend can’t come to the house. Understood?”
“Of course.”
“And about your payment, do you want me to pay you at the end of the week or per day?”
“Ammm on Thursdays is fine.”
“Perfect, I’ll pay you today and I’ll see you on Monday.”
“At 3.”
Annie took her things, and headed to the door to leave.
“Bye Jake.” she waved at the toddler on the couch.
“Wha? No, stay…pease!” the boy leaned against the back of the couch.
“I’ll be back on Monday, we can play then.”
“You pomise?”
“I promise. Take care of your dad, ok?”
“Good night Andy.”
Andy looked at the girl walking to her car, Pam was right, she was perfect. And she basically told him everything he had found during his research, except for the Disney film, that wasn’t in the report. Andy walked back in, and went to the kitchen, served 2 plates and sat with his son in front of the TV.
“So, buddy, what do you think about Annie?”
“Your fiend is pritty.” a fork full of pasta went to his mouth.
“She is.” the image of her came through his mind.  “But you know, do you like her?”
“She is funny, and pritty and she don’t let da moster taked me.”
“You know, I was thinking that maybe, she can come and play with you while I’m working. Would you like that?”
“Like a mommy?”
“No…” Jake was so little to understand what happened with his mom, and Andy didn’t have the courage to talk to him about it, not yet. “…mommy loved you so much buddy, but Annie is just our friend ok?”
“Yes, fiend.”
Around 7:30 Annie arrived to the apartment she shared with Daniel, her boyfriend. He was in the living room, books on the coffee table and his laptop in front of him, while he typed quickly.
“Hi, love!”
“Hi, dove” Daniel answered without looking at her. “Where were you?”
“I had a job interview.” she sat on the couch next to him.
“Really? Where?”
“Newton, you know as a nanny.”
“Dove, you need to get a real job.”
“It is a real job! He wants me to be there 4 days a week, 4 hours a day.”
“He?” Daniel raised his brow paying attention to her.
“Yes, he. Mr. Barber is a single dad. I will take care of his son Jake.”
“Mr. Barber?”
“Yes, he is a lawyer or something.” she thought a little bit. “ADA!”
“Wait! You are gonna be the nanny of Andrew Stephen Barber?” Now fully paying attention to what her girlfriend was saying.
“Do you know him?”
“Well, not personally, but the news about his promotion were all over the campus. Apparently, he is the youngest ADA Newton has ever had.”
“You know sometimes I just think we go to different schools. Anyways I have to be there at 3 till 7, Monday to Thursday. And I have to learn how to cook cuz I have to make them dinner.”
“Babe that’s not being a nanny, that’s housekeeping.”
“And what’s wrong with that??” Annie stood up and walked to their room. Daniel followed her. “Besides we need the money, I can’t be depending on my brother all the time, he has a family.”
Annie knew Daniel hated when she worked as a nanny cuz he thought it was not a serious job, but for her it was, she liked to take care of kids. She saw this as experience for when she finally became a teacher.
“Dove, you worth more than that, you were born to be more than just a nanny.” He put his hands on her waist pulling her closer. “And I told you once I graduate, I will take care of you, you don’t have to work.” he gave her a peck on the lips.
“I can’t do that, I love my major, and I want to work. I won’t quit my major.”
“Of course not baby, I’m not asking you to do that. I will never do it. I just want you to know that I can provide everything you might need in the future.” She smiled and hugged Daniel. “Did you miss me?
“Yeah, a little.” Annie kiss him slowly.
“I need to finish that paper, but after I’m done I’ll come back to you. Promise.”
Annie was left in the room, sat on the bed and called her brother.
“‘Sup kiddo?”
“Hi, Tom, just came back, guess what? I got a new job as a nanny. You have to see this kid, he is so precious! And ammm the dad is kind of a hunk.”
“Hahahaha, I’m sure Daniel is not around, otherwise you would’ve never said that. Speaking of, how are things going?
“Good, he keeps saying he is gonna take care of me once he graduates, but…”
“You don’t want that.”
“I know he means well, is just that I came so far not to graduate or even tried to get a job as a teacher. I don’t think I can do the trophy girlfriend thing. Also, I’ve been thinking about doing the extra year, so I can have my Master degree.”
“If that’s what you wanna do, I’ll support you. Mom and dad would’ve been proud of you.”
Annie sniffed at the thought of her parents.
“Hey, I didn’t tell you that to make you cry.”
“I know, is just… I miss them.”
“I know, I miss them too. If you decide to take the extra year, just let me know.”
“Do we still have money?”
“Yes, I think mom and dad really thought this trough. And I’m saving the money of the rent of the house, just in case.”
“Thank you, you are the best brother ever. I have to go, I have to research some things.”
“Alright, good luck with the kid. The missus says hello.”
“Tell her I say hi too, and kiss Denisse for me.”
After the call ended, she grabbed her laptop and look for easy recipes to practice during the weekend, hoping she didn’t burn the kitchen in the process.
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