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anjuonline · 6 months
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sore loser
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rosedominatesyou · 9 months
Bedtime Stories w/ Rose
ੈ✩‧˚ In The Clouds ‧˚ੈ✩
(Bedtime Story #4)
Hello again my little pups. Mommy is here with another tale to help ease you to sleep. It isn’t as exciting as the last ones but maybe that’ll help make your eyes heavy anyway. Keep this in your likes until you’re cozy and ready for bed. 💗
Before reading: Although I wish I could tell you all the names of the beautiful places I went to in this story, I’ve withheld certain details out of respect for my own privacy.
Everyone in my life knows how much I love birds. That’s sorta my main personality trait. Their imagery is everywhere, and you’ll start to understand why when you look a little deeper. Here’s what’s been captivating my thoughts lately, besides all of you. I hope you enjoy.
Please make a queue of the following 2 songs: “Fill Into Me” by Anju, and “Slow Dancing - Hazel Remix” by Aly & Aj.
Both therapists I’ve ever had at some point said to me, “It sounds like you know what all your problems are.”
As the person experiencing them/inflicting them upon myself, yeah, I knew exactly what was happening to me, but isn’t the point of sharing your feelings and negative actions with someone else supposed to make you want to be a better person? To let you hear those things out loud so that you’d want to change?
I didn’t think I was going to, and after talking to professional help, even they seemed conflicted if maybe I was just making it all up for the drama. Maybe I really was the cause of my own misery.
I was tired of it all, even if at the time I couldn’t stop myself. There was a person in my life that I’m not ready to talk about that really fucked me over and changed the way I think. It was 2020, and with everything going on in the world, all I wanted was to hang on to a friend. They left. And they were the only friend I had.
It was late into the evening at my current job, but back then I used to work nights. I was walking through the part of the warehouse that has all of our truck receiving docks when I heard a familiar sound, the little chirps of baby birds.
They had built the nest years ago inside one of the truck docks, and year after year they came back and rebuild it in the same spot. If you roll up the doors to let a truck driver in, the birds would get scared and fly deep into the warehouse, typically not finding their way out.
I stood there, alone late one night, staring up at the little nest that was caked to the side of the cement wall. I have no idea what kind of bird that is, I remember thinking to myself. I knew what a dove was, they used to nest every year at my childhood home, but these little birds were something totally different. I realized at that moment that I didn’t know jack-shit about birds, and they are everywhere. It sorta hit me harder than I thought it was going to.
If you can’t tell by my lead-up to this story, I was looking for something to captivate my thoughts - something to make me stop thinking about that friend that left me hurt and used.
Asking myself about the little birds that evening made me go to a book store on my next day off and buy a pocket field guide to the birds in my area. I read the whole thing cover to cover. I hadn’t absorbed a book like that in a long time. So many amazing variations with such unique range maps, plumage, and living habits.
If you were curious (and my hint about the description of their nest didn’t give it away), the birds that I see at my work are Barn Swallows.
I was hooked. I purchased some more detailed field guides and started joining groups online that were into birdwatching. “Birders” as they call themselves, people in my own town were posting the most beautiful pictures I’d ever seen, with captions that described the exact species down to the Latin name and seasonal variety.
I wasn’t even planning on going out the day that I did. I wanted to try to take some pictures like I had been seeing in my group. I had a camera, but nothing like what some of the people were sporting. I also had no clue where to go; sure you can just go walk around anywhere, but where was I likely to see the most? Basically at random with no input from my group, I picked a local reservoir to drive out to.
I was shaking as I got out of the car at the first ever ‘birding’ location i’d go to, feeling nauseous as I set up my camera. “This is stupid this is stupid you look like a creep this is so stupid,” I couldn’t help repeating to myself out loud as I began down the first walking path I saw.
My own words work, making me turn around suddenly and go back to the car. There’s barely anyone around but the 2 or 3 people who glance across to me is too much to bear. My hands could hardly put the lens cap back on because of how much I was trembling.
You drove all the way here, I try to encourage myself as I conceal my body behind the open trunk, other people do it. Just go walk around.
I stop putting everything away and just stand there for a second, breathing and feeling.
You wanted this.
I get my dslr back out, the lens attached to it being the biggest one I owned: 200mm. I had gotten it as a present many years ago, and loved taking pictures around my house, but had never taken my camera with me out in public. Something about walking around with it in my hands made me feel so out of place, but I tried to just push past that and start walking again.
Unknown to me back then, the location and time of year I picked were both rather dismal. The lake was desolate of animal life. If there aren’t any fish, rodents, or trees to perch on, birds won’t be attracted. It was also summer, and though that may seem like a good time of year for a person, the best time to witness a large variety of birds is during their two migrations each year: spring and fall. Most birds, besides natives that stay year round, have already settled into their northern territories for the Summer. I live in California, and while we are blessed with an insane number of species, we are also basically just a giant highway for birds traveling between their summer territories in Canada/Alaska, and their wintering nesting sites in Mexico/South America.
When I got home from my first outing and took a look at my pictures, I was very disappointed. Most were too dark, too far away, or way too blurry to make anything out. The only birds I managed a decent photo of were a Western Bluebird pair, but even then I was not happy with what I had taken. I was being too hard on myself, expecting a lot out of a person who was just starting out something new.
Two days later I went to a local camera store and bought a 300mm lens. Not a huge difference, but my confidence became more noticeable in the shots I took the next few outings.
The songs I had you add to a queue are just a couple that I would listen to when out birding. Calming, peaceful songs, i naturally always hear birds chirping and grasses swaying in the wind overlapping with the music while I listen now.
The feeling of discovering birds was overwhelming. I’d see something new and my heart would race so fast. It felt like falling in love. My feet would start to run without looking down as my eyes remained glued on the bird in my vision.
One time my partner Jamie and I were out at a wildlife reserve when we saw what we thought was a Golden Eagle. The massive raptor was dark overall and was calling loudly as it soared above us. We ran down the winding paths, loosing sight of it and only being able to follow the bird by the shrill call it made overhead.
Finally we found it again, perched on a tree that hung sideways over a cliff. The sun was shinning right on its face and I started snapping away, taking shot after shot of the magnificent bird. It didn’t like how long we were watching it, and took off while I continued to take pictures.
Ecstatic with what we had seen, I quickly uploaded the photos to the group I’m in asking if I was correct with what I thought.
Many people chimed in right away to let me know that, even though they were great pictures, the bird in the photos was actually just a Red-Tailed Hawk.
