#answered — memes.
sanguinelupus · 2 months
ASK MEMES. @legacysouls Lestat said: look at him. straight people don’t look like that
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"They certainly do not. But you seem to be projecting, mon amour. As I'm certain that you look extremely similar, non?"
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ulyflynn · 4 months
👀 + do you think you and Edie are bad for each other?
"No, I think we're just bad at being exes. Might seem hard to believe, but when we're good we're real good. For each other, to each other." @edietello
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Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
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perzysprumia · 7 months
♡ ( for jon of course )
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours
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game of thrones: ●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
ahs: ●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●●○ | TRUST
ahs #2 (w/ des): ●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●○○○ | TRUST
got ahs purge scream presidency au: ●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
tvdu: ●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●○○ | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
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fvckingmourn · 7 months
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@dvggered said: "look. i can tell you're not feeling great. want to talk about it?"
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                 "Do I ever wanna talk about it?" Bee automatically spits back at Rebekah, but almost immediately changes her tone. She's trying to do this thing where she doesn't lash out at people trying to help her. It sucks. Lashing out is easier, and more fun. "I mean -- sure. Whatever. Let's talk."
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lilacsongs · 7 months
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📸 meme for eden & kyungsoo / @artisn
[ ✉️ kyungsoo → eden ] stop pouting, it's not going to work [ ✉️ kyungsoo → eden ] fine, fine [ ✉️ kyungsoo → eden ] when will you be ready?
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fadinglights · 7 months
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📸 meme for wren & ara / @warstains
[ ✉️ ara → wren ] meet me in paris next weekend? [ ✉️ ara → wren ] we'll have the time of our lives, i promise
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halexstcrm · 1 year
@bombmate asked: ❛ you're interesting and different and i like that. ❜ -&. 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. //from my Jamie fire demon verse if ya don't mind :)
"Nobody's ever liked me for being different. In fact, my peers have mocked me. I wonder what your motives are..." Cora eyed Jamie curiously. She had a hard time trusting people in general, but there was something strange about the blonde. "I'm guessing you're not human?"
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vitalphenomena · 1 year
@holyrots // ramona said: “you're playing with fire.”
"I know I am."
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Is she scared? Impressed? It's hard to tell. Burns is too focused on the two flames dancing in each of his hands. He waves his arms around, controlling the fire the entire time.
"You know, most people would be SCREAMING by now. Or at least have their PHONES OUT to take a real good PICTURE."
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mccallingtheshots · 1 year
@xunderyourspellx asked: that’s not a very good plan. (from stiles.)
"If you have any better ideas, then I'm all ears." Scott responded seriously. No matter what Stiles said, it didn't change his mind as he thought the plan was foolproof. "You'll go through the files on Coach Finstock's computer while I stand watch. Then you can change our failing grades to A's."
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exspiritment · 1 year
@bluedprints // cass said: of course i want the truth, but only if you want to tell me.
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Cue a long, preparatory sigh. She holds her arms around herself, rocks a little bit from side to side.
"At the bar, that night? The night I met Kier? — He didn't come up to me. I may have, like — it was maybe the other way around. It was maybe me approaching him."
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sanguinelupus · 7 months
(lets see if kat is going to regret it🙈)
Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s)
he just has one for her. and it's from when he made her step into sunlight<3
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fakedsciences-a · 2 years
@tahitiwoke said: i’d never hurt you. i do need you to participate though. that’s fair, right?
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She thinks about —
Juniper lowers her gaze, feels sick and small and strange. She is not used to feeling this way; she is healthy and tall and super, super well-adjusted, all things considered. Right? Right? So this feeling here, right now, it must be a total freaking anomaly.
— Harris, how he looks when he —
"I understand."
— her father, Dr. Hayes, always crouching down to meet her eye level, always prepared to say something sterile and stern —
There is a strange buzzing in her head, a ringing in her ears. It sounds like the machines from back home. Home home — the one Harris and Burns destroyed, the one where her parents died. (She spoke about it —their death — so casually with Phil, typed the message like it was nothing. Maybe it is nothing. Maybe she can pretend it was a car crash and Lila was just a baby, we're so lucky she survived, and nothing else happened.)
"But I'd never hurt anyone." Not ever again. "I can't hurt anyone. Is that really so unfair, to want for me? To want for everyone else? — Please, give me back my phone."
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perzysprumia · 1 year
ASK MEMES. @hiveruled said: "Shouldn't you be in my bed?"
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"I should, you're right," Jon says, closing the book in his hands and placing it on the coffee table in front of him. He's unable to hide his smile and the redness in his cheeks, but he wouldn't want to even if he could. He doesn't want to hide the fact that Kai makes him happy. "But what's the fun in not making you work for it?"
