#another unfinished fic from the graveyard jhsjsh
nari-writes · 8 months
Trick or treeeeaaaat darling~
ahH but how am I supposed to put anything here when you've read/know so much of my stuff!!! okay, okay; I think this was an opbb/fic&art project I was gonna do with @babblebuzz aaaaaages ago: a mishmash of fairytales and a curse to go along with.
“Hey! Hey, you! Squirt with the scar!” 
Luffy made a confused noise in the back of his throat before looking around, eyes scanning the horizon for where the voice might have come from. “Me?” he asked the empty sky, wondering if someone was stuck in the clouds, and heard a grumbled,
“Yes you, dumbass! Up here!”
Luffy made a confused noise, looking around and then taking a cautious step forwards. “Up...where?”
“Here you idiot! In the huge fucking tower right in front of you!”
Luffy took another step forwards, jolting to a sudden stop as he banged into something. As though his touch was the catalyst, bricks began to form under his hands, and Luffy could see a tower begin to form in front of him, reaching high into the sky. “Cooooool,” he said, craning his head back so that he could try and find the top, and saw in the distance what looked like a man hanging out of the side of the tower.
“Fucking finally,” he heard the man say, and then watched as the man wriggled further out of what appeared to be a window, basically hanging out of it. “Hey!” he called down to Luffy, and Luffy gave a questioning noise in the back of his throat, holding his hand to his head. Surprisingly his hand met fluffy hair instead of-
A something. What something? he wondered, but found himself quickly distracted by the man in the tower yelling, “You better catch me!”
“Catch you!?” Luffy yelped, backing up frantically and looking around for what he could use to break this man’s apparent fall. “I can't catch you, you're like twenty feet in the air!”
“It's better than thirty,” the man said, and then jumped out the window. Luffy quickly scrambled underneath the tower with a yelp, holding his arms out in a vain attempt to catch this strange, tower-bound man.
He seemed to glitch half-way down the tower, vanishing from Luffy’s sight, and then suddenly he was back up at the window again and Luffy frowned, staring up at him in confusion.
“I thought you were jumping!” he called out, and received an incoherent yell of fury in return. 
Hopping backwards, Luffy scurried around the tower, trying to find a door, but even doing a full lap revealed nothing. He contemplated going around again, but the man called out with a heavy sigh,
“There's no way to get in.”
“The window’s a way to get in!” he called back and heard a bark of laughter. 
“You said it yourself, it's like twenty feet in the air!”
Luffy hummed under his breath, taking a step closer to the tower and peering at the bricks. They looked old and crumbly, with tiny flowers growing in the cracks, but if they were strong enough to hold up a tower than surely they'd be strong enough to hold up him. He stepped back and stripped off his armour, rotating his shoulder back with a small grin of relief as the weight on his lithe body vanished, and then cracked his knuckles before approaching the tower again.
“Hey, what are you doing?” the man demanded, and Luffy grinned at him before hooking his hands into the rocks.
“It's not thirty feet!” he said, and then began to climb up, muscles bunching and shifting easily beneath his skin as he climbed. 
“You dumbass, get off!” the man called. “What if you fall?”
“Eh, I'll probably be fine,” Luffy called back, sweat dripping down his back and focusing on what to grab next. His muscles had started to ache faintly with the strain, but he was half-way up, and was starting to pick out the man’s sharp features. “Oh yeah, I'm Luffy by the way!”
“You're a dumbass, that's who you are,” the man shot back, and Luffy gave a huff of a laugh, sweat dripping into his eye and making him blink, wishing he could wipe his forehead. 
“Who’re you?” Luffy asked, and heard a grumbling sigh.
He's the demon bounty hunter - Roronoa Zoro!
Luffy shook his head, pausing in his climb to try and chase the faint memory ringing in his ears.
“Hey, are you okay?” Zoro asked worriedly, and Luffy shook his head again, dismissing it. He must've heard it while travelling! 
He ignored the fact that he couldn't truly remember when he'd first started travelling. It must've been quite a long time ago.
“You have a cool name!” he said as he started climbing again, ignoring the pain growing in his fingertips as he clawed in the bricks for a grip, and Zoro snorted.
