eleanor-bradstreet · 4 months
Hello my friend!
How kind of you to indulge a dive into my dirty rare-pair ship 😅 Maybe I'm not the only one - I haven't gone poking around AO3 for this stuff to be fair. I completely understand the sacrilege of casting aside both Benedict and Kate, I love them so.
But there's just something about Anthony and Sophie...
(prepare thyself for a tome)
My head canon fascination with them honestly centers around their in-law relationship. I cannot help but believe that even after Sophie marries Benedict with the family's support, she has an intense feeling of inferiority and imposter syndrome around Anthony. He's a titled man and she has NEVER had good experiences with their kind before. She would likely believe that Anthony barely permitted her scandalous marriage to his brother and merely tolerates her - probably looking down on her, ashamed of her, aggravated by having to keep the secret of her true background from the ton, and even suspicious of her honest attachment to Benedict. Anthony may think she was a conniving seducer who latched onto his brother for money and protection rather than love. I would understand Sophie having any combination of these thoughts when she first becomes acquainted with Anthony.
But in reality, Anthony has learned through his own marriage not to judge books by their covers AND to respect his siblings' quests for love and happiness. When Anthony learns about the way Sophie was mistreated by her father, stepmother, the Cavenders, god knows what other abusive employers, he is offended and indignant on her behalf. He's a man of genuine principle and is disgusted to learn how his fellow members of the ton treated a servant, and one who turned out was half-noble and abandoned by her shameful father. Anthony would actually feel compelled to make it up to Sophie on behalf of the ton, to show her that not all of them are cruel. I believe he would most definitely be suspicious of Sophie's intentions and Benedict's flighty proclamations of love at the beginning, and probably felt the migraine coming on about having to deal with his brother's scandalous marriage outside their rank, BUT once he witnessed the genuine expressions of love between the pair, and once he realized he could lose Benedict to ostracization and even moving abroad if he did not help support the marriage and hide Sophie's background, he would be fully committed to protecting the couple. Because Benedict is his closest brother, he loves him, and by extension he will protect Benedict's wife, particularly as she proves to him time and time again that she is a kind-hearted woman with fierce morals who has more in common with him than they each realize.
I envision Anthony will keep Benedict as his closest brother and confidant throughout their lives and thus, the Fab Four of Kanthony and Benophie will have a lot of quality time together. Picture it: Anthony the beleaguered leader, Kate the sassy spitfire, Benedict the flouncing romantic and Sophie the fearless brains of the bunch. She and Anthony will both come to realize that they share a head for numbers. This is canon about Sophie in the books. Sophie will actually be better than Benedict at handling the household accounts when Kanthony need coverage, and Anthony will learn to depend on her counsel for business and paperwork. She also provides the unique perspective of having been household staff herself, which is invaluable to him to make sure he is managing everything with sensitivity and maximum benefit to all. They will also have plenty to commiserate about as they both spend a good deal of time trying to keep Benedict's artistic, romantic feet on the ground. Anthony can give Sophie tips on how to handle his brother, and Sophie can help Anthony navigate any struggles with Kate by providing a woman's perspective.
Not to diminish Kate's painful family history, but the characterizations from the books paint Anthony and Sophie as having suffered much more in their pasts than Kate and Benedict. Anthony was saddled with the weight of title and responsibility due to his birth and traumatized by the death of his father. Sophie was saddled with the weight of shame and toil due to her birth and traumatized by being abused and devalued after her father died. Both of them clawed their way past their trauma and into their happily ever afters through determination, strength of character and self-reliance. They both learned to breathe and enjoy the brighter side of life once they found their spouses. But their spouses are unlikely to empathize with them on these struggles in the way they can empathize with each other.
While Sophie double checks Anthony's calculations in the ledger and Anthony helps Sophie hide Benedict's paint supplies, they will develop a deep and loving familial bond. Seemingly an odd pair - one raised a viscount and one raised a bastard maid - they have so much more in common than they know. I also head canoned a cute shared love of Marzipan in a little fic.
