antolcgias · 4 years
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cravesfreedom · 4 years
      It  wasn’t  easy  finding  her,  but she managed.  Aster had given up hunting almost entirely in favor of a ‘ normal ’ life  ---  college,  minimum wage job,  boys,   girls  ---  but that didn’t mean she forgot how to get things done.   Still,  it took some  digging.   Google is  useless  when trying to locate a hunter.   She had to suffer through many,  many  phone calls  &  a little bit of  groveling  until she  finally  retrieved Allison’s new number.  
      She needed her  help.   Three bodies were found on campus and police were calling it an  animal  attack.   ‘ Animal attack ’ was always code for :  we  have  no  fucking  idea.    Aster started looking into things herself,  but could only get so far without false identification  &  proper equipment  ---  all of which she’d left behind with her swearing, angry father.
      They’d arranged to meet at the campus café.  Aster arrived early,  grabbed two coffees,  &  smoothed out a wrinkled map where she’d marked where the bodies were found.
      Aster  Flores  rarely  gets  nervous,  especially around friends,  so why did a plume of butterflies arise in her stomach the  second  Allison walked through the café’s glass doors  ---  glossy curls bouncing, mouth curved  just  enough  to offer evidence of her dimples.   She blames the sudden onset of  jitters  on the coffee  &  suppresses it with a wide smile.
❛  Hey !   You look  ---  ❜     so,  incredibly  sexy,     ❛  ---  like what I’d imagine a modern  Xena  :  Warrior  Princess  would look like.  ❜
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@antolcgias​​    //  aster  &  allison
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riotkissed · 4 years
(27) is there a rule that someone keeps breaking for your muses?
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lakjflksjfkals ok literally a lot of people approach me for romantic han/don on landon just automatically even though in my rules it says i don’t really ship it.  and i do try to be more understanding of it, and understand why people ship it,  and i’m open to writing it with plotting.  i’m just more likely to want to write han/dons with hopes that are also critical of the relationship, you feel ?
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ratherbewild · 4 years
345 MEMES:    “let me see the wound.” zoraida to claire  ( @antolcgias​ )
CLAIRE HESITATES.  Might be one herself but she still doesn’t   t r u s t   werewolves that aren’t part of Garth’s pack.  They’re so sickly sweet in their do-gooder-ness that it’s honestly a little nauseating,  but the rest   ---   well.  She’d sooner trust the hunter that shot her.  
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She eyes Zoraida with a hostile skepticism,  one unsteady hand up to keep the woman away,  until blood starts seeping through the final layer of the wadded up hoodie she’s got pressed against her leg.  That’s enough to make her falter,  re-evaluate her options,  and  slowly pry the fabric away.  
   “ Fine, ”   she snaps,  voice shaky with pain.   “ Tell me.  Am I a goner? ”
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serpentpack · 4 years
Alright, I’m shaking. You made your point ( Legacies Verse - Esper )
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❝  be as   sarcastic   as you want,  esper   ––   ❞   she huffs,  snatching the silver knife out of their satchel.     ❝  but this thing eats  wolves  as part of a balanced breakfast.    and i am  not   going to risk myself saving your ass this time.  ❞
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if only she ever   truly   stuck to that promise. 
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suitedblue · 4 years
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❛  i want to be better at lying  ❜ | keyleth to teddy | not here.
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❝ YOU SAY THAT AS IF IT'S A GOOD TRAIT TO HAVE. ❞ words linger uncertainly in the air as he frowns over at Keyleth, ❝ Why would you need to get better at lying when the truth is so hard-pressed to be found? ❞ Not him. He’s a terrible liar. Always had been, but perhaps he was better than he thought. Keeping the one secret he needed to keep for as long as he had --...
Little white lies to keep those closest to him safe. This is what he’ll tell himself and what he will continue to tell himself. But hearing such a bold statement from her leaves him a little shell-shocked. At a loss for words - when he doesn’t have many to begin with. 
              ❝ What - you need help hiding a body or something? ❞ brow raise, teasing her gently as if to veer away from the conversation it could have been.
@antolcgias​ | KEYLETH WARNER.
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riotkissedarchived · 4 years
she can’t get the image out of her head   :    the summers ,    ambushed .     the sudden moment between them all    fighting back   and then    f l e e i n g   for their lives.     danny’s seen    death   before ,   summoned it with her own hands .  .  .      but that ?     she’d been the last left standing ,   stubborn and relentless ,    fueled by both her need to    protect   the living ,    and the anger burning through her at the sight of the lifeless under her feet.
and it was all for naught.
she doesn’t know whether to   thank   the argents for saving her ,   or to   hate   them for not finishing the job.     her chest is heavy with grief    ––     but the   guilt ?     it   c r u s h e s   her lungs.     
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❛❛   are they   all   dead ?   ❜❜     
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» @antolcgias​ ♥ ’d
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riotkissed · 4 years
(9) why were you drawn to [certain ] characters?
