#anti elta cultish stannies
hologramcowboy · 5 days
did Jensen and Danneel personally wronged you, or something? why do you hate them so much? according to some folks who actually know them, they are nice people.
and they haven't done anything yet to make me think otherwise.
so what gives? are you like insanely jealous of their lifestyle? does Jensen reminds you of an abusive ex?
you have something against pretty people?
what is it?
Anon, I don't know if you were trying to be funny but this made me laugh. lol
What people are you referring to? Have you come to the point of imagining things? Haven't done anything? Then you haven't truly been observing them at all.
Do you believe that if someone is "pretty" then they are automatically a good person? Danneel isn't even pretty imho and Jensen looks like so many guys in my world, besides this, that is an extremely superficial belief. Do you only love pretty people? Pretty is relative, by the way. As is beautiful, which is what I've been called my whole life. So, no, I don't care about "pretty" because I know what it's like to be valued superficially only for my looks. Pretty and beautiful, gorgeous etc. are great but they have nothing to do with what's inside.
"insanely jealous of their lifestyle" lol What is it about the Ackleses that seems ideal to you? Did you ever wonder if maybe not all people share those "ideals"? Neither Jensen nor Danneel are educated enough, classy enough, knowledgeable enough, special enough, good parents etc to fall into the categories of people I value and that's okay, not everyone has to be the same. To me they lack chemistry and are beyond entitled. Shouldn't you be asking yourself why you value vapid people? Oh, right, because they are "pretty".
FYI, their pretty comes from a surgeon these days so....
I don't hate anyone but it takes mature people to be able to tell that. You are just a baby who values people because they are "pretty" and can't think for yourself and you are exactly what is wrong with the world right now. We've foregone deep values and our authentic selves for superficial notions and status symbols.
By the way, real rich people don't flaunt their wealth like the Ackleses do, only people who have less than rich people do that. People who want to appear wealthy but aren't. You'd know this, if you knew anyone actually wealthy. Don't confuse z list status with actual class and authentic affluence and do your research instead of blindly stanning a couple you don't even know personally.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
I don't get it, if you like Jared so much better than by all means change your ship. Why bother claiming yourself as a Jensen fan but constantly slandering him and picking him apart, while also cooing at Jared (who is also a terrible person if not the worst) and praising him lol
From a legal standpoint, I'm going to need you to show me proof of "slandering" because, by my definition, you anon asks fits that perfectly. Here you are trying to slander this blog as well as Jared. Typical. Everything I write on this blog is verifiable from official sources or comes straight out of Jensen's mouth. I am, if you will, a "celebrity critic" on this blog, in a way, but I never will be a hater of anyone. You lack mental balance if you believe that someone having an opposing view automatically means hate, you also lack my professional background, expertise and industry awareness along with comprehensions skills since you clearly cannot tell the different between critical thinking and hate. You also appear to not know what slander means. The irony.
Jared Padalecki is an extremely intelligent man who is currently bringing universes of value to the world while you are sitting there sending slander and harassment via anon. 🤣
For the last time, no one in the universe can define who or what I love or how much and if you think you can then you are sadly disconnected from reality. I don't have "ships", I have real, human, beautifully complex people I admire, flaws and all. I can love Jensen as little or as deeply as I feel like in any given moment, I'm not bound by your closed minded, one sided, highly limited definitions and I never will be. I am not you, I am me and I am perfect just the way I am. Anyone with intelligence can tell how deeply I admire Jensen in many aspects, the beautiful emotions I feel as well as how much it sucks to see him display certain behaviors and make less than intuitive choices. They can tell because, unlike you, I'm authentic and vulnerable. You are so stuck on objectifying him you can't even acknowledge very real, very raw aspects of him. I'd rather be me than be even remotely like you because tokenizing someone, as you do with Jensen, is extremely toxic. Especially for him.
Finally, actors need feedback to grow, the entire industry is built on this feedback and exchange of views so please refrain from making something highly useful into something deeply negative just because you lack knowledge, empathy and awareness. You are doing a disservice to Jensen by ignoring critical aspects that could help him have a breakthrough and that's because you don't care about his success, you care about getting your hands on him so you can use him like a toy, kinda like his "wife" has done ever since she started dating him, lol, I bet she is your rolemodel. 🤣
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
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Look at this genius, by her faves she means Z lister, basically soft porn actress Danneel and Jensen who, at the moment, has been downgraded to guest star tier and is no longer a lead on any show.