In Anthony, Sophie finds the brother/father figure she never had, a kind titled gentleman who uses his power to protect her rather than scorn her. In Sophie, Anthony finds someone with a refreshingly different perspective; someone who does not hold him to the same level of expectation as the rest of the ton and who does not come to him with the emotional baggage of his blood relatives. She treats him as a person before she treats him as a viscount. He views her as a sister before he views her as a bastard. She is grateful to him for welcoming her into his family and shielding her from her past. He is grateful to her for seeing his better qualities before his flaws, and for taking such good care of his beloved brother. They look behind the pain and strife of their life circumstances to see each other as somewhat kindred souls. They learn from each other, they help each other and they love each other. This is what I dream about for them.
And yeah, as mentioned, I plunged into the depths of my angst bucket and wrote a bit of a fic where they are middle-aged and both Kate and Benedict have passed away. Sophie moves in with Anthony for mutual support and child-rearing responsibilities and after years of grieving together, their existing bedrock of love bubbles into passion and they find a second, gentler, quiet happily ever after together. The title is Some Kind of Love and I will likely never finish it. But the first chapter is written and I've thought of floating it out there as an angsty little one shot. Perhaps someday.
Hope that satisfies your curiosity 😅 told you it would be a dickens! Always happy to talk about Antophie, my beloved rare-pair. 💙
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silverhallow · 1 year
Random thought about the books…
I feel Sophie connects with Anthony and Phillip because they remind her of her father.
Her dad was present in a way of providing but the books didn’t show them interacting at all. Sophie needs lessons, food, shelter, a mother and siblings, he found and provided.
Phillip is of the same mind with the twins till he married Eloise. Show!Anthony is similar with he doesn’t know why his siblings want something but he provides it. Like bribing to get Benedict into the academy, paying for Colin’s travels, all the books Eloise wants and literally being Hyacinth’s servant…
As an optimist, she sees the best in people but more than that, she sees how much these two emotionally stunted men love, even if others see it differently…
Okay so I’ve got to disagree with you here on some points but I can see where your coming from…
Sophie and Phillip bond I think over their shitty dads and childhood trauma, that and he saves her baby. They have very similar traumas but different but they understand what it’s like to be invisible in their house or want to be invisible.
Phillip loves his kids. He wants what is best for them and he’s so down about himself that he thinks a mother is the best thing for them because he doesn’t believe that he would be.
As for Anthony…
I think they bond out of Anthony’s protectiveness and her friendship with Kate.
Anthony sees how good Sophie is for Benedict and how she saw him for who he was rather than how everyone else saw him and I think perhaps in the show she’s going to help heal that little rift after the academy issue…
Anthony has respect for Sophie ans kind words for her and always dances with her at balls,
He sees her as another sister… and to me at least Sophie sees him as a Big Brother.
That’s how I see it anyway 🥰
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eleanor-bradstreet · 4 months
No shade to you but there's something funny about how everyone and their mother wants Anthony with their favorites. I guess he's just that desirable.
Bahaha I think you’re completely correct Nonny!
He’s just THAT good 🥵
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eleanor-bradstreet · 4 months
hi could you do a fic for colin bridgerton pretty pls??🥺🥺
Hello Nonny,
Thank you for the ask but I have to decline. I'm not taking fic requests at the moment and am also not a Colin/Polin writer. I am giving Colin some significant things to do in my Offer From a Gentleman re-write, Let Me Be Your Anchor if you'd like to check that out. He also plays a cute side roll in my story Young At Heart.
Enjoy Polin season! 💛💙
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silverhallow · 2 years
How would you write Anthony finding out about Sophie and Benedict? He is mostly absent from AOFAG. Does Violet just announce Benedict is getting married in three days and Anthony is like "TO WHO?" It seems of all the spouses Anthony and Sophie would have the least in common. How would they form a bond? I would like to think when Sophie encounters Cavender again, Benedict is not there and Anthony defends her. In the show, it will interesting to see of he compares her to Siena.
I’ve done this in a couple of my older fics actually where Benedict goes and tells Anthony and Kate he’s engaged to Sophie but I think Anthony would be thrilled that his brother was finally getting married and found his lady in silver!
