#another example is the museum & the absolute Horror of seeing their parents & ofc mal’s?? hallucinated musical number??
itsalwaysforyou · 1 year
actually what gets me about d1 is how hyper aware these kids are that their parents don’t love them. in the kitchen scene when they’re absolutely silent after lonnie’s ‘i thought even villains loved their kids’… like there’s no grand realisation. no enlightenment. they are So Aware of the fact their parents don’t love them. even the first line in evie’s rttc verse: ‘so i’ve got some mischief in my blood / can you blame me? i never got no love’.
and yet, we see them desperately trying to please their parents. jay with the lamp. carlos, for a moment, believing cruella wants him to stay bc she’ll miss him. evie with her mother. mal agreeing to go to auradon so she can steal the wand for maleficent.
all of this desperation, some blind belief, which is always going to be futile. their efforts were pointless from the beginning. villains don’t love their kids. and the kids are so, painfully aware of that.
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