RTH’s, as their name is abbreviated, are the most abundant hawks in North America, and are also the most easily mistaken for another raptor. The specific bird I had seen was a large, dark-morph female, meaning her plumage was a much darker brown than most buteo’s.
The thrill of going out birding was something my heart craved so heavily the more and more I did it. I’d get so excited to come home and look through my pictures, trying to see if I caught any new species and if I could figure out what its name was. It felt a lot like Pokémon and filling up my Pokédex. ☺️
The field guides weren’t enough, I wanted to know more. I now had a better understanding of the seasons, and knew I had to wait out the summer until I’d see the next migration. I bought two books off of Amazon: a cute little yellow book called “Birdpedia” that has hundreds of quick facts about all things avian lore, and a novel/memoir called “H is for Hawk” by Helen Macdonald.
Helen’s book would launch me into a reading craze like I’ve never felt before, buying bird book after bird book, reading them within a few weeks and moving on to another. I had never been one to read very much (not unless you count manga), so to feel myself still craving more words was a very new feeling. Here’s a list of a few more books I’d recommend if you’re interested, they’re my favorites:
‘Bird Brother’ by Rodney Stotts. Very relatable slice of life from a person who never thought he’d write a book, or own raptors.
‘The Falcon Thief’ by Joshua Hammer. True crime novel meets bird study in this gripping story about a detective who’s after a man wanted for stealing endangered eggs.
‘Red-Tails in Love’ by Marie Winn. You gotta really like birds and reading to get through this one; a woman’s true account of her observations in New York’s Central Park, along with the other birders who accompany her.
Including all of my field guides (mostly local but I have one about Japan!), I’ve read 16 books that have something to do with falconry. My brain is truly stuffed with bird lore. Upon making the poll about this bedtime story, two of you asked me to tell you a bird fact. 🤭 Here’s what I told them, my go-to bird fact:
All avian species had many goals during their evolutionary periods, but nothing like their need to be more aerodynamic. Their quest to be lighter led them to lose a few organs over time that mammals couldn’t imagine living without, including the bladder! That is why it seems like birds poop completely at random, it is truly because they have no way to hold it.
Second special fun fact, people always ask me, “What’s your favorite kind of bird?!” and that’s a hard one because I love all of them so much, but I like to say it’s the Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher since I can almost perfectly mimic their mating call. 😋
Over several months, I added more equipment to my build. I got a Sigma AF 600mm lens, as well as a teleconverter, a small attachment that goes between the camera and the lens to double the distance of whatever you’re shooting. Now I was able shoot 1200mm! I could see the blood on the beak of a hawk from half a mile away.
Birding trips would take me and Jamie all across California, going to every state park and wildlife reserve we could to see what kinds of birds were there. We’d bring picnic lunches and listen to music before starting our hikes. Eventually I bought a second Nikon off of some lady that I met up with in a Five Bellow parking lot, wanting to have a second camera for landscape shots.
I still love going out and taking pictures, though the newbie excitement I used to feel has since died down. The joy of closing your eyes and taking a deep breath of fresh air as you listen to all the birds around you is a peace I would want anyone to feel. It’s my favorite way to exist.
I know this one was a bit of a boring read this time, so as a reward for getting through it, here’s some of the pictures that I’m most proud of 🥰 Please note, they all have been cropped to remove my artist’s signature:
The photo of the Western Bluebird pair from my first ever outing.
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2. Red-winged Blackbird. Proof that the 200mm lens can absolutely get you a good shot if the subject is close enough. This guy landed on a branch less than 10 feet away from me.
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3. Cedar Waxwings. If you’re familiar with these regal-looking birds, then you can probably hear how loud this photo is 🤭
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4. White-faced Ibis. One of the first shots I had taken with my 300mm lens.
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5. Red-shouldered Hawk. A sub-species of the RTH, this RSH is seen covered in dew on a cold, early January morning. 600mm.
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6. And finally, my favorite picture that I’ve ever taken, this is a first summer Pygmy Nuthatch, seen here with a beak full of grubs that it was bringing back to it’s siblings in the nest. 1200mm.
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That’s the end of our story. Thank you so much for reading ❤️ Please let Momma about what you think of the story and the pictures. 🤭
Sweet dreams 💋 xoxo
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abalidoth · 1 year
Die a Hainly or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Vilia: Gender, Breath of the Wild, and Representational Sterility
Thanks to @start-anywhere for encouraging me to write this essay!
Major spoilers for Breath of the Wild, minor spoilers for Mass Effect Andromeda and Horizon: Forbidden West, as well as the Tears of the Kingdom trailer and H:FW Burning Shores.
cw: transmisogyny.
"Be careful playing the Gerudo segment," I heard from friends. "There's a transmisogynist joke there."
There's a lot I don't remember about 2017. That year was a perfect recipe for dissociation: I was finishing a very fraught and frustrating PhD dissertation and TAing at the same time, with very little sleep. I was constantly worrying about finding a job after graduation, and moving to a new city sight unseen. I spent the first two months of the year away from Emma for a math fellowship, the longest we'd ever been apart.
And on top of that, I was a closeted trans femme living in Laramie, Wyoming, a town famous for a homophobic hate crime, during the first year of the Trump administration. My gender pressure had been building for years, out to friends online but not to anyone in person save Emma. I knew I wasn't a man but the closest I could come to expressing it was wearing skirts at home, and nail polish on the weekends. (Apply Friday afternoon, remove Sunday evening, repeat weekly.)
But I do remember playing Breath of the Wild with Emma.
Zelda is in the DNA of our relationship -- Emma showed me Ocarina of Time before we even started dating, Twilight Princess was one of the first games we played through together, and I proposed to her with a ceramic replica I made of Anju and Kafei's wedding mask from Majora's Mask.
So, getting to play a new Zelda game -- an extremely good one, at that -- with her, during one of the worst years of my life, was an incredible beacon of light.
So the warning about a transmisogynist joke in the Gerudo segment was disappointing, but I kept it in mind as we played.
For those who haven't played the game, here's a quick synopsis of that quest: Link, our hero, needs to access Gerudo Town, a town of all women. (Sorta. Put a pin in that. 📌) You talk to a male shopkeep outside who tells you that he's heard "a man" has been "sneaking" into town, and he's waiting to catch a peek. Other (Gerudo) characters mention an odd human woman, a merchant, who hangs out on the roof of a bazaar a ways outside town. Up there you find Vilia.
