#anjali immediately wingmanning the crush?
leatherluxe · 1 year
I LOVE Aabria playing a 16 year old girl. she’s incredibly powerful. she’s rotting. she has a crush on Deli. she has a million secrets. what teenage girl doesn’t? she wants to murder the bishop in cold blood. 
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Ravening War Reactions Ep. 2!
Here we goooooo (said like Peter Pan)
Every time I remember that Colin has 6 charisma I giggle a little bit
Lou mentioned something to do with Scottish history and Brennan immediately went to Thinking Face (tm) and this is part of why I’m so excited that they’re in the same camera shot this season
Commendable 🥲
Anjali has Strong lettuce opinions and honestly? I respect it.
“Trust is bad” seems to be the motto of the season so far
No one wants to trust that sneaky little radish. Unfortunately the dice deem they must.
Raphaniel has major dirt on Allium, noted.
God the name being the FDA is so fucking good.
Raphaniel has a cork board covered in red yarn and you cannot convince me otherwise
I know he’s being sneaky and suspicious etc but I’m happy that the bishop is taking care of Karna
Come on provolone! Little cheese knight!
Ooh my girl’s got demons!
“A chess piece… or at least the head of one” TERRIFYING THANKS BABE
He’s a hero. Vegetania doesn’t need heroes.
I wanna know where he goes when he thinks too tbh
Bulbian religion is fascinating to me
Colin who are you I desperately want to know
Oh she’s just murdering them okie dokie
OH that’s straight up self mutilation. Ok. Okokok.
He sneakyyyy
Raphaniel shut up they are onto you I don’t care how well Brennan rolls
Colin Provolone: big abstinence guy?
Boy what are you t a l k i n g a b o u t
“I feel bonded” “Well good luck with that” babe WHAT
Ohohohoh I do not like that language. That is fucking creepy. Nope.
A language we haven’t heard her speak before but very carefully not specifying what language it is
Amangeaux child???
Oh god that’s gonna kill me
Colin is good at his job. He IS.
Tiny chili pepper crush aaaaaaaaa
Colin <3
Making enemies: one way to know you’re on the right path!
Brennan is too good at bullshitting proverbs
Is he actually cool or is he another Johnny Spells
Raphaniel you are talking about this too knowledgeably for a man of your station. Take it down a notch.
He has Plans. He’s good at his Job.
Bishop kinda wingmanning for Karna?
Bishop stay away from the cheese man I need him to be ok
Ooooh board games :D
NoT mUcH oF a SeCrEtS gUy yeah right ok sure bb
Karna dreamily asking about Deli’s murderous past & Raphaniel getting overwhelmed by the horny energy
Amangeaux surrogate mothering for Karna is giving me emotions
Karna! My love my light! Whatcha doin honey!
Mans kicked off a world war but he’s the guy with the hat.
Something they had in common 🥲
She can do magic but everyone needs to be so chill about it. No one say anything ok. She’s fine.
This feels like a little more than baseline trust tbh
What does a frazzled tomato look like
Oh Matt’s gory description skills are on point
Karnaaaaaa I know it’s your job but that is a child.
On the one hand I am very happy for her and glad she’s doing well for herself. On the other. Tiny child has been found out and reported.
Preview reactions:
God Aabria’s makeup fucks so hard
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