Jared didn't cry, on the contrary he made a sick burn but I get how that's challenging to understand when, like your Danneel idol, you can barely read.
Jared is a leader in his industry right now while Jensen and Danneel are desperately trying to walk in his footsteps and failing miserably. They have singlehandedly destroyed the SPN brand. There is very little chance of HBO or anything similar ordering a Supernatural revival now that TW has turned out to be a low quality money grab that makes all people involved unprofessional.
Oh and by the way, Jared isn't the one desperately clinging to the same role for every character he plays, he isn't the one throwing imaginary parties for said dead character and he also isn't the one who, to get ahead, had to rip off the SPN Pilot and the SPN brand just to advance his stalled career. 🤭
While we are on the topic, what has this uh "user" achieved that places her in a position to evaluate between the two? Last time I checked, obsessing over empty headed Danneel is not a career.
If by fun you mean getting shitfaced and losing a grip on reality then, yes, Jensen knows how to do that but it's not the flex you think it is.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Since you said. who dreams of kissing Jensen her complaints about Danneel just seems like a jealous fan hahaha
Your grammar is as deep as your wisdom and about as authentic as Danneel. 🤣🤣🤣
Who says I dream of kissing Jensen? Maybe he dreams of kissing me? Besides, all of that is irrelevant. Unlike you, I could never kiss someone I don't deeply love and I could never be with Jensen. He chose Danneel and she is classless and trashy. I could never be with someone who lacks values and deep love and, besides, he has children with a she-demon. I want a pure family. Therefore, Jensen can never be my anything. I only go for true love. You are barking up the wrong tree and projecting your own pettiness unto me. You think you know my motivations but the only thing you are in tune with is your own. I am unlike anything you have the ability to perceive. Have fun worshipping at the Danneel shrine and underperforming your entire life because of it. I feel deeply sorry for you, truly. Hope you find something higher to focus on, something that fully supports your life, purpose and dreams.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
It amuses me endlessly that the same danneel obsessed stannies who are barking in my inbox that there's no way jensen would cheat on her in broad daylight and he has no mistresses are the same people who would jump him right in front of danneel if they could. No mistresses, huh? That's weird because some of you act exactly like groupies, to put it nicely. Then you go around saying how much you love and worship Danneel. Hmmm. lol
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Okay, Jensen was in his wife's hometown in a crowded public place with his mistress, you really are very smart Lmaoo
Nowhere near as smart as you though...
Danneel was born in Lafayette but raised in Eunice until the went to college(well pretended to but went to L.A. instead to dupe a rich actor into landing her an agent(his mom), fake boobs, modeling gigs and roles.
Don't even try to come back me because I will post evidence of where Danneel grew up.( i posted plenty of eunice articles in the past that prove her entire trajectory)
You Danneel stans need to be better than her and stop lying. Danneel uses NOLA only because she thinks casting will consider her differently, they won't. She has no culture, no knowledge and no talent so please stop trying to pass her off as something she will never be.
Danneel is an entitled poser and you clueless people can't even do minimum research to avoid being duped by her. That's your choice, don't expect others to follow suit. I prefer the truth.
As for being in a public place in the same town his wife might be in IF she is visiting or living there...you do know most husbands who cheat have a mistress or several in their same town, right? 🤣 Also, men who cheat go to public places all the time. He didn't go to any public place but to an extremely crowded one where no one is going to notice or ask questions. What better place to hide than in plain sight or under your nose?
Also, as written in the post I was wondering not stating as fact. You do know the difference between that, don't you?
Please go open a book and learn geography and some culture too. You are clearly clueless.
By the way, while we are on the subject... that street Danneel claims to have been named after? That name is linked to a male who was a part of an important family, a family that did now have such a happy ending. It has zero to do with her and her claiming it has is direspectful towards the family that did bring an impact and is actually linked to that memorial. ( She even posted a picture of it a while back, like a true narcissist) In her grandiosity she claimed something that belongs to someone else's heritage and history. Just to make herself seem more important, as always. A poser til the end, a poser that lacks respect and culture.
