#anjeka de lafitte
ceresoktavia · 2 years
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Wandering around the ruins of Ebonhawke always had something unrealistic to Bengar.
The Fortress City had been abandoned several hundred years by now, but to him the legions besieging it felt like yesterday. Then again, time seemed to move exceedingly fast, especially after having lived as long as he did.
By now, every person he came to now died in what felt like the blink of an eye, despite him being there when they were born. An odd feeling and one he had grown accustomed to. The only long term friendship he now had was with Aurene. But the elder dragon liked to keep to herself and focus on her duty as living, breathing magic filter.
A fate Bengar wished upon no one.
He kept checking in on her every now and then, always making sure to ask her how she was feeling. Last thing he wanted was for her to end like the former six elder dragons, corrupted and in Soo-Won’s case consumed by Void Energy.
Wandering on, he dragged his claws along one of the few remaining sturdy walls.
He hated this time of the year.
When he was painfully reminded that he was not entirely charr, where he couldn’t pretend to just be cursed with a long life.
It had gotten worse ever since demon overlords had started to turn their attention to Tyria, and therefore to the homelands of his people.
Something about the frequent contact with demons and other magic based creatures had called out to the demonic side of him, awakening and empowering parts he would have preferred to stay dormant.
Aimlessly wandering through the ruins barely helped to calm his agitated mind.
At least he was alone in here, not even the souls of the dead seemed to frequent this place anymore. He preferred it this way.
Last time someone had caught him while the demonic part of him had turned him into a slave of his carnal urges wasn’t pretty. The thought alone still mortified him.
Carefully ascending the stairs up to the former cemetery, he mused if this was the result of him refusing to sire cubs.
It wasn’t like he lived a celibate life, but he had always taken precautions. Downing herbs, potions and everything that could prevent him from somehow being fertile enough to reproduce.
After the shitshow that was the blood imperator trying to enslave Jormag had forced him out of hiding, many females had shown more than interest in him. And they all were disappointed to the core when they found out it hadn’t worked and they weren’t going around with a little titan slayer of their own.
Sitting down between the crumbling gravestones, he looked up at the sky.
Surely he would need to take care of … it … soon.
Last time he had neglected the urge for too long, he had torn an ogre apart with his bare hands without transforming first.
He squinted as he saw a shadowy swirl in the sky. At first he thought it was just a very large bird, but the swirl remained until something fell out, crushing into the grounds.
Bengar instantly jumped to his feet and sprinted down the slippery stone stairs.
The impact site was within the walls of Ebonhawke, he had seen that much.
Running across the large, empty streets, he wondered what that had been. The swirl was gone, but whatever it was that had fallen out hadn’t given off a single sound, or had started to make any moves.
Almost falling over when he reached a crumbling house with a now destroyed roof, he did his best to strain his hearing while catching his breath.
Not even a groan of pain.
He tried to open the door, but something blocked it and it didn’t even budge in the slightest. An agitated growl on his lips, he simply threw himself against the door several times until it gave in.
The light inside made it hard to see at first, but he quickly adjusted and saw what had fallen out of the swirl like portal.
A humanoid woman with red hair, brown horns framing her forehead and large, feathery wings on her hips.
She wasn’t moving and looked like she had taken a severe beating.
The armor she was wearing showed deep cuts and the dents in it spoke of years of usage.
Tiptoeing closer, he watched the obviously demonic woman carefully. Yet she was completely out cold. Something about her had the demonic part of him rattling on the cage he kept it in.
Oddly enough, she fascinated him. Way more than most charr females had ever managed to.
Bengar snorted and shook his head.
They had always complained about him being some sort of pervert. Evidently they had been right without knowing.
Carefully checking for a pulse, he allowed himself to take a closer look while doing so.
This demoness wasn’t that tall compared to other demons he had met, but her features were pleasing, even to him. And he didn’t even liked humanoid creatures in the aesthetic sense to begin with.
The pulse was there, but weak.
He sat down next to her and dragged a hand over his face. She had to be a succubus, at least that was the explanation he had for him actually feeling drawn towards her.
Pondering what to do for several minutes, he more and more had to actively fight his demonic side. Much to his horror, the demon side gathered strength from the mere presence of a succubus. Or was it about being THAT time?
Didn’t matter, he had to do something.
A bitter grimace on his face, he picked the unconscious demoness up and carried her to his hideout.
Having brought her to a place that wasn’t in the risk of collapsing in on them any second, he took time to inspect her for injuries. Aside from an easily treatable stabbing wound on her side, he found none.
Once he was done, he grabbed a chair and sat down across the room, keeping a watchful eye on her.
Despite the fact that a humanoid creature was just lying in his hideout, in his bed, he didn’t felt bothered. Others had bothered him way harder. And they had been of his own race and had freely joined him.