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(image source: Zelda Wiki, which correctly genders Vilia unlike some wikis 😒)
If you accuse her of being the "man in disguise" she brushes you off and won't speak to you further. If you compliment her, she'll offer to help you get into town, sell you the Gerudo clothing set (grab another pin 📍) and say how pretty you look, making Link blush. Then the wind will blow her veil aside, which we only see obliquely, but we do see that she has facial hair. Link acts surprised.
Okay. Let's unpack.
First off... Vilia is a trans woman with a beard. I'm just gonna treat that as a fact from this point forward. Everyone who actually interacts with her refers to her as a woman, she refers to herself as a woman, we will set "but maybe she's just a crossdresser" or whatever aside, she's a trans woman. With a beard.
Is that problematic?
A big theme of my evolution as a social justice advocate is that "problematic" is meaningless in a vacuum. The existence of a trans woman with a beard is not, itself, problematic. Otherwise that's pretty bad news for me, a trans femme with a beard.
But her depiction... There are definitely some elements of cultural transmisogyny being upheld here. Stubble is a common feature in popular caricatures of the Gross Tranny. Link's reaction being played for comedy makes Vilia's existence sort of a big joke.
And on a surface level examination, it looks like this is a straightforward "man dresses as woman to gain access to women's spaces" story, straight out of Joanne's Twitter-addled fever dreams.
But other than that, Vilia is pretty well treated by the narrative. All of the Gerudo refer to her as a little odd, but fundamentally a helpful person, and they respect her identity. It's clear when Link runs around Gerudo Town that multiple people clock him, but nobody ever throws him out because they just assume he's a trans woman and therefore implicitly welcome.
Vilia's character model isn't exaggerated in any way I'd consider transmisogynist, aside from the facial hair, and Link in the Gerudo outfit is, well, far from an unflattering portrayal.
And importantly, you cannot progress the main story if you misgender her.
There is no other way to get into Gerudo Town, and thereby the Divine Beast Vah Naboris, if you just say "you're a dude, right?" and don't walk it back. You can technically finish the game without any of the four Divine Beasts, but they make it MUCH easier, and a significant chunk of story is locked behind her quest.
So back in 2017 I played this, went "well that wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as I thought," and went on to wear the Gerudo outfit as much as humanly possible.
Flash forward to my 2023 replay, in anticipation of the sequel. I'm avidly curious to replay this section, given my evolution in my own gender understanding. (The first time around, I id'ed as genderqueer and Definitely Not A Guy but I'm not sure I was comfortable with "trans" yet, and definitely not "situationally a girl".)
Turns out? Vilia fuckin' rules. Gender icon. They hate to see a girlbeard winning.
Ok, I'm exaggerating. (A little.) But there is a reason I'm writing this essay, and I came away with a much improved sympathy for her character and her position in the story. I want to talk about why, but first let's clear a couple of those pins.
📌 The Gerudo are an all-female race. This is historically true in the Zelda games, with the single exception of Ganondorf, an ancient incarnation of evil who is born as the only make Gerudo once in an age. Ganondorf isn't in this game (though he is in the sequel!) so he's not relevant here. There are two things to note here: one, the Gerudo are nonwhite and heavily middle eastern coded. This is something I can't get into, as an Extremely White Person, but their interaction with gender is not without racial context and it would be irresponsible of me to not mention it.
But second, and the thing I will talk about, is that they seldom use the words "man" and "woman", but rather "voe" and "vai". We get these translated for us, but they are just that -- translations. They are gender concepts unique to the Gerudo that get mapped imperfectly to Hylian standards. The Gorons, a race of rock people who all use male pronouns and forms of address, are allowed into Gerudo Town, being "neither voe nor vai". And all of the Gerudo characters treat you differently when you're in the Gerudo clothing, even though it's clear that many of them have the perceptiveness to see through it.
I think it makes perfect sense to interpret "vai" as less "woman" and more "fem presenting". The Gerudo's actions are consistent (arguably, more so) if you do so.
📍The Gerudo armor. There's a few things to talk about here. First, Vilia sells it to you rather than just giving it to you. This seems a bit callous, but there's other similar monetary roadblocks in the game, and she's explicitly a traveling merchant and jewels are (as she says) expensive. I don't blame her.
The Gerudo armor is also, in game, pretty terrible. If you're wearing all three pieces you get a tiny bit of heat resistance, but it has basically no armor and can't be upgraded. There is a purchaseable "voe armor" with similar aesthetics but much better stats, but it can't be used to access Gerudo Town.
This is... Not ideal. I like to run around in the Gerudo armor because Link looks absolutely adorable in it; that was more of a priority back then than it is now that I have my own fem wardrobe, but it's still true. I wish it could be upgraded. I also wish you could just wear whatever armor aesthetically and get a different set of bonuses.
Okay. Now. To explain what it is I actually like about Vilia's portrayal, I want to talk about two other transfeminine characters from open world games: Hainly Abrams from Mass Effect: Andromeda and Wekatta from Horizon: Forbidden West.
Hainly Abrams is a scientist on the planet Prodromos in Mass Effect: Andromeda. In her first conversation with you, you can ask her why she came to Andromeda, and she says she was looking for a fresh start for her transition, and then... weirdly deadnames herself, in a way that feels utterly alien to anyone who's interacted with trans people. BioWare took criticism on this... sort of, and patched that conversation to only happen after you gain her trust by saving her fiance. But it's still extremely jarring. I cannot find information about her voice actress.
Wekatta is a troop leader of the Sky Clan Tenakth in H:FW. Like Vilia, the narrative is actually somewhat cagey as to whether she's a trans woman or not. I don't believe anyone actually refers to her with she/her pronouns, unlike Vilia, and the closest she gets to saying she's trans is
Aloy: And you think he's crazy for trying?
Wekatta: I'm not a fan of that word. When I chose to wear a woman's armor, people called me crazy, too.
Wekatta only shows up for a single minor side quest, and doesn't really get to actually do anything. She is at least voiced by a trans voice actress, Rebecca Root.
Both of these portrayals are mostly free of overt transmisogyny. Hainly deadnames herself in a strange and off-putting way, and Wekatta's portrayal is ambiguous to the point of over-caution, but there's not much that could be read as a transphobic joke like in Vilia's story.
They're also both boring as heck. And neither of them really feels trans.
Both of these characters feel like existing bit-player characters with one "bee tee dubs, I am A Tran" line slapped into their dialog. Sure there isn't anything overtly wrong with that kind of representation, if it's done carefully, but this is "minor character mentions he has a husband" rep, not "on-screen gay kiss with main character" rep. (Side note, though, good for Guerrilla for making Aloy canonically queer in Burning Shores. Haven't played it yet but I'm stoked to. Hell yeah.)