Danneel doesn't own New Orleans nor is she bringing value to it, she's just an entitled "trophy" wife trying to seem trendy and important. She's nobody in NOLA.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
You know Jensen is never going to fuck you. The man has more class in his pinky than you'll ever have in several lifetimes you absolute bag of garbage. Danneel wouldn't wipe her shoes on your pathetic ass. You seriously need to get mental help. You are unhinged and dangerous.
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Do you need Jensen to "f***" you? Is that why you keep sending this same concept to everyone? If so, seek help. Jensen is married and has three children. He needs to focus on that and on taking care of the woman he impregnated, whether he meant to or not. It's disgusting that you would even remotely think sleeping with him is an option. The man doesn't compare in class to me and most of my friends and colleagues, he doesn't even open books and is oblivious to etiquette, especially that of his own industry. He also is less trained and schooled than me so who are you kidding? Yourself?
My as* happens to be more schooled, trained, beautiful and classy than Danneel's too, in fact, I'm beyond appreciated by highly valuable people. Not that that matters, whether good or bad feedback is just feedback and should never overcome someone's highest priorities. This is what it means to be self driven. Something you will never be as you depend on all people thinking the same way you do.
You are the unhinged one for being abusive. You are committing violence with your words over a couple of Z listers. You're probably too daft to even realize the gravity of your post and the horrible paragidms it is feeding into. Which means that you lack awareness. Truly sad.
Being classy is all about someone's soul, how cultured, elegant and emotionally intelligent they are not just what they studied or how much they own, by the way, you keep raising the profile of a bunch of functionally illiterate toxic celebrities and mob anyone who tends to point out they are mediocre. Danneel and Jensen are lovely in their own way but they will never be high class or high quality and the fact that you fail to understand that shows how disconnected you are from what you are trying to reference. Let me translate that for you: you know nothing about class and the fact that you hail Danneel as classy tells us everything we need to know about your level.
I strongly suggest you steer clear of my inbox and seek professional help.
"absolute bag of garbage" must be how you feel about yourself, I feel deeply sorry for how broken you are. So broken you are viciously trying to tear others down in the hopes of feeling better but mark my words, someday you'll cause someone's life to end with your vicious, disgusting soul so I strongly suggest you wake up and get the help you need instead of sending these type of asks which you can, by the way, be charged for.
Lastly, Jensen is endlessly kinder and smarter than you so please refrain from calling yourself a Jensen fan or mentioning his name since, clearly, all you care after is "f*****g" him (your words not mine). Using that word, by the way, is dehumanizing towards him as you are objectifying him. You are creepy, abusive and clearly psychotic since you are purposefully sending hate asks to create a certain outcome. You are not entitled to anyone's sense of self, wellbeing or value and people are free to have different views.
P.S.: Jensen will never sleep with you, no matter how many hateful, vicious mobbing attempts you make. In fact, he doesn't even know you exist and, even if he did, he would be majorly creeped out.
"You are unhinged and dangerous" Just curious, is "unhinged" the only word in your vocabulary? Do you even know what it means? Because it perfectly describes the message you sent in. There is absolutely zero dangerous about people enjoying harmless gossip or expressing opinions with like minded others. What is, however, truly dangerous and "unhinged" are people like you who purposefully and hatefully seek to target others through mobbing, cyberbullying, threats and other virtual offenses all because the person on the other end dislikes your show or actor. If you are looking for dangerous then please look in the mirror, you are inhumane.
As for your trashy, classless vocabulary, I strongly suggest you save it for those of your ilk, if you absolutely must use it.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
I've never seen so many brainless people stuck on sexualizing someone who is clearly going through something bad and spiraling into addiction. How can you even call yourselves Jensen fans? How can you even call yourselves human? 💔🤢
The man could go into an alcoholic coma in front of you and all you'd manage to say is "He's so hot falling down! Winning!" "He's still got it even in a coma."
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
this anon is pretty prolific and doesn't seem to get the message that we don't care about them or their terrible takes. The writing style is pretty telling that its an anon who regularly sends asks like this to accounts like hooker (hookslinesandsinkers). They really never get the memo though and just keep sending them. So to the anon - I suggest you get a life outside of your anon hate. And if you refuse to do that, at least vary up your writing style, its blatantly obvious when its you. Which you either don't care about or don't understand how obvious it is. Or hey, don't, that's your choice, but fyi it makes laughing off your asks that much easier for us being able to so easily identify you.
