#angel hits v close to home hahaha ._.
inkykeiji · 6 months
thoughts on huskerdust….
they’re cute as romantic partners and/or as best friends! i don’t really care which it is, i’m happy with either. irregardless of whatever label it ends up being, i absolutely love their relationship in canon. i love how husk is able to repeatedly call angel out on his shit in a way that is stern and honest but still mostly respectful. only people who truly, genuinely care about you are willing to do that, and i think it speaks volumes about how husker feels towards angel.
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alaskasmonsters · 3 years
Cat Nap | Kozume Kenma
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on the train ride home from one of Nekoma’s practice games Kenma accidentally falls asleep on your shoulder and...you’re not panicking about it...hahaha no.
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pairing: kozume kenma x fem!reader
w.c: 1.658
warnings: none, just fluff
a.n: i thought the idea was v cute so i wrote it...didn’t turn out quite as cute as i would have liked but it’s...something. Hope you enjoy! :)
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The train ride back was quiet.
You had not expected it any different.
After a year of being the manager of the boy's volleyball club of Nekoma, you'd grown quite accustomed to the atmosphere after the team had a game, practice game or not, it was still the same.
You wouldn't really expect it when you were looking from the outside, the boys' seeming most energetic, even boisterous at times (especially Yamamoto), but after a game...they turned into the most peacefully quiet  group of absolute angels.
After they've been burned off their energy and the adrenaline from the match wore off not even a can of coffee would be able to keep them awake and up.
Speaking of that, most of the boys were already deeply asleep, partly leaning against each other or a window, as they snored quietly. You thought you saw Yaku drooling in his sleep and you smiled at how cute your boys could be.
They were almost endearing like this, especially Yamamoto, who when awake was hard to keep in line, but now he was cuddled up against his bag, looking adorable.
The only people still awake beside yourself, were the coaches and your best friends Kenma and Kuroo.
The former was sitting in the seat next to yours and still playing Zelda on his PSP, while Kuroo was slumped in the seat across from you, leaning heavily on his arm, his tired eyes scanning over the rest of his team mates.
You knew it wouldn't be long until Kuroo was asleep, too, but for some reason, maybe because he thought it was his responsibility as the captain, he would always fall asleep last, after he ensured everyone else was already relaxed.
Kuroo looked content, a little too much like his thoughts had drifted off to his 'old man mental state', which was how you referred to the state he'd be in whenever he was talking about the youth again.
His eyes finally landed on you, drifting off to Kenma automatically and suddenly a smirk made its way onto his face, his eyes gleaming with something you'd never seen before and it scared you a little because what the hell was he thinking now.
You were just about to scold him for staring so creepily and ask him what he was finding so funny when you felt a weight on your left shoulder...one that has not been there before.
You flinched in surprise, head turning to find bleached hair way closer than just a few seconds ago, close enough to tickle your nose if you were to turn your hair a little more. The thought made heat crawl up your face, until you were sure you were just as red as that damn volleyball uniform.
Kenma was so close you could smell his shampoo...apple scent...cute.
The realization that Kenma had fallen asleep (hitting you way too late, but to be fair you had not expected to be attacked like this out of nowhere), head resting on your shoulder and PSP limp in his grip, made your stomach churn with something you couldn’t quite describe.
You didn’t dare move, body frozen up and arms hanging by your side quite unnaturally as you carefully glanced at the blond hair out of the corner of your eye, soft breathing indicating that despite your rapid heartbeat and nervousness Kenma was still deep asleep.
Kuroo chuckled quietly, clearly amused by how shell-shocked you were about Kenma’s sudden proximity. You glared at him, but didn’t think it looked all too intimidating with your cheeks all flushed and your rigid posture.
Truth was...you perhaps harbored some certain feelings for Nekoma’s setter. You’d never acted on them in fear of ruining your friendship, tried to hide them away as best as you could. Kuroo was aware of them of course, he was a little too observant for your liking, but he had pinky promised to not even hint at it around Kenma.