Vilia, as problematic as elements of her portrayal are, feels like a real transfeminine person. She feels more like me. Her gender is kinda messy! She has a girlbeard! She gets to call you out if you misgender her!
And best of all, her interactions with Link (excluding the shocked face at the end, which is pretty annoying) can be read very easily as an older, more experienced trans woman helping a younger trans girl with early transition, giving her her first feminine outfit and complimenting her. There's no wonder why transfem Link is such a popular headcanon. (My personal favorite for Link is some kind of transfeminine genderfluid.)
Vilia isn't perfect, but truly great and realistic trans representation is going to be easier if you start with a Vilia and clip off the overtly problematic bits, than if you start with a Wekatta or a Hainly and try to make them feel more real.
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que-de-metal · 6 months
🎇2023 Fanfic Favourites🎆
Hi guys! I wanted to share some recs before the year ends! I have an inspiration blog for sharing original art (@qululq), a personnal blog for sharing fan art (ask off anon for url if you want) , but fanfiction is harder to share since it's on a separate platform. So here's a round-up of some of my most beloved stuff I read this year (not all of it was published this year, some are older fics! I also only picked one fic by author but do check their other works <3)
Things that can be read without knowing a particular fandom:
benefit of broken hearts - Hilarious and sweet rom-com about immortality based on the song Beach House by Carly rae Jepsen
Something Else Woke Up Inside Me - Short horror story based on the visuals of Monster by Red Velvet. One of the coolest monster concepts!
At This Point, Don't Let Go - (gift for meeee) Experimental story about body swapping based on this Perfume MV.
Coffee Realists & Tea Dreamers - (another gift for me. technically read in 2022 but since the author reveals were this year i'm including it!) Short story with all original characters in the universe of Werewolf the Apocalypse. The eeriness of areas that toe the line between urban and rural.
Touhou fics (for this it was really hard to only do one fic by author lol):
Longing That Transcends Memory (by @freshlybakedspiderbread) - Various stories about love centered on Akyuu, based on the TH ship week prompts and exploring so many fun concepts and aspects of her character.
The Immortals (by @mimicteruyo) - Diary of Mokou long after the fall of Gensokyo, about eternity and the fates that befell a big cast of long-living Touhou characters.
Erin Yagokoro Says Nothing (by @yukareimu) - Pre-canon pre-Eientei TeruEri fic. I feel like saying too much would spoil it. It's short and brilliant so go see for yourself!
The Cicada Shell Diary (by @littlejustices) - LittleJustices strikes again with another amazing diary-format AkyuuRei fic. Really creative and elegant take on the ship.
Various other fandoms:
[LoZ: Majora's Mask] A World Reborn (by @theseventhsage) - A few days in Cremia's life after the world didn't end, with a focus on her unrequited love for Anju who reunited with Kafei.
[Tiger Tiger] Among the roses - Luck/Ludovica from the POV of an outsider noble as Ludo reappears in the public eye!
[Yellowjackets] An Unofficial Anthology of the Online Fandom for the Yellowjackets Tragedy (warning: doesn't work on mobile) - Fake internet pages from the Yellowjacket universe and its true crime community and Yellowjackets RPF writers. Super fun.
[early Dreamcatcher MV continuity] Room 808 - A short take on the events of the Chase Me MV. This was my intro to K-pop MV fanfics and to Dreamcatcher!
If you know the tumblr handle of one of the writers tell me so I can mention them. Likewise, if you're one of the writers and would like me to remove your fic/handle from the list tell me too!
I hope you find a fic that you love in there! What were your 2023 favourites? (I don't want to turn this into a tagging game but I'd love to see more recs <3)
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chefpin · 20 days
Savoring Excellence: Noida’s Top Home Chefs and Their Delectable Creations
Hey, foodies of Noida! Get ready to have your taste senses piqued! Let’s go on a culinary adventure to the best home chefs in Noida , the trendiest kitchen where the top home cooks are creating delectable dishes. Plus, instead of drooling over it, you can have these delicious treats sent straight to your door using the Chef Pin app. Meet the maestros — you’re almost there!
A Haven for Bread Enthusiasts: Sourdough Central
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Are you someone looking for Bakeries near me? Find what you’re looking for at Sourdough Central. Olive Italian Herbs, Cheese and Truffle, and Seeds and Beet are just a few of their artisan sourdough bread varieties. They stand out because they refuse to use commercial yeast, additives, or preservatives in their breads. Indulge in the delectable aroma and flavor of freshly baked bread.
Okhli: Dive into the Richness of Kayastha Cuisine
The enchantment of Kayastha food is brought to your table by Chef Sugandha Saxena, a true master of the kitchen. Every dish on the menu at Okhli has a story to tell. The Gurdey Kapoorey and Mutton E Dadima are more than just recipes; they are tales told via food in Sugandha’s family cookbook. Check out the best home-cooked food delivery Noida– Okhli if you’re in the market for something very special.
Mummy Da Dhaba: Comfort Food at Its Best
Need a comforting dish of Chinese or North Indian cuisine? You should place your order at Mummy Da Dhaba, created by Anju Bhasin, the best home chef in Noida. Everything is prepared with the utmost care and devotion, from the Paneer Butter Masala to the Rajma Chawal. It’s as if your mom is hugging you through your meal!
Chef by Choice Seema: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation
Seema Arora is not just a home chef; she’s an artist. Her culinary expertise spans the gamut from delectable North Indian fare to delectable baked goods, including Turkish bagels and brownies. If you are looking for online homemade food delivery in Noida, consider Chef by Choice Seema for your next celebration or as a personal treat.
Parul’s Cooking Hub: A Delectable Fusion of Flavors
The cuisine at Parul Sachdeva is as varied as the city of Noida itself. She prepares a plethora of international dishes, from South American delicacies to Mutton Rogan Josh. If you like to eat out and try new things, check out the best online homemade food delivery Noida– Parul’s Cooking Hub is going to blow your mind.
Earthly Feast: A Flavor Symphony by Arjita Kalra
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Acakes shop near me, Earthly Feast, hosted by Chef Arjita Kalra, where you can taste the fruits of her love for cooking in every bite. Among other delicious things, Earthly Feast’s Chocolate Millet Cake distinguishes out because it combines traditional wisdom with modern twists. Here, she uses only the finest, most locally obtained ingredients to create delectable dishes that will bring joy to your taste buds and the people you share them with.