“You have a brain the size of a pea.”
“Hey!” Luffy cried indignantly, pouting up at Zoro and surprised to find how close he was, “You're the one stuck in a magic tower!”
Zoro glared at him, face sucked in fouly, “It wasn't my fault! I finished my part of the deal, to stay up here for a month with nothing, but they just decided to keep me up here for their stupid princess to rescue.”
“Well I'm not a princess, so I dunno if I should be saving you then,” Luffy muttered, reaching up and then finding that his arm went straight through the window. Zoro’s calloused hands gripped his arm, and Luffy squirmed over the edge of the window with Zoro’s help. 
With a heave, he made it over the top, but Zoro yanked his arm to hard and Luffy found himself pulled straight into Zoro’s chest, sending both of them to the ground. He landed with an oof, and then laughed, peeling himself up and taking in Zoro’s glare.
“Nice scar!” he chirped, his fingertips going to graze the long edge of torn skin he could see at Zoro’s shoulder, but Zoro’s hand clamped around his wrist, moving him away. 
“Don’t touch that,” he said, and then paused, staring at Luffy’s hand for a moment before he shook his head. “Look, thanks for comin’ to keep me company, or whatever, but this isn’t helpful. I’m trying to get out, not get other people trapped with me.”
“We’ll figure something out!” Luffy replied, and then rolled off Zoro’s chest, bouncing to his feet and going to peer around the room. “Woooow, you have a lot of stuff!”
Zoro sat up with a grunt, massaging his back with a wince and then rotating his shoulder back, easing stiff muscles. “Most of it was here already,” he said, before heaving himself to his feet. “Probably from the last ‘princess’ they kept locked up here.”
“Wooah, that’s weird.” Luffy said, then shrugged and pouted. “I guess my kingdom isn’t any better. People there keep turning mean and getting grumpy because of the cold, and so did my best friend, so I came out to save him. I think.” He hummed under his breath thoughtfully, a faint headache growing as he tried to think about why that story felt somehow wrong, but the sight of the mirror behind Zoro made him nod decisively. His fluffy vest and long sleeves were proof that he’d come from somewhere cold, even if his sandaled feet seemed to disprove that. 
Plus, if he’d planned on travelling, where were all his supplies?
Maybe he’d eaten them all. That was a possibility.  
His armour glinted bright in the sunlight, catching his eye as he carefully polished the front plate, and Luffy hummed under his breath as he moved the small red cloth in slow circles, distracted by the gleam and tracing the curvy engravings with his fingertip.
and the plot notes!
Land on an island that has fairy tales that constantly loop thanks to the grand line being fucky. Usopp tells some stories abt their adventures and the island falls in love w/ them and wants to keep them
Erases their memories and puts them in fairy tales
Lu gets put as a knight to defend people but he doesnt want to, so instead he makes friends with the dragon and goes off to explore starts fucking up fairy tales
Rescues zoro from his tower before zoro’s princess can do it so the princess decides to use her skills to create an army and “save” zoro (this is the army vivi later ends up fighting)
They camp out a nice rich lady’s house, bc the master of the house is paranoid abt her safety. Find out she's been talking to this strange fluffy creature & a long-nosed boy
She flies away with the dragon and the fluffer and the boy and zoro and luffy have to chase after them. Luffy hitches a sling-shot lift and then is like hey woah what? I'm. Super stretchy?
Talk to chopper and usopp and decide to go for adventures. Fight off kuro/hook and take Kaya home.
The owner of the house thought they were kidnapping kaya tho and so they get chased off. Kaya laughs and promises to help visualise chopper’s dream and make a book of cures
Shadow!Brook gives them a bit of help escaping
They bolt for it!!! Cute travel stories and also some dejavu. Zoro and luffy sleeping cuddled together and fluffy chopper and cute!!!!
They get lost bc someone lets zoro lead and they complain like “why do we let him do this EVERY time???” and someone else is like dude this is the first time. And then they pause and they're like huh, why’d i say that. Oh well!
They stumble across a castle! 
Sanji was cursed to be a beast bc he stole some magic bears’ porridge. They're pretty cool tho and have been teaching him how to cook. The crew gets invited in and fed. Zeff and the cooks are the bears!