It was already both blessing and curse to spend so much time with Kenma due to you being Nekoma’s manager (something Kuroo, that absolute heathen, had smooth talked you into), but now that Kenma was taking a nap on your shoulder...dammit you would never get over your little crush now, would you? Not when the little butterflies in your stomach were going absolute crazy over how sweet his hair smelled like and how calm and relaxed he was while leaning against you.
You were doomed.
But thinking about it, having Kenma, an introverted gamer boy as a maybe future boyfriend was too good of a dream to ever let go off anyway.
You let out a silent sigh in defeat and tried relaxing a little with the weight pressing against your side, sinking lower into the leather of the seat to make yourself and Kenma more comfortable. Out of the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of Kenma’s PSP’s screen, with his avatar standing in the middle of a field. Knowing Kenma he’d be upset if he woke up later and realized his game hadn’t been saved, so you quickly reached over, careful to not disturb the boy and pressed the combination of buttons that would save his current progress before shutting the PSP off.
You listened for a second, making sure Kenma’s breathing was still relaxed before letting yourself sink back into your seat. You tried to ignore Kuroo’s amused eyes on you...and the phone camera he was currently pointing at you.
When you sent him a disapproving glare he mouthed “For the wedding card.” to you and that is when you decided to give up faith completely that that heathen would ever stop teasing you about your crush on Kenma.
The rest of the train ride was surprisingly short, you spent it with your head leaned against the window (as you grew quite exhausted, too) thoughts about the blond swirling through your mind constantly, Kenma’s weight against you a constant reminder of your proximity.
When it was time to get off the coaches and Kuroo took it upon themselves to help wake up the boys one by one, leaving you to deal with Kenma...which made sense since he was sleeping ON you, but how could they expect you to have the strength to withstand the warmth of his body and the smell of his hair…You were weak.
Kuroo raised an eyebrow at you when he saw your hand helplessly hanging in between you and Kenma, silently judging you for a moment before he took the “waking up” upon himself.
“Hey, Kenma. Get up, we’re getting off at the next station!”
You glared at the captain for being so rude but quickly froze up again when you felt Kenma shift against your shoulder. A quiet grumble was heard before the boy slowly straightened up, blinking against the light before he started glancing around, looking a little disoriented.
His eyes fell on you almost immediately and he looked a little taken aback by your close proximity, lowering his head. You saw him slowly piece together what had happened and recognized a certain look of clarity when he seemed to realize he must have fallen asleep against you.
“Oh,” he mumbled quietly, his cheeks a light pink, “Sorry.”
You smiled at him, feeling very awkward, but tried your best to hide it.
“Oh…it’s fine. Uhm, i saved your game...just so you eh know.”
He looked confused for a moment, rubbing his eyes and looking down at the turned off console in his hands, before he seemed to catch up to what you were saying.
Kenma wasn’t usually very approachable after he’d taken a nap…
“Oh,” he mumbled again, and your smile widened a little at how adorable he was, “Thank you.”
You hummed softly in reply, turning to grab your stuff as the train slowly came to a halt and it was time to get off and head back towards school. The coaches signaled for everyone to gather together and you followed. Kenma joined you at the door, yawning as the team started exiting the train compartment slowly, shoulders slumped from tiredness.
Kuroo appeared next to the two of you with a wide grin, creepily energetic for not having slept at all during the time you were stuck in the train.
He gave you a wink, a wide grin spreading on his face as he turned towards Kenma, with a teasing glint in his eyes. You were already fearing the worst but were too late to stop him from opening his mouth and saying the words he’d already prepared.
“How did you sleep, Kenma? Were you comfortable, huh?”
You already opened your mouth to tell Kuroo to shut up already, but Kenma was faster.
“Yeah, I was. I slept well.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks again, staring at the side of Kenma’s face that was hidden by his hair, glad he wasn’t looking at you at the moment.
Kuroo hummed looking very satisfied with himself before shifting his attention toward the road ahead.
You tried to calm yourself down, hands fidgeting, as you glanced at Kenma from time to time, not expecting to have him staring back at you suddenly. You flinched a little in surprise but Kenma only smiled faintly at your reaction, looking just slightly awkward as he considered what to say...because he looked like he meant to say something.
