#another year without bmblb; another year with my bs
protect-yangs-smile · 10 months
so no acoustic bmblb? 🥺
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yangingaround · 7 years
What could RT be thinking putting BMBLB there while they just put two songs earlier for Blake and monkey-boy? Also, making Blake blush at monkey-boy's antics and having him as a date in the school dance and all that winking-flirting shiz. And now they're trying to push through with BB? Are they doing it for the views and for milking out from fans? That's just not cool. Building up BS and teasing BB now...unless you could prove me wrong here...?
okay, this got long
well, to counter your first point, they didn’t put two songs earlier for Blake and Sun
Not Fall In Love With You wasn’t written for the show, it was a song Jeff wrote back in his boy band days that he just wanted to use (and the scene it’s used in you can barely hear it anyway), it’s a very, very generic, one-sided love song - i mean look at the lyrics of it and try to think of any time they would work for Blake/Sun; hell, try and make sense of it in the context of Sun’s character, he’s not exactly the type to say “You’re my PYT/My cherie amour”
Like Morning Follows Night, from what we’ve heard of it, while it’s about the two of them, isn’t a love song. it’s clearly following the same argument they had throughout volume 4, Blake haunted and chased by her past and Sun refusing to leave her alone and being dismissive of her past and her want for space. we’ve had about half the song so far and the word love isn’t even used once (it also contains the line ‘i won’t endanger one more friend’)
by comparison, the 30 seconds we’ve got so far of BMBLB makes it undeniably a love song and undeniably about Blake and Yang because they are the only Bumblebee actually mentioned in the show
Blake blushed at all of one antic, and that’s when he was pointing her out in front of a huge crowd - mild embarrassment and flattery are a reasonable explanation for that
date for the school dance? Blake specifically said she was technically going with him - because they were arriving together and she was throwing him a bone because he’d asked her before - but her first dance, with Yang, was spoken for
and the winking-flirting stuff was all one-sided on Sun’s part - but don’t forget, Yang has winked at and made flirty comments to Blake in the past too
there is very little build-up to Blake/Sun, it’s incredibly shallow (because Sun is an incredibly shallow character with the bare rudiments of a personality, minimal backstory and no motivations beyond ‘gravitate around Blake’), Sun spends most of their shared screen-time annoying her (and rightfully so because he keeps making fun of her and not respecting her space or privacy) and Blake’s made a point in the past that she wants to be seen for who she is, not what. Sun’s reasons for liking Blake are as follows, “she’s a Faunus, she’s pretty, she’s a good fighter” - these are all what reasons, and the one (1) comment he has made about her personality has been this: “Where’s Blake, she still being all Blakey?” - he frames her then bad temper, brought on by her issues and the sheer exhaustion caused by it, as a problem inherent to her personality, and something he clearly doesn’t like and doesn’t want to deal with, as he asks this in an expectant tone like he thinks someone on her team should have dealt with it already
Yang meanwhile clearly understands Blake on a level no other character is shown to, which is why she was the one to get through to her at her lowest point, and her compliments towards Blake once they get to know each other are about who Blake is - “I love it when you’re feisty!” “You’re never one to back down from a challenge”
Blake is also always serious when interacting with Sun, we don’tsee her silly side, where she joins in on the fun like we do when she’s around Yang - Sun’s goofing around tends to piss Blake off more, because it’s usually inappropriate to the moment and/or at someone elses expense
Blake and Yang have had numerous moments across the series, in each others company - they care deeply about one another and their narratives are now wholly intertwined by what Adam, Blake’s ex who Yang has numerous parallels (but ultimately contrasts) with, did to them. a scene that deliberately used the word ‘love’ when Adam was threatening Blake just before Yang appeared (and Yang was the one to run to Blake when she heard Blake was fighting the White Fang, Sun, meanwhile, was right there and didn’t react, so…), and is framed very much as ‘old flame vs new flame’. that the scenes are using similar story tools as the ones used with Pyrrha/Jaune (a trend across volumes 2 and 3, nearly every Pyrrha/Jaune scene happens close to a Blake/Yang scene or scenes - with parallels and similar themes in these scenes. for example, in Burning the Candle, the Blake/Yang scene has Yangopening up to Blake about her past and being supportive and encouraging of Blake, and then making a lighthearted, open offer of a dance at the end. these are paralleled in Pyrrha opening up about how lonely her fame has made her at the dance, Pyrrha offering support and encouragement to Jaune during their training session and when he’s about to go ask Weiss to the dance again, and then Jaune making the lighthearted joke about wearing a dress. both lighthearted joke promises are also kept - Blake takes Yang up on the offer of a dance, she didn’t have to, arriving at the dance would’ve been enough, but they danced, likewise, Jaune kept his word and put on a dress because Pyrrha didn’t get a date, and Pyrrha says that he didn’t have to) which absolutely had a canon basis