Home To Plate: Seema Verma’s Culinary Creations
The 30-year culinary expertise of Chef Seema Verma, a former housewife turned culinary artist, is brought to Home To Plate. The best home-cooked food delivery in Noida, Seema takes great pride in her dishes, which include the Dal Makhni, Marble Cake, and Chicken Biryani, and she gives each one her all while making sure it’s clean and presents itself well.
Healthy Desserts: Veena Rai’s Artisanal Bakes
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Healthy Desserts is home to the delectable creations of Noida-based chocolatier and baker Veena Rai. Indulge your sweet tooth with her healthier takes on classic cakes, baklawa, and other treats inspired by Continental and Middle Eastern flavors.
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smvdu · 3 months
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SMVD University holds the 36th Meeting of the Academic Council
Kakryal: The 36th meeting of the Academic Council of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University was held on 15th March, 2024 and was chaired by Professor Pragati Kumar, Vice Chancellor, SMVDU. The meeting began with a welcome note by the Sh. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Registrar, SMVDU. The Vice-Chancellor, SMVDU highlighted the achievements of the University and informed the house about the grant received by the University under the PM-USHA scheme of the Ministry of Education, GoI. The agenda items were presented by Professor Balbir Singh, Dean of Academic Affairs. The agenda for the meeting contained significant items for approval, ratification, and information. Prominent among these were course structure for Four Years Undergraduate Program & B.Tech. Program, new programs as per NEP 2020, the amendments to the Ph.D. Ordinance, Academic Rules & Regulations, selection criteria for faculty positions at SMVDU. The meeting was attended by Professor Madhusudan Singh, Professor, DTU, New Delhi; Professor Anju Bhasin, Professor, Department of Physics, University of Jammu; Sh. Pranavant, Partner Deloitte India and Dr. Rina Surana, Associate Professor, Dept. of Architecture & Planning, MNIT, Jaipur. Professor Majid Jamil, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and Professor Sandeep Sancheti. Pro Vice Chancellor, Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat attended the meeting via online mode. The meeting was also attended by Deans, Faculty in-charge Examination and Heads of various schools and sections.
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textilelook · 3 months
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shaitaani · 5 months
anju is online 😎
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anjuonline · 1 year
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“Don’t Be Shy” 🌈🔪🤗🤗
tried a new style with this one, i created the background using a photo i took with a motorola razr 🧸✨
1/1 available for sale in my Foundation collection
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drdeepaligynecologist · 9 months
List of Top 5 Gynecologist in Jaipur
Finding a good gynecologist is important for every woman's reproductive health and overall well-being. If you are planning to have a new baby or are facing fertility-related problems then it is very important for you to find a good gynecologist if you live in Jaipur city then we are discussing in this blog about top 5 gynecologist doctor in Jaipur.
Here are a few reasons why finding a good gynecologist is essential:
Comfort and trust: Discussing intimate topics related to reproductive health can be uncomfortable for many women. A good gynecologist creates a safe and non-judgmental environment where patients feel comfortable discussing their concerns openly. Building a trusting relationship with your gynecologist is essential, as it allows for better communication, understanding, and collaboration in managing your health.
Top 3 Factors to consider when choosing a gynecologist in Jaipur
Choosing the right Lady Gynecologist Doctor in Jaipur involves careful consideration of several factors. Here are some important aspects to keep in mind when making this important decision:
Qualifications and experience: Look for a gynecologist who has the necessary qualifications, certifications, and experience in the field. Check their educational background, training, and any specialized certifications they hold. Experience matters, especially for complex cases or specific reproductive health concerns.
Reviews and testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to get a sense of the gynecologist's reputation and patient satisfaction. Online platforms like Google, Healthgrades, and RateMDs can provide valuable insights into the experiences of others.
Services offered: Consider the range of services offered by the gynecologist. Do they provide comprehensive care, including routine check-ups, prenatal care, fertility treatments, and menopause management? Ensure that the gynecologist aligns with your specific needs and requirements.
Specializations and areas of expertise: Depending on your specific reproductive health concerns, you may need a gynecologist with specialized expertise. For example, if you are struggling with infertility, you may want to consult a gynecologist with expertise in reproductive endocrinology. Assess your needs and find a gynecologist who can address them effectively.
List of Top 5 Best Gynecologists in Jaipur
Dr. Deepali: She specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Dr. Deepali is renowned as the best gynecologist in Jaipur . His area of medicine focuses on the hormonal and physiological factors that impact fertility, making her an invaluable resource for individuals and couples facing challenges in conceiving a child. She has extensive experience in managing high-risk pregnancies and performing minimally invasive surgeries.
As the best gynecologist in Jaipur, Dr. Deepali brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her practice. Her focus on reproductive endocrinology and infertility means that she possesses a deep understanding of the intricate hormonal and physiological factors that influence fertility. This expertise is invaluable for individuals and couples seeking solutions to their fertility challenges.
Dr. Meenakshi Choudhary: Dr. Choudhary's areas of expertise include laparoscopic surgeries, hysteroscopy, and fertility treatments. She has successfully treated numerous patients with complex gynecological conditions.
Dr. Anju Jain: Dr. Jain is a specialist in reproductive medicine and assisted reproductive techniques. She helps couples struggling with infertility fulfill their dream of parenthood through advanced treatment options.
Dr. Ritu Bhardwaj: Dr. Bhardwaj has a special interest in adolescent gynecology and provides comprehensive care to women of all ages. She is skilled in managing complex gynecological conditions and performing minimally invasive surgeries.
Dr. Sunita Gupta: Dr. Gupta specializes in urogynecologist, addressing conditions related to pelvic floor disorders and urinary incontinence. Her expertise has helped numerous women regain their quality of life.
Other Links:
PID Treatment in jaipur
NICU Hospital In Jaipur
Childbirth expert in jaipur
Best Gynecologist Doctor in jaipur
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dietnourish · 11 months
The Future of Best Dietician in Bangalore
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Dieticians are healthcare professionals who specialize in nutrition. They can help people with a variety of health conditions, including weight loss, diabetes management, hypertension management, pediatric nutrition, sports nutrition, and more.
Best Dietician in Bangalore
There are many great dieticians in Bangalore, but here are a few of the best:
Dr. Anju Sood is a registered dietician and nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. She is the founder of Nutritioncure, a clinic in Bangalore that specializes in weight loss, diabetes management, and other health conditions. She is known for her holistic approach to nutrition and her ability to help people reach their health goals.