“I meant it...i was very comfortable.”
Your brain scratched to a halt and a surprised squeal left your lips, one that had you clasping your mouth in embarrassment the very next second. Kenma didn’t look quite as put off by your reaction as you would have expected. He held your gaze for a moment longer, still smiling, before he turned toward the rest of the group again, leaving you with whirling thoughts and a racing heart in your chest behind.
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Taglist: @crystal-lilac​  @duf3h6237​  @hufflefluffslytherin   @chucky-26o1  @crapimahuman​
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Hey Leo first off sorry I just came at you with that question like that lol I really love your book and the characters might be one of my favorites. Okay sorry for the same day questions but Since I found out you love Dmc (and you are my favorite now btw) what would the Ro's weapons (and or abilities if you wanna get creative) be if they were in that universe as devil hunters like Lady or Trish. I wanted to ask a question I hope you would get really into have a great day Leo!
No problem! Ask as many questions as you want. I apologize if I don’t get to them right away though. It makes me happy to know you enjoy my work and that I’ve become a favorite for someone haha. Your question is really interesting, and it’s unfortunate that I probably won’t be able to come up with iconic weapons like the ones provided in Devil May Cry haha. I think I can get into this one though, let me see if I can be kinda creative with it. For the sake of it, let’s say all of the characters are playable in an upcoming game...Triaina Might Weep. I’m a complete nerd, so forgive me haha. I’ll try to list stuff the same for each. Also some of these ideas are things I’ve already come up with...for future use, so yeah haha.
- Playstyle: A fast-paced acrobat, using punches and kicks paired with momentum-keeping spins.
- Weapon: Retracer, a pair of gloves and shoes that create tangible afterimages of whatever E does, multiplying the amount of hits they do.
- Restep (within the same vein as Dante’s Styles): E can selectively choose the creation of their afterimage, either using them as multi hit, attacking multiple enemies, or shadow-boxing from range.
- Five Step Sibling (within the same vein as Virgil’s Judgement Cut or Dante’s Sin Devil Trigger. An ultimate attack per se): E pushes Retracer to its limits in creating five doppelgangers whom act independently as each one flashes in and out of the battlefield before simultaneously colliding on the strongest enemy.
- Playstyle: An unorthodox playstyle that relies heavily on small chances for incredible damage.
- Weapon: Ace, a deck of demonic cards that act as a conduit and feeds on R’s overwhelming luck. They hold a mind of their own and can be used either as a defensive wall, offensive ranged weapon, or incapacitating net.
- Draw: R’s cards are always facing away from them. He can select four cards at random, the effects of which are dependent on the outcome. If none of the cards are above Ten, R regains health and power. If some cards are suits, does a small explosion for small damage. If all cards are suits, does a large series of explosions around them. If R draws four aces, causes the other 48 cards to home in on enemies and explode.
- Luck of the Draw: Only usable if R draws four aces. They toss out the last four cards they hold in the direction of the toughest enemy, causing an attack that kills them instantly, no matter the amount of health.
- Playstyle: A counter playstyle that relies on knowing the enemy’s attack and reacting to it.
- Weapon: Omniscient Guide, a book holding forbidden knowledge that allows them to build up power equivalent to the amount of times they counter and evade.
- Premonition: L can tap into the power of the forbidden scripture to summon floating eyes which see and convey the movements of all enemies around them five seconds in advance.
- I Know Your Every Move: After L counters/evades enough attacks in succession the forbidden book will grant L power, allowing them to take the offensive with high-damage sweeping lasers while automatically evading any attack that comes their way.
- Playstyle: A duel wielding playstyle focusing on fast suppression and quick elimination.
- Weapon: Silvy and Gold. Silvy is an angelic silver pistol with the ability to summon firearms they’ve claimed in their various battles. Gold is a sacrificial golden knife that feeds on emotion for power.
- Battlefield Tactician: V can switch between a ranged gunner playstyle using Silvy and their various summoned firearms, to a close ranged fighting style using Gold and their various powers.