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okay i’m gonna break it down in to like general categories:
the road to redemption:   these are characters that typically fucking hate themselves, that are trying to reconcile what they’ve done with who they want to be. that may never find forgiveness but can’t stop trying. i’m feral for that because hello teen monster ilse... okay truly i’m about to watch more youtube videos about redemption arcs in buffy and cry.   (  jughead in the hunger,  faith,  carmilla,  danny,  mg,  josie,  kady  )
martyr complex:   angel babies who will save the world at any cost and who are often frustratingly self sacrificing.   aka the only type of people i believed who countered as heroes as a kid.   (  danny, mel, josie, jo, jesse, toni, landon  )
new york as a third limb:   if a character was born in new york city i will automatically judge them and possibly love them especially if they are poor that them there is the rules.   there’s just so much people don’t get about growing up here that i love to like.  correct.   (  jenny, nate, kady as i headcanon her ) 
characters i sometimes hate:  sometimes i really really fucking hate characters with a passion and then kind of realize that the qualities that i hate in them are the qualities that i hate the most about myself.  i’ll not go in to detail for this so as not to like... offend people. 
trying to forge a new identity or running from their old ones:   enough said, i love them.  (  faith, jenny, emma, erica, nate )
survivors guilt:   filed under sexy and sad   (  danny, emma, jesse  )
i am my own god and martyr:   characters who have their own damn moral codes that other characters or fandom often dismiss as wrong.   but usually they’re fucking right!!!   (  carmilla, abigael, kaleb )
alternate endings or plots:   characters that had inklings of plots i think the writers were too cowardly to go for or thought didn’t fit  (  cheryl as a witch, allison actually rising from the dead, can we fucking just address that both bridget and her mom both had bipolar instead of keeping it vague lmao. )  or characters that just didn’t get enough love or good endings from fans or writers (  danny, kaleb, kady, emma, jo, toni ) 
slight self insert:   characters i high key relate to and will never let go of and probably project too much on  ( mel - puerto rican lesbian pls, jenny - poor kid who went to an nyc private school, landon & cheryl - victims of parental/guardian abuse, kady orloff diaz - new yorker with anger issues, josie - literally teen ilse ) 
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ratherbewild · 4 years
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INSTAGRAM MEME:     Tegan  &  Keyleth     ( @antolcgias )    (c)
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serpentpack · 4 years
#so you ever see like a star crash into a sun and turn into an elegant moon#wouldn't that be wild?#ilse and their thousand blogs are like that
lmaoooooo @antolcgias perfected overwhelming me with a compliment but also putting me in my place.   i need new friends they are too powerful
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suitedblue · 4 years
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 ❛  some men don’t know they’re hungry— until they eat  ❜ | reynold to teddy | not here.
CONFUSION FILTERS ACROSS HIS FACE AS IT BREAKS HIS CONCENTRATION. Frowning, Teddy glances up, perhaps half expecting that Reynold has brought with him a cheese platter or a whole spread. He scratches at his jaw, adjusting his glasses so that they sit back comfortably on the bridge of his nose as he leans back, exhaling as shoulders seem to lose tension once the other had entered the room.
                  ❝ -- are you trying to be prophetic with some ‘ a window is not just a window ’ theory, or are you really just saying that you’re hungry? ❞  Lips spread into a contented smile, arching a brow at Reynold over his glasses.
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                ❝ You do realise that this would all go quite a bit faster if you didn’t go for a walk every fifteen minutes, Reyn? ❞ Loosens his tie as Teddy stretches, rolling his neck. ❝ So? ❞ He asks, leaning back in his chair as he balances on the back two legs. ❝ Are you saying it’s time for a dinner break, or we’re being too ambitious? ❞
@antolcgias​ | REYNOLD ARGENT.
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riotkissed-archive · 4 years
idc where all your good quippy dialogue comes from, seems lifted straight off functional writers room, idk man, mad sus to me
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ratherbewild · 4 years
@antolcgias replied to your photoset: flashandtheholograms: Nia Nal + Transgender Pride...
👀 who she
she my transgender superhero alien-human hybrid wife 
see also: actual sunshine, the biggest dork on planet earth, the best character on s*pergirl
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wonwars · 4 years
like ?? gemma chan ???
oooh :o honestly, she’s #goals. i’d love to look like her someday.
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joneshead · 4 years
song reqs for when the pep in the step is needed + recommend you put these on through headphones and dance the energy off = Forever by CHVRCHES, Swing by Danny Ocean, Deleter by GroupLove
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AW HUN <3 I love these! I’m a huge fan of CHVRCHES and thank you for reminding me how happy their music makes me. I don’t know the others, so I’ll definitely check them out!
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suitedblue · 4 years
He feels sick. Absolutely rotten. The feeling of despair drifts all the way down through the back of his spine, tightening it, further still, wrapping its tendrils around his lungs; denying him oxygen, clamping t i g h t against his heart. Body wracked with guilt he doesn’t think he will ever be able to loosen. Terror of what he’s done, terror of knowing he will never forgive himself. 
Can’t even look at her. Knows that every injury present on Keyleth is because of him. Can’t even begin to imagine the pain and the heartache and the unconscious loathing that will fester. She is nice - kind and caring and too good for him, but even those types of people have their breaking point.
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She reaches out to rest a hand on him, as if he deserved it. As if he deserved to feel her love and comfort and protection. And he jolts away, ripping his arm away from her as if his body has been electrocuted. Motions halting and jarring, and his brain keeps screaming at him; cursing. You fool. You fucking fool. How could she even stand to be in the same room as him - let alone t o u c h him?
       “ --...Don’t.” A pleading command. 
Every breath he takes feel like his heart is one gash closer from ripping out of his chest. Why was she being so nice to him? Why was she making it more difficult for him? 
He could control who he was. He had been working on that since he was eleven years old. This is what he got by trying to be happy; by trying to pretend he was a regular guy; by being lazy and being a little loose with the command and structure he had all but kept in check for the last two decades. He had let his wolf win. 
Can’t forgive himself. Won’t ever forgive himself. 
          “You need to get away from me. You need to get away now.”
@antolcgias​ | cont. from [ x ]
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