Dr. Rujuta Diwekar is a celebrity dietician and nutritionist who is known for her easy-to-follow diet plans and her focus on whole, unprocessed foods. She is the author of several books on nutrition, including Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight and The Ultimate Guide to Indian Cooking. She is also a popular speaker and media personality.
Nutritionist Pooja Makhija is a registered dietician and nutritionist who is known for her work with celebrities and her focus on healthy eating for busy people. She is the founder of The Fit Fab Teen, a program that helps teenagers lose weight and improve their overall health. She is also a popular blogger and Instagram influencer.
Dietitian Shreya Family Diet Clinic is a well-established clinic with over 10 years of experience. They offer a variety of services, including weight loss, diabetes management, hypertension management, pediatric nutrition, and sports nutrition. They are known for their friendly and supportive staff and their ability to help people reach their health goals.
Ritika's Wellness Clinic is a newer clinic, but they have quickly become one of the most popular dieticians in Bangalore. They offer a personalized approach to nutrition counseling, and they are known for their friendly and supportive staff. They also offer a variety of online services, making it easy for people to get the support they need from anywhere in the world.
How to Choose the Best Dietician for You
When choosing a dietician, it is important to consider your individual needs and goals. Be sure to ask about the dietician's experience and qualifications, and make sure that you feel comfortable with them.
Here are some tips for finding the best dietician for you:
Ask your doctor for recommendations.
Check with your insurance company to see if they cover dietician visits.
Search online for dieticians in Bangalore.
Read reviews of dieticians before making an appointment.
Interview potential dieticians to see if they are a good fit for you.
Working with a qualified dietician can help you reach your health goals and improve your overall well-being. So don't hesitate to seek out help if you are looking to make changes to your diet.
Additional Information
In addition to the dieticians listed above, there are many other great dieticians in Bangalore. You can find a list of dieticians in Bangalore by searching online or by asking your doctor for recommendations.
When choosing a dietician, it is important to consider your individual needs and goals. Be sure to ask about the dietician's experience and qualifications, and make sure that you feel comfortable with them.
Working with a qualified dietician can help you reach your health goals and improve your overall well-being. So don't hesitate to seek out help if you are looking to make changes to your diet.
I hope this helps!
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pooma-education · 11 months
▪️Ms. Anju Datta - UN Educationist
Good learning and teaching:
PROMOTES problem-solving, creative, and critical thinking
The pedagogical approach builds around situations and problems the learners will experience in their line of work. It could be case-study based, where a pre-prepared situation is disseminated to small groups who use their experience to work on it or specific issues and challenges that the learners have brought with them or prepared beforehand.
The value of using these scenarios is that learners can imagine themselves in these situations and can use real-time discussions to work on the answers.
You could also set questions or scenarios and ask them to go online to research the answers, reporting back to the rest of the group later
▪️How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills?
IDENTIFY the problem. ...
DEFINE the main elements of the problem. ...
EXAMINE possible solutions. ...
ACT on resolving the problem. ...
LOOK for lessons to learn.
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anjujindal · 1 year
Group discussion activity
Join now and improve your public speaking skills
I am Anju Jindal a career growth specialist with more than 15 years of Experience in training & placement support.
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inspiredkerlon · 2 years
Korean fried chicken and beer
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#Korean fried chicken and beer update
#Korean fried chicken and beer full
#Korean fried chicken and beer plus
The sauce is either tossed with the chicken or brushed on, right before serving, to ensure the chicken stays crunchy. Sauce is kind of a big deal to Koreans and there’s lots of different kinds. But Korean fried chicken wings are lightly coated with a thin layer of potato starch batter instead. American Fried Chicken tends to have a thick, heavy batter from the combination of buttermilk and flour. Koreans use potato starch for a non-greasy, light, and impossibly crunchy coating. Double frying the chicken renders out the fat, resulting in chicken that is impossibly crunchy. Korean Fried Chicken is fried twice for maximum crunch and crispiness. The BEST recipe!! What makes Korean Fried Chicken different?Ĭompared to American Fried Chicken, the key differences are: You get the perfect balance of salty soy sauce, aromatic garlic and ginger, and heat from dried chili flakes! SO irresistible!ĭak Ganjang stays perfectly crispy and crunchy with just the right amount of heat from the chili flakes. My recipe is a Soy Sauce and Garlic or Dak Ganjang Korean Fried Chicken recipe. There’s even plain (no sauce) that’s more about the texture with a mild curry flavor. But there’s other flavors as well: Snow (cheese powder), Honey Butter, Buldak, etc. The two most popular flavors are Soy Sauce and Garlic (Dak Ganjang) and Gochujang (Yangnyeom Chicken). Chi = chicken, maek = maekju (beer in Korean). Known as Anju (drinking food), it’s also called Chimaek because it’s so often paired with beer. Korean Fried Chicken is a popular South Korean drinking food, snack, appetizer, or main dish.
#Korean fried chicken and beer plus
The flavors are so exciting and tasty! The texture is impossibly light and crispy! Plus - that mouth-watering sticky, saucy, impossibly crunchy glaze! Make it once and see what the hype is about! What is Korean Fried Chicken? In North America, there’s a bit of a Korean Fried Chicken craze right now. Who doesn’t love fried chicken? And a big, heaping platter of crackly, spicy-sweet Korean fried chicken - otherwise known as KFC - is especially delicious! A spicy, sweet sauce that will leave you licking your fingers. Note: The restaurants on this map are not ranked rather, they’re organized geographically.A thin, crackly batter for maximum crunch. Studies indicate that there is a lower exposure risk when outdoors, but the level of risk involved with patio dining is contingent on restaurants following strict social distancing and other safety guidelines.
#Korean fried chicken and beer update
However, this should not be taken as endorsement for dining in, as there are still safety concerns: for updated information on coronavirus cases in your area, please visit the Oregon Health Authority’s COVID update page. The level of service offered is indicated on each map point.
#Korean fried chicken and beer full
While not necessary by any means, a beer pairing is recommended for the full “Chimaek” experience (Suggested: Cass or Hite).Ī number of Portland restaurants have resumed dine-in service. The result is a sticky, juicy fried chicken that is hard not to obsess over. Korean fried chicken is celebrated for its crispness and sweet, lacquered sauces like a spicy yangnyeom or a sweet, garlicky dakgangjeong. Readers won’t need to worry about long queues though, as this map also has plenty of established KFC spots, from Beaverton to Happy Valley. When Bonchon finally opened an Oregon location this year, the international chain had to shut down the location’s online ordering, due to the massive demand that led to shockingly long wait times on opening day. While Portland isn’t known for a rich Korean food scene, the thirst for Korean Fried Chicken is serious.