when Yang talks about what they lost in the battle of Beacon, it’s very clear that Blake leaving without explanation hit her the worst. when Blake brings up her team at the end of volume 4, she explicitly says she loves them more than she ever thought she could love anyone (and ‘anyone’ would include Sun there), and there’s hesitation and her voice cracks when she mentions Yang - her feelings there are clearly more complex than with the rest of her team
for what could be considered ‘build up’ for Blake/Sun, there is far more for Blake/Yang, and on top of that, Yang does not annoy Blake - Blake being around Yang also immediately marked a change in her character, she ‘brightened up’ and joined in the silliness of Yang and Ruby within 24 hours of their team being official, Yang breaks through to Blake in Burning the Candle when she’s in a very dark place (Gray Haddock, head of RT animation, voice of Roman and was a producer on the show, even said in the commentary for that episode that Yang is light and Blake is in shadows, and Yang lights up Blake’s darkness - which fits her name as Yang means ‘light’ or ‘sun’)
little sidenote - but they do have that perfect little yin-yang thing going on, Yang is light, Blake is darkness (Yang has blonde hair and purple eyes, Blake has black hair and yellow eyes), Yang has that sunny disposition but she hides a lot of hurt, Blake is dark and brooding but has a lighter, sillier side. the two also have symbols that resemble flames. they’re complementary, they have contrasts and similarities and they clicked from the moment Blake chose Yang as her partner in the forest. Blake and Sun don’t have that, because his name means ‘monkey’, his theming is that he’s a monkey (it’s even his symbol), and that’s it
and i don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to the cast and crew but, Blake/Yang comes up a lot with them - Arryn and Barb, their actresses, have always vocally supported the ship (and once on her youtube channel before she closed it, Arryn was asked if she preferred Adam or Sun as a romantic option for Blake and refused to pick because she doesn’t like either of them and she’s said before that Blake/Yang is the only one that makes sense to her), Gray Haddock when on the Fan Service podcast has said that it’s one of his favourite ships in all of media. there’s a t-shirt for the ship, there are numerous teases to it in Chibi (by comparison, Blake has interacted with Sun all of once in that show, and there was one gag where she mistook Jaune for Sun while being very disinterested in him), the advertising for Chibi season 2 had this, and in general, whenever ships for the show come up, Blake/Yang is almost always mentioned alongside Ren/Nora and Pyrrha/Jaune. by comparison, Blake/Sun rarely, if ever, comes up
so this ‘teasing’ doesn’t come out of nowhere with no buildup when they’ve been talking about it for years, but this is almost always dismissed as just ‘trolling the fans’. but RT don’t have a history of ‘trolling the fans’ with their scripted content - at least not in such a malicious way (because doing this just to pull the rug out would be queerbaiting at this point). but consider the opposite, consider that they might be trolling the fans in a different way and have heterobaited Blake/Sun. if you’re willing to believe they would tease Blake/Yang so hard just to “troll the fans” you have to be willing to believe they would do the same with Blake/Sun
from the beginning, RT have been talking about including LGBT characters in the show, that the LGBT characters are here already and as the show goes on and these characters discover more about themselves, this will come to light. doing this, representing not only a big chunk of their fanbase, but also their openly LGBT employees, cast and crew would be fantastic. last year in their other shows they had LGBT characters, Day 5 had Ally, one of the protagonists and driving force of half the plot, who was a lesbian. RvB14 had a two part story with two lesbians in leadership roles and another story which revealed that Epsilon-Church (one of the core characters of the entire franchise) is bisexual - representation matters and while they’ve dropped the ball before, they’re aware of it and they’re trying to take strides (even if those strides should be larger)
so i highly doubt it’d be for ‘views and milking it’ especially as the fanbase is already there and ready for it, and at this point, backing out would be queerbaiting and cause a veritable shitstorm, which they’re going to be keenly aware of
what we’ve heard from BMBLB is that it’s a love song from the perspective of one half of the ship. we’ve seen these before in Boop and Dream Come True, and those came into their own in later volumes, so in including BMBLB on the volume 4 soundtrack, they’re suggesting that, well, not only is Yang definitely LGBT, but that the ship will be coming in and developing romantically over the next couple volumes
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