#anonn 😭😭 this one is adorableeeee
fluffallamaful · 2 years
Healing AU: Dream is left completely reliant on other people for help. He can’t eat, bathe, go to the bathroom — he’s been pushing himself for so long that now he’s basically destroyed his body in the process. Tommy is…Tommy, and he can’t really take responsibility for something like that, so he enlists the help of others on the server that he swears to secrecy, that knows will listen to him and that he believes are semi-functional adults. He decides on Sam and Quackity. The two people who have hurt Dream the most.
Dream is terrified. He was just the most vulnerable he’d ever been with someone in two years, and got a bomb dropped on his head by that very person less than a minute afterwards. And now that person has elected to leave him under the 24/7 care of his old torturers. And of course, he’s not going to tell Tommy that he’s scared — what good would that do? And also that’s probably what Tommy wants, anyway — so he just braces himself for the worst. But…it’s not as bad as it was before. Not nearly.
Instead of starving him, Sam spoon feeds him warm soup three times a day. Instead of torturing him with shears and waterboarding techniques, Quackity grooms his hair and gives him sponge baths and responds to any of his usual appeasement attempts (calling him Sir, for example) by treating it like a joke. Sam and Quackity are treating it like they hurt each other equally. Like they are all gonna just bury the hatchet. Like it’s water under the bridge. (Like Dream wasn’t so badly affected, because he’s DREAM, and even if that old mask of being a One Note Villain is falling apart that older mask of being nigh-invincible isn’t quite there yet.)
Dream starts to get more comfortable, and then he starts to push. He starts to bite, lash out. He’s mad, he’s hurt, he’s scared — and eventually he manages to get them to snap back at him. He regrets it. Them snapping back is terrifying: he vividly remembers all the things they’d do to him in Pandora. And they finally realize that they really hurt him.
Tickles and cuddles ensue.
fgzyzyssw thiiisss oneeee 😭 like you’ve explained the situation so well like how absolutely terrified dream would be with his two torturers in the room with him together while he can’t even move :(( and like trying to contain and conceal his nervousness
(discussion under cut):
until he eventually breaks and lashes out :(( seemingly out of nowhere from quackity and sam’s point of view. but when they try to argue back to him they finally get to see how badly dream has been affected by his time in prison. even in his practically immobilised state they can see him flinch away at their raised voice, eyes squeezing shut to brace
slowly, sam replaces his spoon back in the soup, quackity’s sponge drops back in the bucket. their voices drop to a much more soothing tone. quackity grabs dreams hand and squeezes, they discuss that dream is more hurt than they originally realised. they apologise and quackity rubs the back of dreams hand, trying to sooth him further
it appears that their words are reaching him, or at least,, that’s what the small, wobbly smile on dream’s lips would indicate. a few twitches from his fingers alert quackity to a large scar on the back of his hand, which immediately fill him with a wave of regret, but simultaneously gives him and idea
as they’re speaking and soothing dream, slowly sam and quackity start tracing up dreams arms. it takes them a little while, but eventually dream settles into their apologies, appearing to trust their words a little more. he even lets them traces the scars up his neck and chin without snapping at them. and mostly importantly, allows them to pull him into a group hug :((
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