Oh, it's definitely the same anon that likes to stalk @hookslinesandsinkers
They truly never get the memo.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Since you like speculation and theories, can i share some of my own? Remember, is pure speculation, so it's not mean to offend anyone.
This is my favorite one, and i would love it if it turns out to be true: You and the hooker witch are one and the same person.
Second theory: You are Jensen's helicopter mother. That would explain why you know everything that happens in the Ackles house hold, why you're low key toxic about Jensen's achivements and you justify your criticism with concern for him, would also explain why Jensen left his home at a young age to never return, and why that seems to bother you for some reason.
Finally my third theory: you are in the closet and you can't accept it, and/or are very afraid to come out. This fear is where your hate towards Danneel is rooted, because you probably feel very attracted to her, and you hate that fact.
This would also explain why you hate Jensen so much, and why you spend so much time trying to convince other people and yourself of Danneel's unatractivness.
@curiouswitches We are the same person and clearly we are the Queen that rules over this person's mind. Hahahahahahah While I do have an incredibly powerful maternal instinct, so does every woman who is in harmony with herself and that nurturing side extends to all others not just to kids. People usually look for their parent of the opposite sex in their partners so if you say I am like Jensen's mom then I'm his ideal relationship wise. lol I do have on thing in common with mommy Ackles and it is the highest possible thing but I won't share what that is. P.S.: Hello, mommy Ackles, call me! ;) Let's go shopping together, it seems we have a lot in common according to this anon. Let's connect. Third one is incredibly stupid because it assumes that people don't have personal tastes and that Danneel is somehow universally attractive, how delusional are you on a scale of 1 to 10? 200! lol
Oh, and as secure, attractive woman who is in harmony with herself, I have no problem admitting when another woman is breathtakingly beautiful. Here's a list of my main female "crushes":
Sofia Vergara (Jensen's actual celebrity crush but, for the record, I liked her first) She and I have something in common, won't say what. lol
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Adriana Lima
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Taylor Hill
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Angelina Jolie
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Kelly Hu - young and current, she's always been the epitome of beauty.
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Margot Robbie
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Catherine Zeta Jones
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Aishwarya Rai
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Monica Bellucci
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I could go on but what all these women have in common is that, if you remove their make-up, they are still as breathtakingly gorgeous as they are with make-up, if not more. (I hate the overdone make-up look) It's called natural beauty and, in my humble opinion, it's the best kind of pure and real beauty that exists. Danneel? Sans extensions, fake lashes, kilos of make-up and botox, she looks unrecognizable and that's putting it lightly. Oh, would you look at that, no Elta in that list. Hahahahaha Could it be because she's creepy as f, disgusting inside and made of plastic? I don't call her PlastiKween for nothing. I never try to convince anyone of anything, my blog is focused differently but I can see how someone limited would assume I act like them. *cough* You *cough* In fact, You are the one trying to convince everyone that I am THIS and THAT, aren't you? How's that working out for you? Is that working out well? lol These women also have a breathtaking femininity about them and a sensuality that is overwhelming, they are, basically, the opposite of everything Danneel is type wise as she is vulgar, tomboyish, plays on her sexuality in off putting ways that demean women, lacks grace and class completely. That being said, this post is just immensely entertaining so A+ for that but next time try to avoid intentions like outing people or, in any case, assuming their sexual identity, that's not only rude it also classifies as abuse. You lack class and empathy, that's for sure. My sexual identity, much like Jensen's is none of your business. Read that again. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just made a stupid joke without realizing what you were doing. I am sorry for being so harsh but I have a lot of queer friends and the thing I hate the most is when people weaponize their sexuality or try to judge them for it. I can be whatever I want to be and so can they. Little charisma lesson, for future reference, it's classy, intelligent and empathetic to respect boundaries and steer clear of certain assumptions. If you wish to connect with someone over sexuality there are other ways to do that without being invasive and without violating their identity. Now, let me put forth another theory: It gets to you that some women can be more attractive, intelligent, high quality than Danneel and that the list is endless. That's because it forces you to face the fact that you've lowered your standards to stan a z lister with no culture whose only claim to fame is nakedness and banging Jensen. You suspect I am indeed more than her that's why you keep coming back to my blog, because, in reality, you are projecting the negative beliefs YOU have about her and Jensen unto me. You cannot own your own shadow side so you try to project it unto others. You are not in harmony with yourself and your self loathing levels are much higher than your self appreciation. You perceive me as more than you so you need me to validate your positive perceptions about Danneel, I'm not more than anyone, by the way, and sorry but I can't confirm your perceptions because mine are completely different and clearly you resonate with them on some level and are too afraid to admit what you really think about Danneel. The only love you feel for Jensen is a pathological obsession with an idea of him, you objectify him to extremes and only "love" Danneel because she is associated with him. If he were to divorce her tomorrow and marry me or someone else then you'd have a brand new "Kweeeeen". You are incapable of thinking for yourself so you subjugate your values to Jensen and Danneel's because of this, your personality is under developed due to this and you miss out on a lot of your goals and dreams because you are focused on the wrong people instead of focusing on your happiness.
