#anti carnny
They’re having a baby I guess and I hate it.
I think it’s a stupid plot line to use because Johnny is trying to repair his relationship with Robby after years of disappointing him and basically being a deadbeat dad so I think bringing in a new child would ruin this development. I want the focus to be on him fixing his relationship with Robby instead of there now being a new child for him to focus on.
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I’m really curious how they’re going to handle the baby storyline in this last season lmao
Like I don’t really see the point in it to be honest because if they wanted to show Johnny becoming a family man and a good father why didn’t they show him becoming all that to his already existing son 😭 plus Carmen deserves better than a pregnancy storyline and a scene where they give her a dream sequence that literally looks copied from one of Johnny’s dreams. Listen there’s no way Carmen would dream up that.
Are they going to have Carmen be pregnant for most of season and then dedicate an entire episode to her going into labour with the entire season with scenes with her in it being entirely focused on a baby instead of actually giving us content with her as a person. We don’t need this to show her being a mum for Christ sake we literally have a fully grown teen to prove that she’s a good mum. They want to show Johnny being a family man to a baby but there’s no point since this is the last season and we won’t see any of it really.
I know I’ve complained about this loads when the latest season came out but it’s such a boring storyline to put in. I love Carmen and Johnny as separate characters and they deserve better than this plot line.
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I’ve only just finished episode 4 so no spoilers after that please!
I hate the baby plot line a lot like it’s seriously the worst thing they could’ve done but if they really are going with it as an idea I thought it would’ve been better if they’d played it up to Carmen’s confession that she’s pregnant and instead have her not be pregnant.
Johnny went through all that training to try and be a good dad to a baby and even improved his place and he tells Carmen this, so I think it would’ve made more sense for her to tell him after he’s said this that she’s not pregnant. They’d maybe be disappointed but they’d both know that if she was he would try and improve himself. He could say that maybe it’s a good thing because it’s not the right time and he needs to focus on being a better dad to Robby and a better mentor to Miguel but they’d both know that when the time is right both would want it.
I hate the idea that they might be going with a “baby brings them all together” plot-line because that’s not how it works.
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From now on I might just ignore the baby plot line when watching any future seasons.
Carmen and Johnny are holding a baby? How nice of them to babysit.
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Nah they’ve done an ultrasound so it’s happening 🙄
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So in episode three at the beginning Carmen runs to the bathroom to throw up and I think I know what that means even though I seriously hope it isn’t happening
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