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vishnoikumar · 2 years
Kurukshetra University [KUK] Admission, Courses, Fees Structure, Entrance Exam, Result 2022
Introduction: Kurukshetra University [KUK] 2022-23
Hello guys today we will discuss about KUK Application Form
KUK was established in 1922 by the British and is now one of the top universities in India. It is a public university that offers courses in engineering, science, management, humanities, social sciences and law.
KUK has three campuses - two main campuses at Kurukshetra and Pathankot and a third at Mohali. It also has regional centers in other cities like Delhi, Chandigarh, Dehradun and Haridwar.
KUK offers undergraduate programs for both boys and girls as well as postgraduate programs for both men and women. The university admits students through an entrance examination held every year on June 1st or 2nd.
KUK is a private university in India, established in the year 2010. The university aims to provide quality education to its students and make them competitive in the job market.
KUK has a total of 8 undergraduate courses and 4 postgraduate courses. All courses are offered by the Kurukshetra University [KUK] faculty members who have been trained by some of the best universities around the world.
Kurukshetra University [KUK] Application form 2022-23,
KUK is a public university in the Indian state of Haryana. It was established in 1973 with the intention of providing higher education to all sections of society.
The KUK application form 2022-23 is available from 1st May 2019. Interested candidates may fill up their application form online or offline by submitting it at any of the university's regional centres, regional offices or at its campus located in Karnal, India.
KUK has published a notification for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses for the academic year 2020-21 and 2021-22. The application process will be conducted through online mode only.
The eligibility criteria for admission is -
1) A candidate must have passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics (or equivalent) as one of the subjects; 2
KUK is the largest university in North India and one of the top universities in India. It is located in the city of Kurukshetra, Haryana.
KUK has been ranked as number one university for teaching and research among all universities in India by National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2018.
KUK offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs across disciplines. The university also has a state-of-the-art library with over 1 million books, journals, and e-books. KUK has been ranked among top 10 universities globally by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings 2019.
Conclusion about Kurukshetra University [KUK] 
In this essay, I have analyzed the different factors that have led to the success of KUK and the future potential of KUK. These factors include its unique location, the size and quality of its faculty, and the willingness of students to pay for a quality education.
Kurukshetra University [KUK] is a private university in India that has been ranked as one of India's top universities. It is composed of eight colleges: Arts and Science, Management Studies, Education, Law, Medicine & Health Sciences, Engineering & Technology Management Studies (ETMS), Nursing & Allied Health Sciences (NAHS), and Social Sciences.
KUK is a private university in India with a student population of around 11,000. It has several campuses across the country and offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees in various disciplines.
KUK has been recognized by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) as an 'A' grade institution. The university is also accredited by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
The university was founded in 2002 by Indian businessman Rajiv Malhotra and his wife, Anju Malhotra. The university is located on the outskirts of Delhi and offers courses in engineering, management, law, pharmacy, science and technology at undergraduate level.
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Beauty Branding Best Ideas
With skin care, a bottle of moisturiser in essentially the most premium packaging passes as luxury, especially when priced at over $200. The excessive prices are justified by specific elements, a patented new molecule or scientific “innovation,” making any variety of claims that constant use will yield. You can’t put a price on the “appearance of reduced wrinkles,” and tighter, brighter pores and skin check this site out.
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A few exceptions are Gucci Westman’s Westman Atelier, which launched in 2018, the identical year as Augustinus Bader, and Pat McGrath’s Pat McGrath Labs, which got here out in 2015. Magnetic topped tubes and compacts, though minimalist, are designed with quality and excessive consideration to element, from blended steel accents to engravings inside caps. But for new strains, especially those who can’t borrow credibility from a longtime model, achieving luxury standing is nearly impossible. I’ve been thinking a lot about what makes a brand really luxurious, versus an organization that simply sells $120 serum or $42 lipstick. It’s cool to be accessible but still appear and feel expensive.
Whether on the beach, within the city or in the mountains - SCHONPUR is always there. Luxury signifiers come all the method down to beauty packaging, or hybrid formulation, similar to foundations that lean heavily into skin care ingredients. Finally, we’ll have a glance at magnificence logistics, warehousing and the complexities of selling out of your business’ website. Finally, a magnificence brand can’t scale without funding and it’s frequent for magnificence entrepreneurs to hunt funding in this competitive trade. We’ll show you the 11 different sorts of investment supply you possibly can seek and teach you tips on how to pitch for them. In this Module, the Formula Botanica welcomes Arfy Majeed, Lela Barker, Anju Rupal, Meg Karidis and Claire Cherry to teach you the means to manage the cash in your magnificence enterprise.
Online design and manufacturing lab that lets you custom-make and model your own skincare merchandise. Bare and Bloom Naturals is extra than simply an all-natural tub & body company, we're a holistic wellness and way of life brand. Our focus is on creating high-quality, pure, and luxury self-care merchandise by removing all harmful ingredients from cosmetics, specializing in sustainability at every stage of the availability chain. We have product traces geared in path of men and women of all backgrounds and ages, as well as youngsters. Bare + Bloom may even provide flexible and personalised service, with customized subscription presents primarily based on the person wants and objectives of our purchasers.
Generation Z units the tone for cosmetics and the beauty business transformation. If you need an amazing magnificence brand that stands out from the competitors, work with an expert designer. Find and hire a designer to make your imaginative and prescient come to life, or host a design contest and get ideas from designers around the world. Italics usually are not generally utilized in emblem design, but in this case it conveys movement and relates in a beautiful and elegant approach to the mark. BRANDING | PACKAGING DESIGN | UI DESIGN | MARKETING STRATEGY | COPYWRITING | CREATIVE & ART DIRECTION 70s & Sunny is a neighborhood San Diego skin care brand, that caters to the unapologetical Californian girls.
We are a web-based personal labeled beauty branding firm that permits you to formulate and brand your individual skincare merchandise. Our process is tried and true and allows you to promote your brand through innovative product lines. Private labelling – allows you to sell in a spa, salon, boutique, on-line business and extra.
The maximum you presumably can order is 576 pieces per stock-keeping unit, so it really works rather well for brands starting out. But it’s also nice for those brands who want to do some A/B testing, small sampling, or creating merchandise for particular occasions. We just had somebody order three different products customized with her emblem to offer out at a grand opening event. The luxurious French skincare brand launched a virtual pop-up experience to the Australian beauty area to drive brand engagement with beauty fanatics. Provide products along with your branding to boost your clients expertise. [newline]Not only will they receive gold normal merchandise but also long run advertising of your corporation.
