#answered : rose-marie ortega & stefan salvatore.
longroadhcme · 2 years
Who are you most attracted to in town? (all muses)
"Is it acceptable to say myself? 'Cause, we all know I'm the cutest around these parts." A smirk following, typical and very-Katherine in nature. "But, for the sake of your curiosity, we'll go with that delightful looking Isaac fellow. His jaw, well, I could just bite into it. I'd say Lucien, but he's falling in the poll due to his recent endeavours. Stefan, of course. I think that much goes without saying, have you seen him? Oh, and can't forget that delicious Alfonso, have you seen him without a shirt on? Trust me, he's doing us all a service with those abs." @ofsteelehearts, @ofkingmakers, @moralivity, @hoaxwings.
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"I've not really been paying attention since I got here. There's been more pressing matters, don't you think?" A shrug followed, mind wracking for anyone she'd clocked in the meantime. "Let's just go with familiar territory, and say that Atlas is up there. Rightfully so too." @hoaxwings
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"When you're in the line of work that I am, it makes finding anyone attractive pretty difficult, 'cause you know underneath the pretty face, there's a deep rooted pit of despair and supernatural trauma." Evidently, she'd had a taste for that in the past. "But, for the sake of shallow tendencies, Greyson is definitely easy on the eyes. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting yet, but Mason Lockwood is also enough to make anyone's eyes flutter. And, despite everything, I suppose, Klaus is still on the list, if not purely for attraction purposes." @darkncghts, @theirdiaries, @ofchaoticminds.
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"After the pity party I witnessed, I'm not sure anyone is actually 'attractive'. In order for me to find you as much, you'd need to not run around crying because of people actually being honest with one another." It was safe to say that CJ was hard to please, especially when it came to such departments. "In fact, we'll just go with that guy who embraced the chaos with me, Brent, was it? Otherwise, ask me again when things have calmed down, and maybe I've seen other sides to people around here." @ofvengefulwrath
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"I think we all know one of my answers here, so not sure if it's even worth acting surprised? But, Damon, obviously is up there in the list. I mean, his eyes alone are enough to lure you in, let alone the activities included in our friendship." Was it even considered as much, these days? They hadn't crossed those lines again thus far. "Aside from him? I'll never tell him, for his ego would double in size, but Lucien definitely has some level of appeal. But, perhaps that's just his pretty face? 'Cause as soon as he talks, that attraction dwindles. And, lastly, I guess we'll throw in two curveballs, on a purely physical basis, 'cause lets be real, they're shifty little buggers; Mikael and Tristan." @ofchaoticminds, @ofkingmakers, @dxddyoriginal, @de-martel
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longroadhcme · 2 years
Got a secret? Don't keep it, it'll take you to the grave. 
Good evening, residents of McKinley. If you’ll please find your assigned seats, we have a special treat in store for you tonight. As you take your seats, you’ll notice a placecard in front of you with one simple instruction, “confess thy secrets or sacrifice thy neighbor to earn entry to leave.”. Go on now, look to your left and to your right. Is your secret worth your neighbor's life? No, no. Don’t try to leave – you can’t. See, we had this planned far ahead. As soon as you took your seats, you were spelled to them until you either sacrificed your neighbor's life or confessed a dark secret. You didn’t think this was going to be a cheery holiday dinner did you? There’s been far too many secrets and not enough lives falling victim for the abundance of supernatural beings here. One way or another, the night will end in our favor. Secrets or blood spilled - it’s your choice. So? Go on now, confess your secret or sacrifice your neighbor. We’ll be watching.
          WHAT A ROYAL SHIT SHOW. There was no other way to explain it. The brunette looked around the table, taking note of the secrets pouring out. Damon immediately turning her way, and catching her entirely off-guard. All whilst the love of his life sat a seat away from them. Shit. What the hell was she supposed to say to that? She’d overheard Klaus divulging the details to Stefan, leaving a rather bitter taste in her mouth, as she looked back on their conversations, a lot of it feeling untrustworthy. His feelings weren’t exactly where they would be right about now, had he actually know how he felt about the doppelganger, and their journey to this point. A journey that even Rose pushed him towards, from beyond the grave. It wasn’t time for her to comment on his confession. That’s a conversation for when they were alone, and not sat at a table with his ex, and far too many prying ears for their own good. Instead, it was her turn to share. “Damon,” she commented, sighing slightly as she knew she wasn’t going to indulge him, and would bypass his remark entirely, “the reason I’m back,” tongue gliding across her lips as she began to explain, knowing it was too soon, and ultimately, this still couldn’t be shared with his brother, “it’s for Stefan.” Eyes quickly darting around the table, as she came to terms with just who was going to be aware of the circumstances, but she was hopeful that they could still keep this under wraps for now. “As a whitelighter, I have a designated charge, whom I protect, and guide. Stefan is that person.” Another brief pause, finally stating why he was the soul she’d been tasked with. “He’s going to be chosen as a Whitelighter. His death, it’s not final. The cure isn’t the end of the road for him.” There was so much more for him to achieve in this life, and the next. And for that reason alone, he couldn’t know yet. Certain decisions, mistakes if you will, would need to help guide him to the state of being needed to ultimately become the person he was meant to be. “But, he can’t know. Not yet.”
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longroadhcme · 2 years
Rose and Stefan
send me muses or characters you think would make a great ship for mine!
This is a hard one, as we didn’t see any individual interactions between them from a canon perspective. But, I’m a big Stefan fan, so anything goes with him, tbqh. However, that being said, I think it would take a lot to shift any mindset for Rose, as she was sleeping with his brother before she died. Y’never know, they could have insane chemistry. *shrugs* @moralivity​
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