#anon missing the point so severely and shrieking at me that these posts are actually about them now is so in character for these people
crippled-peeper · 9 months
Do you have MADD? Do you know what it's like??? No??? Then maybe shut up??? If you don't want non paralyzed people to talk over you about paralysis then take your own damn advice when it comes to shit you don't have to deal with
that’s a whole lot of assumptions you’re making about someone you don’t know based on the fact they have a disability you don’t
have you been offered euthanasia? has euthanasia been suggested to you for your daydreaming? do you genuinely want me to believe that people in the government specifically want you to die, because you daydream too much? really?
I bet you think being paralyzed is also a “white male” thing too, don’t you? nobody can have multiple marginalizations or disabilities except for you, because you are so very special and unique. fuck everybody and fuck the fact people literally legislate other disabled ppls deaths.
this blog is all about you & your daydreaming now. what do you want to tell the world(my audience of 5 ppl)? anything actually constructive or interesting? I’m waiting
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You’ve Got Crabs
Request:  aaaa i love ur writing so much!!!!! could you do a poly!hamilsquad x reader where they go to the beach and reader comes up to them with a hand full of sand digger crabs (cute little things that don't pinch/bite but just dig) and they all freak out. sorry if this seems weird but I grew up at the beach and i always used to play with them and i just went back to the beach this weekend and i forgot how much i missed it (requested by anon)
Characters: Poly!Hamilsquad x Reader
Word Count: 1,157
Warnings: Cursing, sexual comments, poorly translated French (translations at the end), I didn’t read this over before posting so message me if you find mistakes!
AU: Modern (cuz i’m trash ahhaha)
A/N: Okay, I think I know which crabs you’re talking about?? I’ve seen a ton of them at Ocean City, and if we’re talking about the same ones, they’re so cute! Here’s a link to a picture of one for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about. (and anon, hopefully we’re talking about the same thing!) I’m just gonna call these guys “sand crabs” for the sake of the fic. 
Aahhh, could this day get any better? You were laying under an umbrella, sunglasses covering your eyes, toes buried in the sand, listening to the laughs of your four favorite people in the world, water splashing onto your legs - wait. You weren’t anywhere close to the water. 
Your eyes flew open as you prepared to yell at whoever was splashing you. You’d chosen a spot far away from the water for a reason: you weren’t ready to get wet. Not yet. Your angry glare settled on John, who was smiling down at you sheepishly. 
“Sorry?” he tried, leaning down to try to give you a hug to make up for his actions. 
“No no no, you don’t get a hug,” you shook your head, scooting away from him. “Not after that. I don’t want to be wet!”
As Alex smirked at your comment, you knew you’d made a mistake in your choice of words. “Oh, Y/N, you know we’ll have you wet by the end of the day one way or another,” he winked, earning a laugh from the three boys around him. 
You grumbled as you stood up so that you could smack Alexander. You hit his arm, and he rolled his eyes as if his actions had barely affected him. “Fine,” you said, deciding on a more severe punishment. “No sex for a month.”
Alex’s eyes widened more than you’d ever seen before. “You can’t be serious,” he breathed out, glaring at the boys who were now laughing at his expense instead of yours. 
“I’m so serious,” you deadpanned. “John and Laf and Herc and I will be having absolutely amazing sex and you’ll be wishing you could join but you won’t be able to cuz you’re being an ass.” With that, you walked away and left the boys’ snickers behind you as you made your way to the water. You were already wet now, so you might as well get in, right?
You stood at the edge of the water for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of the waves lapping at your feet. You silently thanked Herc for the idea to take a vacation; everyone had been so tense lately, so a get-away was desperately needed. 
A shriek from behind you interrupted your thoughts, and you turned around to see Herc having Alex in a headlock. They were laughing, though, so you knew they weren’t actually fighting. Herc would never do that in a serious manner, anyways. He was a softy at heart. That was one of the things you loved most about him. 
A little to their left, Laf and John were walking down the beach, hand-in-hand. They looked like a couple from a movie or something, with the sun shining just right on them and the sand pressed under their feet. You regretted leaving your camera in the hotel room. 
As you turned your attention back to the ocean, a little movement in the sand caught your eye. You bent over and saw a sand crab burrowing into the ground, and a smile erupted on your face. Sticking your fingers in the sand, you tried to grab the little guy before he could get too deep. “C’mere,” you whispered to it, as if you would scare it away by talking to loud. Eventually, your grip on the crab was tight enough so that you could pick it up and plop it in your free hand. 
“Do you have any friends?” you asked it as you moved some sand around to look for more crabs. You moved a chunk of sand squealed in excitement when you found more all in the same spot. When you moved the sand, though, they started going deeper in the ground, so you had to hurry and get as many as you could. When you’d gotten all you could, you counted them and found that you had 6 sitting in the palm of your left hand. 
“Guys, I have crabs!” you shouted, standing up and running over to the boys. Upon hearing your declaration, John and Laf made their way back over to everyone else. 
“You...You’ve got crabs,” Herc said, looking at you with a straight face. “You’ve got crabs!” he repeated, exploding in laughter. Everyone except you and Laf joined in with him. 
“Why is that funny?” Laf wondered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 
“They’re just being assholes,” you grumbled. “Do you wanna see my crabs?” you asked him, a smile replacing your annoyed expression. 
Laf couldn’t say no to a face like that. “Bien sûr mon amour,” he smiled down at you. “Laissez moi les voir.”
You held your hand out for him to see, but you didn’t get the reaction you were hoping for. Laf’s face turned into one of alarm - almost horror - as he said, “Mon Dieu! Put those down!”
“What is it?” John asked, looking at your hand curiously. When he saw the crabs, he, too, grimaced. “Jesus Christ, Y/N, aren’t those dangerous?”
“They’re completely harmless,” you frowned, cradling them with your hands. “All they do is dig in the sand. That’s it.” You realized you were becoming defensive over crabs, but you didn’t care. Why didn’t the boys think they were cute?
“They’re gross,” Alex stated plainly, and you gasped. 
“How dare you!” you exclaimed, holding one out for him. “Here, hold one. You’ll see there’s nothing to be scared of or grossed out by.”
Before you could place the crab in Alex’s hand, though, Hercules reached over and smacked it to the ground. You watched in disappointment as it scurried deep into the sand. 
“What did you do that for?” you whined, cursing yourself as tears pricked at your eyes. “They’re fuckin’ crabs, Y/N,” you told yourself. “Calm down.”
“Aw, babe,” John frowned, coming to hug you. This time, you let him. You had to drop the crabs to hug him back like you wanted, but if the boys were so disgusted by them, what was the point in trying to show them more?
“Same on you all,” John continued, addressing the other boys. You knew he was joking, but you were glad he was reprimanding them, nonetheless. 
“You didn’t like them either,” you reminded him, mumbling into his chest. You felt him rumble as he chuckled. 
“But I’m the only one not being rude about it right now,” he countered, and you couldn’t argue with that. 
“We’re sorry,” Herc tried, and you felt his big hand start to rub your back. You shook your head, pushing John backwards and forcing the two of you to move further away from the others. 
“You’re being childish,” Alex sighed, and although you knew he was right, you didn’t want to give in. So you pulled away from John, took his hand, started walking with him back towards the water, and said something that you knew would make the other boys upset. 
“I’m only fucking John for the next month.”
“Bien sûr mon amour” - “Of course my love” “Laissez moi les voir” - “Let me see them”   “Mon Dieu” - “My God”
A/N: Send in requests! :)
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