He stemmed a hand against his chin.
“What should I do with you?”
Nobody needed to remind him of what his demonic side wanted him to do with her.
He patiently kept watching her, only leaving his position to get something to drink or take care of other urges. Every time he returned, he checked her pulse before he sat back down to watch her like a hawk.
Almost dozing off a couple of times, he tried not to think too hard about actually resolving this situation once she would wake up. Actually dreading to have to resolve it.
Watching on for hours, he wondered at some point if she would ever wake up. A thought that had him growl to himself.
Just as he was about to doze off yet again, he heard the ever first sound from her.
It was just a pained groan, but it was a sound.
His ears twitched as he looked up, but she didn’t move. Grimacing, Bengar got up and started to pace around.
The whole situation was driving him insane.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a weak, hoarse voice behind himself.
“Who are you?”
Turning back, he somehow expected to find the picture of the succubus having risen up to gracefully display why they were demons of lust and desire. Instead he saw her still lying there, eyes barely open and hands carefully checking his wound treatment while looking up at him.
Light reflections gave off the illusion of dancing flames in eyes as red as blood.
Bengar swallowed hard. This was far worse than a graceful demoness trying to be seductive. It was a display of weakness, and to some degree of trust. The last thing he had expected.
“I’m …” He cleared his throat. “… I’m Bengar Dustclaw. And you are?”
“Anjeka … Anjeka de Lafitte.”
The massive white charr stared at her like she was the most baffling thing he had ever seen in his life. “The heir of this matriarchal cubi hive? The daughter of Grand Mistress Mythal?”
“Oh fuck my life …” Anjeka turned her eyes away from Bengar and instead stared at the ceiling. “ … of course the mother effing Titan Slayer did his homework.”
“Wait, what? You know who I am?” Confusion written all over his features, he stepped closer, weighing the pros and cons on sitting down next to her in his head.
“Of course I do.” She looked back at him, actually smirking. “Demonic charr aren’t something you encounter in the wild, you know?”
“Right … right …” Shaking his head, he sat down on the ground next to the bed. “Forgot that I’m unique among my people.”
“Well that and your looks are a big giveaway as well.” What should have been a snort turned into a pained groan as Anjeka quickly curled up into herself and purposefully away from Bengar.
As quickly as she had curled up, Bengar jumped up. “Wha … are you alright? Did I miss any injuries?”
The weak chuckle she answered with utterly confused him. Uncurling, she carefully sat up while hissing. Sweat was visibly gathering on the parts of her skin he could see.
“Ah … so that’s why a somewhat human looking female is having this effect on me …” Bengar started pacing around once again. “Of course … now Aurene’s smug comment makes sense …”
“You know the prismatic elder dragon?”
“I …” He stopped pacing, running his claws through his hair instead. “ … yes I guess I do. Was friends with a comrade of her champion.”
“You mean the one with Sohothin … Brimmstone was his name if I recall right.” Anjeka grinned, but her grin was quickly replaced by a grimace of pain. Once again curling up, she clenched her jaws to not scream out.
Instantly dropping down in front of her, Bengar conjured a light, cold breeze in between his hands and held them to her sides. “Smalltalk is fine and all … but you’re not really on terms to have lengthy chats up front right now.”
“I know.” Looking up again, Anjeka blinked a few times in confusion. Being on eye level with the big, white charr, she managed to actually see his eyes properly. “But this is … “
“… awkward? Mortifying?”
“And much more.”
Bengar sighed, then showed an uneasy smirk. “You know, this is actually pretty terrifying for me.”
“I could make it easier on you.” Anjeka’s features changed right before his eyes, shifting, adjusting until he was looking at a female charr with ginger fur. “If that helps … cause to be perfectly honest, I don’t feel like begging …”
Bengar laughed and retreated his hands, once again running them through his hair. “Actually … and I know I sound like a perverted freak saying this … I like the real you better.”
Shifting back, Anjeka tilted her head to the side. “Then what are you waiting for? A formal invitation?”
“No …” He chuckled. “… I’m just … all about consent I guess. It’s just how my people roll. We clearly state that we want to do it before we do it.”
Anjeka’s features changed to an amused smirk. “Okay, then here’s the facts. You’re an Alpha in rut, I’m an Omega in heat. We both need it, and we need it badly. So how about we cut the part where we act like awkward kids out and just do it?”
To her surprise, Bengar chuckled and got up, simply stripping his shirt over his head while at it. “As you wish.”
The demoness swallowed hard. She had thought the shirt had made him look broader, like literally everything charr tended to wear did, but Bengar really was of a broad build. His white fur only enhanced the effect.
Sharp claws carefully pushed her down to her back and she watched with heated interest how he hooked one of those sharp as hell fangs into the front clasp of her bra to carefully pull it open.