- All That Glitters...: After enough kills, V will enter Apathy Mode. In this mode, they will do more damage with Silvy and less damage with Gold, however using Gold will activate ‘All That Glitters...’ and V will immediately exit Apathy Mode as they summon various large-scale bombs before setting them off with a barrage of bullets from two Silvys.
- Playstyle: A slow, powerful, bruiser playstyle whose damage increases as their health decreases.
- Weapon: Abaddon, a demonic chain that wraps itself around P’s arms and is used primarily in a sweeping, whip-like attack. The chain is wreathed in flames and curses the wielder with insatiable rage.
- Rage: When P takes damage or inflicts damage, they receive points into their Rage. The more Rage they have, the stronger their attacks and the longer their chains get as the fire burns stronger.
- See You In Hell!: When P’s Rage reaches Max, they’ll have access to this ability, which causes a large area of ground in front of them to set aflame as various giant chains wrap around each enemy and pull them towards the ground before setting a chain reaction of explosions. After the ability, P will lose all rage.
- Playstyle: A slow, disabling playstyle who relies on incapacitating an enemy first before killing them.
- Weapon: Niflheim, a translucent scythe permeating a chilling icy mist. The scythe grants its wielder power in exchange for darkened souls.
- Encroachment: M has the passive effect of chilling mist surrounding them and slowing down nearby enemies. The more darkened souls they reap, the larger this field becomes and the stronger the effect is.
- A Cold Sleep For All. M extends the reach of their Encroachment effect to its limit, slowing all enemies in sight before delivering a rending circular cut with Neflheim, dealing an incredible amount of damage. If the souls reaped from this ability, exceeds a specific amount, M will extend the attack with a snap of their fingers, killing the enemies hit and allowing the use of this ability one more time.
- Playstyle: A stealth-oriented close combat playstyle that relies on disabling and striking the enemy from blindspot.
- Weapon: Bloodletter, a demonic pair of knives connected by a thin wire. Drinking the blood of the strong allows them to grow stronger.
- Sadistic Mercy. Raven cannot outright kill their enemies, instead putting otherwise dead enemies into Fear of Death state. The more enemies within this state, the more damage and speed Raven gets. Raven can execute an individual in Fear of Death state with a secondary input, allowing bloodletter to feed.
- The Bell Tolls For Thee. When enough enemies are put into Fear of Death state, a frenzied Raven will cut themselves with Bloodletter. A distant bell will sound, signaling the despair of all enemies as a shadow falls across each enemy in Fear of Death state, executing everyone simultaneously.
- Playstyle: A speed-based playstyle that focuses on jumping in and out of combat.
- Weapon: Sand, an humanoid angelic spirit embodying the forces of the desert. Forming a pact with this spirit, S can summon objects from sand as well as fight side by side on equal footing with them.
- Dynamic Duo: Whenever S and Sand do a combination attack, S gains points into this meter. S can use this meter to summon various objects, command Sand, or instantaneously switch places with their partner.
- Full Throttle Overkill: When S fill up their Dynamic Duo meter, they will have access to this ability. S summons Sand, who takes on the form of an angelic motorcycle. Using insane speed, the two flash through the battlefield several times before driving in a circle, creating a large tornado of sand that cuts up anything caught within.
- Playstyle: A methodical playstyle reliant on clever traps and ranged attacks.
- Weapon: Eden, a demonic bow made of twisted wood from the Forbidden Tree. Has the power to bring to fruition nature and life, and in exchange curses its wielder with the preternatural insight of their own death. Despite this, F has found ways to cheat death using this forbidden insight, a feat which the bow revels in.
- So Predictable: F gains points in this meter whenever they successfully hit an enemy with a trap. They can spend points to create larger traps and stronger attacks using Eden. 
- Predestined Death: When F gains enough points in their meter, they will enter Conniving mode for a short period. While in this mode, any damage taken by F will instead transfer to the attacker. If damage reflected exceeds a specific threshold, F’s conniving mind will find a way to cheat their death yet again, instead using the power of Eden to transfer their misfortune onto another.
