#anons like this are incredibly sweet and I want y'all to feel comfortable sending stuff like this to me
optiwashere ยท 8 months
Hi! I'm the erโ€ฆc/u/m anon from earlier? I'm really sorry to hear you're dealing with a lot of transphobia and harassment. If I had known you were dealing with that, I wouldn't have sent that anon. I don't like the idea that something I did caused you uncertainty or discomfort. I hope it wasn't too upsetting. But, I also wanted to thank you for writing, if that's ok. I really like what you do with Shadowheart as a character, and I enjoy Asheera quite a bit! "Gond rebuild me" has managed to worm its way into my lexicon now, and I find it quite amusing. Anyways, thanks for your time. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to talk off anon, but for now I hope my little support is enough.
Hi anon! No worries, the cum talk doesn't bother me at all. I actually edited down that response from my original because I got quite TMI, so it might have made the answer sound very "chaste" lmao.
And it's, I think, two or three people sending the nasty asks. Blocking those anons stopped it for a while, so hopefully they get bored soon.
I really don't want to make it seem like you shouldn't send stuff like that! I genuinely appreciate that you feel that way. That's the reason I responded, and it's the reason I don't turn off anons: I don't want to make it worse for everyone just because of one or two bad eggs!
PLEASE DO write in with those feelings! Fanfiction is generally kinda isolating these days, especially the type of stuff that I write, and commenting culture is very different so whenever I hear anything from folks like you it MAKES MY WHOLE WEEK! I love hearing that you appreciated the writing, and I'm 100% actually moved when people say they like my characterizations. Especially when you say you like Asheera! She's a real part of me, and I really love that others like her.
"Gond rebuild me" indeed lmao.
Your support is enough anon, and I'm really glad the fics can be like that for you. Don't feel compelled to send anything in off anon, but I do really, really appreciate it ๐Ÿ’œ
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