Her breathing hitched when those sharp fangs continued to grace her body, and yelped when she felt that his tongue was just as rough a cat’s.
The demoness bucked her hips up. Being up close to an Alpha for ancestors know how long without them doing anything while in heat was pure torture. Especially since Bengar insisted on being a gentle tease.
At this point, she was desperate.
She needed it bad, she needed it hard and worst of all, him not knowing how to treat a humanoid and therefore testing out a lot and being overly cautious drove her insane.
A threatening growl tore out of Bengar’s throat, his eyes met hers, dark desire raging is his mesmerizing purple eyes.
So the demon part of him had finally won …
Claws of one hand carefully scratching over her body, the white charr rose up again, reaching behind himself to undo his pants.
“Never took cubi to be the impatient type.” He danced his tongue around one of his fangs. “You’ll never stop learning.”
First biting her lips, Anjeka then decided that she wasn’t really in the mood to be the obedient little thing everyone expected when they thought of Omegas like her. Growling herself, she quickly undid her own pants and stripped them down as far as she could with the big, smug bastard kneeling down in between her legs.
“As if you don’t know why.” She leaned up, dragging her slowly growing talons through his fur. “It fucking hurts! So quit messing around!”
A wolfish grin plastered over his features, he pressed her back down, then got up to strip her pants away completely, simultaneously dropping his own. “Very well.”
Kneeling down in between her legs again, he once again roamed his claws up over her body, leaning down in the process. “If you want it so bad, turn around.” He almost breathed in her ear as his fangs graced it “Kitten.”
Anjeka did what he had asked of her, faster than Bengar had expected and despite her being caged beneath him. Having rolled over, she bucked her hips back, gracing him just enough to make him groan.
He dragged his fangs over her shoulder in return, biting down just firm enough to keep her in place while undoing his loincloth behind his back.
Finally being completely freed from possibly interfering fabric, he wedged an arm beneath her hips to pull her back, growling into her shoulder from the feeling of slick warmth between her legs.
Blindly slipping along her folds until he found her entrance naturally, Bengar lost no time and simply pushed in, winding his arm around her hips tighter to pull her down, his fangs threatening to break the skin on Anjeka’s shoulder as he slowly pushed further.
Damn, she was so much tighter than any charr female he had been with.
And the filthy moan ripping from her throat was almost enough to finish him off on the spot.
Not even thinking of ruining his fun by taking everything at once, he rocked his hips back, thrusted with just enough force to go a little deeper and the demoness moaned out so loud he was sure she would scare off everything, even the souls of the dead, if there was anything nearby.
Unclenching his jaw, he opted for holding on to hear throat and pulling her up. Groaning into her ear, he once again thrusted just enough to sink in a little deeper.
“That what you wanted?”
The demoness rolled her head back, another moan ripping from her throat. “Yes! Fucking yes!”
Wolfish grin on his lips, he dragged his claws over her hips. “You’ll regret it.”
Anjeka glanced back at him, grinning, daring him. “Make. Me.”
She cried out when Bengars fangs were suddenly buried in her shoulder again, and lost all control of her body as he started to take her with deep, hard thrusts.
Actually allowing her to fall forward, he held on to her hips with a bruising grip, driving into her like a starved beast, groaning and growling into her shoulder.
The demoness clawed at the sheets beneath her, moan after moan ripped out of her throat. The danger of the charr’s claws on her throat and his fangs on her shoulder added a thrill she had never experienced before. Additionally, she felt the same rough prick inside herself she had previously felt when he had licked along her body.
Her perception stopped working, world around her drowned out by the pleasure her body had been screaming for. And it didn’t seem to stop.
Bengar kept driving into her like a madman even all the way through her coming undone, not the least bit interested in basking in his achievement like other Alphas she had been with did. Instead, he kept her on an impossible high, making her drool into the sheets.
A full body shudder ran through her when his fangs left her shoulder, then she felt one impossible deep thrust. Crying out a moan, her eyes went wide, something inside her rejoicing at the feeling of him swelling up inside her, of him shuddering and rocking until he jerked into her and growled through bared fangs.
Her head rolled to the side on instinct, but instead of sharp fangs breaking her skin, she felt the fluff of his fur nuzzling against her neck.
Winding both arms around her, he pulled her up, then pushed her wing to the side before collapsing to the now free side with her in her arms. Tail curling up around her, he squeezed her and shuddered.
Panting and chuckling, Anjeka felt every bit of him inside and purred.
Bengar nipped her neck in return. “Are you mocking me?”
“I mean … if it helps.” She turned her head and smirked. “Cause I’m not regretting anything in the least.”
A smug smirk on his face, Bengar chuckled. “Don’t worry, working on that one.”
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