This was a lot of fun to create, although it took some time. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I did cuz I’m a hardcore nerd. I’m honestly kinda thinking of expanding on it somehow hahaha. Thank you for the fun ask :) and have a great day yourself!
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kookiebluey · 6 years
Wlog for the BTS London concert on the 10th💓
Just so I don't forget, I’d like to write down how I felt b4, during and after the BTS concert on the 10th💜
 I remember it wasn't a chill day at all, and I went to tutorials and lectures in the first half of the day. Can't say that I'm extremely excited cuz I was never really hyped for anything. It's not because I didn't like BTS enough, it's the fear of expecting too much and end up getting disappointed somehow. Well, I guess I was wrong and I could have looked forward to it even more xd
 I went back home after the computational lecture ended, then packed up my stuff (which was partly packed the nite b4) as quickly as I could. When I thought everything was settled, I realised that my parcel has arrived and I haven't printed my ticket yet. Everything was done in a hurry, and I left home at 2:05 for a 2:15 train.
 On the train, I was still kinda calm and had a look thru my notes from class. Then I spent the rest of the time sleeping and imaging how would I feel when I actually meet them at the concert. Would it feel like how it was in my dream? Or would it be something completely different?
 I arrived at London and google mapped how should I get to O2 arena cuz hahah I had no idea. Everything went by smoothly and I even managed to follow someone with a "jungkook 98" shirt when I sort of got lost hahaha.
 I took pictures of boards that were at the station and made a call to see where Joey is. Joey was already queuing. Lol up till this point, I kinda hoped that I've vlog-ed this. Its gonna be so much fun going back and rewatching everything. Anyways, Joey introduced me to her friends and we went on talking about what we could do inside. She prepared everything for me - like the lightstick, batteries, telling me they wouldn't really go thru my stuff hence its ok if I had a lot of stuff with me lolz
 We finally got in and we went up to get some drinks (which I didn't). I said bye to Joey (cuz we sit in different areas) and went to the toilet to change into a black T-shirt I got from Korea (haha I know its an unnecessary fact).
 Then, finally, I entered the arena and managed to find my seat. Sadly, on my seat, there's this girl that wanted to sit with her fd and would trade for a seat that's much further away from the stage (honestly wtf). I insisted that I'd like to keep my seat and eventually she gave in.
 I then had conversations with her fd (ie the person next to me now) and she went on about how she coped with their concert yesterday at the pit. She seemed to be a really old fan and had went to a lot of the functions in the past. I don't entirely agree but I said nothing hahah (I mean whats the point in arguing - its not like Im gonna see her after this).
 The fans were really hyped and they sang fanchants in every MV that came up at the arena. Love to see how the staffs' expressions are hahah - they'd be like wtf BTS is not even here what are u guys on about? Hahah bro I feel u I felt the exact same thing xd
 Finally it hit 8pm and the concert is about to start. They came out after a series of promo vids and after a marvellous stage arrangement. It was really hyped and it really lits up your mood. Just imagine someone really calm like me (ie calm during clubbings and all) getting really hyped and stuff hahah~
 I was really worried that I could bearly see Jungkook cuz he got injured and might stay at the main stage. BUTTT he actually brought his chair to the extended stage and sat at my side of the stage!!! Don't get me wrong, but I might have saw him better just cuz he was sitting the whole time xd
 It's that feeling when something that's on ur screen, on your wall or even in ur dreams (but is somehow non existing in ur life) suddenly was in front of you. I guess I was just 20 steps away from them if there were a platform from my seat to the extended stage. It was so close and you could see their facial expression so clearly. Even tho I couldn't make a heart or anything (cuz its embarrassing), or even get eye contacts, its still like a dream come true.
 I could see their little interactions right in front of my eyes, and hear their voices live. All of the members did a magnificent job and I honestly fell in love with every one of their performances. If I did said anything about having a bias and all, its really nothing like that anymore. I like every member and they are all so good looking (omg Jin is sosososososososo handsome I cannot).
 Standing for a total of 2 hours but it felt like 15 mins. Every song sounded so much more better live, and seeing them dancing so so close to you. It's a moment when you feel they are actual human beings - not cartoon, not animations.
