#another underrated friendship is billy and mack . obviously before everything went to shit but they were buddies!!!
iridescentmarzz · 5 months
smth that I didn't know that I needed until I read a fic last night was some sort of friendship between harding & chief . like ugh that'd be so sweet. little scenario of chief being so obviously head over heels for mack because duh and everyone can see how he's changed and harding notices and realizes it's because chief is so gay and he feels an intense solidarity with him and this urge to help him and make him feel secure in his feelings because no one was ever there for Him when he realized he was gay so he wants to be there for chief . but it's hard to really form that connection since harding assumes that chief is deaf but he tries anyway because he just wants so badly to have another queer friend and he wants to see things turn out good for chief n mack . sigh
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