Finally, and this is just pure speculation and gossip so please never take it seriously, after all, what do I know about myself: I naturally find people like her low quality. I'm not the only one. To give you a simple analogy: What is a real doctor going to think about some drug addicted psycho who sells drugs and calls themselves a doctor? That's exactly it. That analogy explains why I dislike Danneel, I'm of a certain type and quality and she is the cheap, fake, plastic, uncultured version. I am sorry, I realize this will come off as mean but it is what it is. Another analogy: What's a highly trained, brilliant actor going to think about an amateur who gets cast because they banged the shady producer? There you go, please don't ever wonder why someone like me can't stand someone like Danneel, she's the poorest excuse of an "actress" and "artist" and don't even get me started on the humanity side, it truly makes me cry that Jensen ended up with someone so low quality, vapid, devaluing and fake and I hope, with all of my heart and soul, that he will soon move on to someone higher, capable of loving him deeply but in order to do that he has to first get back in harmony with himself. I'm someone who is incredibly direct and blunt and who loves critical thinking, for this reason, a lot of my opinions trigger people, because they are used to black and white notions and being judgemental so they project that unto me but I am one of the least judgemental people you will ever meet in life, ironically. There's a huge difference between judging and discerning. I am a person who discerns way more than I will ever judge. I love Jensen in my own unique way and have way more in common with him than you think but that doesn't mean I turn a blind eye any more than I ever would with anyone close to me, truly appreciating someone isn't just seeing rainbows and positive qualities, it's also calling people out, pointing our areas where they can improve, holding them to the best of standards and inspiring the best in them rather than letting them wallow in self pity, toxicity and other negative states. I have an extremely practical mind and that benefits everyone in my life because I am usually the one person that will tell them what the next step is to reach their goals because I am unafraid to bring up what is missing and I do so candidly. It's perfectly okay that you don't appreciate me and that you truly cannot comprehend how I view Jensen, you ignore all of my praise of him and only focus on the things about him that are rightfully off, except you try to twist them as if I am responsible for them. That's perfectly fine but know that it defines YOUR scope and intentions not mine. Also, you offended no one but your own intelligence, I guess. I found this post hilarious. lol
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
@Elta stannies and crazed AAs in my inbox, please get the help you know you need.
Neither Jensen nor Danneel are anything more than human and flawed, just like anyone else.
Sending me hate messages won't change that. If you truly believed in them you would not be actively seeking out anti blogs and bullying people over their honest perceptions. Ah, but those people make the difference, don't they? Because unlike you sycophants, people like me are candid about how they actually feel about things whereas you would never dare to admit things about Jensen or Danneel that annoy you because you view them as above you to the point of losing empathy for yourself and especially for others. It would be smart to rebalance your perceptions by using the exercise I often mention on this blog.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I think Jensen loves giving control over to Danneel, is like power play, it probably turns him on when she gets all bossy, i bet he loves getting pegged 😉
Perks of having a hot wife.
The depth of Elta stannies matches the depth of Elta's performances:
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LOL No further comments.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Keep dreaming, cause dreams is all you'll ever have of Jensen.
