#anime watchers…begging u to read the manga. pls
marimbles · 5 months
I’m afraid I’m too much for you. I am too loud and too wild and too foolish to suit someone like you. I have too many feelings and I wear them all on my sleeve. They’re all for you but I don’t know if you want them. I might drown us both in a tide I can’t hold back.
I’m afraid I’m not enough for you. I am too blunt and too dry and too passive to suit someone like you. I don’t know what to do with these feelings so I hide them in my pocket. I can’t give them to you but they’re all yours anyway. I might starve us both on a meager plate I don’t know how to fill.
So let’s bring together our too-muchness and our not-enoughness and be perfect together. We will learn to swim instead of drowning and make a meal of every crumb. We’ll clothe ourselves in love—puffy sleeves and heavy pockets—and it will suit us well. The fear will taste different, because we’ll know that it was love all along.
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