#ant x kate
sweetbuckybarnes · 4 months
You Clever, Clever Boy
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Pairings: Anthony + Kate; Benedict + Sophie; Colin + Penelope; Daphne + Simon; Eloise + Phillip; Francesca + Michael; Gregory + Lucy; Hyacinth + Gareth
Extra Characters: Dowager Viscountess Violet Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton II, Miles Bridgerton, Thomas Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton II, Agatha Bridgerton, Belinda Basset, George Bridgerton, Amanda Crane, Georgiana Crane
Summary: The annual Bridgerton Pall Mall has been somewhat interrupted by the first words of one young Bridgerton. or: How I imagine the final ever scene of Bridgerton taking place.
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It was time for the annual Bridgerton Pall Mall game. This year, playing for the Mallet of Death, was Anthony and Kate, Benedict, Colin, Daphne and Simon, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth.
Violet was sitting in the shade, looking out at her fully grown children, squabbling over pall mall sticks. She sighed and shook her head. They were like this as children, Edmund had always encouraged their competitive nature - and this is what it has spiralled into.
She pulls her attention away from her children, looks over to the other side of the Aubrey Hall gardens, and smiles at her grandchildren. She could see Anthony's boys (Edmund and Miles) chasing Colin's son Thomas. Three little girls were using one of the new skipping ropes - Benedict's daughter (Violet), Colin's daughter (Agatha - lovingly nicknamed, Aggie) and Eloise's daughter (Penelope). One of Daphne's daughters - Belinda - was sitting in front of her grandmother, working on her mathematics.
Two pairs of shoes brought the Dowager Viscountess away from her musings, and a pair of little hands wrapped themselves around her legs. Looking down, there was little George Bridgerton - Colin and Penelope's youngest child. "Hello, Georgie," she ran her fingers through his brunette locks - he looked so much like Colin did at his age. The only difference? Georgie Bridgerton has yet to speak a single word. "Where is your mama?"
"Hello, Violet," the voice of Penelope Bridgerton causing Violet to look over at her daughter-in-law with a smile - she had always wished for Colin to marry Penelope (when he found out everyone knew of his feelings before he realised them, he nearly demanded to know why nobody ever told him). Penelope leaned down and pressed a kiss to her mother-in-law's cheek. It was well known Penelope had a better relationship with her in-laws than her own family.
Colin looked away from the game of Pall Mall and spotted his wife talking to his mother, who was currently running her fingers through his son's hair. Penelope looked away from Violet and caught the eye of her husband (much like they always had done in every social situation), a large smile blossomed over Penelope's face as well as Colin's.
She looked away from her husband, a subtle pink blush still rose up her cheeks, even after all these years - he could still make her blush. "Thomas!" Penelope exclaimed, hurrying over to her son who had been accidentally toppled over by Edmund. "Are you alright, darling?" Colin had dropped his pall mall stick and hurried over along with his wife.
Colin was followed by Anthony and Kate to deal with the situation between their sons.
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Anthony, Kate and Colin made their way back to the Pall Mall game as Penelope took Thomas up to where Violet was sitting with Belinda and Georgie.
"Are you alright, Thomas?" Violet asked, reaching her fingers out to wipe away one of his tears.
Thomas didn't say anything. Only nodded at his grandmother and manoeuvred himself so he was sitting in the chair with Violet.
Colin kept glancing over at his wife and two of their children. He couldn't imagine just how close he got to losing Penelope to Lord Debling (who went on to marry Cressida Cowper, however, part way into his travels to the North, he and the entire crew perished). If he hadn't admitted his feelings in the carriage, he would have lost her - they wouldn't have their four darling children. Agatha, Thomas, Jane and George.
One of his mother's ladies' maid brought out another chair for Penelope to sit in as she brought Georgie into her lap. 
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Daphne looked over at her husband, Simon, with a smile then glanced over at Belinda (who was being supervised by her grandmother with her mathematics). "I believe she may ask for advanced mathematics soon," she tells him.
Simon also looked over at their daughter, a smile growing on his face. "I believe so, she is more Bridgerton than she is Basset," Daphne laughed at his words and stepped up to take her turn.
Simon watched his wife, as she swung her red ball through the third wicket. He was extremely grateful to have been able to marry Daphne, rather than any other debutante that year.
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Both Gregory and Benedict were worrying over their wives (Lucy and Sophie, respectively) as they were both nearing their suspected due dates. Eloise kept looking down to the other end of the garden, where her husband Phillip Crane (the former husband to the first Lady Crane - Marina) was planting some new flowers for Violet with his daughters Amanda and Georgiana.
Penelope had been talking to Violet, staring out at the garden (making sure her children were alright) when the gentle "mama," made her stop talking. She knew three of her children's voices. The only one she didn't know was...
She looked over at Violet, to make sure she did hear what she thought she heard. Violet also had a look of surprise.
It was Georgie. Her littlest baby finally said his first words.
"Georgie? Was that you?" She asked gently, looking down at him.
Georgie tipped his head, so he was completely resting against Penelope. "Mama," he says again.
Penelope let out a stuttered gasp, then a loud shriek escaped her. Which caught the attention of Colin and Eloise (the former who dropped his pall mall stick and ran over to his wife as quickly as his legs could take him). "Pen!" He called, which prompted Eloise to run over. "What is it? What happened?"
"Georgie spoke," she cried, holding their son to her.
Colin looked from his wife to his mother (who nodded, with tears in her eyes). Belinda pulled at his sleeve from where he was kneeling in front of his wife. "He spoke, Uncle Colin."
Colin let out a stuttered laugh, reaching over to rest his hand on the side of Georgie's head. "Of course he did, my clever boy!" Georgie smiled at his father. "What did he say?"
"Georgie," Violet said, capturing the little boy's attention. "Who has you? Who is this?" She pointed to Penelope.
Tilting his head back up, his face shone with the amount of love he holds for Penelope, even before he spoke, it was well known that Georgie was Mama's boy (as Agatha was Papa's girl). "Mama."
Colin rested his head on Penelope's knee for all of one second. "You clever, clever boy! Yes, mama has you!" Colin pressed a kiss to the top of Georgie's head.
"P-P-" Georgie started, making Colin look down at his son, with wide tearfilled eyes. However, before Georgie was distracted by a passing butterfly.
Penelope giggled and rested her cheek on top of Georgie's. "Give him time, he will say Papa soon."
Georgie looked away from where the butterfly had flown and then looked up at Colin. "P-papa," of course Georgie had to speak and call for both of his parents within the space of five minutes.
Colin exclaimed with joy, pulling Georgie from Penelope's lap and throwing him up into the air (which was followed by Penelope asking him to please be careful with Georgie), and pressed multiple kisses to his son's face. "You clever boy!"
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