#another snippet of the scibfs professor au
daftpunk-delorean · 5 months
Two hours later, he was straddling Bruce’s lap on the couch in Tony’s office, while Bruce pushed Tony’s shirt over his head and they kissed frantically, hands everywhere, humid lips following in their wake. 
“Shh,” Bruce hushed when Tony moaned, and Tony buried his face in Bruce’s shoulder, grinding their hips together. 
“Can’t help it, you feel so good-“ he panted, hissing when Bruce eagerly licked a nipple. “Fuck…”
“Tony, I want-“
Knock knock
The two of them froze at the sound of a knock on Tony’s office door, and they bolted apart faster than lightning, scrambling for clothes and straightening pillows and scattered books. Soon Tony was behind his desk, shirt on backwards, lips reddened, and Bruce was on his couch, leg crossed away from the door, an open book on his lap. 
“Come in,” Tony called, recognizing that it had taken a suspiciously long time for him to say that. 
“Hi Tony! M.J. and Ned and I just had a question about- oh, hi Dr. Banner,” Peter said in surprise, looking between Tony and Bruce far too perceptively. Ned and M.J. were whispering behind him, naturally. 
“Question about?” Tony said, and Peter cleared his throat. 
“Uh, Dr. Banner, your book is upside down,” he said, and Bruce quickly righted the book.
“Oh, thank you, Mr. Parker,” Bruce said, not making eye contact. 
“Your question?” Tony said again, and Ned tugged Peter’s backpack.
“Sorry Tony, Dr. Banner, we got it figured out!” Ned said, pulling a protesting Peter from the room and shutting the door. Tony suspected Peter really did have a question about homework, but…
“Welp, the cat is out of the bag,” Tony groaned, laying his head on his arms on his desk with a sigh. Bruce’s sigh echoed his. 
“With those three? The whole department will know before the hour is up,” he said, then grinned at Tony. “Your shirt’s on backwards.”
Tony scowled and straightened his tshirt.
“Okay, Dr. Upside Down Book.”
Bruce snorted, then came to Tony’s desk and gave him a soft, lingering kiss. 
“Can’t wait for dinner tomorrow, Tony,” he murmured, then backed away slowly, looking at Tony with intense want in his hazel eyes, and closed the office door behind him. 
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