Whilst Anthony and Sophie don’t have a lot in common I think they bond of little things. Anthony would be very protective of Sophie given her background and what happened to her and when he sees how much Ben and Sophie love one another he understands.
I like to think Sophie and Anthony end up bonding over running estates. We know Sophie is good with numbers and stuff so I HC that she basically runs My cottage and over that first Christmas Anthony is shocked to see how much money the cottage and it’s land has made in the 5 months since Sophie and Benedict married and he’s like 👀Benedict just goes “ask Sophie she’s behind it all” and this starts a blossoming friendship of getting trade and investment ideas from her.
We know from TSPWL that he has a lot of respect for Sophie and in some snippets she’s the only other person he dances with expect his wife so I actually think Anthony and Sophie are very close.
Anthony and Benedict are very close and I think they’d become close by default.
I am a firm believer in the Ant-Ophie friendship agenda and he’s very much put out when Phillip comes along and displaces him in her affection 😂
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Could you please do Prussia and some kind of love?
Hello there!
Oooo you sniffed out my two (and only) rare pair stories!
I chatted about Prussia over here. Benedict and Sophie are visiting Prussia and being their unhinged, smutty selves, but they aren't the only ones... 😉
Some Kind of Love is the rare pair that NO ONE wants but that my heart has been aching to explore for a very long time. And that pairing is...Anthony and Sophie. I have such intense feelings about their relationship, I have to write this story as an exercise in exploring all angles of it, but I know it will be far from everyone's cup of tea. It's going to be angsty and smutty and full of feels 💙 I'll share a snippy below the cut.
Thank you for the ask!
Anthony was roused by the gentle sensation of fingers at his nape. Half-conscious, he sighed with happiness. Kate. She trailed her fingers across his back and up to his side, sweetly dancing across his skin. He couldn’t remember the last time she touched him and he longed for more. Shifting around in that fuzzy realm between sleeping and waking, his hand found hers and he pulled her closer, showing her everywhere he wanted to feel her touch. The warmth of her delicate fingers left a hot trail across his muscles, coaxing him to consciousness and to arousal. When he felt her body pressed fully against his back he woke, feeling his blood surge between his legs. And that’s when he remembered. It wasn’t Kate. She hadn’t touched him in so long because she was gone. And he had craved her presence so badly that Sophie had wound up in his bed. And now she was touching him.
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silverhallow · 2 years
Chapter 6 of
🐝In The End🐝
is now on Ao3
(Yes i've finally updated this and worked out how I want to finish it! so we're getting a move on!)
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silverhallow · 3 years
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Anthony decides to make his parents Anniversary cake and begins to live to regret that decision. It just so happens that his brother's girlfriend is a pâtissière... can she help save the day?
For Anthony Week. @kateanthonyweek
Thank you to @sharmasandcorgis for the idea
(Yes this is set in my new AU 🤦‍♀️)
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silverhallow · 3 years
I’m stuck.
I really want to write something for Anthony and Sophie for Anthony Week.
But what I had written I hated so I’ve deleted every single word.
Anyone got an idea or something they want to see that I can write please.
I want to explore their relationship and their friendship, regency or within Bridgerton Enterprises…
Anyone got a Drabble or something they want to see??
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silverhallow · 3 years
Wildest dreams chapter 43 is now ✨live✨
Some Antophie friendship for your consideration 🧡
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silverhallow · 3 years
I'll miss As The World Falls Down, I'd have read a hundred chapters of it 😓😓
I promise I am not done with them.
I have plans! I have one shots
I have more Antophie friendship.
I have a Halloween special coming!!
I have more Benophie in this world…
I am absolutely not done with it but the story felt like a fitting place to end 🧡
I do have an epilogue coming soon 🧡
I might if I have enough people wanting it, write a few chapters over the next few years and The end of their teens 🧡
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silverhallow · 3 years
Writing Anthony week day 1 ready for tomorrow.
Anthony meeting Sophie.
Anthony finding out about the truth of Sophie’s history
Anthony officially welcoming Sophie into the family
And maybe a little grateful ending 😍
Antophie friendship is just 🥰
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