You can see but not touch, never touch. The only one who can have that pleasure is the one you hate the most.
So keep suffering and dying a little inside every time he smiles at Dee and looks at her like she's his whole world.
Every time he hugs her and kisses her, every time he talks about how much he loves and cherishes the family he created with her, and every time she puts her hands on him in any way, because you will never get to do that.
He will never love you the way he loves her, he won't ever know or care that you exist.
Did you enjoy writing that? Is that what Danneel teaches you? To be cruel to strangers whose motivations you have exactly zero grasp on? 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️
Only I know what my relationship with Jensen was or will be. It is not defined by anything on the outside or anyone else and it is none of your business. Read that again, creep. I know what Jensen's impression of me is in real life so your words are beyond irrelevant.
I've stated several times on my blog that Jensen can never be the one for me for very clearly stated reasons yet here you are being creepy and abusive, all for a celebrity you do not even know.
Is this the inner monologue you give yourself? Just wondering, it feels creepily personal.
I'll repeat this again: Jensen is a free soul, he can go for whatever he loves and as long as he's happy, I am happy. Therefore, could care less who he beds. I dislike Danneel based on HER low quality soul, mind, actions and demeanor and based on the fact that she brings Jensen down to a beyond mediocre level in all areas of life not to mention on a spiritual level. You clearly care zero about his true happiness and are, in fact, obsessed with Danneel (in unhealthy ways) or are Danneel herself. A bit too much passion in your asks, overinvolvement, so you have a personal stake, if that stake is cause you are her cool but if that stake is cause you are obsessed with her, please, please,please seek help from a psychotherapist before you end up throwing your entire life away over your obsession with a trashy 45 year old. (Sorry don't remember her exact age but she looks at least 55 even with all the surgery and borox so am assuming she is in her late 40s but aged very badly.)
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Oh and one thing I forgot to add since they claimed that Jared also badgered him to take a recurring role - both Jared AND Jensen have talked about this so it’s confirmed by both - Jared asked Jensen if he wanted to do a quick cameo in the ep he directed or if he’d like to wait and maybe take a bigger role down the road if he had time a role came up that would fit. Jensen, instead of just choosing one, said why can’t I do both (he literally said this at a con)? And put himself in the ep he directed (as basically a shadowy figure so he could still come play someone else later since his face wasn’t shown) AND said he would do a bigger part later. JENSEN picked both. JENSEN decided to take the shadowy figure part because they were looking for someone to fill that part and he OFFERED instead of having them cast someone. That was Jensen’s idea. Jared actually didn’t even know he did it until much later (maybe even when the ep aired).
Jared gave Jensen an opportunity even after being betrayed by him and this show great humanity. ♥️
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Danneel's fanbase:
Obsessed AAs - that use her as a self insert and suck up to her in the hopes of getting closer to Jensen. Most of these suffer deep seated issues, are overinvested in Jensen to the point where they are capable of anything and are no different from hellers in the levels of delusion they produce. They forego their own personality and copy her in every way, even though she's unworthy of being rolemodel. Once Jensen divorces her, they'll be the first to turn on her as she will no longer be their self insert. They are so obsessed about Danneel representing them they ignore all the warning signs of her devaluing Jensen and of him being unhappy because all they care about is, much like her, being able to take advantage of him somewhere down the line.
Destihellers - out of touch with reality who believe she fully supports Misha sleeping with her husband (see example below)
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Worst of all she panders to them even tough they are an attack to Jensen's mental and emotional wellbeing and he has repeatedly expressed his dissent regarding the ship and even confirm it never, ever, ever existed in any way.
But anything to get ahead, right? Not even Jensen matters in the big picture. His so called wife sells him out easily by pandering to delusional, aggressive, dangerous people for a few extra bucks and the small visibility they bring.
Missed a few types but did so on purpose or this post would blow the internet up lol
To summarize, Danneel's so called fans are exactly like her, riddled with issues, incapable of empathy and looking to constantly use and abuse Jensen to meet their own agendas.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
"there's nothing wrong with the Ackles live streams" Anon, you would be incorrect there's plenty wrong but I get that someone with no training won't recognize that, aside from this, even their stans noticed the bad energy between the two.
So the question is, if you truly believe there's nothing wrong, what exactly are you doing on an anti blog?
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