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littlemcrmaid · 2 years
send me  “ 🤼‍♂️ “   for my muse’s reaction to yours physically tugging them away from a fight. (reverse ou não) + melinda
flashback na escola e antes do acidente da meliora.
“O Charming vai apanhar da Dunbroch! Vamos assistir!” Linda teria sido a última pessoa em todo o reino de Storydom a ir atrás de uma briga, ainda mais pelo bel prazer de assistir a duas pessoas recorrendo à violência antes de qualquer outra coisa — mas a informação de que Meliora estava envolvida foi o suficiente para arrastar a Adormecida na direção da multidão que se aglomerava no pátio da Storydom High, formando um círculo ao redor de Meliora e o filho do meio dos Charmings. Longe das arenas dos Li, lutas costumavam ser raras na parte de cima do reino; normalmente, arthurianos recorriam aos duelos como demonstração de poder, e brigas de rua eram consideradas coisa de castigados — um conceito sujo e mal visto para a elite sofisticada de Storydom, mas que não deixava de saciar as suas vontades reprimidas, vide o tanto de alunos que agora gritava em uníssono “Briga, briga, briga!”. 
Ah, pela Excalibur...
Era questão de tempo até que algum professor aparecesse, ameaçando chamar a Ordem e ligar para os pais como se estivessem no fundamental, todos sabiam, e por isso regozijavam-se com a cena tanto quanto podiam enquanto não havia ninguém para impedir que Meliora e David Charming Jr. quebrassem os narizes um do outro. 
“Me deixem passar!” Linda ordenou e, automaticamente, dezenas de adolescentes abriram espaço para ela; alguns rebaixando as cabeças. Haviam muitas vantagens em ser Linda Adormecida. 
De repente, encontrava-se diante da ex-amiga e do primo, no centro da roda. Meliora caminhava pesadamente até David, os punhos cerrados, enquanto o rapaz continuava provocando-a sobre algo que Linda não entendia. 
Ela não pensou duas vezes. Correu até a Dunbroch e a segurou pela manga do casaco, puxando-a contra o seu corpo e a impedindo de cometer o que certamente seria a maior burrice da sua vida. “Você não quer brigar com um Charming, Meliora.” Sussurrou perto do ouvido dela, firmando o aperto no braço feminino. David provocava Meliora porque sabia que mesmo que acabasse com um olho roxo e um nariz sangrando, a garota teria um destino pior.
Manteve-a perto por mais alguns segundos, sentindo o calor do corpo dela emanar contra o seu. Meliora havia mudado. Parecia mais forte sob o toque de Linda, o que significava que por baixo daquele casaco deveriam haver músculos que não costumava ter antes. Ela também tinha cortado o cabelo; a Adormecida reparava, agora, as pontas desiguais na parte de trás do corte — porque com certeza Meliora o fizera sozinha. Algo que continuava igual, porém, era o cheiro dela; o mesmo perfume que Linda lembrava ter sido Aurora quem escolhera para ela.
Praguejou silenciosamente por estar focando nisso em vez de terminar o que havia começado ali, então se afastou, voltando-se para a plateia que havia se calado desde que Linda aparecera para romper a briga. Ela pigarreou, passando a mão no vestido cor-de-rosa, e levantando o tom de voz de maneira elegante:
“O show acabou, pessoal.” Disse, recebendo alguns ‘ahhh’s em resposta, mas só isso. Ninguém se atrevia a ir contra os desejos de Linda. “Oras, não fiquem tristes! Vai ter muita luta para vocês assistirem no meu novo filme que estreia essa sexta-feira, Merlin’s Angels!” Deu uma mexidinha no cabelo, piscando com um olho para ninguém em específico. Um garoto do sétimo ano, Bénigne ou algo assim, quase desmaiou antes de puxar uma série de aplausos e ovações para Linda. 
Ela sorriu, convencida, e quando a multidão começou a se dissipar, virou-se novamente para Meliora. 
“Deixe as lutas para o dojo da sua namorada, Melmel.” Foi tudo o que disse, soando ligeiramente mais amarga do que intendia. Deu as costas para a Dunbroch, tentando não pensar em como o seu coração batia descompassadamente desde o momento em que a segurara contra o seu corpo. 
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lilacsongs · 7 months
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📸 meme for yunho & seoah / @artisn
[ ✉️ seoah → yunho ] that's my emotional support plushie, you can't take it away [ ✉️ seoah → yunho ] it kind of looks like you, right? it does
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fadinglights · 7 months
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📸 meme for benz & mj / @itsacriime
[ ✉️ mj → benz ] i'll meet you at the old spot? or pick wherever you like [ ✉️ mj → benz ] you deserve a treat after such a long day
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