Getting your mindset sorted is crucial to starting your journey of launching a beauty product enterprise. WEBSITE E-COMMERCE — Online users are clicking less and scrolling more. one hundred pc of all your prospects online will interact along with your product pages; subsequently we be certain that all magnificence branding components are on those key pages.
Do you feel like you have a mission to create a beauty brand that’s bigger than yourself? A skincare brand, haircare line or makeup range that modifications people lives? We will help you learn how to begin your beauty products business, the skilled method. Clear and particular beauty branding is the easiest way to cut by way of the clutter and assist your model stand out in a crowded area. If you don’t have your model identity set earlier than you start marketing your services or products, you might not be able to effectively communicate your message using design and voice. You might want to ask your self some very challenging questions in this Module and come up with a life-changing vision in your magnificence business.
The different thing to bear in mind is that consumers now don’t necessarily use one model for their entire skincare assortment, they wish to pick and choose and verify out various things. We provide 21 completely different ready-to-go stock formulations including cleansers, toners, mists, exfoliator pads, lash and forehead enhancers, amongst many others, but we shall be adding to that assortment. We wanted to start out small to get a gauge on curiosity level, ensuring that everything was super streamlined and folks had been happy with the way the platform works. We will be including CBD products and some more clean and pure merchandise. We’ll rise up to a minimal of 50 different stock formulations ultimately, however at this explicit time on this platform, there’s no customized formulation or tweaking of these formulations. As far as packaging goes, you get two or three decisions relying on what the product is.
Drawing From Memory is a branding and design agency centered on nurturing the next technology of beauty brands. Working with both magnificence icons and start-up ventures, we problem our shoppers to suppose deeply about the values that make manufacturers more than just the products they sell. Fusing strategic experience with fine art roots, we create elevated brands that totally inhabit their distinctive identities in digital, retail, and past. Online, the colours, shapes, symbols, and phrases that weren't in a place to be conveyed in your product assortment, brand, or packaging alone, all be part of to create a digital extension of your magnificence branding. Consumers today are in search of extra reassurance, romance, and storytelling online; they yearn for sensorial experiences. — The product assortment and organization of the merchandise you supply ought to mirror your beauty branding aims in a means that's appealing to your target market.
Bespoke Advantage is a brand administration company working with clients across the wonder, spa, and wellness space from ‘concept to shelf’. As a staff of passionate trade specialists, we rework your blue sky considering into compelling and function driven brands. With a track report of constructing manufacturers for start-ups, retailers and luxurious brands primarily based internationally, you’re in skilled hands. ‘I extremely recommend Bespoke Advantage to enterprise house owners across the beauty, spa and wellness industry.
Depending on your kind of e-commerce enterprise, it mightn’t be possible nor practical to launch every product in a brand new overseas market on the identical time. For example, customized beauty packaging that is shiny and in-your-face could resonate with the younger generation within the North American market. The UK, like the US, have no downside buying and shopping for cosmetics online; however, the French choose to strive their cosmetics before committing to a buy order. This puts more pressure on brands to make sustainability part of their core values, and implement concepts like eco-friendly packaging. To increase the probabilities of your model being taken up in a new market, it’s essential to grasp shopping for patterns, social norms and other cultural nuisances. Other manufacturers like Rhianna’s Fenty launched into the UK by only promoting in a handful of retail shops adding to the sense of exclusivity.
What makes Beauty Branding Labs so unique is that brands can are out there in, undergo the entire course of, submit their order and then they obtain their product in about seven to 10 business days. Your total can be just a little over $1,300 for a complete assortment. As one other instance, let’s say you did simply 24 pieces of the cleanser, that’s $238, or the peptide serum itself at 24 items is $478. It’s such a minor investment and commitment compared to working with bigger contract manufacturers. DIGITAL MARKETING — Beauty branding on the suitable digital channels helps brands connect with present and potential prospects. A group that understands each platform as nicely as your viewers and their habits online is critical.
The Middle Eastern cosmetics market is slightly completely different, because the retail cosmetics market dominates. Using trade information and the experiences of manufacturers that have gone earlier than you, you'll be able to help minimise the chance and funding for expanding your cosmetics brand internationally. So the statistics and proof are there - beauty brands develop into foreign markets as a way to expand their buyer base.
My Black Flower Logo Personalized deep conditioner, customized hair regiments, specific products (oils, creams, shampoos & conditioners), particular styling instruments for textured hair. Artistic emblem concept for cosmetic line Lotus flower is designed with an inventive feel to attract modern and little bit eccentric consumer. Light Flower Logo Proposal A gentle minimal stylized emblem for a cosmetics accessories firm. Biomoxi An unique and hand-drawn tree for a skincare company. Beautifully branded Business card choices for Faces of Nature 1-on-1 project Logo design and branded property for organic style online retailer. PEAK BOTANICS Formulate all pure, organic botanicals (plant-based products) made in Oregon.
By the time you’ve reached Module 6, you've created your model, sorted out your manufacturing technique and business framework, costed and priced up your merchandise and chosen your retail technique. We begin this Module with an in-depth look at beauty retail advertising and gross sales, which requires you to be a hands-on enterprise companion to your retail accounts. Next, we’ll cover your PR technique – how to work with the media, influencers and companies.
This created more speak of Glossier on social media, the brand’s best advertising channel. And, with relatively small, lightweight products, cosmetic brands are on the front foot with worldwide enlargement. As domestic markets get more durable to get management of, many beauty brands start to take their presence overseas. We are a really approachable group with over 60 years combined expertise in constructing manufacturers – from start-ups to multinational – across international markets. Drawing upon our confirmed 6-step signature process we allow you to to articulate, develop, and grow your corporation.
In the US skincare products has exceed $700+Billion dollars and growing. Lets face it, all over the place you flip you see skincare products being bought. It is your flip to brand your product and compete on a high stage.. Ultimate Beauty Branding allows our customers to offer a product unique to their enterprise with their own distinctive branding. Nothing says "unique" like custom magnificence branding designed only for you by a professional designer. We’ve collected some amazing examples of magnificence model identities from our international community of designers.
On-brand packaging that's unique and represents your brand ideas might help your brand bounce off the shelf and seize your audience’s attention. We provide the instruments to attach with – and specific – your personal distinctive model of beauty. Pixi Beauty celebrates the launch of a limited-edition collection created along with fellow British-born global icon, Hello Kitty.
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