Gin shows up and confesses that they're going to attack the place bc they're so hungry and also afraid of the monster they heard lives there. 
Sanji wants to prove he's not a monster and also he hates the thought of them hungry and so feeds them. Turns back into a human but the army still attacks and says there's treasure inside. Gin helps them defend the place. 
They chill at the palace for a while and luffy keeps getting Weird Feelings whenever he eats sanji’s food. Sanji runs into a mermaid and falls in love with her!
Said mermaid turns out to be nami and tries to rob the place but Brook alerts everyone before they vanish / scares nami a bit bc skeleton!
They fight arlong the magical fishdick who’d uspured the other ruler and killed bellemere and blackmailed nami, and nojiko becomes queen of atlantis and gives nami some killer magic powers + the ability to shapeshift between human & mer
They go travelling again bc nami’s like I'm bored here and i want more to steal. They run into what looks like an abandoned workshop and find a huge robot that luffy bangs into. Nami recharges it w/ her lightning powers and he splutters to life. Brook’s with them at that point bc it's dark and he's chillin out bc he misses his crew. 
Sends a tornado to whisk them apart and the guys end up getting forcibly/accidentally enlisted in the vivi vs tashigi war. ZORO AND LU THINK THE OTHER IS DEAD ;3 👍
Nami lands near vivi as she's practicing to be a boy (mulan style) and there's lots of yelling but then nami agrees to help her and we get some na/vi interactions and then they basically all run into each other again and become this super effective task force.
Vivi defeats the evil army and saves her dad and lu&co help out. Lu and zoro don't run into each other until they have to save vivi’s dad from croc, who'd partnered with tashigi and has been lying to her about the state of vivi’s country bc he wants to take it over
There's a lot more almost near death experiences and croco is not like normal, he's a hell of a lot more powerful. 
Brook leaves them messages on tashigi’s army’s plan.
They keep crocodile’s ass and tashigi and vivi make a peace treaty. Tashigi realises zoro’s the prince she was meant to rescue and wants to marry him (bc of the island) so she can become queen. Luffy is NOT HAPPY.
Brook nudges off a book that reveals some things about the royalty of the island, but also some things about the island being sentient and liking to put people in stories, and that it chooses who’s royalty.
Zoro suggests holding a ball to find tashigi and bride/groom and brook facepalms bc the book ALSO said if tashigi rescued zoro from something he'd be king but all zoro took was that it had to be part of a story and the only story he could remember was cinderella.
Robin’s stepmother has magic that makes robin do whatever she says and orders robin to clean and she isn't allowed to read. She forbids robin from going to the dance but brook breaks the spell and helps her go ;u;
Franky and robin get to dance together and be Huge Dorks
Robin runs away at midnight but the whole crew ends up following after bc franky’s like i know that woman! 
Stepmother reveals she got home from the ball before robin and orders Robin to stay in her room and never leave. Sanji says keeping such a beautiful woman locked away is a crime
Stepmother starts to morph into a monster and everyone’s like akfgofng what ?????
But it's gonna hurt robin so they fight it. The monster orders robin to fight them. Luffy bear hugs her and usopp covers her eyes and the monster appears to be losing so it orders robin to jump off her tower window. The island wants a prince to rescue her and so forcibly throws her up there. But chopper’s the one who saves her bc he can fly.
Everyone questions how that happened and the island morphs with the monster so it can talk to them and reveals everything.
The island confesses that it thought they would be happy with their friends there and so brought their friends to them, and that it wants to keep them because they're interesting and they're bored of the real characters. Luffy says that everyone should be allowed to choose their own path and make their own adventures, and then the island won't get bored.
The island is kind of like a little kid!!! And agrees and the stepmother goes back to normal and the island turns into a little kid and starts mumbling that they'll try to be better and let people have their own adventures. Very The Collector from The Owl House vibes
And then they leave the island! ♡
Brook keeps his memories but can't say anything about it. The island was a little scared of the skellington )): it doesn't like horror stories and so it just kinda banished him. too bad for the island that brook still has his df powers and can shadow poof everywhere
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