aniol07 · 4 months
Today i am grateful for music , vanilla scent , and snow!!
Today i miss being able to sleep good
Tomorrow i hope i do my homework
Right now i am getting raedy to go get my dad hsi bday presents!
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aniol07 · 4 months
Today i am grateful for feelin sleepy , my fidget cube , and cute animals !
Today i miss my old stuffed animal toby.
Tomorrow i hope the 49ers win the super bowl and that i eat good food !!
Right now i am listening to of Montreal, and looking thru pinterest :3
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aniol07 · 4 months
Today i am grateful for my jamas , quesadillas , and sleeping.
Today i miss my old haircut 3;
Tomorrow i hope i can finish my health project during class!
Right now i am telling silly jokes with my partner and eating dinner
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aniol07 · 4 months
Today i am grateful for my partner , stars , and how everyone feels emotions different.
Today i miss going to church every sunday.
Tomorrow i hope i get a good grade in english!
Right now i am sitting with my stuffed animals , listening to music , and just unwinding. Its been a hard day, but tomorrow will be better :3
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aniol07 · 4 months
Today i am grateful for Zooey Deschanel , paper stars , and nice teachers.
Today i miss bubble baths with bath crayons and fun toys.
Tomorrow i hope i can do any of my missing work or home work.
Right now i am reading old books from when i was little!
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aniol07 · 5 months
Today i am grateful for my slime , red velvet ice cream , and ocean scented things!!
Today i miss my friend who i can barely talk to.
Tomorrow i hope i can figure things out with myself.
Right now im playing with my slime and watching hivemind!! i love you riley🩵
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aniol07 · 5 months
Today i am grateful for the movie "i believe in unicorns" , alex g , and my bsf, clem!!
Today i miss how it felt to be at my worst.
Tomorrow i hope i can feel a little bit better.
Right now i am snuggling w my kitties n listening to music :3
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aniol07 · 5 months
Today i am grateful for snow , sad music , and chocolate chips!
Today i miss my baby blanket and my old dogs.
Tomorrow i hope we get another snow day!!
Right now i am trying to fall asleep but i cant cuz i have a migraine so im posting on tumblr...
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aniol07 · 5 months
Today i am grateful for cute animals , hot coco , the perks of being a wallflower , and sadness.
Today i miss how close i used to be to my mommy and my cats.
Tomorrow i hope we have school off!!
Right now i am playing with my calico critters 🐾🐾
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aniol07 · 5 months
Today i am grateful for legos , the new year , and heart shaped chocolate.
Today i miss seeing my friends at school.
Tommorrow i hope i can decide on a name for my stuffed animal.
Right now i am doing bug legos :3
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aniol07 · 7 months
Today I am grateful for yesterday , for my new friends , and for sleeping well.
Today I miss my old dogs.
Tomorrow I hope I can beat my cousin in the roll eating contest LOL
Right now I am waiting for minecraft to download so I can play!
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aniol07 · 8 months
Today I am grateful for my kitties , my stuffed animal , and sandwiches.
Today I miss my grandmas old house.
Tomorrow I hope my AP euro test goes well and that I wont cry in school.
Right now I am watching Mysterious Skin and crying so much...
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