angeloncewas · 1 year
My DM gave us 3 options and one of them was a dream sequence where we face our demons and you know my fearful symmetry loving self jumped on that right away so anyway my character got turned into a lizard
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angeloncewas · 2 years
New campaign (playing in) means new character (hype) means I've discovered my southern accent is atrocious (it was a test)
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angeloncewas · 2 years
Satisfaction is getting to write "canonically hot" on my character sheet (my friend rolled for it)
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angeloncewas · 2 years
My character is psychic and my closest friend is an oracle (there's a whole story there; I worked as an adult pretending to be oracular with my powers and my stolen knowledge from them while they ended up working amongst criminals because no one believed their apocalyptic prophecies) and part of their power is having a warded mind. Because I've been getting stronger down a mental path while they've been going down a physical path (and because something big was happening) our DM let me try to read their mind today. I have advantage (part of my skillset) and +5; they had a +0. They rolled an 11, I'm feeling good, and then I fucking rolled TWO NAT ONES. Brutal.
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angeloncewas · 2 years
I'm going to talk about my character okay so we're not technically playing D&D it's a homebrew system that our GM is trying to fully invent and we're basically beta-testers so I won't be specific so as to not spoil his work but my character is a veteran who has the eyes of the old gods on him and he believes their hatred will never turn on him because he survived so much with people telling him he'd eventually fall out of their favor but it's been many many years through which he's been using the powers they granted him without that happening (and this is reflected mechanically) my favorite trait of his is that he wakes up when danger is nearby so we have a running joke about how everyone else sleeps on edge due to stress but he's so sure of himself and his god-granted power that in the midst of a super tense situation he's just sprawled out
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angeloncewas · 2 years
Also new character so basically the larger party (including NPCs) decided whether they wanted to continue on our perilous journey or if they wanted to turn back and reconvene. The vote ended up perfectly 50/50 so instead of coming to a decision a fight broke out and loads of people died; mostly those who had voted to leave. Only two of them survived and while they were NPCs at the time me and my friend (whose PC also died last session) are playing those two and navigating their social positions as allies with each other and disgraced from the group. I'm nervous about trying to put forward different mannerisms because I'm not exactly an actor and also I rolled awful for my characters stats BUT it's been fun
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angeloncewas · 2 years
My first ever ttrpg character died last session btw but he went out in a blaze of glory it was very cool and my next character is going to be of a duo with the character of the other person who had their first dude killed
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angeloncewas · 2 years
Had a BRUTAL session of our 23 people our scout/note-taker QUIT (in-game, she had an ability that allowed her to escape) and only 11 others survived (including me !!)
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