 Jimin's performance actually did hit me - he was so attractive omg!! He also so cute when he looked around to try to interact with any fans that tries to catch his attention!
Jhope, Suga and Rapmon's performances were so lit!! Even tho they were never my favourite, they look so much more better in person!
Jungkook got injuried, so he sat down on a chair the whole time. But his voice was so angelic - and hahah I caught that moment when he forgot to sing a line - cuteeee. His interaction with his hyungs were also adorable - I love how they involved him even tho he couldn't dance, and he also tried to join in the dance even on the chair xdd - the thing is, he is a little conserved and he do not have actual interaction with any of the fans - but that's him and it isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. (btw JK look exactly like in photos and videos and thank god he decided to sit at my side of the stage on the day of my concert)
Jin, as what I've said, is so attractive omg!! He is THE VISUAL - no doubt  - he is stunning in person!!
V has his own charm as usual. He also looks exactly the same in phots and vids - and I caught the cute moment when he smiled at JK and start dancing his part hahah he also got "shot" by a fan's heart (I believe) and pretended that he got shot on stage - hahahah so freakin cute
 They all had really natural expressions during performances - and you couldn't imagine how could a person look so good in any angle and at any moment - its almost like calculated moves - and they are photogenic at every point of their performances -
What I had to do is to pick out moments that my camera didn't went out of focus or pointing at a wrong angle - they look fab in every single moment - no joke
 Ok so the conclusion is I was totally enjoying every moment and did not felt bored at any point of the concert - like not even slightly
I only wish time went by slower cuz I couldn't grasp all the moments that I'd like to record on my phone or to be aware of
 So I could tell Jungkook was a bit depressed in general but at least he didn't cry like how he did in the last concert - I really feel bad for him and thank god he didn't perform - I have a feeling I'm gonna be even more depressed cuz I'll miss his performance the most hahah
 Anyways then the concert ended and I asked every possible person to send me their vids. But honestly the ending was so sad. I actually felt like crying, but I didn't cuz I stopped myself from anticipating the concert too much in the first place, and therefore the contrast wasn't as great.
 Joey was really really depressed and I totally get it. Never thought you'd feel so at lost after you went to a concert you love. Its that feeling that "yeah they're right in front of you but now we had to take that back". Its really hopeless and you suddenly realised they are really superstars.
Its not like I wasn't aware of that fact that they are actual stars, but this reality hit you really hard when youre in a concert. There were so many armys and they wouldn't even know that you've existed. Its sad that they were so close and now you've understood that they are not your fds (even tho they seem like it in vids) but actual stars that are so out of reach. The contrast of being so hyped then falling back down to the bottom of the valley (hhaha its so different to the feeling of riding a roller coaster when going down is the best part).
 I love you BTS❤ even tho you'd never know our existence. They are truly remarkable and loved by so many.
 So moving on from this sad topic (XD), I met joey on the next day and convinced her to take a pic of me at an enormous wall with a print of BTS poster. I was kinda shy and couldn't really take a good pic until after a couple shots. We then had flat iron and it was a great restaurant - would really want to go again! We then attempt to take pretentious shots (which joey succeeded, and I hahah obviously failed) and had desserts. We then left to catch the train - but Joey lost her Oyster card:( She said something weird would always happen when shes with me ahahha I wonder why xd
 Yah so this was my marvellous bday gift - cant explain everything in short sentences, but I was so submerged into bts music right after the concert. You could literally think of nothing, do nothing, but listen to their music and rewatch the videos. I really want to keep the solid memory of the experience I've had at the concert - and pls don't forget it!!
 PS I really owe joey a lot cuz she persuaded and helped me to get the ticket. She got a JK fan for me, knowing I'll regret for sure! She knew me too well and at some point in life we do have to live like a teenager when we are teenagers rt? xd
Add-on: OMG so V went to flat iron too - honestly, how could they just walk into a restaurant w/o getting a room or anything, literally, just a table in which anyone could have sat on and anyone could have bumped into them. Sadly he didn’t go to the restaurant I went nor the time I went (I believe) but still happy cuz we had the same food ahahaha
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